Quantum Chapter 1 1. Computation is a physical process R. Feynman noted that quantum systems appear to be exponentially hard to simulate with classical computers Church–Turing thesis(A.M. Turing was a British mathematician) Turing machine consists of a tape divided into the squares, a scanner, and a dial Two central ideas︰state vectors(describe the instantaneous state of the system)& measurement(describe how information is extracted from the system) Three important properties﹕interference, superposition, entanglement Interference﹕Two–Slit Experiment Two–slit experiment(Fig. 1) 3. Quantum Physics & Church–Turing Introduction︰Computation & Physics 2. Computation Probability amplitude Quantum Bits A quantum bit(“qubit”)is a two state quantum system, such as the electron in the two lowest energy levels of a Hydrogen atom(Fig. 2) 1 Bra∕Ket Notation:|•> is called a “ket”,<•| is a “bra”, <•|•> is a “braket” Geometric view point(Fig. 3) A paradox:a qubit seems to contain an infinite amount of information, since it is in a superposition state Solution:information can extracted by measurement. If measurement of |ψ>=α|0>+β|1> results in |0>, then the state |ψ> changes to |0> and if the state is measured again w.r.t the same basis will return |0> with probability 1. Conclusion:a qubit contains exactly the same amount of information as a classical bit Hidden information 2 4. Multiple Qubits Individual state spaces of n particles classical combine through the cartesian product. Quantum states, however, combine through the tensor product. Consider two qubits case. The state space of two qubits , each with basis﹛|0>, |1>﹜, has basis ﹛|0>⊙|0>,|0>⊙|1>,|1>⊙|0>,|1>⊙|1>﹜ or ﹛|00>,|01>,|10>,|11>﹜ Entangled state:for instance, the state |00>+|11> cannot be decomposed into separate states for each of the two qubits, i.e. we cannot find α, β, γ, δ such that (α|0>+β|1>)⊙(γ|0>+δ|1>)=|00>+|11> Measurement:any state of a two qubits system can be expressed as α|00>+β|01>+γ|10>+δ|11>. When the first qubit is measured w.r.t the basis ﹛|0>,|1>﹜,the probability that the result is |1>﹜ is |α|+|β|. To get the state of system after measurement, we must renormalize so that the total probability is 1. Measurement gives another way of thinking about entangled particles. Particles are not entangled if the measurement of one has no effect on the other. Bell state Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen(EPR)paradox(Fig. 4): An EPR pair (two maximally edtangled particles)is sent one each to Alice and Bob. Alice and Bob can be arbitrarily far apart. Suppose Alice measures her particle and observes state |0>. This means that the combined state will now be |00> and if now Bob measures his particle he will also observe |0>.It appears that this would enable Alice and Bob to communicate faster than the speed of light. Figure 4: Gedanken experiment Solution:the values can be explained equally well by Bob’s measuring first and causing a change in the state of Alice’s particle, as the other way around. This symmetry shows that Alice and Bob cannot , in fact, use their EPR pair to communicate faster than the speed of light. 3