PEGASE Project Developments in MARTHE code Dominique THIERY Jun 2001 1 1 Langmuir and Freundlich sorption 1.1 Implementation in the MARTHE code Sorption with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms has been implemented in MARTHE (Thiéry 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995). a) Langmuir isotherm The classical Langmuir sorption isotherm notation for the relation between solid phase concentration SM and liquid phase concentration C is : SM Q KL C 1 KL C With : SM = Solid phase mass concentration [kg/kg] C = Liquid phase volumetric concentration [kg/ m3] Q = Total sites for solid phase concentration [kg/kg] KL = Langmuir constant [m3/kg] As a matter of fact it is more physical and more practical to write this relation in term of solid phase volumetric concentration SV (mass of product per terrain volume). SV = b . SM . It has then the same dimension than the liquid phase concentration C (and is expressed in the same unit). b = Dry soil density [kg/m3] (about 1600 kg/m3 for a sol classical soil). With these variables, Langmuir isotherm writes : SV b Q KL C 1 KL C or simpler, in dimensional form, as used in MARTHE : S V S VMAX C / C REF 1 C / C REF With : CREF = 1/KL = Reference concentration [kg/m3]. It is the liquid phase concentration above which the effect of the solid phase is halved. SVMAX = b . Q = Maximal solid phase volumetric concentration [kg/m3]. It is the solid phase volumetric concentration, which corresponds to an infinite liquid phase concentration. b) Freundlich isotherm The classical Freundlich sorption isotherm notation for the relation between solid phase concentration SM and liquid phase concentration C is : SM = KF . CB 2 With : B = Exponent (generally < 1) KF = Freundlich constant in unit [m3/kg]B It should be noted that KF unit is generally complex because it depends on exponent B. Using solid phase volumetric concentration SV, Freundlich isotherm writes: SV = KFV . CB With : KFV = b . KF = Volumetric Freundlich constant in [kg/m3](1-B) In MARTHE, Freundlich isotherm is described by 2 parameters: KFV = b . KF = Volumetric Freundlich constant in [concentration unit] (1-B). A2 = B (Dimensionless exponent) Remarks : when B=1 this isotherm becomes linear with KFV identical to a volumetric Rho_kd (dimensionless) Setting K FV C REF C = CREF Except when B=1, when C = 0 the ratio SV / C -> infinite, which corresponds to a retardation factor equal to infinity. 1.2 1B It appears that SV = C (which corresponds to Rho_kd = 1) when Verification of the implementation a) Description of the tests problems Two sets of 1D simulations have been realized which are described below : A set of simulations described by Zheng and Wang (1998) referring to a problem simulated by Grove and Stollenwerk (1984). A set of simulations described by Huang et al. (1998) referring to benchmarks problems of Goode and Konikow (1989). Both cases refer to a constant flow through a saturated column of soil. The common physical parameters for all cases are : Porosity = 0.37 Seepage velocity = 0.1 cm/s (10-3 m/s) Bulk density b = 1587 kg/m3 Concentration of source fluid Co = 50 10-6 kg/m3 Distance of breakthrough results = 8 cm The differences between the 2 sets are : 3 Zheng & Wang Huang et al. 0 0 or 10-2 or 10-3 s-1 Dispersivity 1 cm 0.1 cm Duration of the pulse 160 s 80 s Decay The interactions are as follows : Langmuir interactions : Zheng & Wang : SM Q KL C 1 KL C C = volumetric concentration in the liquid phase SM = mass concentration in the solid phase Q =3 10-3 g/g = 3 10-9 kg/kg KL = 100 l/mg = 105 m3/kg The corresponding MARTHE parameters are : S V S VMAX C / C REF 1 C / C REF SV = b . SM CREF = 1/KL = Reference concentration [kg/m3]. It is the liquid concentration above which the sorption of the solid phase is divided by 2. CREF =1/KL = 10-5 kg/m3 = 10 [10-6 kg/m3] SVMAX = b . Q = Maximal volumetric concentration in solid phase. It is the volumetric concentration in the solid phase [kg/m3] that corresponds to an infinite liquid phase concentration. SVMAX = b . Q = 4.761 10-6 kg/m3 = 4.761 [10-6 kg/m3] Huang et al. (1998) : Q =3 10-3 g/g = 3 10-3 kg/kg KL = 100 cm3/g = 10-1 m3/kg These parameters would correspond to MARTHE parameters : C