Cosmic Rain: Investigating Particles from Space Holly Batchelor Supervised by Peter Reid and Alan Walker School of Physics University of Edinburgh Abstract This project consisted of three experiments, each investigating different aspects of cosmic rays. The main aim was to investigate the angular distribution of cosmic rays at sea level and to compare it to modern day theories. This was done by constructing and using a cosmic ray hodoscope (based on a design from Berkeley) which measured cosmic ray flux. The hodoscope consisted of two scintillator paddles, each coupled to a photomultiplier tube; the pulses from the photomultiplier tubes were sent to a circuit board designed to count coincident pulses. These paddles were positioned far apart to create a cosmic ray ‘telescope’ which would only count a small angular range of cosmic rays. The hodoscope was angled at varying degrees from the zenith angle and cosmic ray flux was investigated. Theoretical calculations were first carried out to estimate the flux at various angles from the zenith using stated vertical flux measurements and the cos2.16θ rule discovered by Crookes and Rastin in 1972. These results were compared with the flux count obtained from our hodoscope. It was found that our results correlated with the expected cos2.16θ curve for angles less than 75º. For larger angles the estimated flux is lower than the actual result as cosmic rays can enter both sides of the hodoscope, increasing the count. A secondary investigation involved using the Teach Spin muon lifetime apparatus to determine the energy spectrum of muons at sea level. This apparatus counts muon decays by turning the double scintillation caused by a muon decay into an electrical pulse which can be sent to a computer. For a muon to have reached the scintillator then decayed, it must have had a certain energy, which was calculated using known formulae. Muons with different energy levels were selected by placing moderating layers of steel above the detector. Only muons with a low energy of <1GeV could be investigated as only 48cm of steel could be obtained. Every 72 hours, 3cm of steel was removed and the number of muons (for each energy) decaying in the scintillator counted. Finally, a graph of the results was constructed. As expected for muons with low energy levels, the flux was evenly distributed for all energies. The third task was to design and construct a diffusion cloud chamber for viewing particle tracks made by cosmic rays. One of the aims for this investigation was to make a reliable chamber for a reasonable amount of money so that it could be copied by schools. The chamber was constructed from a plastic aquarium, sheet aluminium and felt, all for under £40. When a temperature gradient was established in the chamber by cooling the base with dry ice, particle tracks could be seen clearly in the layer of supersaturated mist. Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Methodology 5 3 Results 7 4 Conclusions 10 5 Further Developments 10 6 References 11 7 Acknowledgements 11 8 Appendix 12 muons is approximately 2.2μs, the majority survive travelling through the atmosphere to sea level even though this would take an approximate time of 50μs as a result of time dilation, making them the most numerous charged particles at sea level. Some muons do decay, producing electrons and neutrinos: 1 Introduction 1.1 Cosmic Rays Although the source of cosmic rays is still not completely known, possible sources have been identified. Supernovae are known to provide many charged, high energy particles and we know that similar particles come from the Sun. e e e e Primary cosmic rays consist of the nuclei of elements produced by events elsewhere in the universe. Around 90% are single protons, the nuclei of hydrogen atoms [URL Ref 1]. They are accelerated through magnetic fields in space, but when trapped by the magnetic field of the Earth, hit the upper atmosphere where high energy strong interactions (as well as electromagnetic processes) with protons in the atmosphere lead to showers of secondary particles: 1.3 Energy Spectrum Muons arrive at sea level with different velocities and therefore with a spread of different energy levels. The number of muons arriving per unit area per unit time is called the flux. Over a long period of time, only few measurements have been made to determine the flux and the energy spectrum of muons in the atmosphere. Part of this project was to determine whether there was a connection between flux and energy level of muons at sea level and whether previous assumptions – namely that there are similar fluxes of muons of different energy levels at sea level – were correct. p p 0 K K The most abundant of these secondary cosmic rays are pions ( ), with other mesons (kaons (K) etc) and nucleons also being produced. Charged pions decay through the weak interaction into muons and muonneutrinos and the neutral pion