The 2nd International Conference Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2007 11 – 23 OCTOBER 2007, Brasov, Romania THE COUPLING SYSTEMS OF THE POWER SOURCES, USED AT HYBRID AUTOMOBILE Nicolae PANDREA1 and Dinel POPA2 1 University of Pitesti, ROMANIA, 2 University of Pitesti, ROMANIA, Abstract: In this paper is presented one solution for coupling the power sources. Are made the movement differential equations for the planetary mechanisms with two degrees of mobility and by using them the movement is studied. For the permanent movement is studied the mechanisms frequently used and then is studied the movement stability. In the end of the paper are presented three numerical applications. Keywords: power source, hybrid drive, permanent movement 1. INTRODUCTION The hybrid automobiles haulage is made with a heat engine (MT) and an electric engine (ME) that is powered to a battery of a high tension accumulation. The battery is charged from an electric generator that is powered by the heat engine. The power sources can be coupled through a planetary mechanism with two degrees of mobility. The general draw of such a system is presented in fig. 1. 1 z'4 z"4 O 4 B 2 A 3 O1 O3 O2 z3 z2 MT GE BA ME Fig. 1. The planetary mechanism. 2. MOVEMENT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION OF THE COUPLING SYSTEM 2.1. The notations One considered the notations: - J i , i 1, 2, 3, 4 , axial moments of inertia of the elements marked with 1, 2, 3, 4; - m4 , weight of the satellites 4; - R4 , the length of the port-satellite 1; - z2 , z3 , z4' , z4" the number of teeth of the tooth wheels; - i1 , i the equations defined by the relations 537 z2 z z" ; i 2 4' ; ' z4 z3 z4 - A, B, C, parameters inertial parameters defined by the relations A J1 m4 R2 1 i12 J 4 1 i J3 ; B 1 i iJ3 J 4 1 i1 i1 ; C J 2 J3i 2 J 4i12 ; i1 (1) (2) - 1 , 2 , 3 the rotation angles of the elements 1, 2, 3; - 1, 2 , 3 , 4 the absolute angular velocities of the elements 1, 2, 3, 4; - M1 , M 2 , M 3 moments that act on the elements 1, 2, 3. 2.2. The kinetic energy and the generalized forces Using the Willis method one read the relations 4 1 z 1 z" 2' ; 3 4. 2 1 z3 z4 4 1 (3) from which, with the notations (1) he or she deduced the equalities: 3 11 i 2i ; 4 11 i1 2i1 . The kinetic energy of the system: 1 EC ( J112 m4 R 212 J 222 J 332 J 424 ) . 2 with the notations (4) and (2) has the equation: 1 EC A 12 2 B 1 2 C 22 . (6) 2 The mechanic power at a certain time is given by: P M11 M 22 M 33 , or on the basis of the other relation (4) P M1 M 3 (1 i)1 (M 2 M 3i)2 and from here are duced the generalized equations: Q1 M1 M 3 (1 i) ; Q2 M 2 M 3i . (4) (5) (7) (8) (9) 2.3. Lagrange equations Knowing the fact that 1 1 ; 2 2 , from Lagrange equations are obtained the differential equations 1 B 2 M1 M 3 (1 i); B 1 C 2 M 2 M 3i , A or M M 3 1 i C M 2 M 3i B ; 1 1 AC B 2 M M 3 1 i B M 2 M 3i A . 2 1 AC B 2 (10) (11) (12) 3. THE MOVEMENTS STUDY 3.1. Permanent movement The permanent movement is deduced from the conditions 1 0 ; 2 0 , that leads to these equations M1 M 3 (1 i)C (M 2 M 3i)B 0 ; M1 M 3 (1 i)B (M 2 M 3i) A 0 and since AC B 0 , we obtained the equations M1 M 3 (1 i) 0 ; M 2 M 3i 0 . (13) (14) 2 (15) The sources of power are present by the characteristics movement-angularly speed through the relations M i M i (i ) 538 and goes to the values: 1* , *2 , *3 of the angularly velocities that are obtained