LthiS FABRICATION AND PROPERTIES OF AL-MMC REINFORCED WITH METALLIC COATED FINE CERAMIC PARTICLES Nahed.A.EI.Mahallawy**, Madiha Shoeib*, and Fouad. H.Mahmoud*** **Design and production Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University, Cairo, e-mail: *Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute, P.O.Box 87 El-Tabbing Helwan, Cairo ***Dept of Design and Production Eng, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, e-mail: fn-egsPliotiail con. ABSTRACT: Metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with ceramic particles are among the most promising new materials. However, they still suffer from limited use due to difficulties encountered in their fabrication processes. These processes include mainly liquid metallurgy - such as stir casting, and liquid metal infiltration - and powder metallurgy. The advantage of the liquid metal process using ceramic particles is the possibility of using conventional technique which reduces the cost of MMC products and the production of castings with large variety of sizes and complex shapes. Liquid metal process includes first the incorporation o f the reinforcing particles, dispersing them uniformly into the liquid metal then pouring into moulds. One of the difficulties encountered during preparation of the composite, is the incorporation of the ceramic particles and dispersing them uniformly in the liquid metal. The finer the particle size, the more difficult their uniform dispersion due to the tendency to agglomerate and the poor wettability between the ceramic and the liquid metal. In order to obtain a good quality composite, it is necessary to achieve a uniform distribution of the ceramic reinforcement with minimization of defects such as particle agglomeration, porosity and reaction products. The present work investigates the possibility of introducing fine ceramic particles (2 to 10 micron) into liquid aluminium. Improving wettability is achieved by applying a thin metal coat on the ceramic particles- Al 2 03 and SiC- using electroless technique before introducing them into the liquid aluminium. The ceramic particles were coated with nickel and copper under different conditions. The coated particles arc then introduced into the liquid meta! while continuous stirring. The microstructure of the MMC samples revealed that a limited amount of the particles between 1 and 2.5 vol % are introduced into the aluminium. However a uniform distribution with no agglomeration is obtained. EDX analysis indicated that the Ni and Cu coat were dissolved in the Al forming solid solutions. The hardness of the composites increased with particles additions; the rate of i ncrease is much faster in case of SIC addition compared with that of Al 20 3 addition Future work is still needed in order to incorporate higher volume fractions of the fine particles into the liquid metal. KEYWORDS: Metal matrix Composites , SiC and Al203 particle reinforcement, metal coating of particles, stir casting, microstructure, hardness. 1. INTRODUCTION Metal-ceramic particle composites have a large number of potential industrial applications, especially as anti-friction and anti-abrasion materials. They are used in application such as automotive bearings, and in machine tools , marine diesel engines , trucks , transmission lines , food processors, fans and pumps (1). The production of MMCs using casting processes reduces their cost in comparison wi th other production processes such as powder metallurgy in addition to the unlimited shapes of cast products obtained by such processes. The introduction of ceramic particles into the liquid metal is an important step before casting. Poor wettability between the ceramic particles and liquid metal is usually encountered. Therefore, several techniques have been developed for improving wettability. The most common , reviewed in ref [I) , includes, metal coating on ceramic particles (Ni- or Cu- coated, graphite shell, char, mica, Al203 in Al, Al alloy, Ni or Cu alloy for Al203), addition of reactive elements to the melt (such as Mg to Ail or M alloy), heat treatment of particles before dispersion (for Al 203, in Al or Al alloys) and ultrasonic treatment (for Al203, graphite in Al). For the introduction of particles in the molten metal, several techniques have been used including gas injection in melt stream, pellet method, stir casting, ultrasonic dispersion, cotnpocasting, centrifugal dispersion and chemical method. The most widely used among these techniques is the stir casting [ I]. However, most of these techniques were applied on coarse particles (20 to 200 pm). The difficulty of introducing particles in molten metals increases as the particle size decreases to a few microns. On the other hand, MMC incorporating fine ceramic particles are expected to present new attractive properties, mainly mechanical, tribological, chemical and others. Previous work using powder