1 Use of the associated particle technique to characterize materials in 2 radioactive waste 3 C. Carasco*a, B. Perota, V. Valkovicb, D. Sudacb. 4 a Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, 13108 St Paul-lez-Durance, France 5 b Institute Ruder Boskovic, 54 Bijenicka c. 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 6 Abstract 7 Test measurements have been performed in order to study the capability of the associated 8 particle technique to characterize the elemental composition of materials constituting 9 radioactive waste enclosed in cemented packages. The tests have been performed with the 10 EURITRACK Tagged Neutron Inspection System, which was originally designed to 11 complement X-ray scanners in the detection of explosives and other illicit materials hidden in 12 cargo containers. In order to simulate cemented radioactive waste, a mortar cube filled with 13 various materials has been build and interrogated by a 14-MeV tagged neutron beam. 14 Inspections with the TNIS yield information about the position and chemical composition of 15 the materials. Inspection results are reported and discussed. 16 Pacs: 25.40.Fq, 28.20.-v, 29.25.Dz, 89.20.Bb 17 Keywords: associated particle technique, fast neutron inspection, radioactive waste 18 characterization. 19 *Corresponding author: Tel: +33 442256130, Fax: +33 442252367, cedric.carasco@cea.fr 20 21 1. Introduction 22 Great improvements have been achieved during the last few years in the development and 23 optimisation of Tagged Neutron Inspection Systems (TNIS), in order to identify explosives 24 hidden in containers or in wallets [1,2]. The EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures 25 Kit (EURITRACK) system [3,4], developed within the EU 6th Framework Program, has been 1 1 assembled and commissioned in the Croatian seaport of Rijeka where it has been used 2 successfully in a test campaign with real cargo containers [5]. The use of the Associated 3 Particle Technique (APT) implemented in the EURITRACK TNIS has been investigated for 4 radioactive waste characterization. The objective is to identify and determine the relative 5 proportions of the elements constituting the waste materials, in view to optimize waste 6 management. This paper presents the system and the tests performed to demonstrate the 7 ability of the APT to identify materials of interest in radioactive waste, because they are 8 prohibited, or limited, or with a significant effect on non-destructive assay, etc. 9 2. Setup presentation. 10 The system uses a neutron generator based on the d+t→α+n fusion reaction, where a 14-MeV 11 neutron and an alpha particle are emitted almost back to back. The particularity of the 12 associated particle technique [6] is to detect the alpha particle in coincidence with a gamma- 13 ray produced after non elastic reactions. The detection of the alpha particle by a 64-element 14 YAP:Ce scintillation array coupled to a multi-anode photomultiplier [7,8] allows to define 15 the direction of the neutron. The detection of the gamma ray by NaI(Tl) scintillators [9] in 16 coincidence with the YAP:Ce assembly with a dedicated electronics [10] permits to build a 17 time-of-flight (TOF) spectrum from which the flight path of the neutron is inferred, providing 18 in this way an in-depth information. Since the gamma-ray energy is specific to the element 19 with which the neutron interacted [10], it is also possible to get information about the 20 chemical composition the inspected objects. The gamma-ray energy spectrum obtained from 21 a given area of the TOF spectrum is a mixture of the signatures of the nuclei from the 22 corresponding region of the inspected object. To get a chemical insight into the inspected 23 area, the measured energy spectrum is unfolded between 1.35 and 8 MeV on the basis of the 24 signature of elements from a database [12]. Finally, by using appropriate correction factors 25 [13], it is possible to recover the chemical proportions of the detected elements. 2 1 The system which has been used for the tests is drawn in Fig.1. The radioactive waste 2 package has been simulated with a 6-cm thick mortar container. For practical reasons, the 3 mortar container has been build inside a 3-mm iron cargo container on top of which a set 16 4 5”×5”×10” NaI(Tl) shielded detectors have been placed. Put together, the mortar and iron 5 layers mimic iron containers in which radioactive waste are blocked by cement. 