Polymer Molecular Weight Measurements: Special Cases 5.1 Polyelectrolytes Because polyelectrolytes dissociate counterions, their solutions have at least three components: polymer, counterion, and solvent. The polyelectrolyte itself is the least abundant species (by number of molecules) in a dilute solution. If additional low molecular weight electrolyte is present, the number of components is greater. Many procedures associated with standard methods of M measurement assume just two solution components, polymer and solvent. The extra components in polyelectrolyte systems not only create complexity, they may render standard methods useless. Most polyelectrolytes are studied in aqueous media, environments with properties unfavorable for M measurement. For example, water has a high surface tension and dielectric constant. The former makes water “attractive” to airborne particulates, which can be enormously troublesome (e.g., to light scattering and viscometry). Because of their multiple charges, polyelectrolytes experience potentially strong electrostatic interactions, especially if low molecular weight electrolyte is not added to the solution to screen these interactions, and indeed, the distinct behaviors of polyelectrolytes are often said to manifest the long-range nature of their interactions. Although long-range interactions certainly influence polyelectrolyte properties, they don’t have a major impact on M measurement methods, excepting those that exploit a correlation between M and molecular size (e.g., intrinsic viscosity and diffusion). More often, the dominant polyelectrolyte difficulty for M measurements is the presence of counterions and low molecular weight electrolyte. Although reasons differ, many standard M methods DO APPLY to polyelectrolytes dissolved dilutely in water alongside a large excess of low molecular weight electrolyte (i.e., at high salt). Although dependent on method, the threshold for added electrolyte is often about 0.1 M. The standard M methods most appropriate to polyelectrolytes are light scattering, GPC, membrane osmometry, sedimentation, and intrinsic viscosity. Electrophoresis, of course, is a polyelectrolyte-specific method; unlike the other listed methods, it works best when there is not a large excess of added low molecular weight electrolyte (conductive heating is thereby minimized). A method that fails completely in the context of polyelectrolytes is vapor phase osmometry; this method equally counts the nonvolatile dissociated counterions along with the polymer chains, and since there are many more counterions than chains, the calculated M is much too small. The following sections highlight differences between neutral polymer and polyelectrolytes in the application of specific methods. A good reference is H. Dautzenberg et al., Polyelectrolytes: Formation, Characterization, and Application, Hanser, NY, 1994. 5.5.1 Membrane Osmometry and Light Scattering For reasons that will become clear shortly, these methods will be discussed together. 1 Salt-free solutions. If we dissolve a monodipserse polyelectrolyte sample of molecular weight M in salt-free water, the osmotic pressure at concentration c will reflect the total number of dissolved solutes. Specifically, if the polyelectrolyte has Z ionizable units, all of which dissociate, RT = 1 Z c M Since Z is large and nearly proportional to M, the right-hand-side is essentially independent of M. One therefore cannot determine M from osmometry measurements on a salt-free polyelectrolyte solutions. The above expression is usually corrected for counterion condensation, which reduces the number of osmotically active (“free”) counterions as assessed by o, the osmotic coefficient. The non-osmotically active counterions are considered electrostatically “bound” to the polyelectrolyte such that their binding energy much exceeds kT. According to the Manning theory of counterion condensation, o is much lower than unity and M-independent. We can thus write RT = 1 Z o c M where o captures the nonideality of counterions due to their attraction to the polyelectrolytes.. Even if counterion condensation is not accepted (the concept is controversial), the electrostatic interactions of a polyelectrolyte solution make the counterions highly nonideal, with o much less than unity even without the condensation. From the fluctuation theory of light scattering, the normalized scattered intensity from a solution at zero angle is inversely proportional to the osmotic compressibility, the factor in parenthesis on the right-hand-side of the equation below, 1 R ( 0) = RT c Kc where the other variables are as defined in the second handout. From the salt-free polyelectrolyte expression for , M R ( = 0) = Kc (1 Z)o Once again, all M dependence is lost if Z is large and proportional to M. Further, the scattered intensity becomes extremely weak, more comparable to that of a small molecule than a polymer. Plugging in values for poly(styrene sulfonate) in water, if o=0.2, dn/dc=0.2 ml/g, and c=1x10-3 g/ml, the calculated value of R is much less than the scattered intensity of pure water, which scatters less than most organic solvents since hydrogen bonding suppresses solvent density fluctuations. 