metallurgy technique for Cu-coated particles 23 and 7 tun revealed improved bonding between the copper-coated SiC particles and the matrix leading to more efficient load transfer to the stronger particles, compared . to decohesion between particles and matrix in case of uncoated particles. The smaller particles (7 pun) composite exhibited superior strength and failure strain compared with those obtained with 23 gm particles [2]. It is the purpose of this work to investigate the possibility of introducing fine (2-10 pm) ceramic particles into an Al melt after being coated with Cu and Ni. The coat is applied using electroless technique and the composites arc obtained using stir-casting. Previous work on electroless Ni coating of ceramic particles gave encouraging results regarding improving wettability between coated particles and liquid aluminium. [3]. The investigations include metallographic study for Vf and particle distribution, and EDX analysis. Hardness measurements of the composites were also made. 2. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1. MATERIALS 1 The materials used were commercial purity aluminium ingots and the reinforcements included A1,03 and SiC fine particles. Chemical analysis of the aluminium is given in Table I. The Al203 particles were irregular platelets in shape 10.4 gm in length, 7.5pm in width and 3.5prn in thickness, as measured using the SEM, The SiC particles were 2.5 to 3.5 pm in size and angular in shape, Fig. lb. Table 1: Chemical analysis of the Aluminium commercial purity Fe 0.33 Si 0.137 Mg 0.016 Cu 0.13 Mn 0.011 Al Bal. 2.2. ELECTROLESS COATING OF PARTICLES The Al203 particles were coated with Ni (P) while the SiC particles were coated with copper. In general, the clectroless coating is a chemical process relying on a sequence of etching sensitizing, activating and plating, with important cleaning and rinsing stages. The steps and conditions for Ni coating are found in ref [3]. While the steps for copper coating are found in ref [2]. For nickel coating. different periods of time were applied, 5 min, 10 min and infinite time ( 2 hours) in the plating stage. This was done in order to study the effect of plating time on the thickness of the Ni coat obtained. For SiC particles an additional condition was applied by treating the particles in sodium tetraborate solution for several hours to enhance wettability due to deposition of Na ions on the particle's surface. It is to be noted that coating of the very fine SiC particles was difficult as the particles were scattered in the aqueous solutions used and did not settle down easily. :-/t. COMPOSITE PREPARATION Crzed and uncoated particles were incorporated in aluminium by stir casting. The aluminium was first meted in a ceramic crucible and superheated to about 750°C, while the particles were preheated to 35C-450°C. A stainless steel stirrer rotating at 800-900 rpm was used to create a vortex in the liquid actinium, then the particles were added gradually at a rate of about 20 g/min while stirring. The axis t the stirrer was parallel to the crucible and was moved up and down. After adding all the powder, tring was maintained for about 25 minutes. The composites were then poured in a preheated steel die itt faun rods about 15 mm diameter, 200 mm long. The conditions of composite samples prepar ed are Oen in Tablet at NIETALLOGRAPHIC OBSERVATION A specimen was cut from each cast rod at both top and bottom positions to check particles distribution aid uniformity. The specimens were ground with 1200 grit SiC paper, polished with Opm then torn almond paste. A last finishing polish was achieved using vibration polishing equipment with colloidal macs (OP-S suspension, Sinters). SEM , EDX and WDX analyses were made on CAM SCAN-series 4, —ring Electron Microscope. I. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION IL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Sompies of each cast bar were cut for chemical analysis using spectrophotometer. The results are given a Table 3. leemical analysis was carried out on prepared composites in order to determine the effect of coating - cents (Ni and Cu) on the overall alloy composition. Comparing the concentration of Cu and Ni :-. in both Tables I and 3 indicates a slight enrichment in Cu and Ni in the aluminium. This is due to :oat thickness on the particles which is of only a few microns. The particles incorporated in the -:fnium was also a few percent, as will be shown later. There is also enrichment in Fe probably the stirrer. is therefore concluded that the matrix metal is only slightly affected by the coating of the particles that impurities have also been added to the composites during the preparation steps. Coating thickness of coated particles are determined from measurements of average size before and after coating using SEM. Fig. 2a and b shows some coated particles. The results given in table 4 indicate that after 5 min a Ni coat of about 7 ttm is formed and that it does not further increase with time. This result is the same for the length and width of Al 20 3 particles. However, along the thickness of the particles only 2 pin of coat is deposited. For SiC copper coated particles Fig. 2b indicate a Cu coat of about 1 pm thickness. 