6 The mortar composition itself has been inspected with the TNIS. The energy spectrum 7 associated to the mortar, shown in Fig.2, revealed no signature from silicon (e.g. the 1.779- 8 MeV characteristic peak) while SiO2-based mortar was expected. The spectrum rather 9 indicated that it is mainly composed of carbon and oxygen, with a carbon-to-oxygen ratio of 10 3.2±0.3 that agrees with the chemical composition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The mortar 11 manufacturer confirmed this information a posteriori. After determining its chemical 12 composition, the mortar cubic package has been filled with materials of interest, which are 13 prohibited or stringently controlled in cemented radioactive waste. Detection tests have been 14 performed with samples of graphite, wood, grease, water, magnesium, aluminum, PVC, 15 mercury and boron in the mortar container. 16 3. Detection tests. 17 The results presented in the following have been obtained after 30-min acquisitions with a 18 4.107 n.s-1 total neutron flux. Due to the limited size of the YAP:Ce detector and to its 19 distance to the neutron source, the tagged neutron beam flux represents only 1% of the total 20 neutron flux. 21 In the first series of tests, a 15-kg graphite block has been placed inside the mortar container. 22 The setup is shown in Fig.3 together with the associated position spectrum, which is a 23 histogram of the distances between the neutron source (i.e. the tritium target inside the 24 generator) and the neutron interaction point inside the setup. The energy spectra 25 corresponding to well-identified areas of the setup (hatched areas on the position spectrum) 3 1 are also represented in Fig. 3. The position spectrum also shows a flat region at negative 2 positions that corresponds to the random background, which energy spectrum is shown in 3 Fig.4. This spectrum shows no specific feature (no peaks) but it has been subtracted to obtain 4 the net energy spectra of Fig. 3. The first peak on the position spectrum of Fig. 3, located at 5 300-mm, is related to the walls of the set containing the neutron generator. The large peak at 6 800-mm corresponds to the front wall of the mortar container, the one at 1400-mm is related 7 to the graphite block and the rear wall of the mortar setup is represented by the peak at 1600- 8 mm. The large bump at the end of the spectrum is due to scattered neutrons and the 9 transmission set of the EURITRACK system, which was not used here. The net energy 10 spectra of Fig. 3 have been unfolded on the basis of a database formed by the signatures of 11 several pure elements [12]. The unfolding fits are shown in dashed lines in Fig.3 . The main 12 elements contributing to a given energy spectrum have been identified by the unfolding 13 algorithm and their relative contributions indicated. These contributions represent the relative 14 number of counts in the energy spectrum associated to each element. The graphite is clearly 15 indicated by a strong enhancement of the carbon fraction in the energy spectrum 16 corresponding to the inner part of the mortar container. The presence of zinc or lead is due to 17 the lack of characteristic peaks in the corresponding gamma-ray inelastic energy spectra [12]. 18 For the same reason, metals, heavy elements and neutrons, which have also been incorporated 19 in the energy spectra database, are difficult to recognize by the unfolding algorithm between 20 1.35- and 8-MeV. However, since it is known that some of these elements show fast neutron 21 induced gamma rays at lower energy [11], a database built with a low-energy threshold of 22 about 600-keV would lead to a better elemental identification. A second test consisted in 23 keeping the 15-kg graphite block inside the mortar container and adding a 12-cm mortar layer 24 behind the 6-cm thick front mortar wall, as shown in Fig.5. It is possible to identify the two 25 front layers of mortar in the position spectrum and the peak associated to the graphite block is 4 1 still distinguishable. The net energy spectra obtained after subtracting the random background 2 show that in spite of the 18-cm thick mortar layer in front, the graphite block is still clearly 3 indicated in the middle slice by a strong enhancement of the carbon fraction. 