Speakers Bureau
Director’s Note: The following individuals have offered to serve as voluntary members of the ACDIS
Speaker’s Bureau. They are willing to donate their time and energy to provide useful information on a variety of topics free of charge to ACDIS Local Chapters and other associations related to clinical documentation improvement.
ACDIS asks that those seeking the assistance of individuals listed here keep in mind the travel and other expenses which may be incurred by the volunteer and work with the volunteer in question to resolve any concerns prior to making final arrangements.
Elbert Amison
Title: Managing Director, KPMG
Location: Dallas, TX
Travel: Anywhere as needed/permissible
Topics: I have spent 10 years fully dedicated to CDI program assistance. I have led or been materially involved with over 70 CDI implementations. I’ve assisted over 100 hospitals with CDI in some fashion.
My emphasis is on the operations of CDI programs, reporting and monitoring.
Contact: bamison@kpmg.com
; 214/840-6453
Gloryanne Bryant, RHIA, CCS, CCDS
Title: Regional Managing Director HIM, NCAL Revenue Cycle, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc., and
Location: Oakland, CA
Travel: Mid-West, South-West, and Western United States, other locations as available
Topics: CDI Structure, CDI Overview, ICD-10, Physician Querying and Compliance, ICD-9-CM Coding, MS-
DRGs, Capturing CC/MCC, HCCs, CAC, discharge disposition compliance, RACs
Contact: Gloryanne.h.bryant@kp.org
; 510/625-3980
Donald A. Butler, RN, BSN
Title: CDI Manager, Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Location: Greenville, NC
Travel: Within North and South Carolina, Tidewater and Richmond regions of Virginia
Topics: Use of data in CDI programs, tracking CDI metrics, auditing, program management, CDI educational efforts
Contact: dbutler@pcmh.com
; 252/847-6855
Michael G. Calahan, PA, MBA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC, CPC-H
Title: Director, Physician Services
Location: Washington, DC
Travel: Greater Metropolitan area, Northern Virginia
Topics: Physician and IP/OP Compliance, federal audit initiatives/findings, documentation analysis,
Medicare Parts A, B, C & D
Contact: mikiecal@hotmail.com
, mcalahan@kforce.com
, 703/281-1872
Wendy DeVreugd, RN, BSN, PHN, FNP, CCDS, MBA
Title: Senior Director Case management, Kindred Healthcare, West Region
Location: Westminster, CA
Travel: As needed pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Any CDI-related, Case Management
Contact: wendy.devreugd@kindredhealthcare.com
; 949/923-1002
Gary C. David, PhD
Title: Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Department of Information Design & Corporate
Communication at Bentley University
Location: Waltham, MA
Travel: New England, New York, as needed pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Creation and use of healthcare documentation, studies of CDI specialist and medical transcriptionists, physician philosophies toward healthcare documentation, workplace communication, affect of technology on workflow, distributed work models
Contact: gdavid@bentley.edu
; 781/891-2698
Kathy DeVault, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P
Title: Professional Practice Manager, AHIMA
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Travel: As needed pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Coding, ICD-9 and ICD-10, compliance, RAC/governmental audits, CDI
Contact: Kathryn.devault@ahima.org
; 312/233-1520
Jon Elion, MD, FACC
Title: President, CEO, ChartWise Medical Systems, Inc.
Location: Wakefield, RI
Travel: New England, New York, as needed
Topics: Ethical practices in CDI, the importance of quality documentation, electronic queries, data mining and metrics, documenting specific medical conditions (such as in cardiology)
Contact: jelion@chartwisemed.com
; 401/473-2001
Cheryl Ericson, RN
Title: Manager of Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
Location: Charleston, SC
Travel: South Carolina and neighboring regions as needed
Topics: Most areas involving CDI and utilization review, physician queries,
Contact: ericsonc@musc.edu
; 843/792-3543
Kristen Geissler, MS, PT, CPHQ, MBA
Title: Principal, Berkeley Research Group
Location: Baltimore, MD
Travel: As needed pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Quality improvement, e.g., VBP, HAC, IQR; readmission reduction; coding and documentation improvement related to quality and reimbursement
Nancy Ignatowicz, RN, MBA, CCDS
System Manager, Clinical Documentation, at Provena Health
Location: Frankfort, IL
Travel: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, South Carolina, North Carolina
Topics: CDI program structure and development, management of multiple facilities, data management,
CDI auditing, CDI and quality improvement regarding HACs, CAUTI, and CLABSI
Contact: Nancy.Ignatowicz@Provena.org
; 815/806-2322
Fran Jurcak, RN, MSN, CCDS
Title: Director, Huron Healthcare
Location: Plymouth, MI; Chicago, IL
Travel: As available pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Implementing, evaluating, reenergizing a CDI program; CDI metrics; clinical Indicators to support queries; what’s in it for them: How to talk with physicians regarding their documentation responsibilities; CDI as part of the revenue cycle
Contact: fjurcak@huronconsultinggroup.com
; 312/404-5551
James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS
Title: Managing Director, FTI Consulting - Healthcare
Location: Nashville, TN; Atlanta, GA; Oakland, CA
Travel: As available pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Any
Contact: james.kennedy@fticonsulting.com
; 615/479-7021
Title: Independent Revenue Cycle/CDI Consultant
Location: Madison, WI
Travel: As available pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: Holistic approach to CDI, strategies to engage physicians in CDI, the role of CDI in Case
Management/Utilization Review, medical necessity, E&M assignment and hospital DRG assignment
Contact: Glennkrauss@earthlink.net
; 603/303-3337
Marion G. Kruse RN, MBA
Title: Director, FTI Consulting
Location: Columbus, OH
Travel: I travel extensively to various locations for short periods of time. I would be willing to speak to any chapter that can accommodate my schedule.
Topics: CDI, ICD-10, and the synergy between CDI and case management
Contact: marion.kruse@fticonsulting.com
; 740/417-6963
Vickie Monteith, RN, BSN, MBA
Title: Director, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Location: Charlotte, NC
Travel: As available pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: ICD-10, CDE/CDI
Contact: vmonteith@deloitte.com
; 704/887-1848
Pam Phillips BS, CCS
Title: Regional Director of HIM-Coding, Fundamental Long Term Care
Location: Dallas, TX
Travel: As available pending notice and travel expenses
Contact: pamela.phillips@fundltc.com
; 972/809-9115
Juanita B. Seel, RN, CCDS
Title: Supervisor Documentation Integrity at Greenville Memorial Hospital
Location: Greenville, SC
Travel: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama
Topics: Mature CDI programs
Contact: nurjbs@ghs.org
; 864/901-4784
Becky Slagell, BA, MHA, RHIT
Title: Regional Senior Director of Case Management, Central Region of Kindred Healthcare
Location: Chicago, IL
Travel: As available
Topics: CDI in LTAC, CDI interdisciplinary team, query ownership
Contact: Becky.Slagell@hindredhealthcare.com
; 773/251-8738
Adriana van der Graaf, MBA, RHIA, CCS, CHP
Title: Senior HIM Management Consultant, Jacobus Consulting Inc.
Location: Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Travel: As available pending notice and travel expenses
Topics: CDI with concurrent coding, HIM/CM partnerships, where best to position CDI, how to measure success
Contact: avandergraaf@jacobusconsulting.com
, 805/402-9839