2 The M independence and low scattering of salt-free polyelectrolytes solutions can also be understood by recognizing that weight average molecular weight of all dissolved species – counting both polyelectrolytes and counterions – is much closer to that of counterion than to that of polyelectrolyte. These considerations seem to disallow the two most important methods, osmometry and light scattering, for M determination of polyelectrolytes. Also, an unexplained peak is found when intensity for a polyelectrolyte is plotted vs. q, suggesting that even in a very dilute solution, some type of electrostatic-induced ordering of polymer chains occurs, further affecting vs. c from that anticipated in the standard formula. Salted solutions. The dim outcome of the salt-free case motivates a consideration of osmotic pressure and light scattering measurements taken in the presence of a large excess of added salt. The added salt can equilibrate between compartments during the membrane osmometry experiment. Equilibration of a salt-containing solution such that a large charged solute is unable to pass between the two osmometer compartments defines “Donnan equilibrium”. With this equilibrium, an electrostatic potential difference spontaneously appears across the membrane. Derivations of the equations of Donnan equilibrium are not difficult but tedious, care taken that the chemical potentials of solvent and each salt ion are matched across the membrane and that charge neutrality is maintained in the two compartments. In a 1:1 salt with univalent counterions for the polyelectrolyte, under Donnan equilibrium the expression for has the form, 1 d = RT + A2d c ... c Mn where 2Z 2 A2d = o 2 4Mn c s where the subscript “d” reminds us that is to be evaluated at Donnan equilibrium, and cs is the molarity of the added 1:1 salt. d The factor A2 is the Donnan second virial coefficient. This quantity is only an apparent virial coefficient, since it doesn’t reflect the interactions between polymer molecules but rather the c-dependence of equilibration across the membrane. The real virial coefficient A2 would be associated with a second c-dependent term (not shown) within the parenthesis. Note that if cs is large (high salt), the Donnan term disappears and the usual equation for osmotic equilibrium allows determination of Mn from d. 3 The osmotic method has not been much used for polyelectrolytes. However, if sufficient salt is present, it works in exactly the same manner as for neutral polymers, and indeed, there are many good choices of membrane material. The light scattering method is more frequently used for polyelectrolytes, and from the discussion just given, it shouldn’t be too surprising that, if salt is present in sufficient concentration, this method too works pretty much as for a neutral polymer. [There is one subtle difference: in the polyelectrolyte measurement of M, each polyelectrolyte chain can be considered to be in Donnan equilibrium with its local environment. Thus, the value of dn/dc should be determined such that each polyelectrolyte solution has been equilibrated across a polymer-impermeable membrane with a salt solution of the desired high salt concentration. This condition keeps the salt’s chemical potential constant in the polyelectrolyte solutions as the polymer concentration changes. In practice, one must dialyze each polyelectrolyte solution of different c against a large excess of the salt solution and then determine dn/dc by referencing the polymersalt solution refractive index against the equilibrated salt solution refractive index. Unfortunately, dialysis tends to dilute the polymer, and so c must be redetermined after dialysis, mandating a rather tedious set of steps. In practice, diluting the polyelectrolyte with a salt solution of fixed c causes only a small error (<10%).] Finally, note that the value of dn/dc reflects the identity of the counterion. Larger counterions, with their larger polarizability, increase the scattering contrast and make M accuracy greater. 5.1.2 Intrinsic Viscosity In salted aqueous solutions, at cs high enough to screen repulsive electrostatic interactions between different charged chain sections, the intrinsic viscosity methods works just as for neutral polymers. At low cs, the method works poorly, if at all, as the electrostatic expansion of the chain due to these interactions strongly depends on c. For low cs, electrostatic screening is mainly by released counterions, so the level of screening – and thus the magnitude of the electrostatic interactions – depends on c. The intrinsic viscosity method can still work, but excess salt must be added to hold electrostatic interactions constant as the polyelectrolyte is diluted. This compensation of counterions by added salt becomes quite messy to analyze. Fortunately, when done wrong, the MarkHouwink plot is highly nonlinear, so the error is apparent. In practice, the intrinsic viscosity method is difficult unless cs is greater than ~0.2M. At the higher cs levels where the method applies, one must make certain that the MarkHouwink coefficients were determined by M standards examined exactly as the test sample. 