Comparing VALERI sampling schemes to better represent high spatial resolution satellite pixel from ground measurements: How to characterize an ESU. Sébastien Garrigues*, Denis Allard, Marie Weiss, Frédéric Baret 26 june 2002 * A/ Objectives The aim of this study is to compare different sampling schemes (represented by the following figures) according to their spatial representativity of a 20m resolution pixel. The local sampling is made of 12 individual measurements and corresponds to an Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) used in the VALERI methodology (Baret et al, 2003) 20m distribution a A1 20m distribution b The b distribution: the sample are distributed along a cross pattern (20 m size). The a distribution: 8 points are located on the square edges and four within the square. The a distribution can differ according to the sample configuration within the pixel. Three cases are tested depending on the location positions of the 4 central points. A2 A3 1 B/ Method 1/ Extension Variance definition a/ Geostatistics theory Spatial variation between the individual measurement (z(x)) of the ESU is described by the experimental semivariogram γe(h) (commonly called experimental variogram) which is the mean squared deviation of a variable at locations separated by a given lag distance: N(h) (1) (h) 1 * z(xi) z(xi h) e 2*N(h) i 1 z(xi) is the measurement value at location i, z(xi+h) is the measurement value at lag h from x and N(h) is the number of pairs of points separated by the distance h. Two main parameters characterize the variogram: The total sill (²) corresponds to the true variance of the data. The range (r) is the lag at which the variogram reaches the sill. Up to this distance data are spatially autocorrelated, beyond this distance samples are spatially independent . As the regionalized variable z(x) is difficult to model with a simple deterministic function, it is seen as an outcome of a random function Z(x). In this context and assuming a second-order stationarity hypothesis for Z(x), the theoretical variogram describing the spatial dependence and spatial variation of the random function is introduced: (h)0.5*EZ(x)Z(xh)² In practice a theoretical model is fitted on the experimental variogram. Two kinds of basic variogram functions are used (figure1): spherical model: 3 (h) ²1.5 h 0.5* h for h r r r ² (2) for h r exponential model: (h) ²1exp 3h r with r the pratical range (distance that corresponds to 95% of the sill) 2 sill(²)=1 range:250m pratical range (95% sill):250m 1 variogram 0.8 exponential model spherical model 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 distance (m) figure1: Spheric and exponential covariance The covariance function described the data spatial correlation and is obtained from the variogram function: C(h)C(0)(h) So it will be assumed that data within the pixel domain and the ESU domain are spatially correlated and the spatial structure is described by a given covariance model. b/ Extension Variance definition We consider a “V domain” that corresponds to the SPOT pixel (20m*20m) and a a”v’ domain” that corresponds to the ESU. The spatial structure within the V and v’ domain is described by a given covariance function C(h). Zv is the Z(x) spatial average value over V and Zmean is the arithmetic mean of the 12 point values of v’. Zv(1/V) z(x)dx V 12 Zmean 1 Z(xi) 12 i 1 The extension variance V to v’ is: e²var( ZvZmean) Zmean is considered as a non biased estimator of Zv, thus e² is the variance estimator error. Therefore, e² indicates the sampling strategy (v’) capability to represent the Z(x) spatial variance within the pixel V. The Z(x) mean spatial mean variance over V is given by: Var(Zv) 1 V² C(x x')dxdx C(V,V) VV The Z(x) arithmetic mean variance over v’ is given by: Var(Zmean) 1 n² C(xi xj)C(v',v') i j We also have : C(V,v') 2 C(x xi)dx n i xV Thus the extension variance is given by : eC(V,V)2*C(V,v')C(v',v') 3 To compute the extension variance the integral are approached by the square discretisation (1m). 2/ Extension Variance computing The extension variance is computed for a spherical covariance and an exponential covariance with a sill value of 1 ( to normalize the result) and different ranges. e² is the variance estimator error when Zv is estimated by Zmean. Since the data are spatially correlated e² depends on the ESU spatial distribution. The lowest e²is, the best the sampling strategy (ESU v’ domain) represents the Z(x) spatial variance within the pixel V. C/ Results a) b) Figure 2: Extension Variance versus range for spherical model (a) and exponential model (b) These results show : - - difference between strategies: There is no great difference, the A3( equirepartition) strategy seems to be the best and the A2 strategy the worst. Beyond 100m scale the extension variance is very low but it is not negligeable. Indeed if we consider for example the128m range case the extension variance for a spherical covariance (B configuration case) is 0.0053 that corresponds to an error of 2* ² =0.15 with 95% confidence interval (assuming a normal law). difference between ranges: The extension variance decreases with range increasing since data are spatially correlated at larger distance and become more continuous and 4 - more regular. When the range tends to zero, the error tends to the spatial mean estimate error by twelve independent samples (1/12=0.0833). Figure3 presents a zoom at small range. The different strategies show different behaviors when the range is less than 20 m. The B strategy (crosses pattern) has the lowest extension variance for small ranges. This is no the case of VALERI sites since the ranges are higher than 20m . a) b) Figure 3: Zoom at short range:(a): extension variance versus range; (b) extension variance difference between sampling shemes versus range Conclusions These results show general low extension variance, so therefore all these strategies are relevant sampling strategies for a wide range of spatial structures. The choice between strategies will be done according to fields constraints. References H. Wackernagel : “Multivariate geostatistics, an introduction with applications”, Springer Verlag, 1995, 257pp Baret et al: “VALERI: a network of sites and a methodology for the validation of land satellite products”, 2003, in preparation 5