Solutions to Exercise 4-Amphiphilic Polymers, KJM5530. 1) Rheology and the longest time of relaxation: G'() G * 2 ;G''() G 1 *2 2 *2 1 *2 2 Aqueous solutions of diblock (DB) and triblock (TB) and mixtures. 104 G' 103 G'' 102 101 100 TB, 3 wt % 10-1 10-2 * = 0.003 s 10-3 10-4 10-2 10-1 100 101 104 103 102 101 TB, 5 wt % 100 10-1 10-2 * = 0.004 s 10-3 -4 10 10-2 10-1 100 101 104 103 102 101 100 TB : DB = 1 : 2 10-1 -2 5 wt % 10 -3 10 * = 0.002 s 10-4 -2 -1 0 1 G', G'' (Pa) a) 102 G', G'' (Pa) b) 102 G', G'' (Pa) c) 10 10 10 10 102 Frequency (s-1) We can see that the frequency dependencies of the dynamic moduli can be described by a single Maxwell-element. We can see that the time of relaxation is short. 1 Dynamic light scattering: Aqueous solutions of diblock (DB) and triblock (TB) and mixtures. 100 g1(t) 1.0 0.8 10-1 TB o = 90 0.00 0.01 t (s ) 0.6 g1(t) 0.02 0.1 wt % 0.5 wt % 1.0 wt % 5.0 wt % 0.4 0.2 g1 (t) = Af exp[-t/f ] + As exp[-(t/s e )] 0.0 g1 (t) = Af exp[-t/f ] + As exp[-(t/s e )] + Av s exp[-(t/v s e )] 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 t (s) In this case a more complex picture with much longer relaxation times emerges. At all TB concentrations, except the two highest concentrations, the relaxation process can be described by a single exponential (short times), followed by a stretched exponential (long times). For the two highest concentrations a third mode appears. The long-time tail of the correlation function is shifted toward longer times as the concentration increases. 2 2.) The DB polymer chain has one hydrophobic end, while the TB polymer is hydrophobically modified at both ends. The micelles show incipient overlap, but no connectivity. The bridges provide the connectivity of the system. In the case of DB, a weak network consisting of interpenetrating micelles is developed, while TB forms a strong network, where bridges provide the connectivity. 3 The thermodynamic properties are different: 150 Cloud Point (oC) 2 100 PEG (M=8000)/water (S. Saeki et al. Polymer 17, 685 (1976)) Diblock (DB)/water Triblock (TB)/water 50 1 0 0.1 1 10 Concentration (wt %) 3.) Findings from NMR, zero-shear viscosity, and dynamic light scattering suggest -like behavior. Aqueous solutions of diblock (DB) and triblock (TB) and mixtures. a) 10-11 Ds (m2s-1) 10-12 D s = D 0exp(- c) DB TB : DB = 1 : 50 TB : DB = 1 : 10 TB : DB = 1 : 2 TB 10-13 10-14 10-1 100 Concentration (wt %) 101 b) 10-11 10-13 10-14 D0 (m2s-1) Ds (m2s-1) 10-12 2x10-11 10-11 0.00 10-15 0.1 mTB 1 mTB + mDB 10-16 0.00 NMR: 3x10-11 0.1 mTB 0.1 wt % 1.0 wt % 3.0 wt % 5.0 wt % 1 mTB + mDB i) The concentration dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient is described by Ds ( c) D 0 exp( c ) , where D0 is the 4 diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution and is a scaling factor that depends on polymer molecular weight ( M 1/ 4 ) and solvent quality. We observe =0.5 for DB and =1 for TB (suggesting -like behavior). Zero-shear viscosity: 103 102 101 105 104 TB 103 5 102 ~ c 101 100 10-1 100 101 Concentration (wt %) 100 Viscosity (mPas) 104 DB TB : DB = 1 : 10 TB : DB = 1 : 2 TB a) Viscosity (mPas) Viscosity (mPas) 104 10-1 b) 103 100 Concentration (wt %) 101 0.1 wt % 1.0 wt % 3.0 wt % 5.0 wt % 102 101 100 0.00 0.1 mTB 1 mTB + mDB i) We may note (see the inset plot) that the concentration dependence of the zero-shear viscosity for the TB polymer is described by c5 (suggesting a -like behavior). Actually, for entangled solutions of polystyrene at -conditions, the same value of the power law exponent has been reported. This indicates that the bridges are very effective in forming an entangled network. 