Guidelines and Tools for the Orientation of New Clinical Nursing Faculty to Clinical Facilities/Hospitals Prior to Conducting Student Rotations (11/07/2013) These materials have been compiled by the LANRC Advisory Board to establish consistent expectations and provide useful guidelines for clinical facilities and schools in conducting orientation for nursing clincal faculty in the Los Angeles region. Documents and “example” tools may be copied, adopted, and/or modified for use as needed to support individual faculty orientation processes. References: Adapted from Orange County Long Beach Consortium, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Hospitals, & Providence Healthcare Instructor Orientation Tools. Date EXAMPLE Dear Education Faculty Members, On behalf of _________ Hospital Medical Center, we would like to Welcome you to our facility and discuss some important issues related to orientation procedures for clinical faculty, and for students who will be completing clinical rotations at our facility. Consistent with current regulatory requirement and ________ (name of Hospital or Corporation), all clinical faculty must complete the following prior to taking students to the clinical rotation: 1) Contact the facility’s student coordinator at least 2 weeks prior to start of clinical rotation. Complete Instructor Orientation Requirement Self-Checklist prior to meeting with the coordinator (Example attachment A) 2) Complete the Student Profile form (Example attachment B) 3) Post clinical objectives and/or course syllabus on the nursing unit(s) no later than the first day when students will be providing direct patient care. 4) Arrange for and/or complete orientation for faculty to the hospital and/or nursing units prior to bringing students to the facility (Example attachment C for contact information, and Example attachment D for Unit Orientation Checklist). 5) Arrange for and/or provide student orientation to the hospital and nursing unit(s) prior to students providing direct patient care at the facility (if Facility orientation is online –add link, scheduled if in person or provide Self Study Module). 6) Review patient care standards, policies & procedures specific to the hospital (Facility to decide how this information is provided). 7) Review clinical documentation requirements (including computer orientation, if appropriate). 8) Review additional attachments Examples E and for a Preceptorship Communication Tool and Preceptor Expectations/ Guidelines. Given the turn-over in clinical faculty, importance of patient safety, and the ongoing need to meet regulatory requirements of the clinical agencies, all clinical agencies should provide new and returning clinical faculty with an orientation to the agency and/or nursing units Including, but not limited to, the following: 1) A tour of the facility. 2) Contact information for obtaining room for pre/post-conferences (attachment B). 3) Copy of the policies & procedures for medication administration. 4) Copy of the policies & procedures for blood glucose monitoring. 5) Procedure for obtaining identification (badges etc.) 6) Information on parking 7) Copy of the policies & procedures for posting of students; assignments. 8) Clinical documentation (including computer access & charting, if appropriate). Students who will provide direct patient care at each clinical agency should receive an orientation by the clinical faculty or designated other to the agency and/or nursing unit(s) including, but not limited to, the following: 1) A tour of the facility. 2) Copy of the policies & procedures for medication administration. 3) Copy of the policies & procedures for blood glucose monitoring. 4) Information related to: a. Procedure for obtaining identification (badges etc. when required by the agency). b. Information on parking. c. Facility mission, vision, philosophy, and/or values. d. Patient rights & responsibilities. e. Confidentiality f. HIPAA g. Age-appropriate care. h. OSHA bloodborne pathogens and infection control procedures. i. Hazardous substances & chemicals j. Hospital/electrical safety. k. Clinical documentation (including computer access & charting).Thank you all in advance for your compliance with these orientation recommendations for clinical faculty, and students. By providing adequate faculty and student orientation to the our hospital, it is our hope to foster better service-academic relationships and provide rich learning experiences for students, as well as quality care for the patients we serve. Attachment A (Example) Instructor Orientation Requirements Self Checklist Complete Prior to Clinical Rotation and Preplanning Meeting with the Facility Please Check Applicable Response I have met with the education coordinator to make arrangements to attend Hospital Orientation and /or to discuss any updates that may have occurred at the facility since my last rotation. I have received a copy of the following forms and I understand these forms must be completed and signed by the students and myself prior to the clinical rotation (please use new forms- old forms will not be accepted) o Affiliates Vendor Guide (optional) o The Standards We Live By o Instructor Verification of Certifications and Licensure Form o Clinical Roster o Access & Confidentiality Agreement(attachment at the end of this document) o Confidentiality, Computer Usage and Accountability Agreement o Instructor Note- How to Write an Note in EMR System o Unit Orientation Check-Off List (attachment D) o TB Questionnaire (Optional ) o Documenting Student eMAR Administrations o PYXIS/Omnicell –Pharmacy access request form o Student Daily Communication Tool (attachment E) o Student Evaluation of Clinical Agency – will be issued at end of rotation (Optional) o Post-Clinical Rotation Instructor Check-Off List (Optional) o Parking Request form or arrangements I have submitted all the necessary Licenses and Certifications I have obtained my instructor’s badge and the badges of all my students I understand that I am responsible for providing the students with the necessary computer training: PCS documentation and e-MAR.