the permanent condition that are deduced from the equation system: M1(1* ) (1 i)M3 (*3 ) 0 ; M 2 (*2 ) i M 3 (*3 ) 0 ; *3 If these values relations: i*2 . M 2 (*2 ) , (16) (1 i)1* M 3 (*3 ) are related to the value of the moment M1(1* ) of the heat engine, one obtained the M 2 (*2 ) i M (* ) 1 ; 3 *3 , * i 1 i 1 M1 (1 ) M1 (1 ) with the graphic representations captured in figure 2 and figure 3. (17) M 2 (*2 ) M 1 (1* ) 4 3 3 2 2 1 -4 -3 -2 1 -1 -4 1 2 3 4 5 -3 -2 -1 i 1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 Fig. 2. Graphic M 2 (*2 ) M 1 (1* ) M 2 (*2 ) i . * i 1 M1 (1 ) Fig. 3. Graphic 2 3 4 5 i M 3 (*3 ) 1 . * i 1 M1 (1 ) The displacement moment M 2 (*2 ) , because the resistant moment is negative, it follows that the transmission equation i will be from the domain (,0) (1, ) . | M 2 (2 ) | | M 3 (*3 ) | are sub-unitary, if this 1 i 2 is over-unitary and this 2 i the first , M1 (1* ) M1 (1* ) value is over-unitary and the second one is sub-unitary. In conclusion, for the solution where the values of the resistant moment are low then we’ll chose i 0 and for the case when the resistant moment at the automobiles wheels are high will be obtained the solution i 2 . If i 0 the values 3.2. The movements stability The solution 1* , *2 , *3 is obtained from the (16) system and it is stabile even if i i 0 *i , i 1, 2, 3 are going through zero. In this way will be studied the stability after the first approximation. Are obtained the linear approximations: M1(1* 1 ) M1 (1* ) 1M1 p (1* ) , M 2 (*2 2 ) M 2 (*2 ) 2 M 2 p (*2 ) (18) M 3 (*3 3 ) M 3 (*3 ) 3M 3 p (*3 ) where by M ip were noted the functions derivates M i (*i ) . By replacing the equations (12) and taking into account the notations 1 i (1 i ) 1 M1 p (1* ) (1 i ) 2 M 3 p (*3 ) , M 3 p (*3 ) , M 2 p (*2 ) i 2 M 3 p (*3 ) 2 2 2 AC B AC B AC B one obtained the linearly system of differential equations (C B) (C B) , (B A) (B A) 1 1 2 2 1 2 The characteristic equation reads 539 (19) (20) C B r C B 0 B A B A r (21) or r 2 Dr E 0 where D (C 2B A) , E (C B)(B A) (B A)(C B) By making the calculations, from equations (23), (19) are obtained the results 1 D CM1 p (1* ) AM 2 p (*2 ) i 2 A 2i (1 i ) B (1 i ) 2 C M 3 p 2 AC B 1 E M1 p (1* ) M 2 p (*2 ) (1 i ) 2 M 2 p (*2 ) M 2 p (*2 ) i 2 M1 p M 3 p 2 AC B For the evaluation of the signs of the of the parameters D, E are taking into account the inequalities: (22) (23) (24) A 0; C 0; AC B 2 0; (25) i 2 A 2i(1 i) B (1 i)2 C 0 that are deduced from the element calculations from the relation (2) Therefore, if M ip (*i ), i 1, 2, 3 are negative, then D 0 ; E 0 , the equation (22) has real negative solutions or complex solutions with the real part negative and thus 1 0 , 2 0 and the movement is stabile. 4. APPLICATIONS 4.1. Application 1 Case when de heat engine has the characteristic M1 M 01 2b11 c11* , M 01 0; b1 0; c1 0, the automobile is * * moving with a constant resistant moment M 2 M 02 ; M 02 0 and the generator has the characteristic M 3 b33 , b3 0 . In this case by eliminating the parameter M 3 (*3 ) from the system (16) is obtained the equation i 1 i with the graphic representation from figure 4. * M 01 2b1 c11* M 02 (26) M 01 i-1 i M1 *1 1 Fig. 4. Graphic M1 (1 ) The angularly velocity 1* is * i 1 b1 b12 c1 M 01 M 02 i 1* c1 From the second equation (18) and from the relation (39) is obtained * M 02 ib3 and from the equation (16) it results *3 (27) (28) 