3. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES I Summary so Far 1. Examined some of the basic physics behind semiconducting materials. In particular, have been able to calculate: carrier concentrations, nc and pv conductivity in terms of g, me*, mh*, T etc. for both: intrinsic semiconductors extrinsic semiconductors 2. For extrinsic semiconductors: ncand can be controlled over a wide range by doping (addition of small amounts of impurities). Ec EF Ec EF Ev Ev n-type Group V impurities e.g. P At room temp’: nc is large p-type Group III impurities e.g. B At room temp’: pv is large Can build semiconductor devices by combining n-type and p-type semiconductors. Initially, will look at 2 basic device types. 1. METAL-SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTION All devices require connection to metal wires to form electronic circuits 2. PN JUNCTION Device formed by joining together p-type and n-type semiconductors. Very Important! Many devices based on this. 3.1 METAL-SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTION – SCHOTTKY BARRIER Consider what happens when metal is brought into contact with an n-type semiconductor. Band Diagram before contact m Fermi level s conduction band Fermi level valence band Metal m s - n-type Semiconductor work function of metal work function of semiconductor Fermi levels of metal and semiconductor at different energies unstable energetically upon contact, electron flow between materials until Fermi levels equilibriate If m > s (as drawn), electrons flow from semiconductor to metal. Band diagram after contact depletion region m - s + + Fermi level x = x0 x=0 x Metal Semiconductor Electron density in semiconductor is much less than in metal electron flow from semiconductor to metal depletes a substantial volume of the semiconductor of charge carriers leaving positively ionised donors Energy barrier depletion layer. - m –s This arises due to an electrostatic dipole layer between electrons transferred to metal and the positively ionised donors in depletion layer How wide is barrier? Can get this using Poisson’s equation in depletion region (between x = 0 and x = x0). WIDTH OF DEPLETION REGION Poisson’s equation in 1-D dV dx 2 2 0 [relates potential V to charge density ] = dielectric constant = Nde In depletion region: [Nd – density of ionised donors] Electron energy, = - eV d Ne dx 2 2 d 2 0 Solving subject to the boundary conditions = (d/dx) = 0 at x =0 = m – s at x = x0 find that 2 2 0 0 N xe 2 d m s 0 So: Width of depletion layer (x0) N Typically 100 Å < x0 < 1000 Å 1 2 d CURRENT-VOLTAGE (I-V) BEHAVIOUR So previous result tells us: For heavy doping (large Nd) barrier becomes thin compared to electron mean free path (x0 very small) can effectively consider junction as 2 thermionic emitters [Unit 2]facing one another across barrier. In zero applied bias (voltage) – currents equal and opposite Ism Ims Metal Semiconductor Ism = current from semiconductor to metal Ims = current from metal to semiconductor Recall from Unit 2 that equilibrium current I0 for thermionic emitter (at temp’ T) can be written as I0 = A exp kT (c.f. Dushman-Richardson eq’n) m s Consider applying forward bias (voltage) V to junction. Fermi level of semiconductor is raised relative to that in metal current from semiconductor to metal Ism is increased eV Ism = A exp kT m s eV = I exp kT 0 Work function effectively lowered. Current from metal to semiconductor Ims remains constant and is therefore I0. So net current I in forward bias is given by I = Ism - Ims eV I = I [exp 1] kT 0 Similarly, in reverse bias –V, can show eV I I [1 exp ] kT 0 Fermi level in semiconductor is lowered relative to Fermi level in metal. I forward bias V reverse bias Rectifying action diode behaviour 3.2 P-N JUNCTION Consider what happens when an n-type semiconductor and a p-type semiconductor are brought into contact. Band diagram just before contact c Fn Fp v n p Energetically unstable (once n and p are in contact). On n-side - have large no. of electrons in cond’n band On p-side - have large no. of holes in valence band Need to consider flow of both electrons and holes. Electrons close to interface flow from n to p Holes close to interface flow from p to n - until Fermi levels equilibriate. These recombine get layer on both sides of barrier depleted of free carriers Band diagram after contact n p + + + c F Lp V -Ln x=0 x Depletion layer