CP44 1 UK Study Group 3 30 March 2001 Attached is a copy of a paper to be presented at CLIMPARA ’01, immediately preceding the WP 3J/3M meetings in May/June 2001. This paper includes further development of the model for rain scatter interference (mode (2) propagation) intended to update Recommendation P.620, as a result of the WRC2000 request to include earth station elevation angle as an input parameter, and further to clarify the parameter d. It is intended to submit an input to WP 3M based on this work. MODELLING RAIN SCATTER INTERFERENCE: A FRESH ANALYSIS Chris J Gibbins Radio Communications Research Unit Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, UK Tel: 44-1235-446584, Fax: 44-1235-446140, E-mail: C.J.Gibbins@rl.ac.uk Abstract Efficient exploitation of the available radio frequency spectrum is usually achieved through different services sharing the same frequency bands, facilitated by an evaluation of the likely levels of interference which may be generated by one service into another. Such interference may be influenced by a variety of atmospheric and meteorological processes acting on the propagation medium, including anomalous transhorizon propagation caused by ducting in clear air and by scattering from rain coupling into the antenna beam of a victim receiving station. As pressure grows for access to available spectrum, it becomes of increasing importance to estimate interference levels more precisely, with particular reference to the configurations of systems to be protected. This protection is achieved through the process of coordination, whereby initial estimates of the likely levels of interference are used to determine a distance within which a more detailed evaluation of interference is carried out. For interference due to scattering from rain, this initial estimate makes use of a number of simplifying assumptions which can no longer be sustained. This paper re-examines the current model for rain scatter interference and develops an improved formulation in which the parameters of a victim receiving station are more properly taken into account. Comparisons are given between predictions from the new formulation and experimental measurements of rain scatter interference. Keywords: Interference Rain Attenuation, Rain Scatter, Introduction A basic precept to efficient spectrum management is the requirement for diverse services to share the available radio frequency spectrum in a way which maximizes access and utilization and minimizes interference. Of the many scenarios where such different services share the same spectrum, one of the most ubiquitous is that between terrestrial and satellite-based radio communications systems, where it is of paramount importance that sensitive earth station receiving systems, operating to satellites in the geostationary orbit (GSO), are protected from harmful interference from terrestrial transmitters using the same frequency bands. Protection of earth stations from such interference is usually ensured through the complex (and costly) coordination procedure involving detailed evaluations of propagation losses between terrestrial transmitting stations and receiving earth stations, and in order to reduce the amount of work involved in this process, initial estimates are made of the size of the area around the earth station, beyond which interference levels can be considered negligible. Internationally, this is achieved using the procedures in Appendix S7 of the Radio Regulations, which take into account a wide range of factors that may contribute to, or mitigate against, the likelihood of harmful interference effects. Included in this is an evaluation of the propagation conditions along the path between an earth station and a hypothetical terrestrial station, which is based on the models in ITU-R Recommendation P.620 [1] for clear-air propagation (mode (1)) and scattering from rain (mode (2)). These models were developed for sharing between earth stations with high-gain antennas and terrestrial transmitting stations with low-gain antennas. The current model for rain scatter interference is based on a number of simplifications, including an assumption that the earth station operates with an elevation angle of 20º to the GSO satellite. With the increasing deployment of satellite communications systems worldwide, this assumption is no longer valid, and in Resolution 74, the World Radiocommunication Conference, WRC 2000, requested the ITU-R to develop refinements to propagation mode (2) to address elevation angle dependency for incorporation into Appendix S7 [2, 3]. Accordingly, a new formulation for the path loss due to rain scatter is being developed in which the earth-station elevation angle is an input parameter, in order to provide more realistic estimates of