1 (F) Magnetic Resonance: A Probe of Chemical Structure F_I Chemical Shielding & The Chemical Shift How does the electronic environment of a nucleus affect its precession frequency? (Spin Dynamics p.192-193 (1st edn.) p.195-196 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 2 What is the effect of changing the B0 magnetic field on the difference in frequencies of the NMR signals due to two nuclei in distinct electronic environments? (Spin Dynamics p.56-59 (1st edn.) p.50-53 (2nd edn.)) Isotopomer I C1H3 C1H216O1H natural abundance Isotopomer II C1H3 C1H216O1H natural abundance Isotopomer III C1H3 C1H216O1H natural abundance PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 3 How can we obtain a B0-independent measure of the shielding of a nucleus? (Spin Dynamics p.59-60 (1st edn.) p.53-54 (2nd edn.)) 0cs = Bz = (B0 + Binduced) [F1] 0cs = B0 (1 ) [F2] ppm = [(0cs 0ref_TMS) / 0ref_TMS] 106 [F3] Since Binduced B0, ppm = [(ref_TMS cs) / (1 ref_TMS)] 106 (ref_TMS cs) 106 PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure [F4] 4 Since 0 = 0 rf [B2] ppm = (0cs 0ref_TMS) / (0 in MHz) [F5] ppm(site1, site2) = 0cs(site1, site2) / (0 in MHz) [F6] 0cs(site1, site2) = ppm(site1, site2) * 0 in MHz [F7] PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 5 F_II The g Value (EPR) How can the precession frequency of an electron spin in an organic molecule or inorganic compound deviate from that of a free electron? (Weil & Bolton, p.7-11 & 23-27, Rieger p.1-3) 0 = ge B Bz / ℏ Bz = (g / ge) B0 [F8] 0 = g B B0 / ℏ [F9] g = h 0 (in Hz) / B B0 [F10] PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure [A14] 6 F_III The Hyperfine Interaction (EPR) How is the precession of an electron spin altered by coupling to a nuclear spin? (Weil & Bolton, p.7-11 & 36-38, Rieger p.21-25) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 7 F_IV Through-Bond J Coupling (NMR) How is the precession frequency of a nucleus affected by other chemically-bonded nuclei? (Spin Dynamics p.212-216 (1st edn.) p.217-222 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 8 What do J-coupled multiplets tell you about molecular connectivities? (Spin Dynamics p.61-64 (1st edn.) p.56-59 (2nd edn.)) Does a J-splitting change upon increasing B0? PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 9 F_V Dipole-Dipole Coupling How is the precession frequency of a nucleus affected by other close-together in space nuclei? (Spin Dynamics p.203-205 (1st edn.) p.211-212 (2nd edn.)) How does a dipole-dipole coupling depend on orientation? (Spin Dynamics p.205-207 (1st edn.) p.213-214 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 10 How does the orientation dependence of the dipole-dipole coupling affect solid-state NMR spectra? What happens to dipole-dipole couplings in isotropic solution? (Spin Dynamics p.207-208 (1st edn.) p.215-216 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 11 Why can broadening due to dipole-dipole couplings be problematic in solid-state NMR? PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 12 F_VI Magic-Angle Spinning What is magic-angle spinning? (Spin Dynamics p.482 (1st edn.) p.527 (2nd edn.)) What is the effect of magic-angle spinning on NMR spectra of powdered solids? (Spin Dynamics p.528-529 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 13 F_VII Chemical Shift Anisotropy Why is the chemical shift of a nucleus orientation dependent? (Spin Dynamics p.199-200 (1st edn.) p.197-199 & 204-205 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 14 What does a typical 13C MAS solid-state NMR spectrum look like? Which NMR orientations survive the isotropic tumbling of molecules in solution? PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 15 F_VIII Quadrupolar Interaction Why is NMR of nuclei with I 1 different? (Spin Dynamics p.170-174 (1st edn.) p.172-175 (2nd edn.)) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 16 How does the quadrupolar interaction affect the NMR spectrum of a spin I = 1 nucleus? PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 17 How does the quadrupolar interaction affect the NMR spectrum of a spin I = 3/2 nucleus? Summary of isotropic and anisotropic interactions isotropic anisotropic Chemical Shift J coupling (through-bond) dipolar coupling (through space) quadrupolar coupling (I > 1/2) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 18 (F) Magnetic Resonance: A Probe of Chemical Structure: Key Facts Chemical shielding The magnetic field, Bz, experienced by a nuclear spin deviates from the applied magnetic field, B0, because of the effect of B0 on the electrons that surround the atomic nuclei. Specifically, B0 induces current flow in the electron orbitals, with these circulating electron currents generating an additional magnetic field at the nucleus. Since the induced magnetic field due to the electrons is proportional to B0: 0cs = B0 (1 ) [F2] where is the chemical shielding. Importantly, resonances with different chemical shieldings are chemically different – this makes NMR a very powerful probe of molecular structure. (NB: the induced magnetic field is usually in the opposite direction to B0.) Chemical shift A B0-independent measure of the chemical shielding is obtained by comparing