decays through the electromagnetic interaction to produce gamma rays: 1.4 Angular Distribution This investigation was centred on the angular distribution of cosmic rays at sea level. When doing energy spectrum experiments, amongst others, it is assumed that the majority of cosmic rays come through the atmosphere vertically. In actual fact, cosmic rays travel through the atmosphere at all angles. Cosmic rays arriving at some angle from the vertical will have travelled further. Assuming that all particles are created at the same height and neglecting the curvature of the Earth’s atmosphere, it can be said that their path length increases as 1/cos(). This longer path length causes more particles to decay in the atmosphere than those travelling vertically and we would expect the cosmic ray flux to decrease as cos(θ). However, the variation of cosmic ray flux with angles of less than 75º from zenith, obtained by Crooke and Rastin, has been shown to be adequately represented by the expression: 0 These gamma rays go on to produce electron-positron pairs which subsequently undergo bremsstrahlung, which can again produce electron-positron pairs, and so on as long as the photon energy exceeds 1.02 MeV [Greider] – this repetitive process leads to an electromagnetic shower in the atmosphere. This ever-changing shower of electrons, gamma rays, neutrinos and muons moves through the atmosphere at the speed of light (see Figure 1 below). F ( ) F cos 2.16 For angles greater than 75º, count rate does not follow this trend as horizontal cosmic rays can be measured from both directions, increasing the expected rate. 1.5 Equipment This project was made up of three different experiments, each investigating different aspects of cosmic rays. The main aim was a numerically-orientated investigation to measure the angular distribution of cosmic rays by constructing a hodoscope (see Section 2.1.1). A secondary experiment was to check a previous Nuffield project (Ingrid Burt, Beeslack Community High School) by investigating the energy spectrum of muons at sea level with equipment which was already available. The last component involved the design and building of a diffusion cloud chamber from scratch which would allow you to see particle tracks left by cosmic rays. Figure 1. Cosmic Ray Shower 1.2 Muons Cosmic ray muons are the decay products of charged pions and have similar properties to electrons but are about 207 times more massive. Although the average lifetime of 1 1.5.1 Angular Distribution Investigation A cosmic ray hodoscope was constructed (with assistance from the project supervisors) from commercially available components and was used to measure the angular distribution of cosmic rays at sea level. The design for the cosmic ray hodoscope was based on the Berkeley Cosmic Ray Detector [URL Ref 5] (see Figure 4). This device counts the number of cosmic rays which pass through both of its two scintillator panels. The hodoscope consists of a pair of polyvinyltoluene scintillator paddles (with surface area of 199cm) coupled with a pair of photo multiplier tubes (PMTs), all connected to a circuit board with a three-digit LED display (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Schematic circuit diagram When a charged particle passes through one of the scintillator paddles, it emits a small flash of light. This is a result of the organic scintillator solution in the plastic solvent absorbing and reemitting energy in the form of visible light. The light output of the scintillator is directly proportional to the exciting energy of the cosmic ray. This reemission occurs within 10ns and the flashes last for 3ns. This fast response and fast recovery time allows the scintillator panels to accept high count rates, since the dead time (when pulses could overlap) is reduced. Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a PMT The light produced by the scintillator is transmitted to the PMT by means of total internal reflection with the scintillator panel, where it is incident on a cathode. The light signal is transformed to an electrical signal and further amplified by an electron multiplier system (see Figure 3) – electrons released from the cathode are accelerated towards the first dynode and multiplied with each successive dynode at a higher potential than the previous one, which means that at each stage the number of electrons increases by a factor of the order of five. 1.5.2 Energy Spectrum Investigation A secondary experiment used the Muon Physics apparatus (MP1-A) from Teach Spin Inc to count the flux of different energy levels of muons (see figure 5). It consists of a cylindrical block of scintillator coupled with a PMT encased in an aluminium tube. When a cosmic ray passes through the scintillator, a small flash of light is emitted in the same way as in the hodoscope’s scintillator paddles. The PMT works in the same way as the PMTs in the hodoscope, turning the