THERMAL AND HYDRODYNAMIC PHENOMENA ASSOCIATED WITH THE GAS ASCENDING MOVEMENT THROUGH EXTRACTION WELL COLUMNS Cornel Trifan, Mihai Albulescu, Eugen Mihai Ionescu Dr Ing. Conferenţiar, Universitatea “Petrol-Gaze” Ploieşti INTRODUCTION In approaching the gas ascending movement through the extraction columns of wells, we will start from the hypothesis of hydrodynamic parameters having the same values for the entire flow section and depending exclusively on its elevation. Therefore we will consider the following functions defined within the range 0H, where H is the well depth, the origin of Oz axis being at bottom of the borehole: v(z) –velocity of gas particles, p(z) – gas pressure along the pipe, T(z) –absolute temperature of gases along the pipe and (z) – gas density along the pipe. As for the variation of adjacent formations temperature along the extraction well, we will consider the geothermal gradient of 2 C, and the earth temperature of 10 C. There is air in the annulus between the pipes and production string, and the cement ring thickness depends on the size of bit. MATHEMATICAL MODEL The process of gas ascending flow through the well exploitation column is simulated by the movement equation, continuity equation, next state equation, and thermal transport equation[1]: dv 1 dp f v 2 v g ; dz dz 2D v M p ZRT (1) (2) (3) 1/ dp dT K D 1 1 (4) T Tad T cp T p dz dz cpQ Here f is the coefficient of hydraulic resistance, D –column nominal bore, M – gas specific weight rate in kg/(m2s), Z – factor of deviation from perfect gases law, cp – isobar weight heat capacity of gases, K – thermal transmittance through the walls of conducting tube towards adjacent formations, Q – gas cubical discharge through the column, and Tad is the absolute temperature of adjacent formations resulted from the geothermal gradient and considered at 1,5 m from the cement ring. As the ascending drive of gas movement is turbulent – rough, the value of coefficient f is to be calculated with Nikuradse’s formula 2 D f 1,74 2l g (5) 2k k being the absolute roughness of the inside wall of conducting tube. The value of deviation factor Z is to be calculated using the Berthelot’s formula, which is considered as the most accurate in the case of natural gases 9 p Tc Tc2 (6) Z 1 6 2 1 , 128 pc T T where pc and Tc are the gas critical parameters. Considering a dry natural gas deposit, we can accept for the critical parameters the methane values, i.e. pc = 46,5 bar and Tc = 190,5 K. In order to calculate the coefficient K, it is taken into account the serially heat transfer from gases to pipe walls by forced convection, through the tubing wall by conduction, 34 «Вісник СумДУ», №13(72), 2004 through the air in the tubing annulus, through the wall of production string, through the cementing column towards the adjacent formations and finally towards the environment. 2 h D D D 1 1 t c Di t 1 h l n i c i t l n c l n 2 4 1 (7) K i 0 2a Det 2c Dec f Dc Dc Here i and f are the coefficients of forced convection heat transfer from gases to the tubing inside wall, and free convection heat transfer from the outside wall of cement annulus to the well adjacent formations, and o, c, f and a are the coefficients of conduction heat transfer through the steel of tubing and column walls, through cement, through the air between column and tubing(convection here is not be considered), and through adjacent formations, respectively(along the estimated distance of h=1,5 m). Furthermore Dit, Det, t are the tubing inside diameter, outside diameter and thickness, respectively, Dic, Dec,c –production string inside diameter, outside diameter and thickness, respectively, and Dc– cement ring outside diameter. The coefficient of forced convection heat transfer from gases to the tubing inside wall is to be determined with the formula N u , (8) D where Nu is Nusselt criterion, which is to be calculated with Ditts-Boelter formula specific to the movement turbulent drive through pipes (9) Nu 0, 023Re0.8 Pr 0.4 , in which Re and Pr are Reynolds criterion and Prandtl criterion, respectively, resulted from the criterion relations cpv vD ; Pr , (10) Re v where is the conductivity of transported gases, v, cp and –kinematic viscosity, isobar