ECE 440: Lectures 8-9 Carrier Mobility and Drift Let’s recap the 5-6 major concepts so far: Memorize a few things, but recognize many. (why? semiconductors require lots of approximations) Why all the fuss about the abstract concept of EF? Consider (for example) joining an n-doped piece of Si with a p-doped piece of Ge. How does the band diagram look? Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 1 So far, we’ve learned the effects of temperature and doping on carrier concentrations. But no electric field = not useful = boring materials. The secret life of C-band electrons (or V-band holes): They are essentially free to move around at finite temperature & doping. So what do they do? Instantaneous velocity given by thermal energy: Scattering time (with what?) is of the order ~ 0.1 ps. So average distance travelled between scattering: L ~ But on average, this electron goes: _________________ Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 2 So turn ON an electric field: F = ± qE F = m*a a= Between collisions, carriers accelerate along E field: vn(t) = ant = vp(t) = apt = for electrons for holes In the energy band picture this looks like: Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 3 On average, velocity is randomized again every 𝛕C. So average velocity in E-field is: v= We call the proportionality constant mobility: µn,p = This is a very important result‼! (what are the units?) What are the roles of mn,p and 𝝉C: Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 4 Then for electrons: vn = -µnE And for holes: vp = µpE Mobility is a measure of ease of carrier drift in E-field. If m↓ “lighter” particle means µ… If 𝛕C ↑ means longer time between collisions, so µ… Mobilities of some undoped (intrinsic) semiconductors at room temperature. m n (cm2/V·s) m p (cm2/V·s) Illinois ECE440 Si 1400 Ge 3900 GaAs 8500 InAs 30000 470 1900 400 500 Prof. Eric Pop 5 What does mobility (through 𝛕C) depend on? Lattice scattering (host lattice, e.g. Si, Ge, vibrations) Ionized impurity (dopant atom) scattering Electron-electron or electron-hole scattering Interface scattering Which ones are more likely to depend on temperature? Qualitatively, how? Strongest scattering, i.e. lowest mobility dominates. Contributions to mobility add up in parallel: 1 m Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 6 Qualitatively: Experimental data for crystalline silicon: Source: Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 7 Again, qualitatively we expect the mobility to decrease with total additional impurities (ND+NA): Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 8 Linear scale, from the ECE 440 course web site: Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 9 Ex: What is the hole drift velocity at room temperature in silicon, in a field E = 1000 V/cm? What is the average time and distance between collisions? Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 10 More generally, the velocity-field relationship: (here, for electrons in silicon) Low-field slope = mobility High-field effect = velocity saturation due to very strong lattice scattering. Any additional energy from the E-field is transferred to the lattice (phonons) rather than increasing the carrier velocity. Result: constant velocity (current) at very high fields! Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 11 Now that we know the velocity-field relationship, how can we calculate current flow? Net velocity of charged particles electric current Drift current density ∝ net carrier drift velocity ∝ carrier concentration ∝ carrier charge (charge crossing plane of area A in time t) J ndrift qnvdn qnm n E J pdrift qpvdp qpm p E Check units: Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 12 Check signs: Total drift current: J drift J ndrift J pdrift q(nmn pm p ) E Has the form of Ohm’s Law! Current density: J E E Current: I JA This is very neat. We derived Ohm’s Law from basic considerations (electrons, holes) in a semiconductor. Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 13 Resistivity of a semiconductor: 1 1 q(nm n pm p ) What about when n ≫ p? (n-type doped sample) What about when p ≫ n? (p-type doped sample) Drift and resistance: L 1 L R wt wt Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 14 Experimentally, for silicon at room temperature: This is absolutely essential to illustrating our control over a semiconductor’s resistivity via doping. Notes: This plot does not apply to compensated material (with both n-type and p-type dopant impurities). This applies at relatively low fields (at high field we must be a little careful with velocity saturation). Illinois ECE440 Prof. Eric Pop 15