1 Chapter 7 Summary and further work 7.1 Main results A heavy ion beam probe has been successfully implemented on an RFP for the first time [ref]. Numerous design and operational challenges have been overcome to obtain the first ever measurements of space potential and potential profiles in the core of a hot (>300 eV) reversed field pinch magnetic confinement device [ref]. Although the core potential had been believed to be positive (as inferred from edge measurements), its magnitude of ~1800V in high current plasmas has now been established[ref]. Confirmed also is the existence of a radially outward directed electric field with a magnitude of approximately 2300-2600 V/m in these discharges. While electric field and rotation have been linked in toroidal confinement devices [ref], this hypothesis has also been confirmed in an RFP by investigating plasmas with a variety of rotational properties. It has been found that the radial electric field is large ~2 kV/m and outwardly directed in a low current standard plasma where toroidal rotation speed is on the order of 22.5 km/s. Additionally, the electric field as inferred from HIBP potential profile measurements is small or even zero when the toroidal rotation speeds reduce to 7.5 km/s. The poloidal rotation velocity was measured to range from 4-7.5 km/s in all three discharges. The results obtained in this thesis are divided into two main sections. The first deals with establishing the ability of the HIBP to make quality measurements of the plasma potential profile in high current standard discharges (discussed in chapters 4 and 5). Though plagued by high levels of magnetic turbulence induced particle losses 2 [ref]and by sawtooth crashes that periodically destroy the magnetic topology[ref], the standard discharge in MST was also the most robust, easily reproduced and the simplest to investigate. The scatter in the potential data from shots that were similar required scrutinizing MST parameters which were most important for determining shot to shot reproducibility. In this connection the variation of plasma potential with density and n=6 mode phase velocity were identified and studied. The plasma potential was found to vary inversely with plasma density in high current standard discharges at mid-way through the minor radius of the plasma [ref]. Typical plasma potential ranged from 1200 to 2300V in densities of 1.6 to 0.5 x 1013 / cm 3 . The connection between plasma potential and phase rotation of the core resonant dominant tearing mode (m=1, n=6 mode) at a similar location revealed a linear relationship between the two quantities. Typically, higher plasma potentials (2200 V in a 383 kA plasma) corresponded to an n=6 mode phase velocity of ~40 km/s1. Periodic disturbances in the magnetic topology introduced by sawtooth crashes in MST limited useful data taking time to about 6 ms in high current standard discharges and to approximately 3 ms in low current standard discharges. For consistency, each realization of the potential profile was referenced to a sawtooth crash and grouped according to their relative proximity to a crash. This method allowed a time average potential profile to be obtained at three time periods during a sawtooth cycle in high current standard discharges. These results showed that the plasma potential remained positive (1750-2000V) during the time period spanning from 1.5 ms after a sawtooth crash to ~1 ms before a the next crash. The time evolution of the 1 Typical maximum value in discharges investigated 3 electric fields over the same time period showed that the peak electric field evolved from 2300 to ~ 2700V/m. While the HIBP was able to measure the evolution of plasma potential near the sawtooth crash, the interpretation of these results requires further work which will require additional information on the fields. However, the positive potential measured near the vicinity of the sawtooth crash suggests that the core remains stochastic over the entire discharge [ref]. The development of an equilibrium magnetic field reconstruction routine played a key role in allowing a confident measurement of the radial electric field to be made in a device where most of the magnetic field is generated by the plasma itself (discussed in chapter 5). The time resolved electric field measurements reported in this thesis relied on the ability of MSTFit to generate a 0.1 ms time-averaged equilibrium specified at an arbitrary time during plasma discharges in which electric fields were measured. The versatility of MSTFit and the sensitivity of the HIBP were exploited to generate equilibria which were consistent with HIBP experimental results. The second part of the thesis discussed the relationship between plasma rotation and the radial electric field (chapter 6). Simultaneous measurements of core rotation and pressure gradient revealed that the measured electric field magnitude of 1600-2000 V/m correlated predominantly with v B rotation over the radial range of 17< r < 25 cm. Outside this range, pressure gradient terms were important contributors to the radial force balance. The electric fields in biased and locked discharges were found to be small and correlate with dramatically reduced levels (7.5km/s) of toroidal plasma rotation compared to standard discharges (22.5 km/s). However a conclusive test of the 4 radial force balance awaits measurement of core ion temperature and electron density in these discharges2. In regions of relatively weak pressure gradients, E B rotation tended to be the dominant source of perpendicular flow in the core in standard discharges. The peak magnitude of this drift was on the order of ~9 km/s in low current standard discharges. The significance