(If applicable) If I don’t have prior knowledge of the system, I will make the necessary arrangements with the Education Coordinator to schedule training for myself. I understand that I am responsible for reviewing the Annual Update Module/ Information with my students including National Patient Safety Goals and Regulatory Requirements. I need assistance with room scheduling for onsite conference time. If not, please indicate where pre/post conference time will be held: _________________________________________________________ I have reviewed with the students the policies as noted on the “Access and Confidentiality Agreement” I acknowledge understanding that I am responsible & accountable for making certain that the Education Coordinator has received all the necessary forms signed. Instructor’s Name:______________________________Course#:_________________________ Name of School:________________________________Date:____________________________ Areas Assigned:________________________Rotation Dates:______________Times: ________ Example The following section will be completed by affiliate instructors who are also employed by ___________ Hospital I affirm that when on _________Hospital premises and performing the role as a clinical instructor- Faculty member for an affiliate school, I will not utilize my employee privileges such as computer, PYXIS, POCT –glucose testing or parking access nor will I perform any tasks other than my responsibilities as clinical instructor. I will only use the access issued to me as an instructor while in the role of instructor. I will wear my Identification badge issued by the affiliating school as well as the _________Hospital badge issued to me as an instructor. I will also wear a lab coat or jacket that identifies me in my role as instructor, and I will notify the staff on the unit the students are assigned that I am acting in the role of instructor, not Hospital employee. I also affirm that while I am working in my capacity as an employee of __________Hospital, I will not perform duties associated with my role as an affiliate Instructor. This includes, but is not limited to, use of hospital supplies, email, copy/fax services and phone/voice mail. I understand that failure to comply with this may result in disciplinary action. Employee Signature: ______________________________________________________ Attachment B Example Clinical Profile Instructions for Form Completion 1. Faculty is to contact the Education Coordinator at the assigned clinical agency no later than two weeks prior to the start of the rotation for pre-planning. 2. Faculty is to complete the information below for each clinical rotation and submit to the Clinical Coordinator or designee before students arrive in the unit. Please check (√) those boxes for which the student has met the affiliation standard. 3. Attach a list of the students’ names. 4. All personnel (faculty and students) with patient contact are required to verify health screening/immunization compliance. Health documents and background check clearance information may be stored at the academic institution but should be available upon request to the healthcare agency. ______________________________________________________________________________ Rotation Information School ________________________________ Instructor’s Work Phone _________________ Instructor E-mail _________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________ Program NA VN ADN BSN ELM Other ____ Clinical Area __________ Sem/Year _______ Clinical Dates: From ___________________ To ___________________________________ Clinical Days ________________________ Time __________________________________ Conference Day and Hours ____________________________ Location _________________ Educational/Clinical Objectives Attached__________________________________ I certify that the students and instructors in this rotation have completed the following requirements that are checked, and that supporting documentation for verification purposes is maintained at this academic institution. Background check clearance Computer orientation, date ____________ CPR – American Heart Association Healthcare Provider BLS Ethical conduct General orientation, date ____________ Faculty licensure current Health clearance Hepatitis B vaccine/declination or titer HIPAA training Influenza vaccine/declination (Oct. to Mar.) Injury and illness training MMR titer Professional liability insurance TB screening (annual) Td/Tdap current Unit orientation, date ____________ Worker’s compensation/health insurance Varicella titer Printed Name and Title _________________________________________________________ Signature of Instructor or Designee _____________________Date _________________ List of Instructors and Students for this current rotation Please Print or Type Instructor/Student Name below: (or attach list) Attachment C Example Contact Info for Nursing Instructors Room Booking –Name___________ Phone Number ________ Email ___________________ Pyxis/Omnicell/Medication Access - Name___________ Phone Number ________Email ___________________ Accu-check Access – Name___________ Phone Number ________ Email ___________________ For Orientation Packet, Badges & dropping off paperwork