scintillations into electrical signals which are then sent to the electronics box. Here, the output signal from the PMT feeds into a two stage amplifier and then to a voltage discriminator which produces a TTL output pulse. The number of pulses is the data sent to a PC via a communications module. A computer program then counts the flux and time elapsed for each run of the experiment. The electrical signals produced by the PMTs are further amplified by op-amps in the circuit. When both PMTs are connected and a cosmic ray passes through both of them, the board registers coincident signals and there is an output pulse from the AND gate, as it has received two high logic inputs. These pulses cause the seven segment displays to change, counting the flux of comic rays. The coincidence technique allows us to ignore random electrical noise within each PMT (as long as it is not too severe). Although this equipment has similar components to the hodoscope, the muon detector works in a different way. The hodoscope has two paddles and counts coincident outputs whereas the muon detector has only one scintillator block. This single scintillator can be used to count scintillations caused by charged particles passing through 2 or can count muon decays by the double flash caused by their entry, halting in the chamber and then decaying (the electron release in decay causes the second flash). In this investigation, muon decays were counted as the energy range for these decaying muons could then be calculated. The diffusion cloud chamber design was taken from that of the cloud chamber built for the CERN open day in October 2004 (see Figure 6). It consists of a plastic aquarium with a sheet of felt/sponge that is soaked in isopropyl alcohol attached to the inside of the base. This is then placed upside down on a sheet of aluminium on top of an insulated box filled with dry ice. A trough was milled in the base plate and filled with isopropyl alcohol to produce an airtight seal. Alternatively, Vaseline can be spread around the edge if a milling machine is not available. A steep temperature gradient is established as the metal base cools to -78ºC and the felt at the top remains at room temperature. When the alcohol in the felt evaporates, the vapour falls towards the cold base of the chamber but is unable to condense as it lacks nucleation sites and thus forms a layer of super saturated vapour near the base of the chamber. When a cosmic ray passes through this super saturated layer, it leaves behind ions on which droplets can form. This produces a visible trail of droplets in the path taken by the cosmic ray. 1.5.3 Cloud Chamber The third task was to design and construct a diffusion cloud chamber. A cloud chamber allows you to physically see particle tracks and was used, in this case, to view the tracks left by cosmic rays. One aim of this experiment was to investigate whether a reliable cloud chamber could be made cheaply and easily to be taken on tour with the Particle Physics for Scottish Schools project (PP4SS, URL Ref 8). It needed to be suitably simple to construct and run so that it could be copied by schools, to allow pupils to see particle tracks. Power supply Scintillator paddles Circuit board PMTs Figure 4. The hodoscope mounted in its display case 3 Figure 5. Muon lifetime apparatus Felt soaked with IPA Plastic aquarium 30ºC Evaporated vapour falls from felt Anodised aluminium plate -70ºC Insulated box filled with dry ice Figure 6. The cloud chamber 4 difficult part of construction as it was very hard to tell whether the pulses the PMTs were emitting were a result of a scintillation or just electrical noise. In an attempt to combat this problem, the PMTs were calibrated simultaneously with both plugged into the circuit board, which was set to register coincidences. This meant that the paddles could be placed at opposite ends of the room, each mounted with the paddles vertically orientated, so that no (or at least very few) coincidences caused by cosmic rays could occur. The PMTs were then calibrated so that the coincident count rate was zero. In effect, this should have limited the sensitivity of the PMTs to only be triggered by coincident scintillations caused by cosmic rays. 2 Methodology Firstly, all background information had to be understood, including: radioactive decay law; uncertainties in radioactive decay; particle interaction probability and mean free path; energy loss in atomic collisions, calculated using the Bethe-Bloch equation; organic scintillators and their output response; basic construction and operation of photomultiplier tubes; how to mount and operate a scintillation detector; the origin of cosmic rays; the production of secondary cosmic rays and decay mechanisms of pions and kaons. 