Status on long-wavelength InP waveguide heterojunction phototransistors Samuel Dupont, Vincent Magnin, Emmanuel Fendler, Filippe Jorge, Sophie Maricot, JeanPierre Vilcot, Joseph Harari, Didier Decoster. Institut d'Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie, UMR CNRS 8520 Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Avenue Poincaré, BP 69, 59652 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France Abstract: Heterojunction Phototransistors (HPT) are promising components for microwave photodetection. Among possible designs of HPTs, we have chosen to develop a 3-terminations edge-coupled waveguide device. We will present the HPT design, fabrication, characterization and state of art. 1. Introduction: Transistors can convert optical signals into electrical signals, as the materials they are made of are able to absorb light. Devices that exhibit a special design to collect light are called phototransistors. Several approaches have been studied for efficient light coupling: vertical illumination through a transparent electrode or an electrode window, back illumination, butt coupling, or waveguide feeding. Si, GaAs and InP based devices have also been developed, the last material line being compatible with 1.3 µm and 1.55 µm optical telecommunications based operations. Theses applications request both efficient response and high speed operation. For example, microwave photonics and high bit-rate optical communication systems ( 40 Gbit/s) will require efficient transponders, able to operate up to the millimetre-wave frequency range. In this context, high frequency Heterojunction bipolar PhotoTransistor (HPT) is seen as a possible transducer for advanced photonic circuits (clock recovery setups or local oscillator signal generation in distributed antenna systems). This device is compatible with HBT technology and can indeed find direct applications in fundamental circuits such as injection locked micro/millimetre wave oscillators [1-2]. Among the possible designs of phototransistors, we have developed a side illuminated 3-terminations InP-InGaAsP HPT. We will present the influence of the different parameters on the device performances; the parameters evolution can have contradictory effects on the different figures of merit of the HPTs (some benefice on the cut off frequency can be accompanied with a reduction of the efficiency as a well known example). The optimisation is thus subject to various trades-offs. We will present the optimisation of the developed device, its fabrication and characterization. After what, we will draw the state of art of phototransistors. 2. Device definition: Studies of phototransistors have been reported early as they provide gain, compared to photodiodes, without adding much excess noise, compared to avalanche photodiodes [3]. The easier phototransistor to develop is the 2-terminal device as it does not include a base terminal, but the gain of this device is usually small. The use of a 3-terminal device ensures to obtain the best gain-bandwidth product. For a floating base, holes are accumulated in the base resulting in a base/emitter barrier diminution, for a 3-termination device the base potential can be kept constant. For a NPN simple heterojunction type the structure consists of a N+ emitter layer, a P++ base layer and one or several N layers to constitute the collector. Emitter and subcollector are composed of InP whereas base and collector are composed of InGaAs with a lower gap energy to ensure light absorption. HPT are subject to the main HBT problems, that is to say: - the necessity to use thin base/collector layers to lower the carriers transit time; - to reduce the device area in order to minimize the base/collector capacity; - to get a strong base doping level to decrease the access resistance; - Kirk effect which corresponds to the reduction of the collector field with increasing the free carriers densities; avalanche effect that can occur at the end of the collector and can lead to the device destruction; - base carriers recombination that reduces the gain; … Those are well known phenomenons extensively explored with HBT and that are to be taken into account to develop a HPT. It appears that high speed HPTs need thin base/collector layers and a small area like high speed HBTs. These features are important; however we would like to focus on the HPT specificity. A cautious design of the device should lead to the best optical/electrical conversion efficiency; two main light coupling solutions are possible: vertical or lateral. Vertical illumination leads to the classical efficiency/rapidity trade-off, thin absorbing layers are required to get a high cut-off frequency but the conversion efficiency is reduced. Efficient and fast devices have been recently achieved with a back illumination (350 nm absorbing layer, 0.26 A/W, and 80 GHz optical gain cut-off frequency [1]). Lateral illumination of the device has been proposed to get better conversion efficiency [4]. Taking a given structure we can evaluate the benefit arising from lateral illumination. We have evaluated the following structure inspired of [5]: 0.3 µm of N InP (emitter); 0.1 µm of P+ InGaAs (base); 0.28 µm of InGaAs, 0.2 µm of N InP and 0.2 µm of N+ InGaAs, (collector); InP substrate. For a vertical illumination, an internal responsivity of 0.37 A/W at = 1.55 µm is expected. BPM simulations (fig. 1a) of this device show that 0.64 A/W internal responsivity could be obtained with a device of 6x4 µm² using a lensed fibre. air InGaAs substrate (1.a) Light propagation and absorption in an edge coupled phototransistor. air InGaAs substrate (1.b) Effect of a quaternary layer to improve optical coupling. Fig. 1 BPM simulations of light propagation in an edge coupled phototransistor; (a) without and (b) with quaternary layer The opto-electrical conversion enhancement could give about 5 dB power improvement at the HPT output. This illustrates the side illumination benefits over the vertical configuration on the devices performances, in spite of a more difficult fabrication process. Tolerance to the fibre position has also been studied with a lensed fiber, a misalignment of +/0.5 µm reduces the responsivity of about 10 % (fig. 2). Responsivity (A/W) 1 0.8 TE TM 0.6 to develop an equivalent circuit model of the HPTs we have fabricated (Fig. 3). The model is a modified HBT model including a current source taking into account the photo-generated carriers and laser RIN; and also the elements of the base circuit [7]. 