Human Resources Department – Orientation

Departmental Orientation Checklist
Employee: ___________________________
Signature ___________________________
Signature ___________________________
Return completed and signed form to the Employee File in Human Resources
Sign Off
 Employee sign and forward the following to Human Resources:
 Offer letter
 Fact Sheet
 Conflict of Interest Declaration Form (must be done annually)
 Other department-specific ________________________________
 _____________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________
 ID Tag (specify access) ____________________________________________
 Parking (specify lot) _______________________________________________
 Keys (specify for which door/s)
Number ______________________________________
Computer Set Up:
Help Desk (or specific IT contact)
 Specify software required
 Specify network drives required ___________________________
 _____________________________________________________
 Computer/Email Access
Department Orientation Checklist
September 20, 2011
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Departmental Orientation Checklist
 Confirm Corporate Orientation date (new hires)
 Essential Education (current employees annually)
 In-Services and Educational Opportunities
Occupational Health and Safety Assessment:
 OH&S pre-placement assessment date
 Review OH&S services available to staff
 Address Health & Safety Issues in the department
 Review Employee & Family Assistance Plan (EFAP) brochure and
services available, access,
Tour – Department
 Office supplies location
 File room, file record management system
 Telephone lists: Managers, Protective Services, Other sites, Union
contacts, etc.
 Mail Distribution
 Other ________________________________________________
Safety in the Workplace
 Location and review of Covenant Health OHS Binder
 Location of OH&S Act, Regulation and Code Handbook, or on line
Department Orientation Checklist
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Departmental Orientation Checklist
 Job Hazard Assessment
 Control measures in place to prevent hazards
 Safe operation of equipment to be used
 Safety Policy and poster of responsibilities
 Right to refuse unsafe work
 Incident/injury reporting procedure
 MSDS Binder
 Needlestick injury/blood and body fluid reporting procedures
 Identify eyewash stations and procedures
 Joint and Local OHS Committees and location of minutes
 Consequences of not working safely
Emergency Response:
 Disaster Response Manual
 Department Specific plans
 Department Fire procedure; confirm employee knows what actions
to take during a fire specific to their department
 Overhead page of Emergency Codes and response expectations
Roles and Responsibilities:
 Review organizational charts; inform employee who their contacts
 Discuss Covenant Health/AHS relationship; clarify they are separate
employers and operate as such.
Department Orientation Checklist
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Departmental Orientation Checklist
Policies and Procedures/Collective Agreements
 Ensure staff know the Policies and Procedures are available
 Advise staff they are responsible to review and refer to the policies
and procedures in their day-to-day work.
 Collective agreements are available through Human Resources
offices or on-line
 Discuss confidentiality as it relates to the information they are privy
to in their jobs.
 Privacy Office Resources
 Health Information Act
Performance Development
 Review Job Description
 Review Performance Development tool and outline performance
 Discuss formal Performance Development Reviews, during
probationary period and annually thereafter
Mission and Vision; Strategic Directions
 “Our Commitment to Ethical Integrity” (Code of Conduct)
 Mission Discernment Tool
 Tour – Site
Attendance Management
 Review Attendance Management process
 Departmental Process for reporting absences
Department Orientation Checklist
September 20, 2011
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Notes for Managers
You as manager are responsible to go through each section of the form with each new
employee. If you are unaware of how to orientate the employee to a section, or need some
guidance, contact the appropriate department for assistance.
The form must be completed and signed by both the Manager and the Employee within the
first three months of employment.
Most of the information you will need to share with your new employees is on the Covenant
Health intranet,
Signed Offer Letter and Fact Sheet:
(Department Contact for more information – Human Resources)
Confirm the employee has received their offer letter and fact sheet, read and
understood the documents and the attached policies.
Ensure employee has signed the letter accepting the terms and conditions of
employment. If there are any concerns ensure they are addressed and corrected as
Send the signed copy of the letter and fact sheet to Human Resources for the
Employee file.
Ensure the employee has signed the Conflict of Interest Form ( must be done upon
hire and annually thereafter), forward the signed form to Human Resources for the
Employee file.
ID Tag/Parking:
(Department Contact for more information – Parking Services)
 Ensure employee has ID Tag, and know they must wear it at all times while at work.
Ensure employee has applied for parking if they wish staff parking. Some sites have
waiting lists of up to 18months.
(Department Contact for more information – Facilities Management)
 Submit Key request requisition to facilities for office keys as required.
