7th Grade Humanities - Oak Park Unified School District

7th Grade Humanities
August 31, 2011
Dear Parents:
We welcome you and your child to the seventh grade! The humanities department recognizes
that students are unique individuals whose diverse social, intellectual, and academic needs should
be met in the classroom on a daily basis. To affect greater differentiation in addressing and
meeting those diverse needs, we will work hard on those challenges for the coming school year.
As you know, each student possesses multiple intelligences and learning styles. Diagnostic
assessment allows teachers to direct students to lessons and activities that best meet their
intellectual needs. Students who are approaching mastery, or are at the beginning level, will have
teacher directed practice, flexible grouping, and will be afforded every opportunity to improve
their skills, allowing them to meet or exceed the given standard.
Both formal and informal assessment will be used throughout the year in language arts and social
studies to ensure that all students are given the tools they need to be successful. Seventh grade
humanities will place a continued focus on writing skills. Each quarter, ten consecutive days will
be designated writing instruction days during language arts. These many opportunities will
enable us to recognize each student’s uniqueness and wide range of talents.
We look forward to an exciting and challenging school year. Always feel free to contact me
(email is best) with any questions or concerns.
Ms. Jessica Vaughn, and the 7th Grade Team
Ms. Vaughn’s Homepage:
7th Grade Humanities Webpage:
Humanities are core classes of language arts and social studies that meet daily. The curriculum in
social studies covers a timeline from the fall of Rome to the discovery of the New World and the
Enlightenment period. Language Arts consists of literature, writing, and grammar.
School Wires: My teacher website is jam-packed with crucial and helpful resources. In order to
conserve paper, many worksheets will be posted online. When required, students will print out sheets
to bring to class.
Quick Link to my teacher website homepage:
Website Pathway from the District page to my website:
1. Go to www.oakparkusd.org
2. Click “Select a School” dropdown menu in top left corner
3. Select “Medea Creek Middle School”
4. Go to “Staff Pages”
5. Select “Vaughn, Jessica”
6. View the individual pages by clicking the page names in the left column
Log-In Required pages*: As a safety/security feature, some web pages are Role Restricted and
require a user log in to access. If you do not have an account, simply register by clicking on the top
right corner button. NOTE: Please allow 72 hours for confirmation. Also, students can use their
Zangle username/password for access to these pages.
Weekly Schedule: A schedule is available to the students each week. The schedule is very
detailed, covering class work, homework, tests, and standards being taught. This schedule is
required to be brought to class daily so that students can record any modifications and/or
adjustments made due to the flexible nature of teaching. Obtaining a classmate’s phone
number/email address is helpful in case there is a question.
Zangle: The online grade book is another valuable resource. Students will be responsible for all
assignments and questions/concerns regarding the information reported. Signed grade verification
forms will be required throughout the year.
Accelerated Reading Program: Students will be responsible for reading at least FOUR AR
books during the school year (a minimum of one book per quarter). Students must adhere to the
Reading material must be brought to class every day even after taking an AR test for the quarter.
See my website for additional information and the school’s site for the entire AR list. NOTE:
The AR list is updated throughout the year.
Student Portfolio: For the fourth year in seventh grade humanities, students will have the
opportunity to create a portfolio that will allow them to feel a pride of ownership for their work
and enable them to see the personal and academic relevance of the work they have completed.
This portfolio, in digital form, will be featured at Open House. More information will be
provided throughout the year.
COWs: We are very fortunate at MCMS to have Computers On Wheels (COWs), portable
laptop stations that turn any room into a digital media center for the students. Please review and
sign the attached form on COW policies and procedures.
Curriculum Standards: The humanities department will focus on state standards for language
arts and social studies. California State Standards can be found on the “Weekly Schedule” as
well as described in each unit’s materials.
Grading Policy: Students are responsible for keeping track of their grades. Every five weeks, a
newsletter is sent home (that requires viewing Zangle) to keep parents fully informed. In
addition, updated grades can be found on Zangle. Academic grades include homework, class
work, AR, tests, and projects.
Academic Grades:
100% or above
92.5% - 99.9%
89.5% - 92.4%
87.5% - 89.4%
82.5% - 87.4%
79.5% - 82.4%
77.5% - 79.4%
72.5% - 77.4%
69.5% - 72.4%
67.5% - 69.4%
62.5% - 67.4%
59.5% - 62.4%
59.4% or below
Work Habits Grades: Daily homework and class assignments are practice
towards mastery of skills. Receiving less than 70% on an assignment due to
“poor work habits” (lack of effort, etc.) will earn a work habits check. Work
must be turned in ON TIME according to your teacher’s expectations. In
addition, in order to avoid a work habits check, students must have their
textbooks and required materials with them daily. Finally, students must be on
Citizenship Grades: These reflect students’ behavior and participation in the
classroom. The following characteristics are considered:
 Arrives on time to class prepared to work
 Respects other students and adults
 Displays a positive attitude
 Follows the Medea Creek guidelines as per the student handbook
0-2 checks= “O”
3-5 checks= “S”
6-8 checks= “N”
9 or more= “U”
Homework Responsibilities: Students are responsible for turning in all work assigned in class
whether absent or not.