to the resonance frequency of a reference compound – for 1H, 13C and 29Si NMR, the reference compound is tetramethylsilane (TMS), Si(CH3)4: ppm = [(0cs 0ref_TMS) / 0ref_TMS] 106 [F3] The chemical shift is a dimensionless parameter, but is expressed in ppm since the differences are small as compared to the Larmor frequency. The difference between two resonances in Hz and ppm are related by: ppm(site1, site2) = 0cs(site1, site2) / (0 in MHz) [F6] 0cs(site1, site2) = ppm(site1, site2) * 0 in MHz [F7] NB: The separation of two resonances in Hz is proportional to B0, while the separation of two resonances in ppm is independent of B0. PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 19 The g value (EPR) The magnetic field, Bz, experienced by an electron spin is: Bz = (g / ge) B0 [F8] 0 = g B B0 / ℏ [F9] such that The deviation of g from that of a free electron, ge = 2.002, is due to the mixing of spin and orbital angular momentum. g is determined from the experimental resonance frequency: g = h 0 (in Hz) / B B0 [F10] The hyperfine interaction (EPR) The so-called hyperfine interaction of an electron spin with nuclear spins leads to splittings in EPR spectra, since parallel or anti-parallel configurations of the electron and nuclear spins have different energies. Specifically, a resonance of an electron spin coupled to a single nuclear spin splits into 2I + 1 lines, where I is the nuclear spin, e.g., 2 or 3 lines when coupled to a spin I = 1/2 or I =1 nuclear spin, respectively. Coupling of nuclear spins Line splittings are observed in NMR spectra due to the coupling together of nuclear spins. This occurs by two mechanisms: (i) The through-bond (electron mediated) J coupling (ii) The through-space (i.e., no requirement for chemical bonding) dipolar coupling. In both cases, the observed line splittings are independent of B0. Line splittings due to coupling to a heteronucleus (e.g., 13C to 1H) can be removed by the method of decoupling, where high-power on-resonance rf irradiation is applied to the heteronuclei during the acquisition of the FID on the other channel (e.g., 1H decoupling during the acquisition of a 13C FID in a solution-state NMR experiment removes the J splittings, compare HO_F3 and HO_F8). PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 20 The through-bond J coupling: Due to the different energies associated with parallel or anti-parallel configurations of electron and nuclear spins. Multiplet patterns are observed depending on the number of coupled nuclei: 13C1H a doublet; 13C(1H) 2 a triplet with intensities 1:2:1; 13C(1H)3 a quartet with intensities 1:3:3:1. The J coupling is an isotropic interaction, i.e., the observed splittings are independent of molecular orientation. The through-space dipolar coupling: is directly proportional to the product of the magnetogyric ratios of the coupled spins, j and k, and inversely proportional to the cubed separation of the nuclei, rjk: Dc j k / rjk3 [F11] The dipolar coupling is an anisotropic interaction, i.e., the observed splitting, D, depends on the orientation of the internuclear vector with respect to the B0 magnetic field: D = Dc (1/2) (3cos2 1) [F12] i.e., for a single crystal containing isolated pairs of coupled nuclei, maximum and minimum splittings, D = +Dc and D = Dc/2 would be observed for = 0 and 90, respectively, while when = 54.7, (3cos2 1) equals zero, and no splitting is observed. Solid-state NMR is usually carried out on powdered samples, i.e., the observed NMR spectrum is the superposition of many individual spectra due to many small single crystals with all possible orientations of the internuclear vector with respect to the B0 magnetic field. Since all values of are not equally likely due to the sin term associated with integration using spherical coordinates, the powder pattern for a sample containing isolated pairs of coupled nuclei is a Pake doublet lineshape (see HO_F12). PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 21 In isotropic solution, i.e., where the molecules are tumbling fast such that all orientations of the internuclear vector with respect to the B0 magnetic field are experienced in a short timescale, the effective dipolar splitting corresponds to the integration: (1/2) (3cos2 1) sin d = 0 [F13] 0 i.e., no splittings due to dipolar couplings are observed in NMR spectra of isotropic solutions. Magic-angle spinning (solid-state NMR): Organic solids do not usually contain well isolated pairs of coupled nuclei, such that typical solid-state NMR spectra of powdered solids are featureless humps due to there being many overlapping resonances associated with the dipolar splittings (see HO_F13) among many coupled nuclei. There is effectively an overload of information with the important resolution of chemically distinct sites with different chemical shifts being lost. High resolution can be obtained in solid-state NMR by the technique of magic-angle spinning (MAS) whereby the sample is physically rotated around an axis inclined at an angle of 54.7 to B0 at rotation frequencies of up to 70,000 rotations a second (70 kHz), using gas bearings. At slow MAS frequencies (compared to the static powder pattern width), the static pattern breaks up into narrow