ELECTROMAGNETIC MODE CONVERSION BY ULTRAFAST IONIZATION OF GASES AND CONDENSED MATTER V.B.Gildenburg, N.V.Vvedenskii Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences E-mail: vved@appl.sci-nnov.ru Abstract. We study in this paper the effect of shock excitation of leaky and surface modes by the p-polarized electromagnetic wave incident on the rapidly ionized gaseous or solid layer. Estimations fulfilled show the potentialities for applying this effect for generation of X-ray and THz radiation. 1. Introduction The phenomena of ionization-induced spectrum conversion of electromagnetic wave attracts the researchers attention in connection with the problems of transformation and generation of radiation in some badly mastered or hardly accessible frequency bands (THz, UV, X-ray). The most theoretical works concerned these problems dealt with the wave propagation in quasi-homogeneous time-varying plasma (created by an external ionization source or by the wave itself) or with the reflection of the normal-incident wave by moving ionization front or suddenly created plasma [1]. It was considered also effects of “bulkto-surface” mode conversion (with frequency down-shifting) at sudden [2] or slow (adiabatic) [3] creation of plasma layers. Frequency upshifting of re-radiated waves caused by excitation (and following adiabatic conversion) of Langmuir oscillations in plasma layers was analyzed only for the case of slow ionization [4], when this effect occurs to be depressed strongly due to collision or radiation damping of this oscillations. We study in this paper the effect of shock excitation of natural (leaky and surface) electromagnetic modes by the p-polarized electromagnetic wave incident on the rapidly ionized gaseous or solid layer. The model considered is based on the following assumptions: (i) the ionization leads to the formation of homogeneous plasma layer with Langmuir frequency which is much greater than the incident wave frequency, (ii) the time of ionization (unlike the cases considered in [4, 5]) is much smaller than the period of plasma oscillations, (iii) the layer thickness is much smaller than the space scale of the incident wave in plasma. It has been found that besides the known phenomenon of the symmetric surface waves excitation [2], the rapid ionization leads to effective generation of low-frequency antisymmetric surface waves and symmetric leaky waves with strongly up-shifted (Langmuir) frequency. 2. Formulation of the problem and basic equations Let the electromagnetic field before plasma creation ( t 0 ) is given in Cartesian coordinates as a plane p -polarized wave of frequency 0 B 0 z 0 B0 exp( i0t ik 0 cos x ik 0 sin y ) , E0 B0 ( x 0 sin y 0 cos ) exp( i0t ik 0 cos x ik 0 sin y ) , incident at an angle on the infinite layer of transparent (unionized at t 0 ) medium, occupying the space between the planes x d . At the time instant t 0 the layer is ionized suddenly by some external source (for example, high intensity laser pulse), so that the plasma density within the layer grows instantly from 0 to N =const. The approximation of instant plasma creation, supported by a number of theoretical and experimental studies [1] is valid if the electron density rise time is much shorter then the period of plasma oscillation. The spatiotemporal evolution of the electromagnetic field after the plasma creation (at t 0 ) is governed by Maxwell’s equations E y 1 Bz ik0 sin E x , (1) x c t 4 1 E x , (2) ik0 sin Bz jx c c t B 4 1 E y z jy , (3) x c c t with current density equations for the cold collisionless plasma 2 j y 2p j x p Ey . Ex , (4) t 4 t 4 Here p 4e 2 N / m is the electron plasma (Langmuir) frequency, j x and j y are the x and y components of the electron current density. Initial conditions (at t 0 ) for the field and electron current are the temporal continuities of E x , E y , B z and j x (0) j y (0) 0 (newly created electrons have zero velocity at t 0 ). Boundary conditions (at x d ) are spatial continuities of E y and B z . Method of the solution is Laplace transform of Maxwell’s and current density equations: L[ f ( x, y, t )] f ( x, y, t ) exp( st ) dt , 0 where s is Laplace variable, f is a component of the fields or current density. 