Year 10 Attitudes to Mathematics Questionnaire

Year 10 Attitudes to Mathematics Questionnaire
I like studying school mathematics.
I am good at school mathematics.
I work well in mathematics lessons.
Ability in mathematics is something that you
either have or you haven’t.
It is possible to improve in mathematics by
working hard.
It is important to study school mathematics.
I want to study school mathematics so that I can
pass my GCSE.
I want to study school mathematics so that I can
get a job that I like.
I want to study school mathematics because it
will be useful in everyday life when I leave
I want to study school mathematics to develop
the ability to think logically.
When solving mathematical problems, do you try
to identify the similarities with or differences
from problems you have solved before?
When you get stuck with a mathematical
problem, do you keep trying to think of different
ways without giving up?
Don’t Know
When you are unable to solve a mathematical
problem, do you think back over why you were
unable to solve it?
When you have solved a mathematical problem
do you think of different ways to solve it?
When you study new subject matter or ideas in
school mathematics, do you try to use this in real
life situations you encounter?
I learn mathematics best by listening to a clear
explanation from the teacher.
I learn mathematics best by discussing problems
or questions with my friend.
I learn mathematics best by working through
some questions on my own.
I learn mathematics best when I have to explain
my thinking to a friend.
I learn mathematics best when I ask the teacher
for help in lessons.
I learn mathematics best when I read through
worked examples in a textbook or a website.
Don’t Know