heat capacity and density of gases, respectively. The equation of movement can be also written as 1 1 Z 1 p dp 1 1 Z dT g p2 f 2 2 2 2 2 p Z p ZT dz T Z T dz 2 D M R M R Z T Introducing the dimensionless parameters T p z , T ,ζ , P Tc pc H the movement equation is written as 1 1 Z p2 P dP 1 1 Z dT pc2 P2 fH c gH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2D M R Tc Z T P Z P M R Z T dζ T Z T dζ with the remark that formula (6) is now written as Z 1 2 9 P 18-T 9 T2 6 Z 9 P 6 Z ; ; 1 T 128 128 T T2 T4 P 128 T3 «Вісник СумДУ», №13(72), 2004 (11) (12) (13) (14) 35 If we take into account the state equation (3) and calculate the isobar derivative of gas specific volume, the energy equation becomes 1 R Z dp dT K D 1 T Z T T T (15) cp p T dz dz cpQ ad which can be also written as T Z dP cp P dT 4K p (16) T Tad Z T dζ R ZT dz M RD ZT Introducing the same dimensionless parameters (12) into this equation, the following expression results T Z dP cp P dT 4K H P (17) T Tad Z T dζ R ZT dζ M RD ZT Tad being the dimensionless temperature of adjacent formations resulted from Tad Ts n , (18) Tc Tc where =2 K is the geothermal gradient, n is the column length(hundreds of meters), and Ts =293 K is the earth temperature. Thus, we have eliminated the functions v(z) and (z);in order to determine the remainder functions p(z) and T(z), which has become P (), and T(), we must solve the system of differential equations (13), (17). We will make use of the quartic method Runge-Kutta for integrating the systems of ordinary differential equations[3]. Tad NUMERICAL MODEL In order to approach numerically the system of differential equations (13), (17), we will write the movement equation (13) as dP dT (19) m1 m2 m0 d d where the functions m1, m2 and m0 are expressed as: pc2 1 1 Z P2 fH 1 1 Z P ; m1 , m2 2 2 2 2 2 2 T Z T 2 D P Z P Z T M R Tc Z T M TcR as well as the energy equation (17) as dP dT e1 e2 e0 , dζ dζ where e0, e1 and e2 are expressed as: c 4K H P e0 T - Tad , e1 T Z , e2 p P M RD ZT Z T R ZT so that we can express the system solutions as dP m0e2 m2e0 dT m1e0 m0e1 Φ P, T , Ψ P, T dζ m1e2 m2e1 dζ m1e2 m2e1 m0 gH pc2 (20) (21) (22) (23) For the numerical approach of the problem we will section the extracting column into n sections of 100 m length(n = H/100). The lower elevation of section i is zi =(i-1)100 m, the dimensionless elevation i =(i-1)/n, respectively. The values of the two dimensionless gas dynamic parameters at 36 «Вісник СумДУ», №13(72), 2004 this elevation will be P ζ i Pi and T ζ i Ti , respectively, and at the upper elevation of the section P ζ i 1 Pi 1 and T ζ i 1 Ti 1 , respectively, calculated with the quartic method Runge-Kutta . CALCULUS EXAMPLE Based on the above algorithm a Turbo/Pascal calculus program was issued, by means of which pressure and temperature distribution have been determined along of 2000 m-length well through wich 50.000 Nm3 of gas are extracted per day, with a 2 in tubing, 6 in cementing column and 6 cm thickness of cement ring. The variations of gas pressure and temperature, respectively, along the well tubing for which the calculations have been carried out are showed hereinafter. CONCLUSIONS The mathematical model proposed in this study allows the calculation of gas pressure and temperature in its ascending movement through the tubing, without making use of the method proposed in [2]. 150 60 145 50 140 Presiune Presiunea, bar 40 130 125 30 120 20 115 110 Temperatura, gr. C Temperatura 135 10 105 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Adincim ea, m ABSTRACT It is regarded the ascending steady flow of natural gases through the extraction column, taking into account the thermal transfer towards the adjacent formations, as well as the deviation from the perfect gases law. The resulting differential equations being non-linear, a quartic integration numeric method Runge-Kutta is used. BIBIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. T. Oroveanu, V. David, Al. Stan, C. Trifan Colectarea, transportul, depozitarea şi distribuţia produselor petroliere şi gazelor, Editura didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1985, pg. 151-176. N. 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