0.4 E 0.2 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 C B Injection offset (µm) Fig. 2 Internal responsivity of side illuminated HPT versus injection offset, TE and TM modes Taking the device structure mentioned above, better optical coupling could be obtained with a 0.5 µm InGaAsP layer inserted under the collector to improve the waveguiding properties of the device (0.74 A/W for TM), in fig. 1b light coupled to the substrate is reduced. Even more efficient light collection can be achieved with a modified structure: - first the absorbing layer should be thicker (0.5 µm) and the quaternary confinement layer as well (0.7 µm); - secondly the device should be longer (8 µm); this device has been fabricated and characterised (§ 3). The optical gain cutoff frequency should be lower than 80 GHz but, thanks to the improved waveguiding properties, theoretical evaluations of the device predict that 90 % of the light will be absorbed (at = 1.55 µm), resulting in an internal responsivity of 1.1 A/W; output power should take advantage of such a good conversion coefficient. Efficient light collection can be of interest as well for high CNR demanding applications, as CNR increases with more incident optical power [3, 6]. 3. Device characterisation: On wafer measurements of 3x15 µm² devices give ft and fmax of 60 GHz and 45 GHz respectively at 13.5 mA. S parameters are extracted and are employed Cleaving axis C B E Fig. 3 Micrography of the 3T-HPT before cleaving Fig. 4 shows the opto-microwave characterisation of a 3x8 µm² HPT up to 40 GHz. Plots extrapolation shows that it has an optical gain cutoff frequency of about 45 GHz. Fig. 4 Opto-microwave characterisation of the 3T-HPT 4. State of art: Here is presented a non exhaustive collection (but representative) of phototransistors performances. Fig. 5 is a plot of the HPTs optical gain cutoff frequency versus emitter/base junction area. Waveguide HPTs are plotted with triangles; vertically illuminated ones by disks; empty figures point out 2T-devices. A 1/S curve is also plotted (dashed line). This curve is consistent with emitter/base capacitance frequency limitations; this plot seems to fit the upper limit of the devices performances, all designs considered, with a good agreement. The ultimate HPT size reduction is limited by the optical spot size. [3] P. Chakrabarti, N.K. Agrawal, P. Kaira, S. Agrawal, G. Gupta, “Noise modelling of an InP/InGaAs Heterojunction bipolar phototransistor”, Opt. Eng., vol. 42, no. 4, (2003), pp. 939-947. 100 90 NTT 2001 80 Optical ft , GHz 70 IEMN 99 60 CNET 99 50 40 IEMN 96 CNET 97 BT 93 30 NTT 94 20 NTT 95 10 0 0 20 [2] J. Lasri, A. Bilenca, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter, “Optoelectronic mixing, modulation and injection locking in millimetre-wave self oscillating InP/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar phototransistor- Single and dual transistor configuration”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 49, no. 10, (2001), pp. 1934-1938. 40 Cincinnati 98 IEMN 96 CNET 96 Naval Research ATR 93 Laboratory 91 Michigan AT&T 91 University 93 60 80 100 120 140 160 Emitter-base junction, µm 2 Fig. 5 State of art of long wavelength phototransistors; Optical gain cutoff frequency versus emitter area; Dashed line: (Surface)-1 -type evolution Conclusion: We have presented a long wavelength InP/InGaAsP waveguide phototransistor. Such device can present an excellent light collection efficiency (more than 1 A/W internal responsivity) and still present very good microwave performances (> 40 GHz). An optical simulation of a high optical gain cutoff frequency device developed for vertical illumination shows the possibility to improve light collection by side illumination even for such delicate device. References: [1] H. Kamitsuna, T. Shibata, K. Kurishima, M. Hida, “Direct optical injection locking of a 52 GHz InP-InGaAs HPT oscillator IC for over-100-Gb/s halfor full-rate optoelectronic clock recovery”, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol. 15, no. 1, (2003), pp. 108-110. [4] D. Wake, D.J. Newson, M.J. Harlow, I.D. Henning, “Optically biased, edgecoupled InP/InGaAs heterojunction phototransistors”, Electron. Lett., vol. 29, no. 5, (1993), pp. 2217-2219. [5] H. Kamitsuna, Y. Matsuoka, N. Shigekawa, “Ultrhigh-speed InP/InGaAsP DHPTs for OEMMICs”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 49, no. 10, (2001), pp. 1921-1925. [6] A. Bilencia, J. Lasri, B. Sheinman, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter, “Millimeter-wave generation and digital modulation in an InGaAs-InP Heterojunction phototransistor: model and experimental characterization of dynamics and noise”, J. Lightwave Tecnol., vol. 19, no.9, (2001), pp. 1340-1351. [7] S. Dupont, M. Fendler, F. Jorge, S. Maricot, J-P. Vilcot, D. Decoster, “Signal to noise ratio enhancement using heterojunction bipolar phototransistor by base current compensation”, Microwave Photonics, MWP’2000, Oxford.