2.1.3 Operation Once everything was set up, the paddles were held over a metre apart and placed parallel to the ground. This created a cosmic ray ‘telescope’ as only a small range of cosmic rays from different directions would cause a coincident signal (see Figure 7). Cosmic ray flux results were taken over long periods of time at the zenith angle and then at varying angles from the zenith angle to investigate the angular distribution. The average expected cosmic ray flux at sea level was calculated for this hodoscope and compared with the results. 2.1 Angular Distribution Investigation 2.1.1 Construction The cosmic ray hodoscope had to first be constructed with the assistance of the project supervisors. The scintillator paddles were wrapped in aluminium foil to reflect any escaping photons back into the scintillator. They were covered in black card and black tape to ensure they were light tight. They were coupled with the PMTs and then further wrapped in black tape. As a result of the windows for the cathode in the PMTs being on the side rather than end on, various ways of holding the scintillator paddles to the PMTs without the need of optical glue were tried. As a result of the PMT’s curved face attaching to the flat scintillator paddle end, there was too large a gap between each surface to be filled with optical glue. This proved not to be a problem as the paddles worked well even without the glue. In the first (prototype) hodoscope, nylon pipe with machined holes and slots was used to hold the paddle against the side of the PMT prior to and during taping. This was effective at holding the two pieces together but was found to put too much stress on the glass of the PMT (one of which was broken), making it unsuitable for repeated use in experiments. This hodoscope was mounted in a display case for use as an exhibit and display model for PP4SS (see Figure 4). A new design was developed using a wooden block to hold the PMT securely in place by its powerbase (without touching the glass). The paddle was then pushed through a slot until it just touched the PMT’s surface. This ensured that no unnecessary pressure was acting on the glass of the PMT, making this design more suitable for use in the angular distribution experiments. A further hodoscope was made with the same ‘block’ design but this time the wood was tapered towards the end with the paddle to make taping easier, therefore making the hodoscope more light tight. Figure 7. Cosmic ray telescope, showing the two scintillators mounted vertically and the range of cosmic rays which can be detected 2.1.4 Further Developments The mounted hodoscope and spare hodoscope will be used for demonstrating this project and cosmic ray physics at the Particle Physics in the Universe Today (PPUT, URL Ref 9) exhibit at St Andrews University on 21st August, 2006. The mounted hodoscope will be used as a 2.1.2 Calibration All calibration was undertaken with assistance from the project supervisors. The cables from the PMT’s powerbase were wired and connected to the circuit board. The board also had to be checked for continuity to ensure nothing would short circuit. Then both photomultiplier tubes had to be calibrated, using their internal potentiometers, for sensitivity. This proved to be the most 5 demonstration model of how cosmic rays can be detected and the other hodoscope will be part of a ‘cosmic ray doorway’ exhibit, designed and built during and after this project. The hodoscope will sit on top of a doorway with a strip of LEDs down the side and a pressure pad underneath which acts as the trigger for the circuit which runs the LEDs. When someone stands in the doorway and a coincidence is registered by the hodoscope, the LEDs will flash from the top of the doorway to the bottom, signalling that a cosmic ray must have passed through the person. Circuitry for this purpose has had to be designed (by one of the supervisors) and a track board design with a master board and two slaves was laid out on a PC. Each board had a PIC chip which was programmed to run 33 I/O pins one input pulse pin and 32 outputs, which ran 32 LEDs, the last of which was used as the pulse that triggered the PIC chip on the next board to run its LEDs. The necessary components for these boards had to be sourced and the boards then needed to be wired and checked for continuity (this was carried out by the Nuffield student). 2.3 Cloud Chamber The cloud chamber was assembled and the base plate cooled on top of dry ice. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) was poured over the felt and into the trough and the aquarium was placed on top of the plate to set up a temperature gradient with a corresponding layer of super saturated vapour. The depth of the layer of vapour is highly dependant on the temperature gradient and keeping the felt warm was found to help – in this instance, a hot water bottle was used. This gave a temperature gradient of approximately 30ºC to -60ºC from top to bottom of the tank. It was discovered that in order to make the tracks more easily visible, the aluminium base plate would need to be black. It could not be painted however as the IPA would strip this off, so instead it was anodised black. (A cheaper option would have been to cover the base in Gaffer tape but anodising the metal is more permanent.) It also helped to view the chamber in a darkened room and to surround it with black card too, thus blocking off any extra, unwanted light. 