Mathematics Education 184 Y and Z Seminar Spring 2002 Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: Dr. Cheryl Roddick MacQuarrie Hall 211 (O) 408-924-5074; (H) 408-578-0289 Tue/Thur 12:00-1:30, 2:45-3:45 Also by appointment. Description of the Course This seminar is designed as an opportunity for exploration and sharing of ideas, concerns, and questions that arise during your student teaching experience. You will be encouraged to reflect on your teaching experiences and to extend your perspective on teaching beyond your specific assignment. This course can also be viewed as an extension of your methods course in that we will address current beliefs about teaching and learning. Technology will be revisited during this seminar. Emphasis will be placed on designing lessons with appropriate uses of software and graphing calculators. Use of the internet for resources and student projects will also be addressed. Seminar Requirements 1. You are required to attend each seminar. Regular participation is expected. 2. You will keep a journal about your student teaching experiences, with an average of one entry per week. 3. During the semester you will give a presentation on one of the following topics: a. an innovative approach to a difficult topic or concept b. an application of a high school topic c. a use of technology Presentations may be done individually or in pairs. 4. You will develop a portfolio. (See other side for requirements.) Phase Two Requirements 1. You will teach two different preparations for the school’s entire semester. This includes being responsible for lesson plans, grading, and classroom management. See your handbook for a list of responsibilities. 2. For the purpose of demonstrating competency in the use of technology, you will teach at least one lesson using technology. In this lesson, you must integrate the technology into the math unit you are teaching. This lesson must be observed by your university supervisor. 3. You will be on the school campus for at least four hours each day (longer if you are on contract). You will need this time to meet with cooperating teachers and students. Also, use it to visit other teachers, math and non-math. Mathematics Education 184 Y and Z Portfolio Requirements The following are minimum requirements for inclusion in your portfolio. You should collect these items as the semester progresses. Your university supervisor may ask to see it at any time during the semester, and will expect it within one week of the request. I will collect it twice during the semester. Feel free to share it with me along the way if you would like some feedback on the organization of it or on what to include. 1. One lesson plan for each two-week period, with your written reflections on that lesson. Include what went well, what needed improvement, and what you would change. 2. One unit plan with your written reflections on the whole unit as described above. 3. At least one lesson plan that uses technology, and your written reflections on it. 4. A description of your major goals for each course you are teaching, including your complete grading scheme and a full description of your assessment program (sort of a green sheet, even if you do not hand one out to students). This should be inserted into your portfolio by the end of the third week of your student teaching experience. 5. Sample quizzes and all unit tests, including a description of who developed them. At least one unit test should be developed by you. Also include a description of other assessment techniques you may use (such as projects). 6. Your 184 journal. 7. Any other material you would like to add that would help to provide a full picture of your student teaching experience. Technology objectives As part of the requirements for successful completion of the course, the student teacher will: 1. Use computer-based technology to create interesting, informative, motivating and developmentally appropriate course materials. 2. Create and deliver at least one lesson that uses technology to support diverse needs of the learners. 3. Create and deliver at least one lesson that effectively incorporates subject specific software and/or subject specific websites. 4. Effectively manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. Please share a copy of this information about the portfolio with your cooperating teacher(s). Math Ed 184 Possible Seminar Topics Please rate the following topics in terms of your interest in discussing them in a future class this semester. (Use 1 for high interest, 2 for moderate interest, and 3 for low interest.) NCTM Standards______________________ Graphing calculators____________________ Geometric software____________________ Spreadsheets_________________________ Cooperative learning__________________ Alternative assessment ________________ Manipulatives_______________________ Classroom management________________ Problem solving_____________________ Tessellations________________________ “Fun days in math”____________________ (what to do the day before Christmas break) Other topics?____________________________________