triangles constant

CS591: Computational Geometry
Lecture Three - October 8, 2004
Lecturer: Shang-Hua Teng
Scribe: Vladimir Rydzevsky
Delaunay Triangulation (continued)
Given a set of points: P={} build DT
DT0  DT1  DT2  …. DTi-1  DTi  …  DTn
Algorithm for i-th step:
1. Locate (pi, DTi-1)
2. Split triangle that contains pi (the only triangle that gets
destroyed is the one containing pi)
3. Flip
Complexity depends on the number of flips and time for insertion of
new triangles.
We will now examine algorithm for point location in 2D
triangulations. This analysis will help us determine the complexity of
Randomized DT Algorithm.
Point Location in 2D triangulations
Given a triangulation {V, E, F} build a query structure to answer the following: having
a query point p return the triangle that contains p.
To answer this query we will use Kirpatrick structures (David Kirkpatrick). To
construct Kirkpatrick structure, we start with T0 , and repeatedly select an independent
set of vertices of degree at most 12. We never include the three vertices a, b, and c
(forming the outer face) in such an independent set. We delete the vertices from the
independent set from the graph, and retriangulate the resulting holes. Observe that each
triangle in the new triangulation can overlap at most 12 triangles in the previous
triangulation. Since we can eliminate a constant fraction of vertices with each stage,
after O(log24/23n) stages, we will be down to the last 3 vertices.
I – independent set
I= 
While  unmarked vertex of degree < 12
Choose an arbitrary vertex of degree < 12
Put it in I
Mark all of its neighbors
Return I
O(log24/23n) stages can be derived using the following reasoning:
Euler’s formula: |V| - |E| + |F| = 2 => |E| < 3|V| => Average degree < 6 => at
least half of vertices of degree  12. Therefore, there exists independent set of vertices
with degree < 12, i.e.
, having reduction rate
The constant factors here are not so great. With each stage, the number of vertices falls
by a factor of 24/23. To reduce to the final three vertices, implies that (24/23) k = n or
k = log24/23n  24 lg n
The data structure is based on this decomposition. The root of the structure
corresponds to the single triangle of Tk The nodes at the next lower level are the
triangles of Tk-1 , followed by Tk-2, until we reach the leaves, which are the triangles of
our initial triangulation, T0. Each node for a triangle in triangulation Ti+1 , stores
pointers to all the triangles it overlaps in Ti (there are at most 12 of these). Note that
this structure is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and not a tree, because one triangle may
have many parents in the data structure. This is shown in the following figure.
To locate a point, we start with the root, Tk . If the query point does not lie within this
single triangle, then we are done (it lies in the exterior face). Otherwise, we search each
of the (at most 12) triangles in Tk-1 that overlap this triangle. When we find the correct
one, we search each of the triangles in Tk-2 that overlap this triangle, and so forth.
Eventually we will find the triangle containing the query point in the last triangulation,
T0, and this is the desired output. See the figure below for an example.
Randomized Algorithm for Delaunay Triangulation
We now come back from the detour and examine the randomized algorithm for DT. We
will consider:
space O(n).
locate O(log n).
time to build query structure O(nlogn) since space complexity is O(n) and locate
is O(logn)
Using linearity of expectations
pairs of random variables x,y
E(x+y) = E(x) + E(y)
We can observe that each insertion produces 3 new triangles, while destroying one.
Each flip produces 2 new triangles while destroying 2.
Lemma: The expected number of triangles we generate is  9n. (3n are generated from
Proof: To prove this lemma we will use Backward Analysis introduced by Seidel
Let DTi = DT {p-2, p-1, p0, p1, …, pi} Note that DTi is independent of the order of its
Let fi be the number of flips.
Note that the degree of pi in DTi is equal to fi-3. The number of new triangles
introduced is equal to 2fi+3. Any vertex in the set {P1 … Pi} is equally likely to be the
last vertex added. Because DTi is independent of the order of its vertices and we are
using a random permutation, then looking backward:
E(di)  6, it follows that E(fi)  3. Thus, the expected number of triangles produced at
stage i is at most 9. Space complexity is O(9n) = O(n)
Now, we examine the expected complexity of Locate. We note that when we delete a
point from DT, it is still DT, i.e.  PkPsPt in DTi, if Pi  {Pk,Ps,Pt}  PkPsPt  DTi-1 .
Using this observation and backward analysis we can construct a hierarchical link
to locate Pi in DTi-1, let nj be the number of links that we traverse from Dj-1 to Dj, the
cost of Locate of Pi is proportional to  nj . We want to know:
i 1
i 1
j 1
j 1
E(  nj )   f (nj )
Assume Pi  PkPsPt
Case 1: nj=0 if Pj  { PkPsPt }
Case 2: nj is proportional to the number of flips when Pj is added.
Using backward analysis the probability of case 1 is exactly (1- ), the probability of
case 2 is
So, E(nj) =
E(fi) = . Thus,
i 1
i -1
 O(logi)
j 1
j 1 j
Therefore, the total time is O(logn)