Experiment: Converting AC to DC (Rectifiers) Objectives: To investigate the function of a diode To convert AC into DC To compare different types of rectifiers To reduce DC-ripple Material needed: 1 AC-Power supply (5V- 25V, depending on type of diode) 5 diodes (e.g. 1N4001, 1N4004) 1 electrolyte capacitor C1 (small capacity e.g. 22uF/40V) 1 electrolyte capacitor C2 (big capacity e.g. 1000uF/40V) 2 light bulbs (voltage depending on power supply voltage used) 1 bread board 1 oscilloscope (2 channels) cables Experiment 1: Half-Wave-Rectifier 1. Set up circuit 1 Cable 1 AC UAC UL 2. Use oscilloscope to display UAC (channel 1) and UL (channel2) 3. Bypass diode with cable 1 4. Adjust AC-Power Supply to the chosen voltage 5. Switch on AC-Power Supply 6. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL11) 7. Remove cable 1 8. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL12) 9. Add the smaller capacitor C1 to the circuit (parallel to the lamp) 10. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL1C1) 687302860/July2002/G.Vogt CERN, HST2002, Small Experiment Group 1/5 11. Remove capacitor 12. Add the larger capacitor C2 to the circuit (parallel to the lamp) 13. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL1C2) 14. Switch off power supply 15. Disconnect oscilloscope 16. Analyze the resulted graphs Experiment 2: Bridge-Rectifier (Full-Wave-Rectifier) 1. Set up circuit 2 A C UL UAC 2. Use oscilloscope to display UL ATTENTION !!! DO NOT MEASSURE UAC AND UL WITH THE OSCILLOSCOPE SIMUNTANOUISLY !!! Different ground potentials are connected. This can cause damage to the oscilloscope or the electronic circuits. 3. Adjust AC-Power Supply to the chosen voltage 4. Switch on AC-Power Supply 5. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL21) 6. Add the smaller capacitor C1 to the circuit (parallel to the lamp) 7. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL2C1) 8. Remove capacitor 9. Add the larger capacitor C2 to the circuit (parallel to the lamp) 10. Graph UL for the protocol (UL=UL2C2) 11. Switch off AC-Power Supply 12. Analyze the resulted graphs 687302860/July2002/G.Vogt CERN, HST2002, Small Experiment Group 2/5 Explanation: Setup of the circuits for both types of rectifiers: => The following diagrams show photos taken from the screen of a digital oscilloscope. Ground level is indicated by the marks “1” and “2”. HalfWave Full-Wave Experiment 1: Half-Wave-Rectifier: UL11: UL11 = UAC, AC-50Hz Sine Wave, diode bypassed Voltage without capacitor (UL12): UAC UL12 Current in positive direction (anode => cathode, positive half-wave) can pass the diode. Current in negative direction (negative half-wave) is not able to pass. => only the positive half-wave appears. Voltage with small capacitor C1 (UL1C1 ): UAC UL1C1 Capacitor C1 is charged by the increasing voltage of the positive halfwave and discharged during the decrease of the half-wave and the zero-voltage period. Due to the small capacitance voltage UL1C1 has high ripple. 687302860/July2002/G.Vogt CERN, HST2002, Small Experiment Group 3/5 Voltage with large capacitor C2 (UL1C2): UAC UL1C2 Due to the larger capacitance C2 the voltage UL1C2 is not dropping so low => ripple is low. Experiment 2: Bridge-Rectifier (Full-Wave-Rectifier): ATTENTION !!! DO NOT MEASSURE UAC AND UL WITH THE OSCILLOSCOPE SIMUNTANOUISLY !!! Here UAC is taken from a saved reference channel !! Voltage without capacitor (UL21): UAC UL21 Positive and negative current can find paths over the diode network. Therefore the negative half-wave is clapped to positive voltage. Voltage with small capacitor C1 (UL2C1 ): UAC UL2C1 Capacitor C1 is charged by the increasing voltage and discharged during the decreasing voltage. Because of the smaller decreasing period the voltage UL2C1 does not drop so much. 687302860/July2002/G.Vogt CERN, HST2002, Small Experiment Group 4/5 Voltage with large capacitor C2 (UL2C2): UAC UL2C2 Due to the larger capacitance C2 the voltage is not dropping so low => ripple is low. Conclusion: The two methods converting AC to DC are shown => Top to bottom: Supplied AC-Voltage Half-Wave-Rectifier Bridge-rectifier The ripple can be decreased by using capacitors. This experiment was designed and presented at CERN, HST-2002 programme by: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gerd Vogt Hoehere Lehranstalt fuer Umwelt und Wirtschaft 3683 Yspertal, Austria http://www.hlaysper.ac.at gvogt@hlaysper.ac.at 687302860/July2002/G.Vogt CERN, HST2002, Small Experiment Group 5/5