This template is offered as a guide for reporting on the “Usability

Template: Reporting on Usability, Feasibility and Acceptability of the Checklist
This template is offered as a guide for reporting on the “Usability, Feasibility and Acceptability of the Checklist”. This report can
be built using qualitative methods such as Focus Group Discussion or Key Informant Surveys. The elaboration of these
techniques are relatively feasible for most institutions. A companion document offers some guide on how to conduct the Focus
Group Discussion and on the type of questions that could be covered in such discussion and in Key Informant surveys. Here you
can find a template for providing a report based on such discussion and on your knowledge as contact lead for the project.
Please, feel free to expand on the questions and topic areas indicated below, add new ones that are appropriate for your
project, and remove those which are not relevant. You can also add additional pieces of information, including new
perspectives, explanatory and supplementary files, pictures etc.
Section 1. Background
on the participating
project activity
Size of the institution
(number of students,
of faculties,
Please complete this section based on your knowledge and expertise as lead of the project.
Name and contact details of the principal institution and contact lead for the project
Title of the project activity under the Collaboration
Participating Institutions in the activity
Principal goals and objectives of the activity and/or research question
Please provide a brief summary of the activity of no more than 250 words
Section 2. Approach to using the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist
Please complete this section based on your knowledge and expertise as project lead. You can also gather additional
information from other key informants, such as key project participants in the facilities that participate in your project.
A. How is the Checklist used in your project
Reasons for interest in using the WHO Checklist in your project
How the contents of the Checklist are used in your project.
What type of professional is responsible for the use of the Checklist and in which manner
Has this person being empowered to alert other professionals in case of not following the
items in the Checklist? How?
What local resources were used to implement the Checklist in your project
The participation of healthcare workers in using the checklist was voluntary or mandatory?
Did they sign prior to using the checklist an informed consent form describing the purpose
of the project and the implications of their participation? Please, describe how they were
enrolled in using the checklist.
Has the Checklist being translated? To which language? By whom? Was the translation
supervised or validated? How? Could you add a copy of the translated Checklist?
Has the checklist being adapted? Why? Please, indicate which items have been modified
or added and which process was used for the adaptation
B. Training on the use of the Checklist
How was the Checklist introduced in the facilities in your project? Was there a formal
notification/information process? How the users of the checklist were informed?
Was it there any formal training on the use of the checklist? Please describe the training process
that was followed: its content, duration, modality of the training and recipients of the training
Which topics were chosen for the training?
Does the WHO Instruction Manual assists your team in using the checklist in your project? Does
it cover the topics required for assisting your team in using the checklist? Does it miss important
topics? Please, indicate your observations about the Manual
C. Approach to assessing and evaluating the use of the Checklist
How has the use of the checklist been monitored or followed in the participating units? Which
method have been used and when? Who was responsible for the monitoring or evaluation?
Have there been observers looking at how the checklist was used? If so, who were they? And
how often they did the observation? And when and where?
Were there any debriefings, discussions, or focus groups discussions performed with the health
care workers with the purpose of assessing the use of the checklist? If so, please describe
Were there any feedback process to communicate progress and issues with the team on how the
checklist was used and the project functioning? If so, please describe
Was there any formal evaluation performed or planned to be performed? Please describe.
Section 3. Feasibility and acceptability in using the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist
To complete this section, it would be advisable to conduct a series of key informant interviews, focus group
discussions or nominal group discussions with all levels of project participants and types of professionals involved. It
is essential to involve healthcare workers using the checklist. For a guide to conduct such qualitative techniques,
please see the companion document “Instructions to conduct Focus Groups Discussions”, and the WHO
Methodological Guide for Research in Data Poor Hospitals and related materials, available at and
Approach to investigate the feasibility and acceptability in using the Checklist.
 Please describe the methodology or technique that you have followed to assess the feasibility
and acceptability of the checklist (ie. Key informant interviews, focus group discussions or
others). Describe which type of professionals were involved and which were their
relationship with the project; also how many of each category participated and who led the
investigation. Please remember not to indicate the name of participants.
 Was participation voluntary? Did participants sign an informed consent form duly describing
the purpose of the activity and the implications of their participation? Was anonymity and
confidentiality of their participation maintained?
Successes and Challenges in using the Checklist
Please describe the main views of the participants in the questions below, indicating as well whether there was
agreement and also highlighting the views of those who expressed different opinions. You can add quotes from
the discussion to illustrate your points.
 What were the predominant attitudes of the staff towards the checklist? (What did people
think/say/do about the checklist?)
 What did the participants think about using the Checklist as a reminder of important things one
must not forget during childbirth?
 Did the staff think that the checklist could facilitate safer childbirth? If not, why not? And, what did
they think about the checklist facilitating the labor process? and about facilitating teamwork and
 What did the staff thought about the format of the checklist? How did they think was the best way
to use the checklist ? (i.e. separate sheets, double page sheet, poster in the wall, other?)
 Did they have any issue with regards to the content? Was something found missing? Or else, was
it felt that there are items that could come off? What were the reasons?
 Which were the aspects that the staff felt could be modified in the checklist? Was the language a
barrier? Were there confusing items?
 What did they felt about the length and the time involved in using the checklist? And about the
work dynamics brought up by the checklist?
 Did they feel the person using the checklist was empowered enough to alert the rest of the team
in complying with the checklist items? Why? Did they have suggestions to improve the teamwork
around the use of the checklist?
 What did the staff thought about the way the checklist was introduced in the project? Was its
purpose communicated with clarity? Did they feel they received sufficient training? Did they
suggest ways to introduce it easily?
 What were the main issues they identified in using the checklist? And the main barriers? What
were the enablers? Did they suggest ways to make its use easier?
Section 4. What are the lessons and suggestions for the WHO SCC Collaboration
As the final part of the report, please discuss and describe what are the main lessons drawn from this
project that you would like to share with WHO and with the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist Collaboration.
Your suggestions for improving the Safe Childbirth Checklist programme would be very helpful to other
participants in the Collaboration and to WHO. You can illustrate your points with references, pictures,
supplementary files etc., as you would consider appropriate.