REF =1/KL = 10 kg/m3 = 107 SVMAX = b . Q = 4.761 kg/m3 = 4.761 106 [10-6 kg/m3] [10-6 kg/m3] However, probably due to some misspelling, these parameters turn out to be wrong (the reference concentration being quasi infinite, the interactions should be linear which is not the case). As a matter of fact the true parameters corresponding to the simulations by Huang et al. (1998) are the same as those used by Zheng & Wang, namely : 4 CREF =1/KL = 10-5 kg/m3 = 10 SVMAX = b . Q = 4.761 [10-6 kg/m3] = 4.761 10-6 kg/m3 [10-6 kg/m3] Freundlich interactions : Zheng & Wang : SM = KF . CB SM = mass concentration in the solid phase B = 0.7 K F = 0.3 g/g . (l/mg)B = 0.3 10-6 . (1000 m3/kg)0.7 = 3.7768 10-5 (kg/m3)0.7 The corresponding MARTHE parameters are : SV = KFV . CB SV = b . SM B = Freundlich exponent = 0.7 K FV = b . KF = Volumetric Freundlich constant expressed in [kg/m3](1-B) =1587 kg/m3 . 3.7768 10-5 (m3/kg)0.7 =5.9937 10-2 (kg/m3)0.3 As the concentrations are expressed in : 10-6 kg/m3 = 5.9937 10-2 /[(10-6)0.3] . [10-6 kg/m3]0.3 = 3.7818 . [10-6 kg/m3]0.3 = 3.7818 in the model Huang et al. (1998) : B = 0.7 K F = 0.3 cm3/g However, due to some misspelling, these units are incorrect and should take into account the exponent B. The true value of KF is : K F = 0.3 g/g . (l/mg)B = 0.3 10-6 . (1000 m3/kg)0.7 = 3.7768 10-5 (kg/m3)0.7 This leads to the same parameters as those used by Zheng & Wang b) Results obtained with MARTHE Eleven (11) simulations have been realized with the 3D MARTHE code in order to verify the implementations of the non-linear sorption schemes. The simulations have been realized with or without decay, using all of the transport schemes available in MARTHE : the Finite differences method (F.D.), the flux limiter method with Total Variation Diminishing (TVD), and the mass Method Of Characteristics (MOC). The description of the different simulations appears in table 1. For comparison purpose, the figures from the simulations by Zheng and Wang (1998), and those by Huang et al. (1998), which are believed to be very accurate, have been scanned in order to be used as 5 reference. The times are in seconds for the simulations by Zheng and Wang (1998); the times are in pore volumes for the simulations by Huang et al. (1998). As the pore velocity is 0.1 cm/s and the distance is 8 cm, 1 pore volume corresponds to 80 seconds. Figures 1 to 4 compare MARTHE simulations with the references simulations. These figures show that : The simulations are very accurate for every transport scheme (F.D., TVD and MOC). The TVD scheme is optimal and enables to use larger grids than the F.D. scheme. The MOC scheme is correct for Langmuir sorption, however for Freundlich sorption it leads to some oscillations for very low concentrations before the breakthrough. This is due to the fact that, with a Freundlich sorption using an exponent lower than 1, the equivalent retardation coefficient is infinite for a concentration equal to zero. The decay factors are taken into account accurately both with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. It has been verified that the mass balance with MARTHE numerical scheme is satisfactory (within much less than 1%). 1.3 Simulation in Unsaturated Zone In order to show the implementation of Langmuir or Freundlich sorption isotherms in Unsaturated Zone flows, a test adapted from Vredepeel site, Netherlands, see Boesten and Van Der Pas (2000), has been run. This test concerns the 1D simulation of the leaching of Bentazone in a soil 2 meters thick overlying an aquifer, as described by Golaz (2001). A mass of 8 10-5 kg/m2 (0.8 kg/ha) of Bentazone is laid (on day 0 = 22/Nov/1990) at the surface of the soil which is exposed to rainfall and evaporation. As an illustration a Langmuir isotherm has been assumed with the following values : CREF = 9 . 10-5 kg/m3 SVMAX = 8 . 10-5 kg/m3 The other parameters are : First 30 cm Lower than 30 cm Dispersivity 0.02 m 0.10 m Degradation 100 days 100 days Half Life Fig. 5 compares the concentrations profile after 103 days (i.e. on 05/Mar/1991), with Langmuir sorption and without sorption. It appears that the sorption has a large effect because the concentrations are nearly halved and the lowest concentrations are more sorbed than highest due to the non-linear effect of the isotherm. 