rain scatter interference. Within the area established by the coordination procedure, more detailed evaluations of path losses are carried out for specific and identified sources of interference, generally using the methods in Recommendation P.452-9 [4]. Although the rain scatter method in Recommendation P.452 does not make the same simplifying assumptions as in Recommendation P.620, there exist some constraints to its application, amongst which are a restriction to systems in which one antenna is still considered to 2 be low gain and which is modeled with a Gaussian beam radiation pattern. This precludes use of the many antenna radiation patterns which have been developed specifically for frequency-sharing studies, and also of application to scenarios in which both interfering and victim station antennas may have high gain, for example with earth stations sharing bidirectionally-allocated frequency bands. The model being developed here has the potential to be extended to incorporate any antenna radiation pattern and be applied to any sharing scenario. Overview of the Rain Scatter Process The transmission loss between a transmitting terrestrial station (TS) and a receiving earth station (ES) due to coupling by rain scatter is described by the bistatic radar equation (BRE), in which the received power scattered from a volume element V is given by: Pr Pt Gt G r 2A 4 2 2 2 rt rr V Pr 4 2 GtAdrr rt2 2 3 d G r sin d 0 (3) 0 Assuming a Gaussian antenna gain pattern for the receiving antenna: 2 G r G rmax exp ln 2 3 (3) where 3 is the 3 dB beamwidth, noting that the product Grmax 32 constant 4 ln 2 e , where e is the antenna aperture efficiency, and since, from rt Figure 1, drr d , the received power can sin s be written Pr (1) where Pt is the transmitted power, Gt, Gr are the transmitting terrestrial and receiving earth station antenna gains, λ is the wavelength, η is the average scattering cross-section per unit volume, A is the attenuation outside the scattering volume, and rt, rr are the distances from the transmitting and receiving antennas to the scattering volume. The geometry of scattering by a rain cell is shown in Figure 1. Pt 2 Pt 2 e 32 2 Gt A d rt sin s (4) For Rayleigh scattering, applicable to scattering from high-altitude ice crystals and from rain at frequencies below about 8 GHz, the cross-section per unit volume, , is related to the radar reflectivity ZR, defined as the sum of the 6th power of the scattering-particle diameters, per unit volume: 5 2 K Z R M 10 18 4 mm2/m3 (5) where λ is in metres and M is a polarization decoupling factor (M = 1 for matched polarizations). K 2 m2 1 2 m2 2 (6) where m is the complex permittivity of water, and 2 K 0.9 at frequencies below about 10 GHz, decreasing slowly to about 0.8 at 40 GHz. Figure 1: Geometry of scattering from rain cell. Integrating over the volume within the rain cell, the total received power is Pr Pr Pt 2 Pt 2 4 4 3 all space 3 Gt G rA all space Gt G rA rt2 rr2 rt2 rr2 dV (2) rr2 The integration in Eq.(4) is carried out over all angles between the terrestrial station antenna boresight and the common volume. It is more convenient, however, to integrate over the height h of the beam intersection within the rain cell, and to consider only scattering in the vertical plane, i.e. forward or back scattering only. Then, if dl is the incremental length within the common volume, sin drr dd after transforming into polar coordinates with the earth station at the origin. If the earth station antenna beam is much narrower than the terrestrial antenna beam at the common volume, then, to a first approximation, Gt, , A and rt are independent of and , and the received power simplifies to dl rt d dh sin s sin (7) where is the elevation angle of the earth station. If the reflectivity term depends on height, i.e. Z h Z R F h (8) where ZR is the reflectivity due to rainfall at the ground, then the bistatic radar equation can be written as: Pr 3 e K Pt 32 2 2 Z R M 10 18 rt2 C (9) where C is the effective scatter transfer function, which includes all dependencies on height: C Gt h Ah F h dh sin (10) For rain, the reflectivity factor in the Rayleigh region is related to the rainfall rate by: Z R 400R1.4 mm6/m3 (11) where R is the rainfall rate in mm/h. Concatenating all constants, the ratio of received to transmitted power can then be rewritten logarithmically in terms of the path loss: P L 10 log t Pr 199 20 log r 20 log f 10 log Z R (12) Ag 10 log S 10 log M 10 log C h hm C ice exp 1 R c cos sin hm d c tan hc where = 0.230, to convert attenuation from dB to nepers. 