4 5.1.3 GPC With GPC, as with the other methods, performance with polyelectrolytes is best at high cs. This necessity arises through several new effects: a. Ion Exclusion b. Ion Inclusion c. Ion Exchange d. Coil Expansion e. Intermolecular Interactions - coil overlap - viscosity f. Adsorption - driven by electrostatics - driven by hydrophobicity In addition, water differs from organic solvents in several important ways that affect materials choices for GPC parts. Each effect is more fully described below: Ion exclusion – polyelectrolytes of size small enough to enter a pore are prevented from doing so by repulsive electrostatic interactions with like charges on pore walls Impact on GPC analysis: large Even small ions may be totally excluded at low salt. All aqueous GPC packings bear charge, always negative unless otherwise specified. Trends: overestimation of M, multimodal peaks (extraneous peak at exclusion limit) Cure: add salt to about 0.05 to 0.2 M; high salt levels may cause polyelectrolyte adsorption Ion Inclusion – Donnan equilibrium between intraparticle pores and interstitial space creates an electrostatic potential difference (“the Donnan potential”) that drives polyelectrolytes into the pores. The Donnan equilibrium arises from the inability of the polyelectrolyte, based on its size, to enter pores freely (KSEC<1) while small ions of opposite charge do (KSEC=1) Impact on GPC analysis: large Occurs with GPC packings with or without charge Trends: underestimation of molecular weight, broadening of the distribution Cure: added salt to about 0.05 to 0.2 M; with salt, ions of the same charge as the polyelectrolyte will elute as a spurious permeated peak that may obscure analysis of low molecular weight polyelectrolyte that elutes near the permeation limit Ion Exchange – Counterions of the polyelectrolyte are ion exchanged with counterions of the packing Impact on GPC analysis: small Occurs with GPC packings with charge Trends: spurious peak of permeated polyelectrolyte counterions 5 - Cure: added salt to about 0.05 to 0.2 M such that the salt has the same counterion as the polyelectrolyte Coil Expansion – Polyelectrolyte coil size varies sharply with cs, affecting polyelectrolyte elution Impact on GPC analysis: varies If counterions are a significant component compared to added salt, electrostatic screening alters across the polyelectrolyte band Trends: anomalous asymmetric peaks and peak position depends on injected polyelectrolyte concentration Cure: added salt to about 0.05 M Intermolecular Interactions – When polyelectrolytes are not dilute, (i) chains interact as they enter pores and (ii) the viscosity of the injected band is elevated above solvent. Both of these problems occur with neutral polymers, but their presence is heightened for polyelectrolytes Impact on GPC analysis: sometimes large Occurs mainly for high molecular weight polyelectrolyte Trends: underestimation of molecular weight, asymmetric broadening of the distribution Cure: reduce injected concentration to well below c*; unfortunately, with RI detection, the polyelectrolyte may not be detactable. For this reason, UV and fluorescence detection is popular; both methods work well in water and typically are more sensitive to RI detection Adsorption – due to the strength of electrostatics, hydrophobicity, and hydrogen bonding, polyelectrolytes often irreversibly adsorb to packings. The usual steps to control adsorption are: i) introduce additives such as methanol, DMF, or surfactant to suppress hydrophobic interactions ii) add cosolutes such as guanidine hydrochloride or urea to weaken hydrogen bonding interactions iii) chemically modify the packing surface iv) sacrificially adsorb polyelectrolyte until adsorption is saturated v) chemically modify the polyelectrolyte, in the extreme case rendering it uncharged Water as solvent - Most polyelectrolyte characterizations are conducted in aqueous media. This fact has several implications for all molecular weight measurements: • Water has low interfacial energy, making it difficult to keep clean; in-line filters are mandatory to protect the GPC system. • Many aqueous electrolytes are highly corrosive to stainless steel; never store a GPC for any period of time with electrolyte present. • Water is UV transparent, making UV absorbance an attractive detection strategy that is often more sensitive than RI detection • It is desirable to pick an electrolyte that is also a buffer, thereby fixing polyelectrolyte and packing charges 6 5.2 “Complex” Polymers “Simple polymer” – one that has one broad molecular property distribution “Complex polymer” – one that has two or more broad molecular property distributions 5.2.1 Characterization of Linear Copolymers In addition to its M distribution (MWD), a linear copolymer sample is characterized by its Chemical Composition Distribution (CCD). In the simplest case, in analogy to the MWD, the CCD might be plotted as the mass fraction of molecules of a given copolymer composition against copolymer composition. Unfortunately, such a plot offers only a cloudy picture of copolymer chemistry, as the CCD might vary with M. We can ignore CCD in determining MWD by ordinary methods in only two cases: 1. The copolymer’s CCD is very narrow and thus not impacting on the M measurement or (2) the average composition does not shift with M. Measurement of M or MWD in the presence of a broad CCD is tractable only for binary copolymers, so ter- and higher copolymers are ignored in subsequent discussion. Binary polymers have components generically designated A and B In addition to the CCD, linear AB copolymers are characterized by a Sequence Length Distribution (SLD) of the two repeat units, spanning from alternating to block (ABABAB to AAA….BBB). The SLD can also shift with M and A/B composition. To characterize a linear binary copolymer completely, we thus need – in theory - to determine a trivariate distribution of MWD, CCD, and SLD. In practice, there is no systematic way to achieve this goal. We thus make due with bivariate distributions of the types shown below. The first shows the coupling between MWD and CCD, and the second shows the coupling between SLD and CCD; LA and LB are the number average sequence lengths of A and B, respectively, and XA is the mole fraction of A repeat units. The second plot illustrates the start of a binary copolymerization at constant reactivity ratio; the instantaneous composition generally differs from the cumulative distribution for a batch polymerization unless the reactivity ratio is unity. [H. Pasch and B. Trathnigg, HPLC of Polymers, Springer, NY, 1999, pp. 7-8] 7 Another distribution arises when polymers have chain branches or other complex topological features. In a few cases, e.g. graft copolymers with uniform arms of the same chemistry as backbone, branches can be viewed as “defects” treated as the second component of a binary linear copolymer. More often, branching is statistical, capable of forming a spectrum of complex molecular architectures. Depending on the length of branches, short chain branching (SCB) is distinguished from long chain branching (LCB). A SCB consist of a few repeat units while a LCB may be comparable to the main chain backbone in length. Sub-branches form from branches that are themselves branched. 5.2.2 Characterization of Branched Polymers A large number of experimentally unavailable parameters is usually needed to characterize a branched polymer fully. Just as with linear copolymers, substance-specific methods (spectroscopy) can be helpful, in the branched case, to assess the density of branch points if this density is high enough to detect and quantify. Universal branching methods, on the other hand, rely on the alteration of branched coil size from that of a linear chain of the same M and composition. Universal methods are used to advantage when the density of branch points is too low to detect by spectroscopic means but still large enough to modify coil size, i.e, the method predominately apply to LCB. SCB, on the other, is nearly always determined by spectroscopic methods. This does not mean that SCB has no effect on coil size; SCB effectively increases stiffness, raising the coil size with respect to a chain of comparable length without SCB. Universal Methods for LCB – An especially important case for LCB measurement is low density polyethylene. Compared at equal M, a branched polymer is smaller than a linear one of the same chemistry. The contraction factor g is defined through the square radii of gyration of the two polymer topologies, using the subscript “b” for branched and “l” for linear, g = (Rg 2 )b (Rg 2 ) l This value of g depends on solvent conditions, with the subscript”o” attached to all parameters evaluated at the theta condition. Importantly, for complex branching architectures, g may also be a function of M. The above formula is most useful when polymers are evaluated by light scattering, which directly provides the needed radii of gyration. Just as frequently, molecular size is assessed by a hydrodynamic method such as intrinsic viscosity, so a second contraction factor is defined. [ ]b g = []l where the prime indicates a hydrodynamic measurement. 