5 Dynamic light scattering: (Cooperative diffusion) Aqueous solutions of diblock (DB) and triblock (TB) and mixtures. -10 10 Dm (m2s-1) a) DB TB : DB = 1 : 50 TB : DB = 1 : 10 TB : DB = 1 : 2 TB 10-11 0.04 -10 10 0.1 1 Concentration (wt %) 6 Dm (m2s-1) b) 10-11 0.1 wt % 1.0 wt % 3.0 wt % 5.0 wt % 0.00 0.1 mTB 1 mTB + mDB The concentration dependence of the cooperative diffusion coefficient for TB is reminiscent of that for a flexible high molecular weight polymer at theta solvent conditions; i.e., in the semidilute regime Dcc1. 6 The q-dependence of the slow mode: 6 5 Result from fitting to a third mode (vs) ~q s, vs 4 3 2 s DB TB: DB= 1: 50 TB: DB= 1: 10 TB: DB= 1: 2 TB 1 0 -1 0.04 0.1 1 6 Concentration (wt %) The slow mode becomes q-independent at high concentrations. This suggests enhanced viscoelasticity. Connectivity established: Strong viscoelastic response and long debridging time. This behavior is typical for semidilute solutions of flexible high molecular weight polymers at solvent conditions. 7 4.) At low and moderate concentrations of TB, the decay of the correlation function can initially be described by a single exponential, followed at longer times by a stretched exponential. At high concentrations a third mode appears, which also can be described by a stretched exponential. This mode can probably be attributed to the dynamics of large clusters. Aqueous solutions of diblock (DB) and triblock (TB) and mixtures. 100 g1(t) 1.0 0.8 10-1 TB o = 90 0.00 0.01 0.6 g1(t) 0.02 t (s) 0.1 wt % 0.5 wt % 1.0 wt % 5.0 wt % 0.4 0.2 g1 (t) = Af exp[-t/f ] + As exp[-(t/s e )] 0.0 g1 (t) = Af exp[-t/f ] + As exp[-(t/s e )] + Av s exp[-(t/v s e )] 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 t (s) 8 10-2 10-1 100 101 5.) Characteristic data for the HM-P+ and HM-Ppolymers. HM-P+ 100 000 positive 2 HM-P200 000 negative 99 Molecular weight Charge Concentration of charges in a 1 wt % aqueous solution (mm) Mean contour length between charges (Å) 100 Hydrophobic modification degree 5.4 (mol %) Mean contour length between 100 hydrophobic tails (Å) 1 2.5 3 84 2 y = hydrophobically modified cationic polyelectrolyte x = hydrophobically modified anionic polyelectrolyte Charge neutralisation y = hydrophobically modified cationic polyelectrolyte x = anionic polyelectrolyte 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 mx mx + my Thuresson et al. Langmuir 1996, 12, 530. 9 0.8 1.0 i) We should note that in a mixture of two oppositely charged polyelectrolytes, one unmodified and one hydrophobically modified, an extended two-phase domain is observed over the composition range. ii) When both polyelectrolytes are hydrophobically modified, a strong reduction of the two-phase region occurs. iii) In this case, the attractive hydrophobic interactions give rise to the formation of mixed aggregates and this will lead to a net charge of the macromolecular part of the concentrated phase. iv) This process leads to an entropy loss in the counterion distribution on phase separation and to counteract the increase in free energy of the system, the concentrated phase swells, and the tendency of phase separation is reduced or completely eliminated, depending on the charge stoichiometry. 10 6.) r=0 (HM-P+); r=1 (HM-P-) This result suggests stronger interactions as the two-phase region is approached. Frequency =0.6 s-1 Dynamic viscosity (Pas) 101 100 2 10-1 10-2 10-2 0 10-1 100 r 103 s (s), * (s) * = 1/freq. (G' = G'') a) 102 101 2 100 s * 10-1 1.0 0 10-2 10-1 100 b) 0.8 0.6 2 0.4 0.2 0 10-2 10-1 100 r 11 The results show that the complex viscosity, the longest time of relaxation, and the slow relaxation time all increase as the two-phase regime is approached. The value of the stretched exponent decreases as phase separation is approached. All these features suggest enhanced entanglement couplings as the two-phase region is approached. 