1.4 2D Simulations A reference test adapted from the "Rocky Mountain Arsenal" test described by Voss (1984) has been modeled with MARTHE in steady state (transport is also in steady state). The description of this test is as follows (see fig. 6) : Study area approximately 16 km X 20 km. Flow approximately from North to South. Injection of water at a concentration of 1000 units (ppm) in a lake situated in the northern part of the domain. 6 Some recovery wells are situated in the southern part of the domain. This test, which integrates a decay process, has been modeled without sorption and with a Langmuir sorption isotherm. MARTHE parameters controlling the transport are : Decay Half Life = 20 years Grid size = 1 km Dispersivity : Longitudinal = 500 m Transversal = 100 m Porosity = 20 % CREF = Langmuir Reference Concentration SVMAX = Maximal volumetric concentration in solid phase = 120 concentration units = 100 concentration units The steady state concentration plume without and with Langmuir sorption are displayed in Fig 6. This figure shows clearly that in presence of sorption the concentrations are lower and less spread. This is due to the retardation effect of the sorption, which enables the decay to take place longer. The aim of this test was to verify the implementation in 2D or 3D, and also to demonstrate the capability of MARTHE in steady state. The same simulation in transient state (not displayed here) during 60 years shows that the break through in the recover wells is slower and more progressive in presence of Langmuir sorption. 2 Sequential First-Order Decay Reactions This functionality takes into account the follow up of the degraded products when decay takes place. Product 1 is degraded into product 2, which in turn is degraded into product 3 etc. Each product has its own decay factor and its own retardation coefficient or kd factor. In MARTHE the number of products is not limited. It should noted that, in the present release, 1 product is degraded into not more than 1 "son" product (hence the name of "chain" degradation). In MARTHE, the chain degradation is available when transport is computed by Finite Differences (F.D.) or by TVD. With MOC transport scheme, the chain degradation is only available when the retardation coefficient or the kd factor is identical for all products. This is due to the fact that in MARTHE the particles transport schemes use a single kind of particles containing all the chemical components. The coupling method is sequential iterative, hence a transport in steady state can not be calculated directly but should be calculated as a transient state during a long period. The code has been verified with a 1D analytical solution from Cho (1971) described and used by Van Genuchten (1984). A simulation in 2D has also been realized in order to verify the implementation of the code in 2D or 3D. 2.1 1D Simulations The test used is the test described by Van Genuchten (1984). It applies to the three-species nitrification chain : NH4+ NO2- NO3- 7 It is a horizontal column receiving through its left limit a solution of NH4+ that degrades into NO2-. Simultaneously NO2- degrades into NO3-. The initial concentrations are all equal to 0. The parameters of the test are : Pore velocity = 1 cm/h Dispersion coefficient = 5 . 10-9 m2/s Retardation factors for each product = 2 for NH4+ ; 1 for NO2- and NO3- Decay factors for each product (Decay Half Life for each product = 138.63 h for NH4+ ; 10 h for NO2- and infinite NO3-) = 0.005 h-1 for NH4+ ; 0.1 h-1 for NO2- and 0 for NO3- Three simulations have been realized : Method Grid Time Step Peclet (cm) (h) Number Simulation 1 F.D. 0.4 0.4 2.2 Simulation 1 TVD 0.4 4 2.2 Simulation 1 TVD 2 4 11.1 Figures 7 and 8 compare MARTHE simulations with the analytical calculations resulting from CHAIN code from Van Genuchten (1984). Figure 7 shows that the simulation is very accurate with a fine grid. The simulation with TVD scheme is so close that the 2 curves are superimposed. Figure 8 with a much larger grid shows a very accurate simulation. 2.2 It has been verified that the mass balance with MARTHE numerical scheme is very satisfactory (within much less than 1/100 %). 