Computer Set Up:
(Department contact for more information – Alberta Health Services IT Services help desk, or Covenant Health Financial Analyst)
Submit IT request for service to request computer access as required, ie email,
outlook, specific Drive access or specific applications access, etc
Contact the Financial Analyst if access to MIR or eManager is required.
Notes for Managers
September 20, 2011
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Notes for Managers
Orientations, In Services and Educational Opportunities:
Corporate, Patient Care and Nursing Orientation
(Department contact for more information – Staff Education
 For new hires document the date the employee attended or will attend Corporate
Orientation and where applicable Patient Care and Nursing orientation.
Essential Education
 Advise the Employee that it is a requirement that all staff complete Essential
Education on a yearly basis except for their first year where they attend its
equivalent – Corporate Orientation). Inform the employee of the various ways this
can be completed (Contact Staff Education for details).
Tell staff about other educational opportunities, such as the Organizational
Development workshops, found on the following link. (Department contact for more information –
Organizational Development)
Occupational Health and Safety Assessment:
 Confirm employee has attended OHS for the health assessment.
 Discuss services offered by, and role of OHS
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
EPAP 24/7 line: 1-866-420-1967 or 780-420-1967 (Edmonton local)
EFAP is a professional counseling service offered by Catholic Social Services to
Covenant Health facilities throughout Alberta. All Covenant Health physicians,
employees and their immediate families are eligible to use this service. This
program serves people of ALL faiths and cultures.
Covenant Health covers the cost of an average of 5 counseling sessions per issue
per year per employee or family member. Additional sessions, if required, will be
assessed via a sliding fee scale, and may be partially covered by the employee’s
medical plan.
Tour – Department:
 Show employee where to find supplies, telephone lists, other resources they will
need in their day-to-day work.
Notes for Managers
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Notes for Managers
Safety in the Workplace:
 Review each topic in detail emphasizing safe work practices, Hazard Assessments
and Hazard controls, employee responsibility to report workplace accidents within 24
hours, incident reporting processes, and consequences of not working safely.
 Ensure the employee is aware of the Joint and Local OHS committees, the role of
the committees, where to see the minutes of the meetings, and the process for
bringing workplace hazards forward to management.
Emergency Disaster Response:
Review each Emergency Disaster Management Code, and discuss the expectations
of the employee in each of the codes.
Roles and Responsibilities:
 Review organizational charts; inform employee who their contacts are,; review their Job descriptions.
 Clarify that Covenant Health and Alberta Health Services operate as separate
Policies and Procedures:
 Ensure the employee knows how to access the policies on line.
Former Caritas Health Group Policies that are still in effect, but not yet converted to
Covenant Health Policies may be found on:
 Review the Confidentiality policy and procedure sent to the staff member with their
offer letter and confirm their written declaration to abide by the policy.
Discuss how confidentiality relates to the information they are privy to in their jobs
and the requirements of either the Health Information Act (HIA) or Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).
Provide handouts posted on CompassionNet as applicable.
o Privacy and Confidentiality – Key Messages for Employees
o Health Information Act Overview
o Freedom of Information Act Overview
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Notes for Managers
Advise that the Health Information Act policies are available via CompassionNet and
that the Privacy Office can be consulted whenever questions arise related to either
HIA or FOIP Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP)
Performance Development:
 Review the Performance Development form including key competencies and
behaviours on which the employee will be evaluated.
 Discuss the orientation plan, and the employee’s responsibility to actively participate
in the orientation, bringing issues or concerns regarding their own orientation training
needs to you.
Code of Conduct, Mission and Vision, Strategic Directions
Review “Our Commitment to Ethical Integrity” and discuss the behaviours and
conduct we expect to be demonstrated in the workplace. Give examples of how we
“walk the talk” within your own department.
Review the Mission and Vision of Covenant Health with the employee, ensure they
understand that we employ and provide service to people of ALL faiths and cultures.
Discuss the Strategic Directions of Covenant Health and what strategic directions
your department is directly involved in as well as the action plans that are being
developed or implemented to move the organization forward.
Attendance Management:
 Advise the employee that by accepting this position, they have made a commitment
to attend work as scheduled. Let the employee know that attendance at work is
monitored, and a report is sent to the management team on a quarterly basis.
 Managers will address attendance concerns when employees are absent from work
in excess of approx 4% of the time they are scheduled to work.
Notes for Managers
September 20, 2011
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