UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA P.I. Name & Department Telephone Number(s) Co-P.I. Name(s) Day Telephone Number(s): 24-Hour Emergency Number: (215) 662-6059 (Ask for Dept. Resident on Call) CONSENT FORM (Title of Study) (REMOVE ALL BLUE PRINT BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION) INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: EXAMPLE: You are being asked to participate in this study as a normal volunteer without any significant medical or history. -orYou are being asked to participate in this study because you are a patient diagnosed with ____________. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study should be expressed in lay language and should clearly state the nature of the research project. EXAMPLE: The purpose of this research project is to test new methods for studying the brain using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI already provides detailed images of brain anatomy, and newer methods will expand this capability by also providing images of brain function that can be used to better understand how the normal brain processes information. Previous methods for measuring these functions often required the injection or inhalation of radioactive substances and/or exposure to X-rays. In contrast, the MRI methods will not require any injections or exposure to radioactivity. This project will specifically develop MRI methods used for detecting changes in blood flow to different parts of the brain (perfusion) that are known to occur during activities such as thinking, touching, and movement. The image data obtained from your study will be used to test and validate perfusion MRI for use in brain mapping research. -orIf successful, these new methods will expand the information which can be obtained from MRI studies of the brain, while reducing the risk and discomfort of obtaining images of brain function. PROCEDURES: The subject must be informed exactly what his/her participation will involve in chronological order. This may include the length and frequency of hospitalization, types of medication, number and time of visits, placebo administration, types and number of tests, total amount of blood to be drawn (in terms a lay person can understand such as cups, tablespoons, teaspoons), randomization, questionnaires, video-taping, diets, withholding of standard treatment, follow-up studies, etc. If a test article is involved, the consent form should explain that: Page 1 of 5 Consent version: 00/00/0000 CONSENT FORM (Title of Study) 1. It is routinely used for the proposed purposes of the study. 2. It is experimental and not approved for general use in the United States but has been approved for the use in this study. EXAMPLE: The study will be conducted at the Center for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy in the Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. The study will be very similar to a routine clinical MRI scan of the brain. The study will be very similar to a routine clinical MRI scan of the brain. The study will be performed using a 1.5 or a 3.0 Tesla magnet, which are both standard clinical MRI scanners. Although the measurement is painless, it will be noisy inside the magnet due to beeping and hammering sounds made when the magnetic field gradients are pulsed. Disposable earplugs will be provided to diminish the noise. You will be asked to lie down on a platform which can be slid into the middle of the magnet, which is shaped like a large tube. An MRI imaging coil will be placed around your head. This coil is simply a number of wires covered in plastic. You will not come into contact with the coil during the experiment. Foam pads will be placed around your head to limit head movement during the study. You will then be slid into the magnet. You will be asked to lie still for approximately one hour, during which time several images will be acquired. [SPECIFY YOUR TASK HERE. e.g.: At different points during the experiment, you may be asked to perform tasks, which activate specific brain functions. For example, you may be asked to wiggle your fingers, watch flashing lights, compare shapes, or listen to lists of words while MRI scans are being taken. None of these activation procedures are painful, and you may proceed with them at your own pace.] During the study a physician will be available for any medical questions or problems. The technicians involved in the study will advise you on the progress of the study. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, no matter what the reason, the study will immediately be stopped. RISKS: Describe in lay language any potential side effects due to the procedures being performed and/or due to any drugs or devices being utilized in this study. EXAMPLE: The levels of energy used to make magnetic resonance measurements are far less than are used in a single X-ray, and many patients have been safely studied using magnetic resonance techniques. However, some people become uncomfortable or claustrophobic while inside the magnet. If you become uncomfortable inside the magnet, you may withdraw immediately from the study. During some of the MRI scans, subjects have occasionally reported “tingling” or “twitching” sensations in their arms or legs, especially when their hands are clasped together. Page 2 of 5 Consent version: 00/00/0000 CONSENT FORM (Title of Study) Further, because of the strong magnetic field, people with pacemakers, certain metallic implants, or metal in the eye cannot participate in this study. You will be given a checklist before entering the MRI room, which will be reviewed and used to verify that you do not have anything harmful in or on your body. REQUIRED: The known risks associated with this study are minimal. The greatest risk is a metallic object flying through the air toward the magnet and hitting you. To reduce this risk we require that all people involved with the study remove all metal from their clothing and all metal objects from their pockets. No metal objects are allowed to be brought into the magnet room at any time. In addition, once you are in the magnet, the door to the room will be closed so that no one inadvertently walks into the magnet room. Something similar