Sampling Protocol, Estimation, and Analysis Procedures for the

Sampling Protocol, Estimation, and Analysis Procedures for the Down Woody
Materials Indicator of the FIA Program
Authors: Chris Woodall and Michael Williams
Status: In review by Statistics and Analysis Band of FIA program
Purpose: A users guide that contains background information on the need for the DWM
indicator, sampling theory of the indicator, sample protocol, estimation procedures, and
examples of analysis for analysts and researchers. The document will serve as a desk
reference material for a diverse group of users. Field crews and trainers may be
interested in this document to augment the DWM information provided by the DWM
website and field guide.
1. Indicator Overview
1.1 FIA Inventory and Forest Health Indicators
1.2 The Down Woody Materials Indicator
1.2.1 DWM as it Relates to Fire, Wildlife, and Carbon Modeling
1.2.2 Detection and Evaluation Monitoring
1.2.3 Current and Expected Outputs
2. Plot-Based Sampling Protocol
2.1 Introduction and Literature Review
2.2 Coarse Woody Debris
2.3 Fine Woody Debris
2.4 Duff/Litter/Fuelbed
2.5 Shrub and Herbs
2.6 Slash Piles
2.7 Transect Segmenting
3. Estimation
3.1 Estimation Methods
3.1.1 The approach to inference for FWD and CWD Fine Woody Debris Estimators Coarse Woody Debris Estimators
3.1.2 Duff, Litter, and Fuelbed
3.1.3 Shrubs and Herbs
3.1.4 Slash
3.2 Plot Classification Estimators
3.2.1 FWD and CWD Classification Methods for a Single Plot
3.2.2 Duff, Litter, and Fuelbed Classification Methods for a Single Plot
3.2.3 Slash Pile Classification Methods for a Single Plot
3.3 Population Estimators
3.4 Estimation of Population Totals by Combining Information from Multiple
Plots Estimates
3.5 Estimation for Monitoring and in Conjunction with other FIA inventories
3.6 Data Processing
Change Estimation
4.1 Plot- and Population-Level Change Estimation
4.2 Estimation in Conjunction with other FIA Inventory Phases
DWM Analytical Guidelines
5.1 Field Data
5.2 Plot-Level Core Tables
5.3 Population-Level Core Tables
5.4 Tabular and Graphical Summaries
5.5 Maps
7.1 Example: Classifying Plots based on the Level of CWD
7.2 Example: Estimation of Population Totals for CWD
7.3 DWM Core Table SAS Code
7.4 Processing Constants
7.5 Historic DWM Sample Designs, 1999-2001