2D Simulation The same reference test adapted from the "Rocky Mountain Arsenal" test described by Voss (1984) has been modeled with MARTHE in transient state. The parameters are the same as those used for the "Rocky Mountain test" with Langmuir sorption except for the following : Transfer of 3 products with first-order chain reactions Simulation in transient state Retardation factors for each product = 2 for product 1 ; 1 for products 2 and 3 Decay Half Life for each product product 3 = 20 years for product 1 ; 1 year for products 2 and Infinite for Figure 9 shows the effects of the chain degradation : product 2 that degrades quickly (1 year) has a much lower concentration than the others have. 8 3 Degradation function of Saturation and Temperature The decay factor (or degradation factor) may depend on temperature and/or on water content (saturation). This functionality is also available when the decay factor has spatial variations as the influence of the temperature and/or of the water content appears as correction factors applying to the model values. Following a review by Golaz (2001) of the formulations available in the literature five (5) corrections formulations have been included in MARTHE for the temperature effect and six (6) for the water content effect : 3.1 1 LEACHP 2 AGRIFLUX (aerobic) 3 MACRO 4 WAVE 5 PELMO 6 AGRIFLUX (anaerobic) Temperature effects For each formulation the notations are as follows : T = Water Temperature in °C. TREF = Reference Temperature (MARTHE parameter) in °C. TK, TKREF = °K equivalent of T and TREF. A1 = Correction Parameter LEACHP Formulation : F(T) = A1(T - TREF) / 10 PELMO formulation is identical The reference values for A1 are on the order of 2 to 6 for Ethoprophos and Bentazone. AGRIFLUX Formulation F(T) = Exp[(1/TKREF - 1/TK) . A1 / 8.31] A1 is the activation energy (vaporization heat) in J/mol. MACRO Formulation T > 5 °C 0 < T < 5 °K T < 0 °C => F(T) = Exp[ A1 . (T - TREF) ] => F(T) = (T/5) .Exp[ A1 . (5 - TREF) ] => F(T) = 0 WAVE Formulation F(T) = A1 . (T - TREF) / 10. (We add : F(T) = 0 when T < TREF) 9 PELMO Formulation PELMO formulation is identical to LEACHP formulation. 3.2 Saturation effects For each formulation the notations are as follows : R S = Water content = Residual Water content = Water content at Saturation A1, A2, A3 = parameters. As a matter of fact each formulation depends of only one single parameter except for LEACHP formulation which depends on 3 parameters. LEACHP Formulation : T_min = max (A1 , R) T_max = min (A2 , S) F_sat = A3 F() = (R) / (T_min - R) if < T_min F() = F_sat + [(1 - F_sat) .(S)] / (S- T_max … if > T_max F() = 1 if T_min < < T_max This formulation depends on 3 parameters. Reference values for F_sat parameter (which is < 1) are in the range 0.6 to 1 N.B. When this formulation is used with MARTHE code, parameters A1 and A2 which correspond to water contents are in water content unit (i.e. in % if the water content is expressed in %). Aerobic AGRIFLUX Formulation T_cap = min(A1 , S) = Field capacity. F() = / T_cap if < T_cap F() = T_cap / if > T_cap Degradation is maximal at field capacity. It is reduced at both side of this value. N.B. When this formulation is used with MARTHE code, parameter A1 which corresponds to water contents is in water content unit (i.e. in % if the water content is expressed in %). MACRO Formulation F() = ( / S)A1 As a matter of fact in MACRO formulation S refers to the porosity, excluding the possible macroporosity. 10 WAVE Formulation WAVE formulation is quasi-identical to MACRO formulation F() = ( / REF)A1 . We assume : REF = S Which leads to : F() = ( / S)A1 as in MACRO formulation. PELMO Formulation PELMO formulation is identical to WAVE formulation. Anaerobic AGRIFLUX Formulation T_cap = min(A1 , S) = Field capacity F() = 0 if < T_cap F() = ( - T_cap) / (S- T_cap) if > T_cap Microbial activity takes place only when the water content is close to saturation (i.e. above T_cap) N.B. When this formulation is used with MARTHE code, parameter A1 which corresponds to water contents is in water content unit (i.e. in % if the water content is expressed in %). 