Objective / Learning Targets: 6C - I (Student) can Multiply two or

Multiplying Polynomials
Objective / Learning Targets:
6C - I (Student) can Multiply two or more binomials and explain the role of
the distributive property
6D - I (Student) can Multiply many polynomials and explain how the
distributive property is related to polynomial multiplication.
6E - I (Student) can Explain the relationship between the multiplication of
polynomials and factoring polynomials.
Standards: 10.0 - I (Student) can … add, subtract, multiply, and divide
monomials and polynomials. I (Student) can also solve multi-step
problems, including word problems, by using these techniques.
What: Multiply polynomials
Why: Because multiplying polynomials is the opposite of Factoring (what’s
coming next).
Focus Question:
1. What skills do you need to know in order to multiply Polynomials?
Think Box
What do you do when you get:
x2y3 * x3z = x5y3z
x2y3 + x3z = x2y3 + x3z
How are they different?
What Happened in each equation?
I. Process:
a. Using each Term in the first Polynomial:
i. Multiply Coefficients with each term in the next Polynomial.
(Create “Peanut” Box)
*Polynomial (top) x Polynomial (Side)
ii. Add Exponents of variables that are the same.
iii. Put in Correct order (Greatest to least)
iv. Combine Like Terms (Peanuts)
Teacher Do…
-3x (-4x2 - 10x + 12)
We Do…
(-7x) (5x + 10)
Students Do…
-9x (-3x2 + 9x + 11)
2/8/2010 6:58:00 PM
2/8/2010 6:58:00 PM