SCHOLARSHIPS – 2011 - 2012. All scholarship materials and requests for transcripts for scholarships should be made at least three days prior to the due date or postmark date. The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity National High School Essay Contest $500-$3,000 Due November 1st. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship One scholarship worth $3,600 to be used at Central State University, Sinclair, Miami-Jacobs, University of Dayton, or Wilberforce University. Five scholarships worth $3,200 to be used at Wright State University. Due November 17th. 2011 Profile in Courage Essay Contest $5,000 $1,000 $500 Postmarked by January 8, 2011 Washington Crossing Foundations Scholarships $1,000-$5,000 The scholarships are for students planning on a career in government service. Students should go to Deadline is January 15th Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Creative Writing Contest $500, $250, $100 Series I savings bond Postmarked by January 31st GM/Frigidaire Scholarship $1,000 for public schools $2,000 for private schools GM/Delphi/D-Max employees, retirees, their spouses and dependent children, and grandchildren of Employees or retirees are eligible 3.00 GPA required Applicants must attend or plan to attend one of 22 Ohio schools listed on the application. Due February 1st KFC Scholarship Up to $6,000 per year 2,75 GPA Due February 8th Miami Valley Chapter of the Ohio Credit Union League Scholarship $1,000 2.50 GPA Either student or a family member belongs to a credit union Postmarked no later than February 10th Sinclair College Music Scholarshps Will cover 12 credits of tuition per semester Auditions- February 11th and March 21st Call (937) 512-4580 National Co-Op Scholarship Renewable scholarships worth $6,000 to $30,000 at the following institutions: Drexel University/Johnson & Wales University/Kettering University/Rochester Institute of Technology/University of Cincinnati/University of Toledo/Wentworth Institute of Technology Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or better Go to for an application The applicant must be admitted to one of the seven schools specified. Postmarked by February 15 Wright State University Honors Scholarships $2,500 per year to tuition, room/board, and books for four years Due February 15th Best Buy Scholarship $1,000 Due February 15th Gamma Phi Delta Sorority Scholarship $500 Student must be a resident of Montgomery County Application materials are due to Mrs. Davis by February 19th. Printing Industries Educational Scholarship Scholarships range from $1,500 to $5,000. This is for Ohio students entering a college with a graphic communications or graphic imaging program. Due February 28th Sisters in Christ Chorale Scholarship Student must be a Christian 2.50 GPA Along with the other requirements, the applicant needs one church recommendation letter on church letterhead. Postmarked by March 8th. Seedling Foundation Scholarship $1,000 (renewable) Just for Stivers’ students – 2.50 GPA Due February 27th to Mr. Asadorian Jerry Colp Scholarship $1,000 Just for Stivers’ student – 2.50 GPA Due February 27th to Mr. Asadorian Buick Achievers Scholarship 1,000 scholarships for $2,000/100 scholarships for $25,00 a year For students who plan on majoring in engineering, technology, design, or business February 29th Pfeife Smith World Affairs Scholarship Two for $2,000/one for $4,000 Student must be in to ¼ of class Student must plan to go to U.D., Wright State, or Sinclair Due March 1st Sinclair College Scholarships $500 - $2,250 (some renewable) Due March 1st James Kura Scholarship (essay) $1,000 Due March 2nd OSBA Black Caucus Leo Lucas Scholarship 2.50 GPA Student must be African-American Due March 9th Joseph Cinque Scholarship (essay) $500 Due to U.D. school of Law by March 9th Universal 1 Credit Union Scholarship Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. The student must be a member of the Universal 1 Credit Union. Postmarked by March 15, 2011 Montgomery County Law Enforcement memorial Scholarship For children or family of a fallen law enforcement officer, police officer’s family, Montgomery County resident pursuing a law enforcement