3.3 1D simulations in Unsaturated Zone In order to check the implementation of the degradation as a function of temperature and saturation, a test adapted from Vredepeel site (Netherlands) described by Boesten and Van Der Pas (2000), has been run. This test concerns the 1D simulation of the leaching of Bentazone in a soil 2 meters thick overlying an aquifer, as described by Golaz (2001). A mass of 8 10-5 kg/m2 (0.8 kg/ha) of Bentazone is laid (on day 0 = 22/Nov./1990) at the surface of the soil which is exposed to rainfall and evaporation. Four (4) simulation have been performed : A reference simulation with a constant decay half life equal to 100 days. A simulation with the influence of the temperature A simulation with the influence of the saturation A simulation with both influence : temperature and saturation a) Reference simulation The parameters for this simulation are : First 30 cm Lower than 30 cm Dispersivity 0.02 m 0.10 m Rho*Kd (%) 11 0.55 Degradation 100 days 100 days Half Life The transport scheme is TVD. The simulation period extends from 22/Nov/1990 (day 0) to 10/Mar/1992 (day 474). 11 b) Simulation with temperature effects on the degradation The air temperature has been monitored during the period November 1990 to March 1992. The initial temperature in the 2 meters soil layer has been set to the "average" air temperature that is equal to 8.33 °C. At each model time step (equal to 1 day), the monitored air temperature has been prescribed in the first cell of the model, at a depth of 3.75 cm. During the whole simulation, the temperature at bottom of the layer has been kept equal to the average temperature (8.33 °C). The thermal parameters used are : Water specific heat = 4185 J/kg/°K Mineral (solid matrix) volumetric specific heat = 2 106 J/m3/°K Water thermal conductivity = 0.6 W/m/°K Mineral thermal conductivity = 1.5 W/m/°K The bulk specific heat used in the code is an average weighted by water and matrix volumes. Figure 10 displays the computed temperature during the simulated period (474 days) at 4 depths : 3.75 cm (prescribed), 41.25 cm, 101 cm and 191.25 cm. That figure shows that, with the chosen hypothesizes, the temperature variations are important even at the base of the modeled layer. At middepth, the temperature is in the range 2 °C - 17°C. The degradation versus temperature formulation has been chosen as a LEACHP scheme with a parameter (A1) equal to 2. The reference temperature (TREF) has been chosen as 20°C. Figure 11 compares the profile of concentrations on day 103 (i.e. on 05/Mar/1991) with and without thermal effects on degradation. c) Simulation with saturation effects on the degradation This simulation is identical to the reference simulation but the saturation effect formulation has been chosen as a LEACHP scheme with : T_min = 3 % T_max = 8 % F_sat = 0.6 Figure 11 compares the profile of concentrations on day 103 (i.e. on 05/Mar/1991) with and without saturation effects on degradation. d) Simulation with both temperature and saturation effects on the degradation This simulation takes into account both thermal and saturation effects with the same formulations and parameters than above. See figure 11. From these simulations it appears that, with the used parameters, the thermal effect is large (maximal concentration 0.30 mg/l instead of 0.20 mg/l), the saturation effect being smaller (maximal concentration 0.22 mg/l instead of 0.20 mg/l). The simulation with both effects shows an additive effect. 12 Table 1 : 1D Simulations with Langmuir or Freundlich Interactions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Order Cref Total sites Kfv Expon. Refer. Decay Decay Disp- dx dt Courant Peclet Number Langmuir Langmuir Freundl. Freund. Half Const. pers. Number Numb. 10-6 kg/m3 - 15 Maxim. Scheme Coupl. Iterat. Time 10-6 14 (s) (s-1) (cm) (cm) (s) (-) (-) 3 kg/m 1 3.7818 0.7 Zheng - - 1 0.16 1 0.625 0.16 30 DF 2 3.7818 0.7 Zheng - - 1 0.25 10 1* 0.25 8 TVD 3 3.7818 0.7 Zheng - - 1 0.4 4 1 0.4 1 MOC 4 10 4.761 Zheng - - 1 0.16 1 0.625 0.16 30 DF 5 10 4.761 Zheng - - 1 0.16 10 1* 0.16 2 TVD 6 10 4.761 Zheng - - 1 0.4 4 1 0.4 1 MOC 7 3.7818 0.7 Huang - - 0.1 0.1 4 1* 1 6 TVD 8 3.7818 0.7 Huang - - 0.1 0.1 2 1* 2 6 MOC 9 3.7818 0.7 Huang 693.15 10-3 0.1 0.1 4 1* 1 6 TVD Huang - - 0.1 0.1 2 