 Absent students may make up class work, homework, and tests, having the number
of days absent plus one to make up the work. When absent, STUDENTS ARE
to remain current with assignments. It is also the student’s responsibility to obtain
any necessary handouts/worksheets (check online or with a classmate). Credit will
NOT be given when work is turned in beyond the due date.
 Students must make arrangements with the teacher to make up tests the DAY
Missed tests must be made up within two weeks to avoid a ZERO.
 Late Work: Because of class discussions/corrections, no credit will be given for
late homework. With long-term projects of higher value, students will lose 10%
of the total points for every day it is late (unless there is an EXCUSED absence).
“Recommended” Supplies: The following supplies are used in class throughout the school year.
1. One two-pocket folders labeled
“Literature Circles”. WITH
2. Three-ring binder with a section for
Language Arts and Social Studies
3. Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind
book by October 3, 2011.
4. Book Covers: textbooks covered at
all times – can use construction
Index Cards (3x5 lined)
3 x 3 Post-It Notes
Notebook paper
Highlighters (3 different colors)
Pens (blue or black only)
Correcting pen (a bright, contrasting
color to pencil/blue/black)
11. Pencils (with erasers)
12. AR book (bring daily)
A SPECIAL NOTE: (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!) Bring at any time during the year.
All of the above supplies will be used for all classes. However, because of the creative nature of our
curriculum, we would like to encourage you to provide a labeled (name/period)
gallon-sized Ziploc bag that contains:
*Markers and Colored Pencils
*Glue Sticks
*3 Highlighters
*Any other special supplies you’d like to leave in class at all times.
This bag will be safely kept in the humanities classroom for the duration of the year.
You will NOT be able to retrieve your Ziploc for other classes as it disrupts other periods.
Video/DVD Policy: In both language arts and social studies, videos are occasionally shown to
reinforce the material that is being taught. Often, a video may be shown to show something in a
different light. As an example, we will show A Knight’s Tale, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and
Paper Clips. By signing the attached sheet, you are giving permission for your student to
view all videos in our classrooms.
Wish List: Each year, there are some “extras” that we like to use in the classroom, above and
beyond our regular department supply order. All contributions are greatly appreciated and much
needed. Each of the following is worth a fun pass (for a maximum of three).
***In addition, throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to earn passes as rewards
for character/academics/class activities, etc.
Wish List Due on or before Wednesday, September 7, 2011
*AR Book to donate to class library (6th-10th
grade reading level)
*Anything to connect to our units of study
*3 x 5 and/or 4 x 6 lined index cards
*3 x 3 Post-It notes
*FUN Band-Aids for your child’s boo boos!
*Fun stamp (self-inking preferred)
*Ink pad if not self-inking stamps
*Package of Highlighters
*Crazy Cut Scissors
*Other art supplies
*Package of Glue sticks
Parent Email Homework: Due Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Please focus your email on your student’s unique personality, strengths, and any personal hobbies
and interests in. Please include any additional email contacts at this time. Thank you.  Your
student will earn a pass if this is completed by the due date!  NOTE: Having your current
email address on file will increase communication between school and home. Thank you.
Parent/Student Signature Sheet
Dear Parent:
We have given both you and your child a lot of information for both Language Arts and Social
Studies. Please read over the “7th Grade Curriculum and Class Requirements” letter and the
Language Arts supplement letter together, initial each line that you have read/understood each
component (parent), and sign this letter.
Please return this page on or before Friday, September 2, 2011.
We have read and understood the following:
1. School Wires
9. Grading Policy
2. Log-In Required pages
10. Homework Responsibilities
3. Zangle
11. Supply List
4. Weekly Schedule
12. Supplies Ziploc (due asap)
5. AR
13. Video/DVD Policy
6. Portfolio
14. Wish List (due 9/7)
7. COWs
15. Parent Homework (due 9/7)
8. Curriculum Standards
Parent Signature_______________________________________________ Date: ____________
Parent Email for Teacher Communication (write legibly)
Student Signature______________________________________________ Date : ____________
Are you interested in any volunteer opportunities? Field trips? Special talks to the class? Writing
assistance? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!  ____________________________________________