career, or Montgomery County high school student pursuing a degree in criminal justice, criminology, forensics, education, or social work. Due March 16th The materials for the following nine scholarships are due in to Mr. Asadorian no later than March 16th. Some applications must include the following; current official transcript (counselor will provide) copy of the student’s college acceptance letter university assigned ID number (if known) The Student Aid Report (SAR) from the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) – This must show the EFC number (Expected Family Contribution) #1 Wahid Abdullah Memorial Scholarship $500-$1,000 3.00 GPA Communications or journalism major #2 Altrusa International-Dayton Chapter Scholarship $1,000 3.50 GPA Community service is important. #3 Charles A., Dhel L., and Katharine Funkhouser Memorial Scholarship $1,000 2.50 GPA Dayton Public Schools student only #4 Dan L. Hickey Memorial Scholarship $1,000 (may be renewed) 3.00 GPA Dayton Public schools student only Education major #5 C.J McLin, Jr. Scholarship $500-$1,000 (may be renewed) 2.50 GPA Emphasis on community service The student must plan to attend an Ohio college or university or a Historically Black College or University #6 Paul R. and Freida M. Miller Memorial Scholarship $1,000 3.00 GPA Teaching major Dayton Public Schools students only The student must plan to attend a Historically Black College or University. #7 Scott Neal Simpson Scholarship $500 2.50 GPA Community services, achievements, activities are important Merit only- NO SAR REQUIRED. #8 Twentig Incorporated Endowment Fund (Willis Bing Davis Scholarship) Award varies 2.50 GPA African-American majoring in visual or performing arts #9 Doris H. Wilson Scholarship Two $450 scholarships 2.00 to 2.90 GPA Demonstrate activities related to diversity. These scholarships are available online at You should click on “for youth” and then “ScholarshipConnect.” ALL DATON-FOUNDATION SCHOLARSIPS SHOULD BE TURNED IN TO MR. ASADORIAN NO LATER THAN MARCH 16th. #1 AIA Dayton Architectural Scholarship Amount varies. The student must be admitted to a NAAB accredited architectural of pre-architectural program and declare architecture as his or her major. Due March 2st. #2 Appenzeller Scholarship $1,000 3.00 GPA Major in engineering or an engineering discipline. #3 Richard W. Brame Sr. Memorial Scholarship $1,000 2.50 GPA Major in business or a business-related field. #4 Mary E. and Roderick F. Condon II Scholarship $3,000 Fine arts major including but not limited to drawing, painting, graphic arts, ceramics, sculpture, fashion design, and set design. #5 Madonna Wine Goss Scholarship $3,000 (renewable) 3.00 GPA Music education major #6 Major John F. Harris Scholarship $1,000 2.00 to 3.00 GPA Participation in a JROTC program at a Dayton Public High School #7 Montgomery County Association of Police Chiefs Scholarship $750 2.50 GPA Major in criminal justice or law enforcement #8 Willie and Eloise Root Scholarship $1,000 2.50 GPA or GED A high school senior or current college student who has played an active role in the lives of migrant workers. #9 Jerry Trimback Scholarship Award is ½ tuition for a student who will attend Sinclair College full-time. One year renewal #10 RayWright Memorial Scholarship 2.50 GPA Student has worked at McDonald for at least 12 months. #11 Rosamond M. Young Memorial Scholarship 3.00 GPA Student will major in English or English Literature with the intent to become a teacher. Dayton-Montgomery Scholarship $800 maximum last year 2.50 GPA required If a student qualifies for it, he or she will get it. Materials need to be turned in to Mr. Asadorian by March16th. William D. Squires Scholarship $12,000 3.20 GPA Due April 15th Stivers’ Alumni Scholarship $1,000 one for $4,000 3.00 GPA Due by April 15th PFLAG Scholarship Two for $2,000 one for $1,000 For gay, lesbian, or trangender students and their allies Due April 16th Dayton Musicians Association Scholarship For students planning a career in music performance or music education. Due May 1st Central State University Dayton Alumni Scholarship For student planning on attending Central State University Due April 9th