A Nearly Isochronous Arc With Unlimited Momentum Acceptance

30 May 2002
A Nearly Isochronous Arc With Unlimited Momentum
D. Douglas
The effect on a polychromatic beam of the conventional implementation of a magnetic
bend is shown in Figure 1. The bend disperses the beam in position and angle according
to its energy; subsequent transport must actively suppress this dispersion (using reverse
bending and/or focussing) if it is to be achromatic.
Figure 1: Conventional implementation of magnetic bend, leading to dispersion in
position and angle of the various momentum components of a polychromatic beam.
An alternate implementation is illustrated in Figure 2. This geometry utilizes active
bending only beyond the chord of the orbit for any momentum component. As a
consequence, all momentum components emerge dispersed in position only; all
trajectories are parallel by construction.
A pair of such bends can be combined with reflective symmetry to produce a bend that is,
by construction, achromatic to all orders (Figure 3). By the particular choice of 45o
individual bends, a pair of such achromats can be used as the basis of a recirculation arc.
Other rational fractions of a full 180o bend would serve equally well (e.g., 2 bends/cell x
90o/bend x 1 cell/arc; 2 bends/cell x 30o/bend x 3 cells/arc, etc), as would combinations
of multiple bending numerologies (e.g., 2 bends/cell x 22.5o/bend x 2 cells + 2 bends/cell
x 45o/bend x 1 cell)
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Figure 2: Alternative implementation of a magnetic bend, leading to dispersion in
position only of the various momentum components of a polychromatic beam.
Figure 3: Passive achromat based on novel geometry.
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Details of Geometry, Dispersion, and Compaction.
Figure 4 illustrates the details of the orbit geometry in this class of system. The triangles
formed by the radii and chords of all orbits are similar, so that by construction all
momentum components are parallel upon exit from the dipole.
B =0
 sintan
 sin
Figure 4: Orbit geometry for two orbits at different
momenta, the less energetic at radius , the more
energetic at radius (1+p/p).
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Three features of this geometry are worthy of note. First, all momentum components are
dispersed along parallel orbits. Secondly, the dispersion function is completely linear.
Finally, the path length variation with momentum is completely linear as well. The first
assertion is obvious upon inspection of Figure 4. This dipole geometry could thus well
serve as the basis for a spectrometer or spectrographic system. The second feature is
made apparent by noting that the offset x of the higher momentum orbit from the lower is
the following function of the relative momentum deviation.
x=x(p/p) =  sintan= pp sintan
This is completely linear in the momentum deviation p/p; we may therefore make the
x(p/p) = x p/p =pp sintan
x =sintan
specifies the dispersed orbit for all momentum deviations. Similarly, the slope is given by
x’(p/p) = ’x p/p
’x = 0
to all orders in the momentum offset. This is simply the substance of the previous
The final claim is proven by noting the “shorter” (lower momentum) orbit is of length
+ sin while the “longer” (higher momentum) is of length The path
length difference is therefore
l (sinp/p(sin
so that the compaction is therefore entirely linear, proportional to the base bend radius,
and of only cubic and higher order in the bend angle. The functional dependence on bend
angle is shown in Figure 5; we note that the compaction will be a small fraction of the
bend radius for angles up to ~1 radian. Recirculation arcs based on this geometry
(typically using 4 or more bends of 45o or smaller angle) will therefore be nearly
isochronous if bends of modest radii are used. This is in contrast to the compaction of, for
example, a FODO-cell based arc, which is typically on the order of the dispersion, which
in turn is of magnitude similar to the bend radius.
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- sin 
Figure 5: Angular dependence of momentum compaction.
The geometry heretofore illustrated does possess a pathological feature – the angle of the
pole face relative to the transported beam is extremely large, so that the beam will
experience extremely strong horizontal focusing and vertical defocusing upon transit of
the bend. This can lead to betatron instability. This is countered, to some extent, by the
natural compactness of systems based on this dispersion suppression technique. Further
alleviation of overfocusing can be achieved by a “counter-rotation” of the pole face
straddling the nondispersed orbit. This is notionally illustrated in Figure 6. The
“peninsula” required on the lower left corner of the bend will, to some extent, limit the
low-end off-momentum acceptance of the magnet; however, momentum acceptances of
order 100% or greater bandwidth will still be available.
The effectiveness of this solution is illustrated in Figure 7, wherein are presented beam
envelope functions for a recirculation arc based on four 45o dipoles of 2/3 m bend radius.
Figure 7a illustrates the envelopes using the naïve alternative geometry of Figure 2. A
violent instability is apparent. Figure 7b shows results for the same system while using
the geometry of Figure 6, with a 25o pole face rotation applied to the beam at the
nondispersed faces of the magnet. The improvement in stability is apparent.
I would like to thank Byung Yunn for an exceptionally useful conversation early in the
process of developing this achromat. His input served as both a reality check and to
provide much incouragement.
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Figure 6: Modification of dipole geometry to improve betatron stability.
Figure 7a: Beam envelopes in system with naïve geometry of Figure 2
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Figure 7a: Beam envelopes in system with enhanced geometry of Figure 6
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