8 To calculate LCB from molecular size measurements, a correlation of g or g with n is desired, where n is the number of branch points per polymer. This correlation will obviously depend on the topological description of the branched polymer and may depend on M. Usually, one does not have a sufficiently detailed topological description to complete this step with much confidence. However, if one does, a large number of such correlations are available, as derived by theorists under various assumptions. For example, a Zimm-Stockmeyer relationship can be used for a randomly branched molecule with trifunctional branch points, n 1/ 2 4n 1/ 2 go (n) = 1 + 9 7 After correction for PDI, which introduces the Mw as an additional parameter, this correlation works well for LCB polyethylene. The figure below shows go(n) derived under several simple assumptions. go(n) vs. n for (1,3) trifunctional and (2) tetrafunctional branch points. (1,2) is for monodisperse bridged segments and (3) is for polydisperse segments. [Schröder et al., Polymer Characterization, Hanser, 1988, p 255.] As n grows, the size of a branched molecule of constant M becomes smaller, explaining the monotonic decrease of these curves. Alternatively, when both light scattering and hydrodynamic data are available in a good solvent at the same M for branched polymers of a range of M , one can determine the exponent e of the scaling relationship g (n) ~ g(n)e which offers insight in topology independent of the choice of a specific functional relationship for g(n). Detailed hydrodynamic models find that different values of e manifest different branch structures. For example, with star polymers e0.50, while with comb polymers e1.5. With this brief background, one can begin to understand how to do M measurements on branched polymers. One must use an absolute method (light scattering, osmometry) as 9 opposed to a relative method (viscometry, GPC), as the latter reflect molecular size more directly than M. However, by combining absolute and relative measurement methods on a branched sample of monodisperse M, one can learn about branching. The previous paragraph gives reasons, in the case of branched polymers, for employing a GPC with not just the usual refractive index detector but also with a light scattering and/or viscosity detectors. Using the GPC-generated fractions of narrow molecular size variance, one can get absolute values for the MWD by combining data from the refractive index and light scattering detector data (relative c value for each fraction by refractive index and M value by light scattering), and further, one can also get information about branching from the light scattering detector data (using radius of gyration derived for each fraction by light scattering and model assumptions about branching architecture) or from both light scattering and viscosity detector data (using radius of gyration and intrinsic viscosities for each fraction). At present, there is no general method that uncovers the full distribution of branching parameters for an arbitrarily branched polymer sample. On a rigorous basis, one can only determine the average number of branch points in a polymer molecule of a particular M. In addition to MWD, the branch indexing as a function of M is the usually reported outcome of a GPC analysis using light scattering and viscosity detectors. = nw Mw 5.5.3 Characterization of M or MWD for Linear Copolymers Conventional MeasurementsAs noted above, the CCD does not disturb the application of absolute M methods for a linear copolymer if the CCD is independent of M. Specifically, colligative property measurements can be performed unchanged from those for a homopolymer. For light scattering, the correct value of dn/dc is the weight average of the two component values of dn/dc, and it may be easier to calculate dn/dc in this manner than to make an actual measurement on the copolymer, especially for sequenced or block copolymers (in the unlikely scenario that the interaction between repeat units did affect optical frequency polarizabilities, then a dn/dc measurement for the copolymer would be mandatory). The biggest problem with absolute M measurements is to find an appropriate solvent, especially for sequenced or block copolymers with constituents of highly different chemistry. These systems tend to form micelles that are difficult to dissociate with dilution. Relative methods will generally not provide a route to M, as the coil size of a copolymer is strongly affected by composition. If the copolymer CCD is a function of M, then we are forced to consider the sort of CCDMWD analysis plotted on the bottom left corner of page 7 (the SLD is always evaluated 10 by chemistry-specific spectroscopic methods). CCD-MWD analyses are not straightforward, and different practitioners advocate different approaches. In general, an orthogonal or two-dimensional analysis is required, one for composition and one for M. The crude analysis avoids this strategy at the cost of rigor. Crude CCD-MWD Analysis The crude analysis is based on adding a composition-specific detector to the detector sequence at the end of a GPC column. In concept, the column fractionates polymers by M, and the relative amount and M of each fraction are determined by refractive index and light scattering/viscosity detectors before eluting past the added detector (normally UV/Vis or IR) that ascertains the copolymer composition. Composition and M for each fraction are then possibly known. The problem here is that GPC separates by molecular size and not M. Molecular size is affected by both M and composition, so M is not really known for each fraction