November 2011 - Louth County Council

Drogheda East & West Area Committee
Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 7th November 2011 at 10.00 a.m. in
Meeting Room, Boyne Centre, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
In Attendance:
Cllr. Paddy McQuillan, (Cathaoirleach) Cllr. Anthony
Donohoe, Cllr. Michael O’ Dowd, Cllr. Tommy Byrne,
Cllr. Frank Godfrey, Cllr. Imelda Munster, Cllr. Pio
Smith Cllr. Kevin Callan, Cllr. Oliver Tully
Mrs. Joan Martin, Director of Services/ Town Clerk
Mr. Patrick Connolly, Senior Executive Engineer
Mr Brian Branniff, Executive Engineer
Ms. Emer O’Callaghan, Senior Executive Planner
Mr. Paddy Donnelly, SEO/ Meetings Administrator
Cllr. Paul Bell
Cllr Frank Maher
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd October 2011 were confirmed on
the proposal of Cllr. Godfrey seconded by Cllr. Donohoe.
Matters Arising
Cllr. Byrne raised the matter facilities at Old Bridge House and if any progress
had been made with Meath County Council in regard to same. Joan Martin,
Director of Services advised that she understood that Meath County Council
were seeking funding for a walkway under the East Border Region projects. The
matter would be raised with OPW in regard to having the gates open, as this was
their property.
Cllr Godfrey proposed a meeting with officials from Meath County Council, to
have a car park built at the facility at the Oblisk Bridge, this was seconded by
Cllr. Byrne. Director of Services, Joan Martin advised that such a meeting at this
time was unadvisable as there was no funding available, but the matter would be
kept under review.
Complemented the Engineering staff and their team on the quality and speed of
the work that was carried out on roads in the South Louth Area, and it was a
credit to all concerned.
Cllr. Smith
Queried what the cut in the Roads budget would be for 2012, Joan Martin,
Director of Services outlined that this was not clear yet, but there was an
optimistic view from the National Roads Authority that the cut would not be as
severe as in the past and every effort would be made by the Council to secure as
reasonable a budget as possible.
Raised the matter of the Queensboro to Baltray road and the hedging along
same that needed to be cut. Paddy Connolly, Senior Executive Engineer,
advised that the matter would be investigated and where appropriate hedge
cutting notices would be issued to the owners as the responsibility for
maintaining the hedges rested with the landowners and not the Local Authority
Cllr. O’Donohoe
Congratulated all the staff on the work done in the Drogheda West, he asked that
potholes in the area of the Monasterboice tower be repaired as soon as possible,
particularly leading up to the Christmas season when the area was visited by a
lot of visitors from outside the County, who would not be that familiar with the
roads and there were some potholes that were a hazard to road users at this
Cllr. Godfrey
Raised the matter of heavy goods vehicles using the road to the port, and the
bollards along that road that are an eyesore. The member also raised the matter
of footpaths at the church in Termonfeckin and would like to see same improved.
P. Connolly, Senior Executive Engineer and B. Braniff, Area Engineer advised
the Members that the footpaths had been provided in Termonfeckin and there
was now a footpath leading from the village to the church. There was no
provision in the budget for additional footpaths as the Member requested. In
regards to the road, improvements had been made along the route and the
matter of the bollards would be investigated and reported at a later meeting.
Emer O’Callaghan, Senior Executive Planner, advised the Members of two
applications where a refusal was being recommended.
Drogheda, Co
Type of
for the
erection of a
30 metre
with lightning
finials, 3 no.
antennas & 3
no. dishes
along with
equipment &
site works.
This site is
within the
grounds of a
structure ref
Reason for refusal recommendation
(inc. policy ref. if appropriate)
1). Policy CON 24 of the Louth County
Development Plan 2009 – 2015 states that it is
the policy of the Planning Authority “To ensure
that new development either adjacent to or at a
distance from a protected structure shall
complement and be sympathetic to the
structure or its setting in terms of its design,
scale, height, massing, alignment and use of
It is considered that the proposed development
of a 30 metre high antenna support structure
within the curtilage of the protected structure
would adversely affect its setting in terms of its
design, scale, height, and massing, and the
proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy
CON 24 of the Louth County Development
Plan 2009 – 2015 and would be contrary to the
proper planning and sustainable development
of the area.