4 A measurement has then been performed by filling the mortar container with 67 kg of wood. 5 The setup is shown in Fig.6 with the corresponding position and energy spectra. As for 6 graphite, the presence of wood is indicated by an enhancement of the carbon fraction in the 7 middle slice. In a general way, any organic compound will be identified by a strong carbon 8 contribution in the energy spectrum or by a change of the carbon-to-oxygen ratio compared to 9 the one of mortar. Fig. 7 shows a 8-L motor oil drum mixed with about 30- to 40-kg iron junk 10 and in this case, oil is indicated by a decrease of the oxygen fraction in the middle slice. The 11 capacity to detect water in a radioactive waste package is shown in Fig. 8, which presents the 12 detection test of a 5-L water bottle located inside the mortar container. The bottle is here 13 identified in the middle slice due to an increase of the oxygen fraction in the corresponding 14 energy spectrum, but this increase is small because the calcium carbonate mortar already 15 contains a high fraction of oxygen (CaCO3). It is worth noting that the mortar contribution is 16 not negligible in the energy spectrum corresponding to the water time window in Fig. 8, 17 because of an overlapping of the time spectrum peaks. Consequently, water is difficult to 18 detect when surrounded by materials already containing high oxygen fractions like CaCO3- or 19 SiO2-based mortars. On the other hand, it should be possible to detect water in metallic waste 20 through the presence of oxygen. Fig.9 shows test results obtained with pure magnesium and 21 aluminium samples, and with PVC (C2H3Cl), placed in the mortar container. Magnesium is 22 detected by the presence of its 1.369-MeV characteristic peak (though partially cut by the 23 low-energy threshold) and aluminium by the 1.809-, 2.211- and 3.004-MeV gamma rays. 24 The presence of PVC is indicated by an increase of the carbon fraction in the energy 25 spectrum and by the presence of chlorine with the 1.727- and 1.763-MeV overlapping peaks, 5 1 and the 2.127-MeV peak. On the other hand, boron proved to be difficult to identify as it is 2 shown in Fig. 10, which presents the energy spectrum associated to a 5-Kg sample of boric 3 acid (B(OH)3) compared to the one corresponding to pure oxygen (pure water measurement). 4 Fig. 10 shows that the boric acid energy spectrum is dominated by oxygen. Since counting 5 statistics is poor, it is envisaged to reproduce this measurement with an increased acquisition 6 time during a next series of tests. However, it seems that boron could be difficult to detect in 7 radioactive waste because it represents only a small fraction (less than 10%) of the elements 8 presents in the waste. Eventually, Fig.10 shows that it is not possible to detect mercury with 9 the APT, since no characteristic peak can be seen in the fast neutron induced gamma-ray 10 spectrum between 1.35- and 8-MeV. 11 12 5. Conclusion 13 Measurements performed with the EURITRACK Tagged Neutron Inspection System (TNIS) 14 show the ability of the Associated Particle Technique to detect materials that are forbidden or 15 strictly controlled in cemented radioactive waste packages. The TNIS allows to identify and 16 locate, via gamma-ray spectroscopy and neutron time-of-flight, chemical elements inside the 17 waste package. An element is identified by its characteristic gamma rays with an unfolding 18 algorithm. The TNIS succeeded in detecting graphite, organic materials, PVC, aluminium 19 and magnesium inside a mortar container simulating a cemented radioactive waste package. 20 However, the system showed difficulties to detect water and boron and seems not to be able 21 to identify mercury. Improvements can be brought to the TNIS in order to increase its 22 performances. For instance, the database used to unfold the energy spectra can be modified to 23 take advantage of low-energy gamma rays, which are strongly needed to identify metals and 24 to increase the discrimination power of the unfolding algorithm. This last can also be 25 improved. Finally, the geometry of the setup is not optimized. Indeed, the EURITRACK 6 1 system has been designed for the inspection of cargo containers, which shape and size are 2 completely different to those of radioactive waste. A dedicated setup would greatly improve 3 the accuracy of the system. 4 Acknowledgments 5 The development and implementation of the EURITRACK inspection system has been 6 supported by the European Union through the EURopean Illicit TRAfficking 7 Countermeasures Kit project (FP6-2003-IST-2 Proposal/Contract 511471). We would like to 8 thank the EURITRACK partners who took part to the development and commissioning of the 9 system: CEA LIST, INFN, JRC, CAEN, SODERN, IPJ, KTH. 10 Special thanks to the Rijeka seaport authorities, which allowed the measurements to be 11 performed. 