7.) The q-dependence of the slow mode: A strong q-dependence of the slow mode (strong couplings effects) is predicted by the coupling theory through the parameter . The calculated values from the theory of Ngai (2/) (see eq.11) is in good agreement with the experimental ones. 12 105 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 f (s ), s (s ) 103 -1 -1 10 2.5 ± 0.3 s ~ q 2.5 ± 0.5 f ~ q 2 101 -1 f , r = 1 100 -1 s,r =1 -1 f , r = 0.015 10-1 -1 -1 s , r = 0.015 5.2 ± 0.3 s ~ q -2 10 8x106 7 107 3x107 q (m-1) b) s 2/ 6 s, 2/ a) 2.1 ± 0.1 f ~ q 104 -1 s ~ s q 5 2 4 3 2 0 10-2 10-1 100 r These results indicate strong coupling effects in the vicinity of the two-phase regime. This observation is consistent with the conjecture of strong intermolecular interactions. 13 These results suggest that the network structure becomes more “open” (heterogeneous network) in the vicinity of the two phase region, i.e., the fractal dimension decreases. 101 a) S(q) 100 r=0 r = 0.00492 r = 0.0103 r = 0.0150 r = 0.0205 r=1 10-1 10-2 10-3 8x106 df 101 q (m-1) 107 3x107 b) S(q) ~ q-df 2 100 10-1 0.0 10-2 10-1 100 r The picture that emerges from these results is that the polymer network undergoes a structural reorganization from a homogeneous structure in the solutions of the pure polyelectrolytes to an heterogeneous network containing bundles of polycation and polyanion chains as the two-phase region is approached. 14 8.) Aggregation kinetics: Reaction-limited cluster-cluster aggregation (RLCA) The sticking probability (or collision efficiency) is very low-the clusters need to collide many times before they stick. Dense aggregates are formed. Fractal morphology: The structure of the clusters in RLCA is characterized by its fractal dimension df MRdf df = 2.1 Reaction kinetics: Exponential kinetics: Rexp(bt) 15 Diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation (DLCA) The sticking probability is equal to onecollision between particles always results in irreversible sticking. Produce aggregates of open structures. df 1.8 Reaction kinetics: Power law growth: R t1/ d f 9.) 400 1.0 x 10-3 wt % PS-latex a) 0.7 M NaCl 0.15 M NaCl 200 400 Rh (nm) Rh (nm) 300 100 70 0 100 90 80 70 101 102 time (min) 9 50 100 150 200 time (min) 103 Intensity (arbitrary units) 2x10 109 b) 1.0 x 10-3 wt % PS-latex 0.7 M NaCl start time 11 min 1 h 42 min 3 h 22 min df = 2.2 ± 0.1 df = 2.0 ± 0.1 df = 2.2 ± 0.3 4x108 1.5x107 2x107 q (m-1) 3x107 16 No aggregation at low salinity. The salt-induced aggregation exhibits three stages: i) An initial slow aggregation (Rht0.04) process. ii) A fast increase of the average cluster size. iii) The third stage is characterized by a slower increase in cluster size. (RLCA). a) During the very early times of aggregation the growth process is slow, probably due to the fact the dominating clusters are of small size. b) At longer times, a steep transition zone with a rapid growth of the clusters is observed, followed by a slower aggregation process at later times. This regime is frequently addressed in the study of fractal morphology and kinetics of colloids undergoing aggregation. c) Since the cluster size growth can be described by an exponential at later times, and the fractal dimension, determined from ILS, is close to 2.1 (see Fig.b), the results indicate RLCA behavior. 17 10.) Salt-induced aggregation in the presence of polymer . In this case the aggregation process is significantly slowed down (Rh t0.04) and the behavior is independent of polymer concentration (in the dilute range) and hydrophobicity. 