Electron-Phonon Coupling and Electron Heat Capacity in Metals at High Electron Temperatures In the table below you can find files with tabulated data on the temperature dependences of the electron heat capacity and the electron-phonon coupling factor, given for a range of electron temperatures that are typically realized in femtosecond laser processing of materials. The data is calculated for several metals based on their electron density of states, taking into account the effect of thermal excitation of electrons located below the Fermi level. You can find detailed information on the method used in the calculations and discussion of the results in the references listed below. Material el-ph coupling, G(Te) Electron heat capacity, Ce(Te) Gold G_Au.dat Ce_Au.dat Nickel G_Ni.dat Ce_Ni.dat Copper G_Cu.dat Ce_Cu.dat Platinum G_Pt.dat Ce_Pt.dat Silver G_Ag.dat Ce_Ag.dat Aluminum G_Al.dat Ce_Al.dat Tungsten G_W.dat Ce_W.dat Molybdenum G_Mo.dat Ce_Mo.dat Titanium G_Ti.dat Ce_Ti.dat The first column is the electron temperature in the unit of 104K. G(Te) and Ce(Te) are shown in the second column in the unit of 1017Wm-3K-1 and 105Jm-3K-1, respectively. If you use this data in your calculations or in interpretation of your experimental data, we would be interested to learn about your results - please e-mail Zhibin Lin or Leonid Zhigilei. References: Z. Lin, V. Celli, and L. V. Zhigilei, Electron-phonon coupling and electron heat capacity of metals under conditions of laser-induced electron-phonon nonequilibrium, Phys. Rev. B, submitted, 2007. Z. Lin and L. V. Zhigilei, Temperature dependences of the electron-phonon coupling, electron heat capacity and thermal conductivity in Ni under femtosecond laser irradiation, Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 6295-6300, 2007. Full Text: PDF (297 kB) Z. Lin and L. V. Zhigilei, Thermal excitation of d band electrons in Au: implications for laserinduced phase transformations, High-Power Laser Ablation VI, edited by C. R. Phipps, Proc. SPIE 6261, 62610U, 2006. Full Text: PDF (683 kB)