2.2 Energy Spectrum Investigation The muon lifetime apparatus was set up at the beginning of the project and ran for several weeks. Muon flux for different energy levels was investigated by slowing down the muons with varying moderating layers of steel placed above the scintillator. If a muon decayed in the scintillator then it must have had a minimum energy level to have made it through all of the steel. The School Of Physics was able to offer 96 sheets of steel, each 5mm thick, weighing 1/3 tonne in total. A point light source was used to illuminate a section of the chamber for viewing particle tracks – an LED torch or standard torch was found to work best, although the LED torch did not work for taking photographs of the tracks. After trying many angles for the light source, approximately 20º from the horizontal was found to be the best. Cutting a gap in the surrounding card through which the light source could be pointed through helped stop the chamber being flooded with light, and making the tracks easier to see. (Images of some of the tracks which were seen can be found in Appendix.) The first decay rate measurement was taken over 72 hours with the full 48cm of steel. The experiment was then repeated over a time scale of six weeks, removing 3cm of steel every 72 hours. The average decay rate per hour for each depth of steel was then calculated. By using a spreadsheet constructed with the Bethe-Bloch equation (using the muon’s relativistic momentum), the muon energy losses for different depths of iron (as steel is composed primarily of iron) were calculated. The energy losses for the muons entering the scintillator and decaying at the top, middle or bottom were calculated using a similar spreadsheet – when these values were subtracted from the muon’s rest energy, the minimum amount of energy required for a muon to reach the scintillator, decay and be counted was given. Using these calculated values, the minimum energies of muons reaching the scintillator after travelling through different depths of steel were found. See Appendix for table of calculated values and Section 3 for a graph of results. 6 3 Results 3.2 Energy Spectrum Investigation Due to constraints in the equipment (a maximum of 48cm of steel), only low energy muons with an energy level of less than 1GeV could be investigated. The muon flux for each energy level was noted and plotted (see Figure). The spreadsheets showing energy losses in the scintillator and steel can be found in the appendix. Uncertainties were calculated in both values, calculating the error for count rate using Poisson statistics. With these error bars included in a graph of my results, it can be seen that muons with varying energy levels are almost evenly distributed at ground level. 3.1 Angular Distribution Investigation The estimated cosmic ray flux for any hodoscope is dependent on the distance between the paddles and on the area of the scintillator. The subtended solid angle (the ‘cone’ above the detector in which cosmic rays will pass through both paddles) was calculated using 4 -geometry: A paddle 4R 2 4 , Where R=107.3cm, the distance from the centre of the bottom paddle to a corner of the top paddle. A check of muon lifetime was also undertaken for each energy level. Data were collected from the muon lifetime software that is coupled with the muon lifetime apparatus and these results were then plotted (see Appendix). 0.0173 steradians To calculate the estimated vertical flux for this hodoscope, the published value for flux (muons and electron-positron pairs) at sea level per unit are per unit time about the vertical direction [Review of Particle Physics], Fv, was used: 3.3 Cloud Chamber Many different tracks were seen each time the cloud chamber was set up. By using a digital camera set with a long exposure time, photographs of many different tracks were taken, some of which can be seen below (for more detailed photographs, see Appendix). Some of these tracks were characteristic of muons interacting with electrons in the vapour. A track which bends at an angle shows a muon decaying into an electron and neutrinos, the electron’s track is still visible (see Figure 8). Occasionally a track that appears to split in two was seen – this is evidence of a muon knocking-on an electron (see Figure 9). Tracks which zigzag show the multiple scattering of low energy muons which are bounced off many atoms (see Figure 10). F 110 m-2s-1sr-1 0.66 -2 cm min-1sr-1 flux F A paddle 2.281 min 1 Flux distribution is proportional to cos2.16θ [Crookes and