minutes - Grapevine - Las Positas College

College Council
November 15, 2007
Lee Bateman, Greg Daubenmire, Frances De Nisco, Noah Fischer, Jim Gioia, Bob
Kratochvil, Jane McCoy, Kayla Moreland, Todd Steffan
1. Review Minutes from October 18, 2007
Following the November meeting, the Council approved the minutes from October 18th by an
email vote.
2. Enrollment Reporting
President Kratochvil provided the members with information on the District decision to “roll
back” FTES into 2006 – 07. Summer enrollment crosses fiscal years, and therefore FTES from
the new academic year (i.e. 2007 – 08) can be “rolled back” to be reported in the previous year
(i.e. 2006 – 2007). Chancellor Kinnamon decided to have both colleges do this to capture the
growth dollars still on the table statewide (approximately $80M), resulting in as much as $3M for
the District. All together, 700 FTES were “rolled back” from Summer 2008: 450 from Las
Positas College (out of 463), and 250 from Chabot (out of 666). President Kratochvil and the
Vice Presidents have already met with the committee chairs of CEMC, PBC, and the Academic
Senate to update them about the situation. It is not yet clear how this money will be allocated
(e.g. by the allocation model or at the ratio [450:250] the FTES was taken). It was noted that,
with this 450 FTES being reported in 06-07 rather than 07-08, it will be even more challenging
for LPC to reach its target of 7001 FTES. President Kratochvil added that the District may be
counting on LPC overachieving as we have done historically, but he reminded them that in the
past we’ve been able to do that with a $1.4M reserve on the books providing the ability to add
classes, resources, etc…
The timeframe for this opportunity was very short, as Chancellor Kinnamon only learned about
the available growth dollars two weeks ago. He proceeded to meet with President Kratochvil and
the Vice Presidents, and then with CEMC Co-Chairs Mike Sato and Jason Morris the following
morning. Later that day, CEMC engaged in a lengthy discussion and had many of the same
questions posed here at College Council. Interim Vice President Lee Bateman has already done
much analysis of the figures, and (at CEMC) Kevin Ankoviak suggested doing an even greater
level of analysis. The Committee then spent a considerable amount of time discussing the
enrollment reporting decision and its potential impacts. Several members stated that, from a
financial perspective, they understand the decision to “grab” the money the money (and have the
funds in hand now), but from a growth perspective it doesn’t make as much sense and will likely
create problems down the road. President Kratochvil asked the Council to contact him if they had
further questions.
3. Budget Update
As an information item, President Kratochvil distributed a document (message to community
college CBOs regarding fiscal projections through 2012 – 13) from the Legislative Analyst’s
Office. The full report was released yesterday, and “provides updated forecasts of the state’s
economic performance and the condition of the state budget. The document handed out to the
Council outlines the highlights affecting community colleges.
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4. Veterans’ Program
President Kratochvil provided the Committee with copies of the CCC System Office “Troops to
College” press release, which recognizes Las Positas College as one of several community
colleges statewide that has established a model outreach program to serve veterans. Todd
Steffan, Veterans Specialist, gave an overview of the LPC program and the progress over the past
year, including the Veterans’ Club, campus events (such as the Veterans’ Day Remembrance &
Panel and workshops), and community support. These efforts began with a small group (Sylvia
Rodriguez, Mark Tarte, Andi Schreibman, and Todd Steffan) whose goal was to develop a
comprehensive program along the lines of EOPS or DSPS, with the hope of assisting veterans
with the transition into school and the community. California has the highest number of veterans
in the country, and Alameda County has one of the highest populations of veterans in the State –
and we anticipate that colleges will see a 10-20% increase in enrollments with troops returning
from military service. Here at LPC we have approximately 100 students receiving GI benefits,
but there could be as many as 200 who are eligible. The “advisory” group has gone out into the
community (e.g. Rotary Clubs) to make them aware of the program and seek funding, and they
will be applying for grant funds from the Foundation.
5. Practices with Promise
President Kratochvil distributed copies of the Practices with Promise executive summary. The
program is an initiative of the Campaign for College Opportunity designed to “recognize
exemplary efforts that improve college access, success, affordability and efficiency.” Statewide,
120 submissions were received from UCs, CSUs, and community colleges. Of those, 15
programs were selected for demonstrating “practices with promise” and 3 are from Las Positas
College: The Design Shop, Integrated Learning Center, and Headstart on College. The
recognitions are featured prominently on the LPC website, and the programs will be
acknowledged at the Town Meeting in December.
6. Other
Bob Kratochvil (Interim President)
o Distributed Board Report, which highlights College activities and upcoming events
 All-College Holiday Breakfast will be held on December 13th
o Provided update on Presidential Search timeline
 Chancellor will make recommendation to the Board at Dec. 11th meeting
o Graduation will be held on Friday evening in the gym, rather than on Saturday at the
soccer field. Because of limited seating, tickets will be distributed to the graduates for
their guests. We will now alternate the day of Graduation (Fri/Sat) with Chabot.
o Facilities update
 MDB clocks were supposed to be installed and working now, but hasn’t
happened yet
 “Pilot” window shade(s) going into MDB classroom this Friday
 Landscaping: plants going in now, grass hydroseed in January
 “Hardscape” (walking pathways) will be put in after landscaping
 In the College Center for the Arts design, the amphitheater location will
remain as planned – although underground infrastructure will need to be
relocated, the locale is necessary for wind protection from CCA Bldg.
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Jim Gioia (PBC)
o PBC has ranked Faculty Position Requests, but haven’t gotten results yet. The District
will be getting 3 new positions, and he’s hopeful that LPC will get all three.
o Classified Position Requests will be reviewed at the December 4th meeting.
o Instructional Equipment Requests will be addressed in February, and he will be
working with Lee Bateman and Natasha Mosset to outline the process.
Noah Fischer (ASLPC)
o ASLPC held Rush Wednesday last week, and it went very well. Last night and tonight
they are holding and Open House (with coffee and cookies) for evening students.
o At the recent Region IV conference, ASLPC President Kayla Moreland was
unanimously elected Chair for the region and Joshua Paul was elected Treasurer.
o Recruitment is gong well, and they hope to visit more classes to talk to students.
Kayla Moreland (ASLPC)
o At Region IV conference there was a discussion of Prop 92 – she will bring the topic to
the ASLPC meeting so they can review and take a position on it.
o As Noah mentioned, she was elected Chair of Region IV and is excited about the
Frances DeNisco (Classified Senate)
o Flex Day went so well that several participants were inspired to volunteer to fill a
vacant Senator position, run a raffle, and revamp the “Classified Connection” to
communicate info to staff.
o Barbara Morrissey has applied for a Foundation grant to increase funding for Classified
staff development.
o For the Spring Flex Day, the Senate is looking at renting space off campus.
Jane McCoy (Faculty Association)
o The FA has successfully completed negotiations for online evaluations. They have also
gotten an agreement from the District to pay adjuncts for training (re: online grading).
o They held a workshop about reading paychecks and load sheets. It was well-received
and a video of the session is available (along with workshop materials) in the Library.
Frances noted that the Classified Senate is going to show the video to staff, as well.
Greg Daubenmire (Academic Senate)
o Yesterday the Academic Senate talked about the “roll back” of 450 FTES into 06-07.
The discussion went well, and faculty would like to have more info on the subject.
o He appreciates that President Kratochvil asked Chancellor Kinnamon to bring the issue
to a wider audience before moving forward with the final decision/action, even though
that approach may not have been used.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 2:30 pm
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