Feb/06/2016 Milky Way Activity: REVISED VERSION Page MW- 9 NAME_______________ NAME__________________ __________________ NAME_______________ NAME__________________ __________________ Part D: Data Reduction Verify and correct your data in the master table. A copy of the corrected master table will be distributed to each group 1. Inspect Data from the Entire Class: (a) Compare between Telescopes: For the same stars, do groups using the 12 inch telescope see significantly fewer stars than people using the 14 inch? [Note: the limiting magnitude of the 12 inch is about 0.3 magnitudes less than the 14 inch, and the field of view was somewhat smaller because of the smaller eyepiece]. (b) Compare Finder to Main Scope: On average, were the star counts bigger or smaller for the finderscope? Can you provide an explanation for this result? [Hint, it has less aperture, but lower magnification power]. (c) Compare Your Data to Others: There should be at least one or two stars that you observed that were seen by others. How do your counts compare? Whose data do you believe is more accurate (and why)? Practical Astronomy Sept2006, W. Pezzaglia Fall 2006 Feb/06/2016 Milky Way Activity: REVISED VERSION Page MW- 10 2. Bin Data [Data Sheet #4] Insert Galactic Latitude and Longitude (to nearest degree) for every target star. Put the data (the counts in the main scope, not the finderscopes) into the “bins” in data sheet #4. Note, take the absolute values for negative latitudes. Each cell will have several values. Compute Averages for each column and row. Using the bottom row (the averages by latitude), make a plot of the average star count as a function of galactic latitude. (a) Distribution in Longitude: Along the Milky Way (low latitude) are the star counts similar, or do they vary with longitude? [If they vary significantly, does it have anything to do with the “thickness” of the Milky Way at that longitude, or presence of dust lanes?] (b). Distribution in Latitude: Does your graph show any overall trend (i.e. does it resemble at all figure 8?). In particular, do you see any evidence of the “critical angle”? Is it roughly constant at higher latitudes, or does it drop off smoothly? (c). Are the star counts near minimum at the galactic poles, and maximum in the Milky Way? Practical Astronomy Sept2006, W. Pezzaglia Fall 2006 Feb/06/2016 Milky Way Activity: REVISED VERSION Page MW- 11 3. Space Penetrating Power (a) Limiting Magnitude of the Sky (see question B.1) ms = _________ m = (6.5-ms) =_________ (b) Magnitudes Loss due to sky brightness: (c) Theoretical Limiting Magnitudes: This is a function of the aperture of the scope. Insert these in the table below. [Hint: use supplied table, or calculate: m=7.5 + 5 Log(Aperture in cm) ] (d) Visual Limiting Magnitude: Diminish the Theoretical Limiting Magnitude by the amount loss due to the sky brightness. Insert these into the table below. [Hint: Visual = Theoretical - m ] (e) Space Penetration Power: Insert in table the “depth” you can see into the galaxy. Use supplied table/graph (it assumes stars have absolute magnitude of M=+2.5). There are 2 values: No Absorption: [formula is: m=2.5 + 5 Log(D/10) ] With Absorption due to dust in galaxy (approximately 1 magnitude/1000 parsecs) Item Aperture (mm): A= Theoretical: m= Eye Finderscope 6.4 50 Telescope 6 Limiting Magnitude Visual (Actual): m= Space Penetrating Power (parsecs) No Absorption: D= With Absorption: D= 4. Summary: Compare the “space penetrating power” of the finderscope to the telescope. Approximately how much further does the telescope see? (i.e. what factor increase). How much further are you seeing in the telescope than by naked eye?] 5. Summary: How much change in the space penetrating power is there when absorption of light due to the dust in the Milky Way is included? Practical Astronomy Sept2006, W. Pezzaglia Fall 2006 Feb/06/2016 Milky Way Activity: REVISED VERSION Page MW- 12 6. Thickness of Milky Way (a) Average Star Count near Galactic Pole: Np = _____________ (b) Average Star Count near Galactic Equator (Milky Way): N0 = _____________ (c) Ratio R= Np /N0 = _____________ R1/3=_____________ (d) Take Cube Root (e) Multiply by twice the space penetrating power T = 2D[Np /N0 ]1/3 = _________ Parsecs of telescope to get galactic thickness (f) Compare your measurement of the thickness of the Milky Way with the generally accepted value of around 500 parsecs. Are you close? If not, can you think of what may have gone wrong? [Note “close” in Galactic Astronomy is a factor of 3] 7. Star Densities in the Milky Way (a) Eyepiece Used (focal length in mm): fe = ___________mm (b) True field (degrees) [44 for 40 mm, 52 for 26 mm]: = _______________ (c) Focal Length of telescope (in mm) [see Line B.2c] f0 = ___________mm f0/ fe =_____________ (d) Magnification Power = _______________ (e) Apparent Field in degrees [Divide (b) by (d) ] (f) Compute Volume in cubic parsecs: V = (/3)D3[tan(/2)]2=______________ parsecs3 (g) Calculate Density of Stars [stars per cubic parsec] [hint: divide line 4b above by line 5f] (h) Calculate distance between stars: = N0/V______________ stars/parsecs3 d = (1/)1/3= ______________ parsecs (i) Summary: we expect approximately 1 to 5 parsecs between stars. Is your measurement close to this? Practical Astronomy Sept2006, W. Pezzaglia Fall 2006 Feb/06/2016 Milky Way Activity: REVISED VERSION Page MW- 13 TABLES Limiting Magnitude Item Aperture inch Eye Finderscope 0.25 2 6 10 12 14 mm Light Gathering Power LGP 6.4 50 152 254 305 356 1 61 567 1575 2268 3087 Limiting Magnitude 6.5 11.0 13.4 14.5 14.9 15.3 Light Gathering Power: LGP = [(Aperture in mm)/6.4]2 Limiting Magnitude: Or Practical Astronomy m = 2.5 Log(LGP)+6.53 m= 7.5 + 5 Log(Aperture in cm) Sept2006, W. Pezzaglia Fall 2006