3. Laplace transforms Applying Laplace transform to equations (1)-(4) gives the following equations for the electromagnetic field and current density transforms b LB z , e y L[ E y ] , e x LE x , J x L j x , J y L[ j y ] : 2b x 2 2p 02 sin 2 s 2 c2 ex ey s 2p s2 b i0 s s 2 2p sc2 B0 expik0 cos x ik0 sin y sin i0b B0 exp(ik0 cos x ik0 sin y ) cos B exp(ik cos x ik cos y ) c b 0 0 0 x s s 2p 2 Jx 2p 4 s ex , J y 2p 4s ey , Boundary conditions for the Laplace transforms are spatial continuities of b and e y at x d . The solution for the transform of the magnetic field inside the plasma ( x d ) has the form b { 2p s 2 i0 s B0 exp(ik 0 cos x ) s (2p 02 s 2 ) D1 coshx D2 sinh x }exp(ik 0 sin y ) , D1 iB0 2p ( 2p s 2 ) s( s i0 )(2p 02 s 2 ) 2 sin 2 s 2 cos(k cos d ) s 2 cos sin( k cos d ) 0 0 0 0 , ( 2 s 2 ) 2 sin 2 s 2 cosh(d ) s 2 c sinh( d ) p 0 D2 B0 2p ( 2p s 2 ) s( s i0 )(2p 02 s 2 ) s 2 cos cos(k cos d ) 2 sin 2 s 2 sin( k cos d ) 0 0 0 0 , ( 2 s 2 ) 2 sin 2 s 2 sinh( d ) s 2 c cosh(d ) p 0 2p 02 sin 2 s 2 c2 . 4. Thin layer approximation If the following inequalities are fulfilled p d 1 , p 0 sin , k0 d 1 , c the magnetic field inside the layer can be presented in the form Bz Bsym Basym exp(ik0 sin y ) , where symmetric term Bsym does not depend on x , antisymmetric term Basym ~ x and Bsym A1 exp( i0t ) A2 exp(is1t ) A3 exp( is1t ) A4 exp(il1t ) A5 exp(il 2t ), Basym k0 cos x B1 exp( i0t ) B2 exp(is 2 t ) B3 exp( is 2 t ) . The waves with the frequencies s1,2 are the surface waves propa- gating in the forward ( y ) and backward ( y ) directions, respectively. The waves with the frequencies l1,2 are the leaky waves emitted into vacuum ( Im( l1,2 ) 0 ). The amplitudes of the these waves are determined by the reduces of D1 and D 2 at the corresponding poles ( s i ). The frequencies and amplitudes of antisymmetric and simmetic waves are 2s 2 2p k0 d sin 02 sin 2 . B1 iB0 2p 02 02 B2 B3 iB0 , 2p 202 , 2p 02 cos 1 ik0d cos A1 B0 , 2p 02 cos ik0d 2p 02 cos2 2s1 02 sin 2 1 k02d 2 sin 2 , A2 B0 A3 B0 2p k02d 2 sin 4 2 2p 02 cos2 1 sin , 2p k02d 2 sin 4 2 2p 02 cos2 1 sin sin 3 k02d 2 / 2 , l1 p i0 sin 2 k0d / 2 , l 2 p i0 sin 2 k0d / 2 , A4 iB0 p k0d sin 2 p k0d sin 2 , A5 iB0 . 2 p 0 2 p 0 i0 sin 2 k0d / 2 The leaky waves are emitted into vacuum under the angles l1,2 arcsin( 0 sin ) . p 5. Discussion The phenomenon of leaky wave excitation may have important applications for development of X-ray and THz lasers. For example, if N ~ 10 23 sm-3 (solid density, multiple ionized plasma), the basic frequency 0 ~ 2 1015 s-1 , d ~ 10 nm , sin ~ 1 we find, that the wavelength of leaky wave ~ 100 nm is in soft x rays band. The intensity of x rays radiation in this case is I ~ 10 3 I 0 , where I 0 is the intensity of incident (basic) radiation. If N ~ 1016 sm 3 (low density gaseous plasma), the basic frequency 0 ~ 2 1011 s -1 , d ~ 30 μm , sin ~ 1 we find, that the wavelength of leaky wave ~ 300 μm is in THz band. The intensity of THz radiation in this case is I ~ 10 4 I 0 . This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant Nos. 02-02-17271 and 04-02-16684) and Russian Science Support Foundation. References 1. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 1993, v.21, No.1. Special Issue on Generation of Coherent Radiation Using Plasmas. 2. M.I. Bakunov, A.V.Maslov.// Phys.Rev.Lett., 1997, v.79, p.4585. 3. V.B. Gildenburg, N.A.Zharova, M.I.Bakunov.//Phys.Rev. E, 2001, v.63, p.066402. 4. M.I. 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