lines separated by the MAS frequency, i.e., a spectrum containing a centreband and spinning sidebands. As the MAS frequency becomes bigger than the width of the static powder pattern, intensity is increasingly centred in the centreband (see HO_F15). Chemical Shift Anisotropy (CSA): The chemical shielding interaction has both an isotropic and an anisotropic contribution: cs = csiso + csaniso [F14] The anisotropic part is referred to as the chemical shift anisotropy and depends on (i) the anisotropy, , (ii) an asymmetry parameter, CSA, and (iii) the orientation, , of the shielding tensor (that depends on the electron environment) with respect to the B0 magnetic field csaniso = (1/2 (3cos2 1) (for CSA = 0) PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure [F15] 22 i.e., for a single crystal, the resonance frequency changes as the orientation changes (this is illustrated for a 13C resonance in a C=O group in HO_F16). For a powdered sample, one half of Pake doublet pattern is obtained (see HO_F16). MAS affects powder patterns due to CSA in the same way as for the dipolar coupling, i.e., at slow MAS frequencies (compared to the static powder pattern width), the static pattern breaks up into narrow lines separated by the MAS frequency, i.e., a spectrum containing a centreband and spinning sidebands. As the MAS frequency becomes bigger than the width of the static powder pattern, intensity is increasingly centred in the centreband (see HO_F17) NB: For an isotropic solution, the NMR spectrum depends on: (i) the isotropic chemical shifts (csiso) (ii) J splittings (these are orientation-independent). Quadrupolar Interaction: Nuclei with spin I 1 possess an electric quadrupole moment (i.e., a non-spherical distribution of electric charge). This interacts with the electric field gradient at the nucleus to lift the degeneracy of the single-quantum transitions. To first-order (i.e., the quadrupolar interaction is small compared to the Zeeman interaction – that is responsible for the Larmor frequency – such that first-order perturbation theory is applicable): For a spin I = 1 nucleus, there are two single-quantum transitions (+1 0 and 0 1) at 0 Q. For a spin I = 3/2 nucleus, there is a central transition (+1/2 1/2) at 0 (i.e., independent of Q). and two satellite transitions (+3/2 +1/2 and 1/2 3/2) at 0 Q. where Q = CQ (1/2) (3cos2 1) (for Q = 0) is the orientation of the electric field gradient with respect to B0. PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure [F16] 23 CQ is the quadrupolar coupling constant (in units of Hz) and it depends on the electric field gradient, eq, and the quadrupole moment, Q: CQ = e2q Q / h [F17] The orientation dependence of the quadrupolar interaction gives rise to broadened lineshapes for powdered solids: For a spin I = 1 and Q = 0, the same Pake doublet is observed as for the case of a pair of dipolar-coupled spin I = 1/2 nuclei (see HO_F21). For a spin I = 3/2 and Q = 0, the same Pake doublet is observed as for the case of a pair of dipolar-coupled spin I = 1/2 nuclei together with a narrow central resonance (see HO_F22). MAS affects powder patterns due to quadrupolar interactions in the same way as for the dipolar coupling, i.e., at slow MAS frequencies (compared to the static powder pattern width), the static pattern breaks up into narrow lines separated by the MAS frequency, i.e., a spectrum containing a centreband and spinning sidebands. As the MAS frequency becomes bigger than the width of the static powder pattern, intensity is increasingly centred in the centreband. PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure 24 (F) Magnetic Resonance: A Probe of Chemical Structure: Questions 1. A compound has two different 13C sites with chemical shifts equal to 30 and 100 ppm. (i) At what magnetic field is the chemical frequency difference equal to 10 kHz? (ii) The relative Larmor frequencies of peaks from the two 13C sites are 1 / 2 = +6.0 kHz and 2 / 2 = 4.0 kHz. What is the ppm value corresponding to the oscillation frequency of the rf pulse, rf? (13C) = 6.73 × 107 rad s1T1 2. An ESR spectrum is recorded for a particular organic radical, using microwave radiation at 9.418 GHz. The spectrum exhibits three equally spaced resonances of equal intensity, with the central resonance at a magnetic field of 330.074 mT. (i) What is the electronic g-factor of the radical? (ii) Give a chemical explanation for the observation of three resonances. The Bohr magneton 3. μB = 9.274 × 1024 J T1; Planck's constant h = 6.626 1034 J s A 2H NMR experiment is performed on a single crystal at a magnetic field strength of 9.4 T. For one particular orientation of the single crystal, a single line is observed in the NMR spectrum at 30 ppm. For all other orientations, a doublet is observed. At the maximum splitting, the lines are separated by 245.8 kHz. What will be the frequencies (in ppm) of the lines corresponding to the maximum splitting when the experiment is performed on a 18.8 T spectrometer. Assume only a first-order quadrupolar interaction for the 2H nucleus with = 0. (To first-order, the quadrupolar splitting is independent of B0.) (2H) = 4.107 × 107 rad s1T1 PX388 Magnetic Resonance: Section F: MR: A Probe of Chemical Structure