electrostatic dipole layer positively charged donor ions on n-side negatively charged acceptor ions on p-side Width of depletion layer - Ln + Lp Can determine width of depletion layer by solving Poisson’s equation in interface region. WIDTH OF DEPLETION REGION OF PN JUNCTION dV dx 2 Potential V (Poisson’s Eq’n) 2 0 Charge density Nde Lp x -Ln -Nae n-side = d = Nde p-side = a = -Nae Integrate Poisson’s eq’n (twice) on BOTH SIDES (i.e. for both n and p) Solutions for n and p sides must match at x = 0! i.e. V and (dV/dx) both continuous at x = 0). Boundary Conditions At x = -Ln: At x = Lp: (dV/dx) = 0, V = Vn (dV/dx) = 0, V = Vp At x = 0: (dV/dx) and V are continuous. [V = V0] Solve as outlined above (and Tanner pages 145-146). Potential difference V across junction V = Vn – Vp eN L N / N 1 V 2 2 d n d a 0 This applies whether junction is under external bias V or under zero bias. V g/e For zero applied bias: If external bias V is applied, use: c = dQ/dV Charge Q per unit area is: Q = NdLne So for capacitance (per unit area) c, can show c 1 V 1 2 Width of depletion layer depends on applied bias V capacitance of layer varies on V pn junction can act as variable capacitor [See Seminar Question 4!] I-V BEHAVIOUR OF PN JUNCTION Zero Applied Voltage (Bias) Recall earlier band diagram np0 Ec + + nn0 eVB + F Ev pn0 pp0 n-type p-type Away from depletion region: n-side provides supply of free electrons (nn0 large) p-side provides supply of free holes (pp0 large) However, due to thermal excitation of charge carriers across the junction, we get: small conc’n np0 of free electrons on p-side small conc’n pn0 of free holes on n-side Potential drop VB across junction (in zero applied bias): np0/nn0 = pn0/pp0 = exp(-eVB/kT) [1] External Forward Bias What happens if external bias voltage Vext is applied? Band diagram np nn Ec EF eVj eVext Ev pn pp Forward Bias - potential drop across junction is reduced. So np (and pn) increase. If Vj is the potential drop across the junction np/nn = pn/pp = exp(-eVj/kT) We have that Vj = VB - Vext Hence np/nn = pn/pp = exp(-eVB/kT)exp(eVext/kT) [2] For zero applied bias we had that np0/nn0 = pn0/pp0 = exp(-eVB/kT) [1] Can substitute for exp(-eVB/kT) using eq’ns [1] and [2]. np/nn = np0/nn0 exp(eVext/kT) pn/pp = pn0/pp0 exp(eVext/kT) nn is large - plenty of free electrons on n-side pp is large - plenty of free holes on p-side They change only slightly when we apply a bias voltage. nn nn0 i.e. pp pp0 So to good approximation we can write np/np0 = pn/pn0 = exp(eVext/kT) Can now recall argument used for metal-semiconductor junction - i.e. treat both halves of pn junction as 2 thermionic emitters facing each other. I I expeV / kT 1 0 ext External Reverse Bias Band diagram np Ec EF nn eVext Ev pn pp Reverse Bias - potential drop across junction is increased. So np (and pn) decrease. Can use similar argument to show that in reverse bias: I I 1 exp eV / kT 0 ext Band Diagrams - Summary p n zero applied external bias eVext applied forward bias np increases n p eVext applied reverse bias np decreases I-V Characteristic I I expeV / kT 1 - forward bias I I 1 exp eV / kT - reverse bias 0 0 ext ext N.B. - 2 carrier types. I-V characteristics for holes and electrons identical current flow is additive – negative electrons flow from n to p positive holes flow in opposite direction. I V So pn junction behaves as a rectifier (diode). Assumed that junction was narrow i.e. negligible probability of electrons and holes recombining in junction region. More rigorous treatment – considers diffusion of carriers across junction, taking account of recombination probability leads to same form of I-V characteristic though In practice often get I V threshold I in forward bias doesn’t “turn on” until V > threshold. Due to presence of traps in junction region – I > 0 once traps are saturated. Zener Diode pn diode with very heavy doping levels. Recall that depletion layer width as doping conc’n So voltage drop across junction is over small distance E-field very high in depletion region. Hence, electrons injected into depletion region subject to v. high acceleration. If E-field high enough, electrons gain enough energy to ionise atoms in semiconductor lattice rapid increase in I in for small changes in V for reverse bias I Vz Breakdown occurs at specific value of V V - Vz Can taylor Vz by altering doping level Useful in protection circuits for delicate components.