1* 1 6 TVD 0.1 0.1 2 1* 1 6 TVD 10 11 10 10 4.761 4.761 Huang 69.315 10 13 -2 MF_DF Refer 0.4 C/Co 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) a) MARTHE : Finite Differences MF_TVD Refer 0.4 C/Co 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) b) MARTHE : TVD MF_MOC Refer 0.4 C/Co 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) c) MARTHE : MOC Fig. 1 Freundlich sorption. Test Zheng et al. 1998 : Thick line = MARTHE ; Slim line = Reference 14 ML_DF Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) a) MARTHE : Finite Differences ML_TVD Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) b) MARTHE : TVD ML_MOC Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) c) MARTHE : MOC Fig. 2 Langmuir sorption. Test Zheng et al. 1998 : Thick line = MARTHE ; Slim line = Reference 15 HF_TVD Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pore Volume s a) MARTHE : TVD (No decay) HF_MOC Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pore Volume s b) MARTHE : MOC (No decay) HF_DEC Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pore Volume s c) MARTHE : TVD (With decay) Fig. 3 Freundlich sorption. Test Huang et al. 1998 : Thick line = MARTHE ; Slim line = Reference 16 HL_TVD Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Pore Volumes a) Langmuir sorption : No decay HL_DECTVD Refer 1 C/Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Pore Volumes b) Langmuir sorption : With decay Fig. 4 Langmuir sorption without and with decay. Test Huang et al. 1998 Thick line = MARTHE TVD ; Slim line = Reference 17 No Sorption nor Kd Bentazone Langmuir 0 -20 -40 Depth (cm) -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Concentrat (mg/l) Fig. 5 Transfer of Bentazone in an unsaturated soil with Langmuir sorption and decay (adapted from Vredepeel site). 18 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 14000 16000 a) Rocky No interactions 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 b) Rocky : Langmuir sorption Fig 6 Rocky test problem. Transport in Steady State with decay. 19 NH4 -> NO2 -> NO3 Finite Differences 1.2 1 C / Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 150 200 Distance a) MARTHE : Finite Differences NH4 -> NO2 -> NO3 TVD Fine 1.2 1 C / Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 Distance b) MARTHE : TVD (fine grid) Fig 7 Chain First-Order reaction of NH4-. Thick line = MARTHE ; Slim line = Reference 20 NH4 -> NO2 -> NO3 TVD Large 1.2 1 C / Co 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 Distance Fig. 8 Chain First-Order reaction of NH4-. Thick line = MARTHE TVD with a large grid ; Slim line = Reference 21 200 20000 20000 18000 18000 16000 16000 14000 14000 12000 12000 10000 10000 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0 2000 4000 Product 1 6000 8000 10000 Product 2 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Product 3 Fig 9 Chain First-Order reaction : Rocky test problem. 22 12000 14000 16000 12000 14000 16000 Simulated Temperature in the Soil at 4 depth Bottom Temperature prescribed 3.8 cm 41 cm 101 cm 191 cm 25 20 Temper (°C) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 0 100 200 300 400 500 Days Fig 10 Vredepeel site : simulation of the temperature at different depths. Bentazone 0 -20 -40 Refer -60 Decay_Satu Depth (cm) -80 Decay_Temp -100 Decay_Satu+Temp -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Concentrat (m g/l) Fig. 11 Transfer of Bentazone in an unsaturated soil (adapted from Vredepeel site): effect of thermal and saturation effects on degradation. Profile after 103 days. 23 . 24 References BOESTEN & VAN DER PAS 2000. Movement of water, bromide ion and the pesticides ethoprophos and bentazone in a sandy soil : description of the Vredepeel data set, Agricultural water management, 44, 21-42.CHO, C. M., 1971 Convective transport of ammonium with nitrification in soils. Can. Jour. Soil Sci. Vol. 51 no 3 pp 339-350. GOODE, D.J. & KONIKOW, L.F. 1989 Modification of a method-of-characteristics solute transport model to incoporate decay and equilibrium-controlled sorption or ion exchange. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4030, 65 pp, Reston, Virginia. GOLAZ, C. 2001. 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