12 References 13 [1] T. Gozani, The role of neutron based inspection techniques in the post 9/11/01 era, Nucl. 14 Instr. and Meth. B 213 (2004) 460. 15 [2] A. Buffler. Contraband detection with fast neutrons. Rad. Phys. Chem. 71 (2004) 853. 16 [3] B. Perot, C. Carasco, S. Bernard, A. Mariani, J.-L. Szabo, E. Mercier, G. Sannie, G. 17 Viesti, G. Nebbia, S. Pesente, et al. 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Sequeira and M. 5 Salvato, Photon attenuation and neutron moderation correction factors for the inspection of 6 cargo containers with tagged neutrons, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 582 (2007) 638. 7 8 Figure Captions 9 Figure 1. Drawing of the setup which has been used for the detection test measurements. 10 Figure 2. Energy spectrum associated to the mortar showing the main elements which have 11 been identified by the unfolding algorithm. The numbers indicate the counts associated to the 12 elements in the total energy spectrum. 13 Figure 3. Position spectrum (top left) corresponding to the measurement with a graphite 14 block inside the mortar container (top right), with the energy spectra corresponding to the 15 front mortar wall (bottom left and diagonally hatched area in the position spectrum), the 16 graphite block (bottom middle and horizontally hatched area in the position spectrum) and 17 the rear mortar wall (bottom right and vertically hatched area in the position spectrum). Note 18 that the neutron source is located on the left of the picture and that the tagged beam is going 19 from left to right. The grey area of the position spectrum corresponds to the random 20 background and the dashed lines of the energy spectra show the unfolding fits. The numbers 21 indicate the counts associated to the elements in each energy spectrum given by the unfolding 22 algorithm. 23 Figure 4 Energy spectrum associated to the random background. 24 Figure 5. Position spectrum (top left) corresponding to the measurement with a graphite 25 block inside the mortar container in which a 12-cm layer has been added (top right), with the 9 1 energy spectra corresponding to the front mortar walls (bottom left and diagonally hatched 2 area in the position spectrum), the graphite block (bottom middle and horizontally hatched 3 area in the position spectrum) and the rear mortar wall (bottom right and vertically hatched 4 area in the position spectrum). 5 Figure 6. Position spectrum (top left) corresponding to the measurement with wood filling 6 the mortar container (top right), with the energy spectra corresponding to the front mortar 7 wall (bottom left and diagonally hatched area in the position spectrum), the wood (bottom 8 middle and horizontally hatched area in the position spectrum) and the rear mortar wall 9 (bottom right and vertically hatched area in the position spectrum). 10 Figure 7. Position spectrum (top left) corresponding to the measurement with a 8-L motor oil 11 drum mixed with metal junk placed inside the mortar container (top right), with the energy 12 spectra corresponding to the front mortar wall (bottom left and diagonally hatched area in the 13 position spectrum), the oil and the metal junk (bottom middle and horizontally hatched area 14 in the position spectrum) and the rear mortar wall (bottom right and vertically hatched area in 15 the position spectrum). 16 Figure 8. Position spectrum (top left) corresponding to the measurement with a 5-Lwater 17 bottle placed inside the mortar container (top right), with the energy spectra corresponding to 18 the front mortar wall (bottom left and diagonally hatched area in the position spectrum), the 19 water (bottom middle and horizontally hatched area in the position spectrum) and the rear 20 mortar wall (bottom right and vertically hatched area in the position spectrum). 21 Figure 9. Position spectra (left) and energy spectra (right) associated to the horizontally 22 hatched area of the position spectrum, for measurements where magnesium (top), aluminium 23 (middle) and PVC (bottom) have been placed inside the mortar container. 24 Figure 10. Energy spectra associated to boron (top, full line) oxygen (top, dashed line) and 25 Mercury (bottom). 10 1 2 3 Fig.1 4 5 Fig.2 11 1 2 Fig.3 3 4 Fig.4 12 1 2 Fig.5 3 4 5 Fig.6 13 1 2 Fig.7 3 4 Fig.8 14 1 2 Fig.9 3 4 Fig.10 15