Rastin, 1972] where θ is the angle measured from the zenith. Using this, theoretical estimates for flux at different angles were calculated and compared to my results: Figures below: Cropped cloud chamber photographs: F ( ) Fv cos 2.16 Figure 8. Muon decay A graph of the average results was plotted (see Figure 11). On the same graph, the theoretical estimates for flux were also plotted as a comparison, along with the cos2.16θ curve which corresponds to the results. As can be seen on the graph, the results correlate with the cos2.16θ rule until the hodoscope nears the more horizontal angles. The results do not tend towards zero, instead levelling off at around 20 counts per hour. This is because as the angle from the zenith tends towards 90º, cosmic rays begin to enter the hodoscope from both sides – the count rate at these angles is higher than the estimated flux as a result. The results for vertical flux are very close to the average flux expected at sea level. Discrepancies in the results could have been as a result of the hodoscope being too sensitive by the PMTs amplifying electrical noise as well as scintillations. Although coincidences of electrical noise are unlikely, their occurrence may also account for the higher vertical flux results. e Figure 9. Knock-on electron e Figure 10. Low energy muon, travelling slowly The statistical Poisson error in the count rate was calculated to be very small, whereas the error in the angle from the zenith was considerably larger. This is a result of not using precise equipment which made it very difficult to properly adjust the angle of the hodoscope. (To be improved at a later date, see Section 5.) 7 Average Angular Distribution 180.0 This cos2.16θ curve was extrapolated from the vertical flux result. It shows how well the results follow the curve and also helps to illustrate how the flux levels off at angles above 75º. Average Count Rate (counts h -1 ) 160.0 140.0 These are the data points gathered during the project. Each point is averaged over 5 counts. The measured data matches the theoretical curve closely until about 70º or so. 120.0 100.0 Theoretical Average 80.0 This is the theoretical cos2.16θ curve constructed from the published value of flux at sea level. 60.0 The measured data here is higher than the curve because at nearly horizontal angles, cosmic rays can enter the hodoscope from both sides. 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Angle From Zenith (º) Figure 11. Angular distribution of cosmic rays, showing the match between theory and experiment 8 70 80 90 100 Muon Energy Spectrum 70 60 Muon flux (decays per hour) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Minumum energy of muon leaving Fe (MeV) Figure 12. Muon energy spectrum 9 600 700 800 4 Conclusions 5 Further Developments 4.1 Angular Distribution Investigation 5.1 Angular Distribution Investigation Even with the highly inaccurate method of angling the hodoscope, the results obtained from many experiments follow the cos2.16θ curve as discovered by Crooke and Rastin and level off at around 75º. It is to be expected that more accurate results will be derived from longer runs (see Section 5.1). For more accurate and detailed results, a continually running mechanical hodoscope that sent data to a PC with appropriate software could be used. This could be achieved by attaching the paddles to either end of a metal pole which was attached to an electric motor at its centre. This motor would rotate the cosmic ray telescope (hodoscope with panels far apart) by 360º, alternating the direction of rotation so as not to tangle the wires. The angular position of the hodoscope would be measured using a potentiometer attached where the pole joins the motor. The pulses from the board and the voltage across the potentiometer would be analysed by a PIC chip which would translate the voltage to an angle and send all the data to the serial port of a PC. Software would then be used which would allow a graph of count rate against angle from zenith to be constructed. The fact that this hodoscope is controlled by a motor and all outputs go to a PC would allow it to be left running for weeks at a time, providing more accurate results. This project will be undertaken at a future date. 4.2 Energy Spectrum Investigation From the graph of the results, it can be seen that the small range of energies investigated seem to be fairly evenly distributed. A flat spectrum is expected at low energy levels (less than 1GeV) which includes the results, which range from around 370 to 720 MeV (see spreadsheet in Appendix). At higher energy levels, variations from the flat spectrum are expected. 