1 is the rain attenuation outside the common volume towards the Earth station and 2 is the rain attenuation outside the common volume towards the terrestrial station: d R rm 1 exp e rm d e hR cot 1 exp rm R rm exp d e r m r de R rm 1 exp rm 2 r R rm 1 exp r m for hm hR (17) for hm hR for forward scatter for back scatter (18) 1.6 1 cos T 4 f 10 2 3 10 (13) 1 cos 1.7 T 5 f 10) 2 where T is the azimuth of the terrestrial station relative to the earth-station beam azimuth, at the scatter volume (T = 0 for forward scatter and 180 for back scatter). Referring to the parameters shown in Figure 2, the effective scatter transfer function comprizes two components – for scattering from rain below the rain height, hR, and for scattering from ice above the rain height: C C rain Cice dh y sin sin hh g T h exp R m hm Figure 2: Schematic of rain scatter. R kR is the specific attenuation due to rain in the rain cell, in dB/km, and rm is a scaling distance for rain attenuation outside the common volume, and describes the decrease in rainfall rate away from the rain cell centre: rm 600 R 0.5 10 R 1 0.1 9 (14) (19) is the elevation angle of the earth-station antenna C rain exp 1 2 cos hc (16) dh g T h exp 6.5 h h R sin where f is the frequency in GHz, Ag is the attenuation along the path due to atmospheric gases, and S is an additional allowance for the deviation from Rayleigh scattering at frequencies above 10 GHz, which is given in dB by 10 log S R 0.4 4 main beam and (15) d c h hm / tan for forward scatter y (20) h hm / tan for back scatter h is the height of the intersection of the terrestrial station horizon ray with the earth station antenna main beam (km), and dc is the diameter of the rain cell: d c 3.3R 0.08 (21) gT(h) is the numerical antenna gain component of the terrestrial station in the direction of an integration element dx, along the earth-station main beam (see Figure 2). Note that when the entire common volume of the intersection between the two antenna beams lies below the rain height, hR, only the integral Crain contributes and Cice becomes zero. Conversely, when the entire common volume lies above the rain height, Crain vanishes and only Cice contributes. From Eq. (15), the attenuation outside the common volume can be written as 1 10 log exp 0.23 2 cos 20 (25) 1.063 1 2 Neglecting the first term and considering only the attenuation outside the common volume in the direction of the terrestrial station, this has been simplified to yield the following expression: 2 638 kR 0.5 10 R 1 0.1 9 The effective scatter transfer function reduces to C The Method in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-4 In order to evaluate the integrals in Eqs. (15) and (16), some simplifying assumptions were made to derive the mode(2) procedure in Recommendation P.620-4 [2] (see Figure 2): the distance along the earth-station main beam from the edge of the rain cell to the rain height, da = D0 – Da, was replaced by the distance ds = D0 – D, assuming that for scatter heights up to and just above hR, attenuation would occur within the entire rain cell; the earth-station antenna main-beam elevation angle was assumed to be = 20, so that da ds dc cos 20 With these assumptions, the expression for the transmission loss due to rain scatter becomes: 10 log Ab 2 10 log C E Ag d R s 1 10 5.16 (27) 6.5 hR for hR E for hR 0 (28) 6r 50 2 10 5 . (22) the terrestrial antenna gain, gT, was assumed to be constant within the rain cell and hence removed from within the integral; only the back-scatter component was considered in the expression for Crain and in the term 10logS; the second integral, Cice, was replaced with a simple empirical expression for scattering from ice; the polarization decoupling factor, M, was assumed to be unity. L 173 20 log r 20 log f 14 log R g T 2.24 Rds The effect of scattering from ice above the rain height is described by the following empirical expression, derived from the decrease in reflectivity above the rain height of 6.5 dB/km, multiplied by a factor which approximates the distance above the rain height (equivalent to h – hR in this paper): where 3.5R 0.08 km (26) (23) where the deviation from Rayleigh scattering is given by: 1.7 0.005 f 10 R 0.4 for 10 f 40 10 log Ab for f 10 0 (24) The coordination distance is then determined by finding the distance r at which the transmission loss equals the required loss, i.e., the loss necessary to protect the earth station from harmful interference. To this distance is added a factor d hR 2 tan (29) to account for the additional distance between the rain cell and the earth station, to yield the total distance between stations, within which detailed interference evaluations are to be performed. Development of an Improved Model The effective scatter transfer function includes all the elevation-angle dependencies, and this was evaluated only for an earth-station elevation angle of 20 in the development of the current model in Recommendation P.620. Since there is now a requirement