Scattering equations and the Born approximation In this auxiliary material section, we just introduce the equations governing the electromagnetic inverse scattering phenomena. Furthermore, we also give a description of the simplified model of the electromagnetic scattering under the Born approximation (Chew, 1995; Soldovieri and Solimene, 2010)., which is at the basis of the inversion model used in the work. An inverse scattering problem is defined as a problem where one attempts to infer the electromagnetic properties of a target (scatterer) starting from the scattered field measured outside of the target. The statement of the problem is then the following: an incident field is given, Einc , that is the electromagnetic field generated in the background medium by known sources, in the absence of scattering objects. By the interaction of Einc with the object(s), the scattered field ES arises; from the knowledge of the scattered field ES some properties about the scatterer(s), either geometrical and/or structural, have to be retrieved. Hence, it is mandatory to introduce the mathematical equations describing the scattering phenomena to solve the above stated problem. To this end, we refer to a two-dimensional and scalar geometry. We consider a dielectric object having cylindrical symmetry enclosed within the domain D , illuminated by an incident field linearly polarized along the axis of invariance. The scattered field is observed over the domain (not necessarily rectilinear). Moreover, we denote by eq (r ) and 0 the equivalent dielectric permittivity function of the unknown object and of the known background free space medium, respectively. The magnetic permeability is assumed equal the one of the free space 0 everywhere. The problem, thus, amounts to retrieving the dielectric permittivity profile eq (r ) of the unknown object by the knowledge of the scattered field ES . It can be proven that the frequency domain mathematical relationship between the data and the unknown is given by the following scalar Helmoltz equation (Chew, 1995) 2 E k02 E k02 (r ) E with E Einc ES is the total field, k 0 is the (A1) subsurface (background) wave-number and (r ) eq (r ) / 0 1 is the dimensionless contrast function. The equivalent dielectric permittivity (r ) eq (r ) of the target, is defined as eq (r ) (r ) where (r ) and (r ) are the dielectric j permittivity and conductivity of the target, respectively. By adopting the Green’s function method, eq. (.A1) leads to the following pair of scalar integral equations (Colton and Kress, 1992): E (r , r S ; k0 ) Einc (r , r S ; k0 ) k02 G (r , r '; k0 ) E (r ', r S ; k0 ) (r ')d r' r D D ES ( r O , r S ; k 0 ) k 2 b G ( r O , r ; k0 ) E (r , r S ; k 0 ) ( r ) d r rO (A2) D where G is the pertinent Green’s function, r O is the observation point and r S is the position of the source. In accordance to the theorem of the volumetric equivalence (Harrington, 1961), the above integral formulation permits to interpret the scattered field as being radiated by a secondary sources (the ”polarization currents”) which are just located within the spatial region occupied by the scatterers. The reconstruction problem thus consists of inverting the system of equations (A2) for the contrast function. However, since in (A1) the field inside the scatterers depends upon the unknown contrast function, the relationship between the contrast function and the scattered field is nonlinear. The problem can be cast as a linear one if the first line equation in (A2) is arrested at the first term of its Neumann expansion. This way, E Einc is assumed within the scatterer region and the socalled Born linear model is obtained (Chew, 1995). Thus, the scattering model now becomes ES (r O , r S ; k0 ) kb2 G(r O , r; k0 ) Einc (r , r S ; k0 ) (r )d r r O (A3) D We just remark that, within the linear approximation, the internal field does not depend on the dielectric profile which is the same to say that mutual interactions between different parts of the object and between different objects are neglected. In other words, each part of the object is considered as an elementary scatterer independent on the presence of other scatterers. Now, by considering a homogeneous background medium, a monostatic data collection ( r O r S ), and by resorting to asymptotic arguments for the Green’s function, eq. (A3) can be rewritten as: exp( 2 jkb | r O r |) ( r )d r | rO r | D ES (r O ; kb ) kb rO (A4) where a two-dimensional dipole with current I ( ) 1 / is assumed as source of the incident field and a scalar factor has been omitted. Therefore, within the framework of the linear Born approximation we have established a clear connection between the migrated field and scatterers in terms of their contrast functions. Similar results can be obtained for different kind of scatterers, where other linear approximations can be adopted (Pierri et al., 2006; Solimene et al., 2008). References Chew, W. C. (2005). Waves and fields in inhomogeneous media. IEEE Press, New York. Colton, D. and Kress, R. (1992). Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory. SpringerVerlag, Berlin. Harrington, R. F. (1961). Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields. McGraw-Hill, New York. Pierri, R.; Liseno, A.; Solimene, R. and Soldovieri, F. (2006). 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