1.0 x 10-9 wt % Rh (nm) 103 a) EHEC 1.0 x 10-1 wt % 5.0 x 10-2 wt % 5.0 x 10-3 wt % 1.0 x 10-4 wt % = 0.038 ± 0.003 = 0.039 ± 0.003 = 0.041 ± 0.003 102 = 0.038 ± 0.003 101 1.0 x 10-1 wt % 5.0 x 10-2 wt % 5.0 x 10-3 wt % 1.0 x 10-4 wt % 103 b) HM-EHEC Rh (nm) 103 102 = 0.041 ± 0.002 = 0.038 ± 0.003 = 0.038 ± 0.003 102 = 0.038 ± 0.003 101 102 time (min) 18 103 i) In the salt-induced aggregation process of bare PSL particles, duplex and triplets are formed in the beginning, but after a while multiplets are formed and the average size of the clusters increases strongly. ii) In the case of the polymer-coated particles, the conjecture is that the formation of large clusters is suppressed due to weaker attractive interactions, steric hindrance and geometrical reasons. 19 11.) Illustration of the variation of the hydrodynamic thickness h R h R h ,0 with the level of surfactant addition for the systems EHEC/SDS/PSL and HM-EHEC/SDS/PSL. 180 Hydrodynamic thickness (nm) 160 EHEC/SDS/PSL HM-EHEC/SDS/PSL 140 25 °C 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Concentration of SDS (mmolal) i) In the absence of surfactant, the hydrodynamic thickness is larger for the hydrophobically modified analogue than for EHEC. ii) A monotonous decrease of h for HM-EHEC, while h for EHEC passes through a maximum (close to cac) and then decreases. iii) The conjecture is that the difference in behavior is related to the difference in cac for EHEC/SDS and HM-EHEC/SDS. 20 12.) The variation of the hydrodynamic radius for the system EHEC/SDS/PSL temperatures. 240 EHEC/SDS/PSL SDS/PSL 200 15 °C 160 Hydrodynamic radius (nm) 120 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 240 EHEC/SDS/PSL SDS/PSL 200 25 °C 160 120 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 240 EHEC/SDS/PSL SDS/PSL 200 30 °C 160 120 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 Concentration of SDS (mmolal) 21 at various The variation of the hydrodynamic radius for the system HM-EHEC/SDS/PSL temperatures. 300 HM-EHEC/SDS/PSL SDS/PSL 250 15 °C 200 150 Hydrodynamic radius (nm) 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 300 HM-EHEC/SDS/PSL SDS/PSL 250 200 25 °C 150 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 300 HM-EHEC/SDS/PSL SDS/PSL 250 200 30 °C 150 100 0 10 20 30 40 Concentration of SDS (mmolal) 22 50 at various The variation of the hydrodynamic radius for the systems EHEC/CTAB/PSL and HM- EHEC/CTAB/PSL. Hydrodynamic radius (nm) 240 a) EHEC/CTAB/PSL CTAB/PSL 200 160 25 °C 120 80 Hydrodynamic radius (nm) 0.0 1 10 Concentration of CTAB (mmolal) 300 b) HM-EHEC/CTAB/PSL CTAB/PSL 250 200 25 °C 150 100 0.0 1 10 Concentration of CTAB (mmolal) The differences between the systems of unmodified and hydrophobically modified EHEC in the presence of SDS as compared to CTAB can be summarized in the following way: 23 a) The general behavior of Rh is similar for both surfactants. b) For EHEC, the interaction peak is located at about 3 mmolal and 0.3 mmolal in the presence of SDS and CTAB, respectively. These values are close to their respective cac values. Almost complete desorption is observed at their respective cmc values (8 mmolal for SDS and 1 mmolal for CTAB). c) The interaction peak is more pronounced in the presence of SDS. This is probably due to the fact that the polymer-surfactant interaction is stronger in the presence of the anionic surfactant. 24 d) For HM-EHEC, a progressive decrease of Rh with increasing surfactant concentration is observed. Almost complete desorption is found at their respective cmc values. e) The fact that the polymer-surfactant complexes are negatively or positively charged does not seem to be important. 25