4.3 Cloud Chamber Our cloud chamber cost under £40 to manufacture and ran for around two hours at a time without needing to be refilled with IPA. The chamber was simple to construct, simple to set and up very reliable. With a steep temperature gradient (aided by the hot water bottle) I was able to see and photograph tracks for hours each time the chamber was set up. 5.2 Energy Spectrum Investigation The muon detector could be used at a future date to investigate the charge ratio of muons arriving at sea level. If the apparatus could be left running for very long periods of time (much longer than this project allowed) then the charge ratio of μ+ and μ- at sea level could be calculated. Equal numbers of μ+ and μ- are created in the upper atmosphere and in a vacuum, equal amounts would travel equal distances. The charge ratio occurs because μ - have a much shorter lifetime than μ+ as a result of μ- being susceptible to muon capture so fewer μ- reach sea level. This investigation has shown that it is feasible for schools to construct their own cloud chamber, and it will be possible to take our cloud chamber out on tour with PP4SS. Summary of what I did and learned during the project: Researched all about cosmic rays, their origin, radioactive decay theory, decay reactions for particles in the upper atmosphere, angular distribution theory, energy spectra Researched previous investigations similar to mine for comparison of results and derivation of equations Designed and was involved in the construction of a diffusion cloud chamber Learned how to operate our cloud chamber and worked out how to keep it running with a good layer of mist for hours at a time Constructed a cosmic ray hodoscope and used it to investigate the angular distribution of cosmic rays by creating a cosmic ray telescope Learned to solder and make cables Introduction to basic circuit board testing (continuity, power, track board lay out) and basic electronic components Learned how to design, wire and check a circuit board when constructing the hodoscope Laid out, checked and populated a track board for the cosmic ray doorway from a design laid out on a PC 5.3 Cloud Chamber As a result of having a working and reliable chamber, it will be possible to take it out with PP4SS more often. To make the tracks even easier to see, the cloud chamber would need to be in dark conditions with a point source illuminating the tracks. To achieve this, a light tight container with fixed light sources inside should be designed and manufactured. 10 6 References 1. Frank Close, Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction, OUP, ISBN 0192804340 (2004) 2. Michael W. Frielander, A Thin Cosmic Rain, Harvard University Press, ISBN 0674002881 (2000) 3. Peter K.F. Grieder, Cosmic Rays At Earth, Elsevier, ISBN 04444507108 (2001) 4. W.R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0387572805 (1994) 5. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics 6. J.N. Crookes and B.C. Rastin, An Investigation of the Absolute Intensity of Muons at Sea Level, Nucl Phys B Vol 39 page 493 (1972) 7. Phys Rev D54 July 1996, Review of Particle Physics URL References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. see PPUT 7 Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Nuffield Foundation for funding this project and Frances Chapman for its organisation. Thanks to Mark Reynolds for helping me with construction, Peter Clarke for triple-checking my calculations and SCI-FUN for giving me space to work. Special thanks go to Peter Reid and Alan Walker, my supervisors, for hours of help and patience. All work in this project was my own, unless otherwise stated. 11 Appendix For brevity some intermediate rows in the following tables, necessary for accurate calculations, have been hidden. Table 1, page 13: Cosmic ray flux counts for varying angles from zenith and calculations for angular distribution investigation Table 2, page 14: Energy loss calculations in scintillator and varying depths of steel using simplified Bethe-Bloch equation for muons Graph 1, page 16: Muon lifetime for varying energy levels of muons Images, page 17: Photographs of particle tracks seen in the cloud chamber 12 Table 1 Cosmic ray flux counts for varying angles from zenith (θ) and theoretical calculations for investigating angular distribution of cosmic rays. Paddles 106.5cm apart, I hour runs θ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 162 150 151 100 87 73 32 20 18 11 count rate per hour 134 166 134 128 123 146 105 99 73 91 53 70 42 37 29 25 22 30 16 16 156 153 121 108 74 61 43 34 13 9 158 154 115 104 104 69 32 26 16 17 average 155.20 143.80 131.20 103.20 85.80 65.20 37.20 26.80 19.80 13.80 13 cos2.16θ 1.000 0.967 0.874 0.733 0.562 0.385 0.224 0.099 0.023 0.000 theoretical count 136.6 132.2 119.4 100.1 76.8 52.6 30.6 13.5 3.1 0.0 extrapolated count 154.500 149.475 135.076 113.239 86.879 59.478 34.570 15.222 3.521 0.000 error in count rate 12.46 11.99 11.45 10.16 9.26 8.07 6.10 5.18 4.45 3.71 Table 2 Energy loss calculations for muons in the scintillator and varying depths of steel, using simplified Bethe-Bloch equation. BB Coeff. 