of the diamagnetic drift was greater for r > 25 cm. Inside this radius it represented roughly 25% (~2.5 km/s) of the total perpendicular flow ( ~12 km/s) as computed from measurements of total plasma flow in MST. Additionally, the fact that the measured poloidal rotation was in a direction opposite to the poloidal E B drift was quantitatively analyzed and attributed to a large poloidal component of the parallel flow in MST [ref]. Finally these results have also helped answer some long standing questions on the nature of the ambipolar electric field in stochastic magnetic fields (chapter 6). HIBP results suggest that currently existing theories on transport in stochastic fields need to include effects of plasma rotation in order to present a self consistent picture of transport in MST-RFP. The theoretically predicted value of the electric field in the core is smaller by a factor of 5-10 compared to HIBP measured results. 7.2 Further extensions of this work Areas of HIBP developmental work which require future attention are: Development of a magnetic bending system in the secondary beamline to obtain a greater degree of radial coverage. 2 Electron density profile was measured in a biased discharge. 5 Development of a computer controlled ion beam trajectory deflection system: Utilization of Labview software and a computer with GPIB capablilty will allow programming of the sweep plate voltages required to enhance coverage of the plasma cross section [ref]. The existing database of sweep values can be incorporated [ref]. Implementation of this system will allow for efficient detection of secondary beam when investigating novel discharge conditions. Increasing confidence in equilibrium reconstruction: As knowledge of secondary beam exit vectors is an important element of generating an equilibrium that is compatible with diagnostic results, the confidence in selecting this vector in simulation work needs to be improved. An aperture placed at the exit port can be used to pin-point the location of the secondary beam at the exit port [ref]. This combined with information about the landing point of the beam on the detector will help narrow the available choices for the secondary beam exit vector. Summary of possible physics investigation: Developing the confidence level of the HIBP measurement of plasma potential is by far the most important item. The sign of the plasma potential indicates the nature of the confined species. Hence, the potential in discharges that possess very good confinement properties would be in direct contradiction with the direction of the radial electric field if the offset in the plasma potential was large and positive. However probing the edge region, both inside and outside the reversal surface can provide an opportunity to compare the two values. The HIBP measurements can be 6 compared with probe measurements to determine if there is any substantial offset in HIBP potential measurements. Further investigation of biased plasmas in the core will help understand relationship between electric field and flow. While the experiments described in this thesis were conducted in experiments where core toroidal flow was small but finite, the impact of zero plasma rotation has not yet been investigated. It is expected that if the radial electric field is still inherently related to bulk toroidal flow, then the impact of such an experiment would be to establish the existence of a negative electric field. However, whether the plasma potential changes sign is an open question. The flow in the core can also be reversed to further investigate the radial electric field in this region [ref]. On the other hand, the electric field in positively edge biased plasmas which speed up rotation has not been measured. Simultaneous measurements of the pressure profile are important for relating electric field with flows, especially if the contribution from pressure gradient is large. Locked plasmas should be investigated in situations where locking is spontaneous and caused by non-linear interaction of internal torques in the plasma [ref]. In the experiments described here the n=6 mode was locked by applying external field errors. By determining the radial electric field before and after locking, and comparing it with standard discharges, its impact on the observed phenomenon of locking can be investigated. Investigation of the radial electric field in hydrogen plasmas should also be investigated. The difference in plasma rotation due to different species has been identified in MST [ref]. Because hydrogen plasmas tend to rotate faster than 7 deuterium [ref], whether the radial electric field will change in these plasmas is an open question. Enhanced confinement is a major thrust of the RFP experimental program. In this connection, spontaneous enhanced confinement (EC) and pulsed poloidal current drive plasmas in MST should continue to be investigated. The investigation in EC plasmas has shown that mode rotation of up to 65 km/s is not uncommon. However, the reduction of magnetic fluctuation induced transport and the impact of increased rotation on the magnitude and the sign of the plasma potential will be useful to investigate in the core region. In the edge, the effects of strong E B induced flow shear and its impact on turbulent transport in both plasmas have been investigated at low currents. The investigation of the transition from standard to enhanced confinement in high current discharges, will be of great importance to the physics study of MST. In conclusion, all of these measurements and improvements in the HIBP system will make this diagnostic an even more valuable tool for potential and electric field related studies on MST.