to include elevation angle as an input parameter, the integrals in Eqs. (15) and (16) have been re-examined. The limits of integration depend on the region within the rain cell at which the intersection between the earth-station antenna main beam and the terrestrial station antenna main beam occurs: 5 for hR hm hm hc hR for hm hR hm d c tan h d tan for h h d tan c R m c m (30) The height of the beam intersection point, hm, is determined by the geometry of the scenario being considered, and may be expressed in general in terms of the earth-station elevation angle ,, the terrestrial station elevation angle and the angle subtended at the Earth’s centre by the two stations separated by the range distance rs (see Figure 2): hm cos 2 2 cos cos cos cos 2 rE rE sin (31) which, for a terrestrial station with zero elevation angle, i.e. = 0, reduces to cos2 2 cos cos 1 hm rE 1 (32) sin where rs / rR radians, rE = 8500 km is the effective radius of the Earth and the distance from the terrestrial station to the edge of the rain cell is given by r rs d e . The integral in Eq. (15), for scatter below the rain height, can be evaluated thus: hc Cb exp 0.23 hm R 1 1 dh sin tan sin h hm 4.34 sin 1 exp 0.23hc hm R 1 cos 1 cos (33) and the integral in Eq. (16), for scatter above the rain height, is similarly derived: hm d c tan Ca hc exp 1.5h h R and, considering only the back scatter case, the attenuation outside the common volume towards the terrestrial station is expressed as: r 2 R rm 1 exp rm (36) Combining these together, the attenuation outside the common volume, for scatter below the rain height, is b exp 0.23 1 2 cos (37) Similarly the attenuation outside the common volume for scatter above the rain height is given by: h hm a exp 0.23 1 R c cos sin (38) The term hc is given by Eq. (30) for the three scattering regions – above the rain height for scattering from ice only, below the rain height for scattering only from raindrops and the region spanning the rain height with scattering from both rain and ice. The scatter transfer function can then be expressed logarithmically as 10 log C 10 logb Cb a Ca (39) and the transmission loss becomes L 173 20 log rs 20 log f 14 log R 10 log C 10 log Ab g T Ag (40) In this formulation, the loss (and consequently the coordination distance) is determined as a function of the total separation between stations, and thus the additional factor in Eq. (29) is no longer necessary. dh sin hc h R exp 0.67 0.67 sin hm d c tan h R exp 0.67 hm for hm h R R rm 1 exp rm tan hm h R (35) 1 exp rm tan R rm for hm h R exp hm rm tan (34) The attenuation outside the common volume towards the earth station can be written in terms of the beam intersection height within the common volume, hm: Comparison with Recommendation P.620-4 Figure 3 shows the transmission loss at 18 GHz calculated at a rainfall rate of 25 mm/h from the above model, as a function of range, for two elevation angles and two rain heights, compared with the loss predicted from Recommendation P.620-4. For ranges up to about 100 km, the two models are comparable. Above this range, however, the new model predicts losses which are generally higher for a given range, or alternatively shorter ranges (and hence shorter coordination distances) for a given 6 loss. Significantly higher losses are predicted at the higher elevation angles, whereas Rec. P.620-4 does not distinguish between different elevation angles. The dip in transmission losses at 20 elevation angle results from the increased coupling due to scattering from the ice layer in the vicinity of the 0 isotherm. however, the beam intersection point rises to above 2 km at elevation angles below 5 and to the vicinity of 5 km around elevation angles near 10 - 15. As the beam intersection point increases in height towards the rain height, the transmission loss decreases, and then begins to increase as the intersection point moves through the rain height and into the ice layer above, where the reflectivity decreases by –6.5 dB/km. The coordination distances as a function of frequency resulting from the new model, for a required transmission loss of 150 dB at a rainfall rate of 20 mm/h, are compared with those from Recommendation P.620-4 in Figure 5, for two elevation angles of 20 and 70. There are actually two curves shown for Recommendation P.620-4, for the two elevation angles arising from application of Eq. (29). In these examples, the coordination distances from the new model are smaller than those from Recommendation P.620 for frequencies up to about 20 GHz, while at higher frequencies, the new model actually predicts slightly longer distances at the higher elevation angles. Figure 3: Transmission loss vs. range from the new model compared with Rec. P.620-4. The dependence on elevation