or any other questions for students in the facility – Name___________ Phone Number ________ Email ___________________ Confirm Clinical Placement – Name___________ Phone Number ________Email ___________________ Computer/EMR Orientation- Name___________ Phone Number ________Email ___________________ Unit Educator Name___________ Phone Number ________Email ___________________ Name___________ Phone Number ________Email ___________________ Name___________ Phone Number ________Email ___________________ For any additional request or information please call Name___________ Phone Number ________ Email ___________________ Attachment D Example UNIT SPECIFIC ORIENTATION CHECKLIST This form is to be completed by the clinical instructor for each area assigned or by student performing a preceptorship/leadership rotation. The completed form must be submitted to the Education Department by the first day of the rotation. Instructors will review the following information with all students prior to working in the assigned area(s). Student name: ___________________________Instructor name:_______________________ Preceptor name: ______________________________________________________________ School_______________________________________Course #_______________________ List all clinical area(s) assigned:________________________________________________ Rotation Dates: From______________ To_____________Day(s):________Time: _________ The following is a check off list of the items needed to be performed prior to any clinical rotation. Please check the box 1. Access for emergency operator (dial #) 2. Location of emergency crash cart 3. Unit specific safety information reviewed and assessed 4. Location of Material Safety Data Sheets 5. Documentation requirements specific to area(s) assigned 6. Clean Utility Room Location and access code 7. Soiled utility room location 8. Staff lounge location 9. Medication administration Pyxis access location 10. Unit specific Biomedical/Equipment location 11. Appropriate computer usage I have met with the department manager(s) or Preceptor of the above patient care areas to clarify mutual expectations regarding student clinical experiences. Student objectives, and skill level have been communicated to department manager and staff member for each unit, and the method of patient assignment has been reviewed with the Patient Flow Coordinator (PFC). Instructor or Student signature: ________________________ Date:_______________ Print your name: _______________________________________________________ (student signature only applies to preceptorship rotations) Manager or Preceptor’s signature:______________________ Date:______________ Print your name:_______________________________________________________ (preceptor’s signature only applies to preceptorship rotations) Attachment E Example Nursing Student Daily Communication Tool with Preceptor Date Student Name: School Name: Instructor Name: Clinical Semester#: Instructor Contact Information: My Shift Ends at: 1, 2, 3, 4- Preceptorship I will take lunch break at: 1. ROTATION OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY 2. COMPETENCIES I HAVE ALREADY BEEN SIGNED OFF BY INSTRUCTOR AND CAN DO WITH NURSE PRECEPTOR: REQUIRE INSTRUCTOR PO MEDS YES NO SUPERVISION ADMINISTER IV REQUIRE INSTRUCTOR YES NO MEDS SUPERVISION OTHERS 3. COMPETENCIES I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH TODAY BASED ON MY CHOSEN ASSIGNMENT: (i.e. Dressing changes, Foley insertion, IV Start, PT Teaching, etc) 4. COMPETENCIES THAT NEED INSTRUCTOR VALIDATION AND SUPERVISION: 5. COMPETENCIES I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: Name of RN Preceptor: Date RN Student: Please complete items 1 to 4 and give form to your preceptor Preceptor: Please give form back to student at the end of the shift Instructor: Please review students remarks and return form to Education Coordinator Attachment F Example Preceptorship Expectations/Guidelines The following guidelines were established to ensure an optimal experience for student nurses and their preceptors in the clinical setting. The faculty member responsible for the preceptored student will: Provide student, preceptor and Student Program Coordinator with a telephone contact number where he/she can be reached any time the student is at hospital/medical facility for preceptorship. Provide Student Program Coordinator and preceptor with a copy of the course description, learning objectives, date of beginning and ending of the experience and the number of hours required. Initiate contact and maintain communication with the preceptor to clarify student, instructor and agency roles, learning objectives, etc., throughout the semester. Provide the preceptor with an orientation to the preceptor role and preceptor packet (handbook or manual) from the school. Be available for consultation with preceptor, agency, and student. Visit the clinical site on a periodic basis. First visit to be within the first 3 shifts the student/preceptor work together. Expectations include a minimum of 3 site visits. Conduct evaluation conferences with preceptor and/or student at the end of the semester The hospital/medical facility will select a Registered Nurse with a minimum of 1 year experience in his/her clinical practice area. This nurse has agreed to: Serve as clinical expert and professional role model. Jointly plan and arrange assignments, projects and activities to meet the learning objectives within designated time frame. Allow student to provide direct patient care within defined objectives. Provide feedback to student on an ongoing basis. Inform the instructor of any problems arising from the student's placement