as supposed in the previous paragraph. Anyway, absolute M is hard to measure by on-line light scattering in this case, since the measured scattered intensity depends on composition as well as M. To address the problems, the crude CCD-MWD analysis postulates that the copolymer calibration curve, relating elution volume to M, can be constructed from the calibration curves of the two homopolymer constituents, log Mc,i = WA,i logM A,i WB,i logM B,i In essence, the molecular size of the copolymer is asserted to be the sum of the molecular sizes of the two corresponding homopolymers of the same number of repeat units as found for the constituents in the copolymer. A second difficulty is the determination of relative amount for each fraction. If RI or similar method is used to find c, the signal for each fraction depends as well on the instantaneous composition. Thus, the composition detector signal must be used to correct for the sensitivity difference in the c signal. This crude analysis has been argued to work reasonably well [for example, see G. Meira and J. Vega, “Characterization of Copolymers by Size Exclusion Chromatography” in Handbook of Size Exclusion Chromatography and Related Techniques, 2nd., C.-S. Wu, ed., Elsevier, 2004, p 139]; others argue that it doesn’t work at all well. It certainly isn’t rigorous. In general, the A and B repeat units will interact in solution, making the factors affecting coil size more complicated than supposed. The crude analysis does not require use of viscosity and light scattering detectors. Indeed, as noted, their application in the case of copolymers is problematic – the signal detected is not easily corrected for the unknown polymer compositions. For example, what is the value of dn/dc from which to get the M? Each fraction has its own particular dn/dc value that is not known ahead of time. 11 Orthogonal (or Multidimensional) Analysis of Copolymers References: D. Berek, “Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography of Synthetic Macromolecules” in Handbook of Size Exclusion Chromatography and Related Techniques, 2nd., C.-S. Wu, ed., Elsevier, 2004, p 501; S. Balke, “Orthogonal Chromatography and Related Advances in Liquid Chromatography” in Detection and Data Analysis in Size Exclusion Chromatography, T. Provder, ed., ACS Symp. Ser. 353, ACS, 1987, 59; and H. Pasch and B. Trathnigg, HPLC of Polymers, Springer, 1999, examples throughout book. Problems uncovered in the previous section suggest need for a more rigorous, twodimensional analysis of copolymers, an analysis in which polymers are fractionated and analyzed by composition alone in a first step and then these fractions separated by M in a second step. If the two dimensions of analysis – composition and M - are strictly separate and independent, the analysis is orthogonal. More likely, the second analysis (M by GPC, for example) is somewhat composition-dependent and so not fully orthogonal but still satisfactory. Liquid Chromatography at the Critical Condition (LCCC) was discussed earlier in the course. It provides elution of copolymers independent of M by establishing a balance of entropy against enthalpy. For a statistical copolymer, critical conditions will vary only slightly with copolymer composition, so essentially a composition fractionation occurs at the nominal critical condition. Thus, a two-step sequence of LCCC and then GPC should provide the full CCD-MWD bivariate distribution. LCCC is not the only front-end method that can achieve the multidimensional purpose described. A chromatographic separation by composition is more easily achieved when a chromatographic mobile phase is continuously or discontinuously changed (gradient elution vs. isocratic elution.) For example, one can fully adsorb or crystallize a polymer on a column and then ramp a displacer selective for one component, thereby eluting the polymer sample by composition differences, not M differences. Compared to LCCC, close control over conditions is not nearly so important. This is a traditional form of chromatography for small molecules and biopolymers called “displacement chromatography”, so equipment is readily available (pumps that ramp concentration very precisely, for example). Also, the approach takes advantage of the irreversible character of polymer adsorption, in which polymer either adsorbs or desorbs dependent on solvent/surface conditions, with no M dependence to adsorption/desorption. An LCCC/GPC analysis of a mixture of three well-defined styrene/methyl methacrylate block copolymers is shown on the next page. The x-axis is block copolymer molecular weight and the y-axis is elution volume in the LCCC experiment, which has not been transformed into composition but could be. The three components were, written in terms of PS:PMMA molecular weights (g/mol), (1) 93,000:89,000, (2) 55,000:133,000, and (3) 9,800:10,700. The first two components were not well separated in the LCCC portion of the analysis. (color figure reproduced poorly) 12 [3rd ref. of previous page, pages 208-212.] 13