angle is further examined in Figure 4, which shows the transmission losses calculated at 18 GHz and a rainfall rate of 25 mm/h and two rain heights, at two ranges of 100 and 300 km. Figure 5: Coordination distances calculated as a function of frequency, for a transmission loss of 150 dB at a rainfall rate of 20 mm/h. Comparison with Recommendation P.452-9 Figure 4: Elevation-angle dependence of rainscatter model at 18 GHz and 25 mm/h. At 100 km separation between the terrestrial station and the earth station, the beam intersection point lies below the rain height for all elevation angles, and the transmission loss varies only slowly, decreasing as the elevation angle increases. At 300 km separation, The rain scatter model in Recommendation P.452 does not make the assumption that the terrestrial antenna gain is constant throughout the rain cell, but considers a two-part representation in which the main beam is approximated by a narrow beam Gaussian distribution while the antenna sidelobes are modeled with a broad Gaussian distribution. Analytical expressions for the integrals can be derived, in terms of error functions, for the three regions within the rain cell delineated by Eq.(30). The mode (2) procedure in Recommendation P.452 additionally considers statistical distributions for both rainfall rates and rain heights, calculating the loss at each value of rain height in the statistical distribution and at each value of rainfall rate in the distribution, assigning to this the joint probability of 7 occurrence. The losses are histogrammed in 1 dB steps and within each bin the percentages of occurrence are summed, to yield the overall cumulative distribution of transmission loss. This effectively convolves together the probabilities of occurrence of both rainfall rates and rain heights. Figure 6 shows the calculated transmission loss at 18 GHz as a function of range for 0.01% of time, between an earth station with an elevation angle of 10 and a terrestrial station, for a climate with a rainfall rate of 59 mm/h exceeded for 0.01% of time and a rain height of 3 km. The steps in the curves for Recommendation P.452 arise from the histogramming procedure. The decrease in transmission loss predicted from Recommendation P.452, which arises through increased coupling as the beam intersection moves through the rain height, is spread out over a wide range of distances because of the range of rain heights taken into account. Both the new model and Recommendation P.620 consider only a single value for the rain height. In order to effect a more realistic comparison between the models, a rain height constant at all probabilities was also considered, and the comparison with the new model shows very good agreement, at least up to about 250 km in this example. There is a difference between the new model and Recommendation P.452 assuming a constant rain height of ~3.5 dB at ranges greater than about 250 km, which is not at present understood. Figure 6: Transmission losses for 0.01% of time calculated from Recs. P.452 and P.620, compared with the new model. Frequency = 18 GHz, 0.01% rainrate = 59 mm/h, rain height = 3 km. The predictions from Recommendation P.620 in this example show a general underestimation of the transmission loss for ranges up to about 200 km (which would suggest unnecessarily longer coordination distances), and an overestimation at ranges beyond this. The point of inflexion at about 270 km arises from the ice scatter factor, E, contributing to the loss, and suggests that the approximation in Eq. (28) is less efficient than the proposed new model. Comparison with Experimental Measurements of Rain Scatter Figure 7 shows experimental measurements of the transmission loss due to rain scatter measured over two years on a 131 km long bistatic link from Chilbolton to Baldock at 11.2 GHz, from the COST 210 database [7], together with the predicted losses, based on the simultaneously-measured rainfall rate distribution, from Recommendations P.452-9 and P.620-4, together with those from the new model, based on the measured rainfall rate distributions. In general, the comparison is good in all cases. Figure 7: Comparison between model predictions and measured rain scatter losses on a bistatic link between Chilbolton and Baldock at 11.2 GHz (Station separation = 131 km). In this example, as in the other examples given above, the terrestrial station is constrained to an elevation angle of = 0, i.e. pointing towards the horizon – which is the geometry considered by Recommendation P.620 and Appendix S7. However, as indicated in Eq. (31), the new model can readily be extended to cases where both stations have non-zero elevation angles, and Figure 8 shows a comparison between the model predictions and measurements on a short path