to this is REQUIRED, if using custom head coils and experimental imaging sequences: This study may include the use of custom manufactured head coils and experimental imaging sequences that are not FDA-approved, but are considered non-significant risks. COSTS AND FINANCIAL RISKS: You are encouraged to discuss the possible effects of these costs with the study doctor. If no costs, the consent should state that there would be no charge to the subject for this research study: EXAMPLE: There will be no charge to you for this research study. BENEFITS: Direct or to society. If there is no direct benefit to the subject, a statement reflecting this fact must be recorded: EXAMPLE: There may be no direct benefit for you from participation in this study. PREGNACY ISSUES: Gadolinium is not approved in pregnant women and pregnant women should be excluded from trials using Gadolinium contrast. The following statement (as appropriate) must be included in the informed consent: REQUIRED: Although there are no known risks of MRI on pregnant women or the fetus, there is a possibility of yet undiscovered pregnancy related risks. If you are a woman of child-bearing potential, a pregnancy test will be made available to you in order to help you make an informed decision about your participation. ALTERNATIVES: Describe in lay language how the patient would be treated if not otherwise in a research study and any potential adverse effects from the alternatives. If there are no alternatives other than not to participate in this study, this fact should be documented. EXAMPLE: Page 3 of 5 Consent version: 00/00/0000 CONSENT FORM (Title of Study) The alternative to participation is to decide not to enroll in this study. COMPENSATION: Describe any fees (dollar amount) to be paid to the subject for participation, describe partial payment or no payment for early termination or bonus for completion. If no payment will be given, use the following statement: There will be no financial compensation for participation. EXAMPLE: You will receive a $25 honorarium for participating in this study. CONFIDENTIALITY: REQUIRED: Every attempt will be made by the investigators to maintain all information collected in this study strictly confidential, except as may be required by court order or by law. Authorized representatives of the University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board (IRB), a committee charged with protecting the rights and welfare of research subjects, may be provided access to medical or research records that identify you by name. If any publication or presentations results from this research, you will not be identified by name. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A statement that any significant new findings developed during the course of the study that may relate to the subject's willingness to continue their participation will be provided to the subject. (The investigator must provide the subject and the IRB with a written statement concerning any significant finding(s) that may potentially influence a subject's decision to continue participating in the study. In this circumstance the investigator must renegotiate informed consent. REQUIRED: Any significant new findings that develop during the course of the study, which may affect your willingness to participate, will be provided to you. DISCLAIMER/WITHDRAWAL: There are two standard statements of disclaimer/withdrawal, one of which needs to be included this section. For non-medical studies: REQUIRED: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and that you may withdraw at any time without prejudicing your standing within the University of Pennsylvania or your class. INJURY/COMPLICATIONS: For Non-Industry Studies: EXAMPLE: These studies will be performed under the supervision of ________________, M.D., at the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center in the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. These studies are part of a research protocol, and are not intended to provide a comprehensive clinical Page 4 of 5 Consent version: 00/00/0000 CONSENT FORM (Title of Study) MRI examination of the brain. In the unlikely event that a significant brain abnormality is observed while processing your brain images for the research study, you will be contacted and we will arrange for your structural images to be sent to your physician. REQUIRED: In the event of any physical injury resulting from the research procedures, medical treatment will be provided without cost to you, but financial compensation is not otherwise available from the University of Pennsylvania. You or your third party payer, if any, may be billed for medical expenses associated with this study if they are deemed medically necessary and such expenses would have been incurred independent of the study, or if your third party payer agrees in advance to pay for such expenses. SUBJECT RIGHTS: If you wish further information regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Director of Regulatory Affairs at the University of Pennsylvania by telephoning (215) 898-2614. If you have any questions pertaining to your participation in this research study, you may contact the physician by calling the telephone number(s) listed at the top of page one. You have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have had them answered to your satisfaction. CONCLUSION: You have read and understand the consent form. You agree to participate in this research study. Upon signing below, you will receive a copy of the consent form. Name of Subject Signature of Subject Date Name of Person Obtaining Consent Signature of Person Obtaining Consent Date If the protocol allows the entry of subject’s unable to provide informed consent, the following signature line should also be placed under the area for the subject’s name and signature: Name of Legally Effective Representative Signature of Legally Effective Representative Date If the subject is unable to read or sign their name, the following signature line should also be placed under the area for the subject’s name and signature: Name of Witness to Subject Mark or Consent Signature of Witness to Subject Mark or Consent Date Page 5 of 5 Consent version: 00/00/0000