3.2. MICROSTRUCTURE ANALYSIS All specimens were analysed metallographically in the unetched condition in order to study the particle distribution and its uniformity and volume fraction. In general, all specimens showed a dendritic structure with a phase (darker colour) present at the dendrite boundaries Fig.3 . This phase was identified as Al-Fe intermetallic phase, using EDX analysis. The particles were uniformly distributed in all cases and they were present inside the dendrites and at the dendrite boundaries, Fig.3 and 4 . No agglomerations were observed in all specimens, but only some areas with slightly higher particle density, in case of uncoated particles. However, no agglomerations farming inter -particle voids were observed. Fig.5 a shows uniform particle distribution in case of SiC particles uncoated, while Fig.5b shows the presence of particles inside the dendrites. The Al-Fe phase at the dendrite boundaries is also illustrated . in Fig.5b In the case where the particles were treated with sodium tetraborate, the particles were also uniformly distributed forming no agglomerations, Fig. 6a. Details of the particles are illustrated in Fig. 6b.. The volume fraction of particles was measured on at least 10 positions in each specimen using the "Phase analysis" option in the " SIS computer program" installed on the optical microscope. The results are given in table 5. Bottom and top denote the positions of the sample cut from the bottom and top of the cast rod, respectively • The results in Table 5 indicate that the volume fraction in all specimens ranges between 0.22 and 2.45 which is less than that.expected (8 to 10 %) resulting from limited wetting of the very fine size particles even in the metal coated condition. It is also noticed from the results that the V I-is higher at the bottom of the cast rods compared with the top of the rod. This means that particles sinking takes place in most cases. In the case of N i coated Al203 , increasing the coating time affected only slightly VIcompared with the uncoated condition. In case of SiC particulates the treatment used did not increase the volume fraction incorporated in the matrix. 3.3. HARDNESS MEASUREMENTS The hardness values were measured on all specimens top and bottom surfaces and the values obtained were related to the type and Vf of the reinforcement. The results plotted in Fig.7 versus volume fraction indicate that the hardness increases with V t for both SiC and Al 20 3. It is noticed from the results that the rate of increase in hardness is higher in case of SIC particles compared with Al203 particles and that smali Yf (less than 0.4 %) of SiC results in an increase in hardness. This could be due to the very small size of the SiC particle (2.5 — 3.5 um) compared with that of Al203 (10 pet). 3.4 RESULTS OF EDX ANALYSIS EDX analysis was carried out in order to analyse the phase at the dendrite boundary . It was found that it contains Fe ranging between 6 and 1 I wt%, the iron resulting from the impurities in the aluminium and during composite preparation. the analysis showed no particle/matrix reaction. The analysis made in the matrix surrounding the coated particles indicate only a slight enrichment close to the particles on a slibmieron scale. Fig.8 shows an example of the SEM micrograph where the points analysed arc indicated 4. CONCLUSIONS 0 I. The application of Ni coat on Al2 3 particles readied around 7 microns after 5 min immersion in Ni solution while increasing the immersion time had no sensitive effect on coat thickness. Copper coat was about I micron thick . 2. 3. 4. The use of stir casting on coated ceramic particles resulted in incorporation of a limited particle volume fraction , maximum 2.5 vol %, in the liquid aluminium The hardness of the composite increases rapidly with very small amounts of reinforcing SiC particles, (Vr= 0.4%) due to the very fine particle size. The coat material dissolves in the aluminium forming dilute solid solutions . 5. REFERENCES I. P.K. Rohatgi, R. Asthana and S. Das "Solidification, Structures and Properties of Cast Metal-Ceramic Particle Composites", International Metals Review, 1986, Vol 31, no. 3, pp 115-139. 2. A.M.Davidson and D.Regener, "A comparisn of Aluminum based metal-matrix composites reinforced with coated and uncoated particulate silicon carbide", Composites Science and Technology, vol 60, 2000, p:865469. 3. M.Shoeib, T.Y.Soror, M.A.Maamoun, M.S.EI- Basiouny, "Aluminum metal –Ceramic Matrix composites reinforced by Electroless Nickel plating of ceramic particles and fibers", to be published.