540 (i 1)1* *3 . i For the stability study is first calculated the derivate: M1 p (1* ) 2(b1 c11* ) (30) and by taking into account that the relation (27) is negative and then M 2 p (*2 ) 0; M 3 p (*3 ) b3 0 (31) *2 (29) On the basis of these relations are deduced from (24) the inequalities D 0; E 0 and as a result the solution is stabile. The mechanical power that is produced by the heat engine is * * i 1 P1 M11* M 02 1 . i The mechanical powers that are consumed are - the mechanical power from the axel-tree * * P2 M 02 2 (34) the power consumed at the generator M P 3 * 2 02 i 2b3 . (32) (33) (35) The balance of the powers leads us to: (36) P1 P2 P3 In a numerical application, considering that the power P2 from the wheel is equal with 60kW and the angularly velocity *2 100rad/s is obtained the resistant moment M 02 600 Nm. Further considering the transmission equation 1* 250 rad/s and angularly velocity of the engine is 1* 250 rad/s Nm * results M 1 M 02 i 1 360 the and the mechanical power is P1 90 kW. i The angularly velocity *3 is given by the relation *3 (1 i)1* i*2 125rad/s . * M 02 240 Nm and thus the power that is i M consumed by the generator is P3 M 33 30 kW, and the equivalent constant of the generator is b3 *3 1,92 . 3 If we don’t like this constant value can be done an amplification of n times of the angularly velocity, mentioning the ~ b 240 same power and then the generator's relation is b3 32 and the moment is Nm. n n The moment from the generator is deduced from the relation (19) M 3 4.2 . Application 2 When the heat engine has the characteristics: M1 M 01 2b11 c112 , M 01 0, b1 0, c1 0 , the automobile is moving * with a resisting moment M 02 0 , the generator is functioning with the characteristics M 3 b33 and the heat engine ~ with M 2 M 02 b22 that helps for automobiles displacement. From the equations (16) is deduced the equality i 1 M1 M2 (37) i * and since M 2 M 02 M 02 b22 it results that i 1 * ( M 02 M 02 b22 ) . i The second relation (16) is now deduced: M 01 2b11 c112 (38) * M 02 M 02 b22 ib3 (i 1)1 i2 0 (39) from where we obtain 541 * M 02 M 02 i(i 1)b31 b2 i 2b3 and the equation (38) is * (i 1)2 b2b3 i(i 1)b3 (M 02 M 02 ) c112 2b1 M 0. 1 01 2 2 b2 i b1 b2 i b1 2 (40) (41) From the relation (41) one obtained the angularly velocity 1* , from (40) the angularly velocity *2 , and *3 is obtained from the same equation (42) *3 (i 1)1* i*2 4.3. Application 3 The case when the heat engine has the characteristic: M1 M 01 2b11 c12 , M 01 0 , b1 0 , c1 0 , the * automobile is moving with a resistant moment M 02 0 when the generator is stopped. The electric engine has the ~ characteristic M M 02 b22 , that helps to the automobiles displacement. In this case 3 0 the system has only one degree of mobility i 1 1 i and the total resistant moment is * M 2 M 02 M 02 b22 , or i 1 * M 2 M 02 M 02 b21 . (45) i The generalized force in this case is 2 (43) (44) i 1 M2, i the angularly velocity 1* is obtained from the equation Q M1 (46) i 1 M2 0 , i or from the equation M1 M 0 2b11 c11* (47) i 1 i 1 * b21 0 , M 02 M 02 i i (48) and it follows that 2 2 2 i 1 i 1 b2 i 1 b2 * b1 b1 M 02 M 02 c1 M 01 i 2 i c i * 1 . c1 (49) REFERENCES [1] Pandrea, N., Popa D.,: Mecanisme. Teorie şi aplicaţii CAD, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2000. [2] Popa, D., Chiroiu, V., L. Munteanu, J. Onisoru, A. 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