1.1257 muon mass MeV 105.6584 electron mass MeV 0.5110 Z/A I eV 0.46556 286.0000 density hnup gm/cm^3 eV 7.874 55.1720 rho 2.5040 -C 4.2911 Energy at the top of scintillator required to reach Top/Middle/Bottom of Scintillator:Using Total Kinetic Gamma Beta p p/mc BBv2 Energy Energy Top 105.6584 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Middle 140.2530 34.5946 1.3274 0.6576 92.2345 0.8730 Bottom 159.1389 53.4805 1.5062 0.7478 119.0021 1.1263 Energy at the top of iron required to reach Top/Middle/Bottom of Scintillator:Using Total Kinetic Energy at Gamma Beta p BBv2 Energy Energy bottom of Fe 1.3cm Fe Top 141.3430 35.6846 105.6589 1.3377 0.6642 93.8837 Middle 161.2502 55.5918 140.2531 1.5261 0.7554 121.8110 Bottom 177.4043 71.7459 159.1389 1.6790 0.8033 142.5082 4.3cm Fe Top 185.3294 79.6710 105.6589 1.7540 0.8216 152.2606 Middle 200.9839 95.3255 140.2531 1.9022 0.8507 170.9703 Bottom 215.0315 109.3731 159.1389 2.0352 0.8710 187.2828 7.3cm Fe Top 222.1921 116.5337 105.6589 2.1029 0.8797 195.4626 Middle 236.6942 131.0358 140.2531 2.2402 0.8948 211.8028 Bottom 250.0002 144.3418 159.1389 2.3661 0.9063 226.5754 10.3cm Fe Top 256.8612 151.2028 105.6589 2.4311 0.9115 234.1239 Middle 270.8798 165.2214 140.2531 2.5637 0.9208 249.4237 Bottom 283.8556 178.1972 159.1389 2.6865 0.9281 263.4584 13.3cm Fe Top 290.5797 184.9213 105.6589 2.7502 0.9316 270.6896 Middle 304.3747 198.7163 140.2531 2.8807 0.9378 285.4475 Bottom 317.1983 211.5399 159.1389 3.0021 0.9429 299.0837 16.3cm Fe Top 323.8603 218.2019 105.6589 3.0652 0.9453 306.1402 Middle 337.5577 231.8993 140.2531 3.1948 0.9498 320.5955 Bottom 350.3201 244.6617 159.1389 3.3156 0.9534 334.0067 19.3cm Fe Top 356.9597 251.3013 105.6589 3.3784 0.9552 340.9641 Middle 370.6280 264.9696 140.2531 3.5078 0.9585 355.2484 Bottom 383.3805 277.7221 159.1389 3.6285 0.9613 368.5335 22.3cm Fe Top 390.0205 284.3621 105.6589 3.6913 0.9626 375.4361 Middle 403.6997 298.0413 140.2531 3.8208 0.9651 389.6277 14 p/mc 0.8886 1.1529 1.3488 1.4411 1.6181 1.7725 1.8499 2.0046 2.1444 2.2159 2.3607 2.4935 2.5619 2.7016 2.8307 2.8975 3.0343 3.1612 3.2270 3.3622 3.4880 3.5533 3.6876 X0 -0.0012 X1 a m 3.1531 0.1468 2.9632 Bottom 25.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 28.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 31.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 34.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 37.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 40.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 43.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 46.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 49.3cm Fe Top Middle Bottom 416.4728 310.8144 159.1389 3.9417 0.9673 402.8472 3.8127 423.1269 436.8414 449.6539 317.4685 331.1830 343.9955 105.6589 140.2531 159.1389 4.0047 4.1345 4.2557 0.9683 0.9703 0.9720 409.7227 423.8711 437.0640 3.8778 4.0117 4.1366 456.3306 470.0956 482.9593 350.6722 364.4372 377.3009 105.6589 140.2531 159.1389 4.3189 4.4492 4.5710 0.9728 0.9744 0.9758 443.9301 458.0679 471.2600 4.2016 4.3354 4.4602 489.6639 503.4888 516.4110 384.0055 397.8304 410.7526 105.6585 140.2531 159.1385 4.6344 4.7653 4.8876 0.9764 0.9777 0.9788 478.1287 492.2776 505.4865 4.5252 4.6591 4.7842 523.1468 537.0376 550.0226 417.4884 431.3792 444.3642 105.6584 140.2530 159.1390 4.9513 5.0828 5.2057 0.9794 0.9805 0.9814 512.3660 526.5412 539.7788 4.8493 4.9834 5.1087 556.7918 570.7518 583.8022 451.1334 465.0934 478.1438 105.6588 140.2531 159.1390 5.2697 5.4019 5.5254 0.9818 0.9827 0.9835 546.6749 560.8867 574.1614 5.1740 5.3085 5.4341 590.6057 604.6368 617.7540 484.9473 498.9784 512.0956 105.6585 140.2531 159.1389 5.5898 5.7226 5.8467 0.9839 0.9846 0.9853 581.0778 595.3335 608.6512 5.4996 5.6345 5.7606 624.5924 638.6954 651.8796 518.9340 533.0370 546.2212 105.6580 140.2535 159.1385 5.9114 6.0449 6.1697 0.9856 0.9862 0.9868 615.5907 629.8953 643.2599 5.8262 5.9616 6.0881 658.7528 672.9277 686.1789 553.0944 567.2693 580.5205 105.6584 140.2534 159.1390 6.2347 6.3689 6.4943 0.9871 0.9876 0.9881 650.2242 664.5811 677.9954 6.1540 6.2899 6.4169 693.0868 707.3330 720.6505 587.4284 601.6746 614.9921 105.6585 140.2534 159.1385 6.5597 6.6945 6.8206 0.9883 0.9888 0.9892 684.9859 699.3971 712.8629 6.4830 6.6194 6.7469 15 Graph 1 Graph of muon lifetime for muons with various energy levels. Muon Lifetime 2.000 Lifetime (µs) 1.500 As expected, the muon lifetime does not vary for muons with different energies, as can be seen by the flat spectrum of results. Power supply 1.000 0.500 0.000 0 100 200 300 400 500 Minimum energy of muon leaving Fe (MeV) 16 600 700 800 Images Plastic wall of chamber 1 2 Anodised base of chamber This image of the inside of our cloud chamber shows the black plate and layer of super saturated mist forming near the base. Many particle tracks are shown including a muon decay (1) and a knock-on electron (2). 1 2 3 This image of the inside of our cloud chamber shows a muon decay (1) and a knock-on electrons (2 & 3). 17