Title of Unit: Marvelous Multiplication Unit Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to: -recall basic multiplication facts -explore, demonstrate, and model several meanings and representations of multiplication -understand and apply the distributive property of multiplication. M.O.3.1.9 Demonstrate and model multiplication (repeated addition, arrays) and division (repeated subtraction, partitioning). M.O.3.1.11 Recall basic multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts. M.O.3.1.12 Model the distributive property in multiplication of 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. Part I: Diagnostic Assessment: Before beginning the Marvelous Multiplication Unit, students will be given a pre-test that includes repeated addition and subtraction, arrays, as well as other multiplication and division models. After students complete the pre-test, they will be asked to fill out a KWL graphic organizer. Doing the KWL chart after the pre-test will allow students to better understand their weaknesses and strengths. Student will use the K (know) and the W (want to learn) to complete their self-evaluation of the pretest. Objectives used in Diagnostic Assessment: M.O.3.1.9 Demonstrate and model multiplication (repeated addition, arrays) and division (repeated subtraction, partitioning). M.O.3.1.11 Recall basic multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts. M.O.3.1.12 Model the distributive property in multiplication of 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. Formative Assessment: Throughout the unit, daily formative assessments will be made. During students’ verbal answers, teacher observations will be made to assess the students’ ability to recall basic multiplication and division facts in a timely manner. During each activity formative assessment will be made through question-answer sessions, as well as mini quizzes at the end of each time table. Objectives used in Formative Assessment: M.O.3.1.9 Demonstrate and model multiplication (repeated addition, arrays) and division (repeated subtraction, partitioning). M.O.3.1.11 Recall basic multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts. Summative Assessment: At the end of the unit, students will complete a unit test that includes word problems, models, arrays, and basic fact problems to check for understanding and comprehension of the distributive property, as well as their retention of multiplication and division facts. Student will also retest the test that they took in the beginning of the unit. After self-evaluating their new results, they would be able to revisit the KWL graphic organizer and complete the L (What I have learned). Objectives used in Summative Assessment: M.O.3.1.9 Demonstrate and model multiplication (repeated addition, arrays) and division (repeated subtraction, partitioning). M.O.3.1.11 Recall basic multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts. M.O.3.1.12 Model the distributive property in multiplication of 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. Part II: Performance Assessment Activity: In teams, students will write the lyrics and cerograph a dance to share with the rest of the class. Each team will be assigned a times table to use. Their presentation must include multiplication and division facts within it. This performance should be about 3-5 minutes long. Objectives used in Performance Assessment: M.O.3.1.9 Demonstrate and model multiplication (repeated addition, arrays) and division (repeated subtraction, partitioning). M.O.3.1.11 Recall basic multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts. Directions: In your teams, you will be creating and presenting a song and dance to share with the class. Your team has been assigned the times table of _______ to use in your routine. You may be as creative as you wish, however you must include both multiplication and division facts in the lyrics of your song. The group presentation should be between 3-5 minutes in length and use all group members during the routine. Performance Criteria 3 2 1 Lyrics included times table, and both multiplication and division facts, Cerography was original and entertaining and flowed well Lyrics included times table, but not both multiplication and division facts, Cerography was original , but did not match the lyrics Lyrics included times table, but no basic facts were used in the routine Cerography was mostly original and at times entertaining Lyrics were irrelevant to the times table were used in the routine Cerography was not original during the routine Creative lyrics, song, and dance routine Performance was 3-5 mins Participated in Routine Creative Lyrics, Song/ Dance was a remake Performance was over time Creative Lyrics, Song/ Dance was a remake Performance under time Creative Lyrics, Song/ Dance was a remake 4 Lyrics Cerography Creativity Performance Time Participation Overall Score / 20 0 No Lyrics were used in the routine No cerography was used in the routine No Original Lyrics or Cerography was used No Performance Did not Participate