bistatic link, with a station separation of 26 km, in which the transmitter had an elevation angle of = 15 and the receiver had an elevation angle of = 27. For the new model predictions, the free-space path loss and gaseous attenuations were adjusted to account for the longer pathlength from stations to the beam intersection. The new model gives very good agreement, whereas Recommendation P.620 performs poorly since it is not designed for this geometry. The r.m.s difference between the measured losses and those predicted by the different models are listed in Table 1, from which it can be seen that there is little significant difference between any of the models for the Chilbolton – Baldock path, while the new model provides a significant improvement for the shorter, higher-frequency path. 8 comparisons with experimental measurements made on bistatic links over both long and short paths indicate good agreement. Figure 8: Comparison between model predictions and measured rain scatter losses on a bistatic link between Nordheim and Darmstadt at 29.6 GHz (Station separation = 26 km). TABLE 1 R.m.s. differences (in dB) between measurements and models Rec. Rec. New Path P.452 P.620 Model Chilbolton 1.1 1.1 0.9 Baldock Nordheim 5.4 14.3 1.5 Darmstadt The model is being developed further to include a convolution with the statistical probability of occurrence of the rain height, following the mode (2) procedure in Recommendation P.452-4, and to consider more properly the antenna radiation patterns for both the transmitting station and the receiving station. With the availability of high-speed processors and sophisticated mathematical software packages, numerical integration of the effective scatter transfer function including practical antenna radiation patterns for both transmitting and receiving stations, such as that in Recommendation P.620, becomes quite feasible, and the model can, in principle, be extended to cover any geometry of transmitting and receiving antenna beams which intersect within a rain cell. Acknowledgements This work was supported Radiocommunications Agency. 1. 2. 3. For a majority of cases, the new model yields shorter coordination distances than those determined using current procedure in Recommendation P.620-4, especially for those applications being actively considered at present and in the near future, although somewhat longer coordination distances may result for systems operating with high elevation angles at higher frequencies. The model can additionally be applied to scenarios in which both transmitting and receiving stations operate with non-zero elevation angles, and the UK References Conclusions A new model has been developed for rain scatter interference in which the elevation angle of the earth station being protected is taken into account. The model is based on a symbolic integration of the effective scatter transfer function, including scattering both from rain below the rain height and from ice above the rain height. As in Recommendation P.620-4, the model assumes that the terrestrial station antenna gain is constant throughout the rain cell, and can thus be removed from the integral in the scatter transfer function. This assumption has been tested and found to be generally valid, by carrying out a numerical integration of the scatter transfer function using the antenna radiation pattern in Recommendation P.620 (Appendix 4 to Annex 1) [8]. by 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Recommendation ITU-R P.620-4: “Propagation data required for the evaluation of coordination distances in the frequency range 100 MHz to 105 GHz”, Geneva, 2000. WRC 2000, Resolution 74 [COM4/1]: “Process to keep the technical bases of Appendix S7 current”, Istanbul, 2000. Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc.1/1004]: “Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in the frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 GHz”, Geneva, 2000. Recommendation ITU-R P.459-4: “Prediction procedure for the evaluation of microwave interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.7 GHz”, Geneva, 2000. CCIR Report 724-2: “Propagation data required for the evaluation of coordination distance in the frequency range 1 – 40 GHz”, Reports of the CCIR, 1990, Annex to Volume V, Propagation in Non-Ionized Media, Geneva, 1990. CCIR Report 569-4: “The evaluation of propagation factors in interference problems between earth stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.5 GHz”, ibid. COST 210: “Influence of the atmosphere on interference between radio communications systems at frequencies above 1 GHz”, Final Report EU13407EN, CEC, Luxembourg, 1991. ITU-R Document 3M/160: “Proposed revision of the mode (2) coordination method in Recommendation ITU-R P.620-4”, June 2000. 9