Influence of microwaves and electron beams on red blood cells A. Hategan1, D. Martin1, C. Butan1, A.Popescu1 C.Oproiu1, V.V. Morariu2 1.Institute of Atomic Physics, Electron Accelerator Laboratory, P.O.Box MG36, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania 2. Institute of Isotopic and Molecular Technology, CP 700, 3400 Cluj-Napoca ABSTRACT The effects of 6 MeV electron beam ( 0o C) and of 2.45 GHz microwave (-196o C) at 0-850 W, as well as preliminary results of the combined treatment, on the osmotic fragility of human erythrocyte membranes are presented. The changes in the properties of the erythrocyte membranes were estimated by measuring the radiation induced haemoglobin release from the erythrocytes (hemolysis) and the osmotic fragility of the membranes, determined by postirradiation induced osmotic stress. We obtained no hemolysis induced by accelerated electrons in the range 0-400 Gy, whereas the microwave irradiated erythrocytes showed in the ranges (1-2 min) and (400-500 W ) values of very small hemolysis, down to 50% from the control. The osmotic stress experiments indicated a significant increase in osmotic fragility for 200 -400 Gy electron doses, whereas the 100 Gy irradiated sample showed a hemolysis down to 35% from the control. Similarly, the microwave irradiated erythrocytes showed values down to 60% from the control for (1min, 850W). Both radiations induced at definite parameters values of very small hemolysis, suggesting a stabilisation of the membranes and an increase in osmotic resistance. Our preliminary results on simultaneous irradiation of the frozen erythrocytes seem to indicate a significant contribution of microwaves in hemolysis evolution, while the successive irradiation procedure did not allow so far a clear interpretation, further studies being necessary to elucidate the membrane molecular mechanisms induced . INTRODUCTION The actual experimental data provided by the scientific literature concerning the effects of microwave irradiation and combined microwaves with electron irradiation on the biological samples are controversial and the molecular mechanisms involved in the physicochemical modifications that occur are not completely clarified [1]. Freezing of the samples at liquid nitrogen temperature makes possible the determination of the non-thermal effects of microwaves and the direct effects of electron irradiation on the biomembranes [1,5,6]. The temperature variations in the frozen state of the sample do not affect the erythrocyte membrane properties. METHODS Sample preparation Human blood from a healthy donor stored for 3 days in a blood bank was washed three times according to a standard procedure with phosphate buffer solution 150 mM NaCl / 5 mM K2HPO4 / KH2PO4 at pH 7.4. Packed erythrocytes obtained by this procedure were suspended at a final cytocrit of 16.66%. In the case of microwave irradiation, the packed erythrocytes were suspended at a final cytocryt of 16.66% in a crioprotectant buffer solution consisting of 28 g glicerol/2.8 g sorbitol/ phosphate buffer solution 150 mM NaCl / 5 mM K2HPO4 / KH2PO4 at pH 7.4. Irradiation procedure Device: The samples were irradiated by using: a rectangular cavity (RC) specially designed to permit either electron beam irradiation only, microwave irradiation only, or combined (simultaneous or succesive) electron beam and microwave treatement. Microwave power, up to 850 W at 2.45 GHz is coupled to the RC sidewalls via a slotted waveguide system. Scanned vertical 5 MeV electron beam of a linear accelerator with the following parameters: 5-10 MeV energy of the electron beam, average intensity of 5-10 uA, frequency of the pulses 100 MHz, time of a pulse 5-10 us was introduced perpendicularly by the upper end of 100 um thick. Temperature: The samples were termostatated at 0o C using a ice-water bath, and at 196o C using a liquid nitrogen bath . Dosimetry: The dose accumulated by the samples was estimated using Fricke dosimetry in calibrating the monitor of the linear accelerator.The dose rate was estimated to be constant during irradiation (2 kGy/min). Hemolysis Measurements The irradiation induced hemolysis was determined by measuring the hemoglobin released in the supernatant of the samples because of radiation action. This was achieved by measuring the optical absorbency of the supernatant solution at 540 nm and the results were reported to the total hemoglobin released by the control sample in the presence of distilled water. The osmotic fragility of irradiated erythrocytes was determined by measuring spectrophotometrically the hemoglobin loss in the supernatant of the erythrocytes exposed to osmotic shock by suspending them in solutions with different concentrations of NaCl . In the particular case of the microwave irradiated erythrocytes, the cells were washed to eliminate the protector solution, by using a standard procedure which consists of several centrifugations and resuspensions of the cells in buffer solutions of different osmolarities Finally the cells were suspended in a buffer solution consisting of 150 mM NaCl / 5 mM K2HPO4 / KH2PO4 pH 7.4, at a hematocrit of 6%, for each sample. The osmotic stress was performed by suspending 300 ul of every 6 % solution in 5 ml of buffer solution containing different NaCl concentrations (final cytocrit of 0.34 %). After 10 minutes necessary for osmotic stress results to be complete, the samples were centrifuged at 500 g for 5 min and the hemoglobin released in the supernatant determined spectrophotometrically. All the results were reported to the value of the maximum hemolysis obtained for the nonirradiated sample. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Our results showed no hemolysis induced by electron irradiation at 0o C, in the dose range 0-400 Gy, indicating that the membrane modifications due to radiation interaction do not reach a critical point to cause swelling of the cells and consequent lysis. The microwave irradiated erythrocytes showed in the ranges (1-2 min) and (400-500 W ) values of very small hemolysis, down to 50% from the control (fig.1). The influence of radiation is tested in the osmotic stress experiments performed after irradiation, which give information on the most resistant erythrocyte population in the samples. The electron irradiated samples showed a drastic behaviour in the osmotic stress experiments (fig.2).They showed a hemolysis induced by the strongest osmotic stress with 7585 % higher than in the control sample. In the case of a certain electron dose (100 Gy), the hemolysis degree was found much smaller than for the control sample (35 % from the control, at the strongest osmotic stress).A similar behaviour of the erythrocytes was found in the case of microwave irradiation of the erythrocytes at subzero temperatures. The microwave irradiated erythrocytes at -196o C exhibited a similar behaviour with the electron irradiated red cells (fig.3). The samples irradiated for (1 min, 850W) showed a hemolysis degree of approximativelly 60 % from the control sample. In the case of microwave irradiation it can be assumed that this effect is due to the non-thermal component of electromagnetic radiation . Possible resonances at the molecular level also have to be taken into account for the explanation of the results obtained: the points of very small hemolysis might be seen as resonances at the molecular level, in response to irradiation time. They should be characterised by a “stationary state” of the membranes, that implies an increased resistance of the cells to osmotic stress. The similarity between the results obtained in the case of electron irradiation at 0o C and microwave irradiation at -196o C, might suggest similar energy absorbtion into the samples,in the two different sets of irradiation conditions (liquid samples at 0o C and frozen samples at -196o C). Much more experimental data is necessary in order to clarify this similar behaviour, obtained for the two different radiations. Our preliminary results on simultaneous irradiation of the frozen erythrocytes (fig.4 a,b) seem to indicate a significant contribution of microwaves in hemolysis evolution, while the successive irradiation procedure (fig.5) did not allow so far a clear interpretation, further studies being necessary to elucidate the membrane molecular mechanisms induced. . Figure 1. Hemoglobin loss from microwave irradiated erythrocytes at different exposure times and different power levels. 0 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl 60 mM NaCl 70 mM NaCl 80 mM NaCl 90 mM NaCl 100 mM NaCl 110 mM NaCl 120 mM NaCl 150 mM NaCl electrons irradiation 200 180 160 Hemolysis (%) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Dose (Gy) Figure 2. Influence of different electron doses on the erythrochyte membranes. 150 mM NaCl 120 mM NaCl 110 mM NaCl 100 mM NaCl 90 mM NaCl 80 mM NaCl 70 mM NaCl 60 mM NaCl 50 mM NaCl 0 mM NaCl 120 100 Hemolysis (%) osmotic fragility of human 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Irradiation time (min) 7 8 9 Figure 3. Influence of microwave irradiation time on the osmotic fragility of frozen human erythrocyte membranes. 22 20 MW+e- 18 MW + e- e- 16 14 % [ H 12 10 8 e- 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Dose[Gy] (a) 2 2 2 0 - MW + e 1 8 M W + e M W H[%] 1 6 MW 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 01 2 01 4 01 6 0 Irra d ia tio n tim e [s ] (b) Figures 4 a,b. Hemolysis induced by simultaneous microwave and high energy electron irradiation of frozen erythrocyte membranes. H[%] 2 0 1 8 M W 1 6 M W + e ,s im u lta n e o u s 1 4 e ,M W ,s u c c e s iv e successive 1 2 successive M W ,e ,s u c c e s iv e 1 0 8 6 4 02 04 06 08 01 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 2 0 0 Ir r a d ia tio n tim e [s ] Figure 5. Hemolysis induced by simultaneous and successive microwave and high energy electron irradiation of frozen human erythrocyte membranes. REFERENCES 1. Kempner E., Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 26, p.27 (1993). 2. Constantinescu A., Frangopol P., Bajenaru L., Niculescu M., Margineanu D., Biomed. Biochim. Acta, 46, 1, p.67 (1987). 3. Constantinescu A., Bajenaru L., Frangopol P., Margineanu D.,Rev. Roum. Biochim., 23, 2, p.97 (1986). 4. M. Mohora, R. Olinescu, I.Mihailescu, V. Dinu, Roum. J. Biophys.,Nr. 1, Vol. 3, p. 53 (1993). 5. J.P. Yee and H.C. Mel, Biophys. J., 16, nr.2, part 2 (1976). 6. G. Kollmann, B. Shapiro and D. Martin, Rad. Res., 37, p.551 (1969).