2). Policy CON 31 of the Louth County
Development Plan 2009 – 2015 states that it is
the policy of the Planning Authority “To ensure
that new development will not adversely affect
the site, setting or views to and from heritage
gardens and designed landscapes”.
It is considered that the proposed development
of a 30 metre high antenna support structure
would erode the special interest, integrity, and
quality of the designed landscape at Newtown
House, further diminishing the setting of the
protected structure and would therefore be
contrary to Policy CON 31 of the Louth County
Development Plan 2009 – 2015 and would be
contrary to the proper planning and sustainable
development of the area.
3). The proposed development of a 30 metre
high antenna support structure at this location
would set an undesirable precedent for
development of this nature within the attendant
grounds of other protected structures, which
would be contrary to the proper planning and
sustainable development of the area.
4).The ‘Architectural Heritage Protection
Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ issued by
the DoEHLG (2004) provides guidance inter
alia in relation to Protected Structures, and
structures. It is considered that the 30 metre
high antenna structure as proposed would be
contrary to the above Guidelines and
accordingly to permit the proposal would be
contrary to the proper planning and sustainable
development of the area.
Dunleer, Co.
works for 6
no. serviced
It is considered that this proposal for
site development works for 6 dwellings is
premature pending the submission of an
outline application for the site, and the
development as proposed would, therefore, be
contrary to the proper planning and sustainable
development of the area.
The site of the proposed development
is located in very close proximity to or within an
area adjacent to a waterway which is indicated
on the Office of Public Works (OPW) – National
Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA)
maps dated June 2011, as being liable to
fluvial flooding, and it is the policy of the
Louth County Development Plan 2009 – 2015
to assess all applications in accordance with
the provisions of The Planning System and
Flood Risk Management Guidelines.
The applicant has not demonstrated that the
proposed development does not represent an
unacceptable flood risk and that as a result of
possible displacement of flood waters from the
site, that the proposed development would not
exacerbate flooding in the immediate vicinity or
wider area, and as such, the development as
proposed would be contrary to the proper
planning and sustainable development of the
The applicant has failed to
demonstrate that the proposed development
complies with Policies SS 11, SS 13, SS 14
and SS 16 of the Louth County Development
Plan 2009 – 2015, which relate to
developments within Category 2 (a) and (b)
Settlements, and as such, the development as
proposed would be contrary to the proper
planning and sustainable development of the
Beaulieu Cross
Correspondence from Stephen Lambert, Regional Road Safety Engineer with the
NRA, based in the Donegal office was circulated to the Members and Joan
Martin, Director of Services summarised that the NRA are now suggesting that
an application be made improvements at the junction, this application was now
being prepared and would be submitted in time for consideration by the NRA
Safety Improvement Committee. Cllr. Tully welcomed the decision of the
proposals made in Mr. Lamberts correspondence and sought clarification as to
whether there would be engagement with local residents who were quite familiar
with what the challenges were in relation to that Junction and other junctions in
the area. The Director of Service clarified that funding, once secured would allow
for design works to be progressed and facilitate improvement, consultation via
the Elected Members would be part of that process and the matter would be
discussed at a future area meeting. Discussions with a number of residents
would be facilitated, where this was possible.
In regards to the speed limit in the area, Cllr. Tully referred to a proposal that had
been made to reduce the speed limit to 60 kmh on the Termonfeckin road and
this matter had gone before the Roads Strategic Policy Committee.
Cllr. Callan requested that a report be forwarded to the Garda Superintendent for
his note and observations.
Manor Park Homes
Joan Martin, Director of Service, submitted a report in regard to progress in
relation to the preparation of a taking in charge application for the Manor Park
Homes development. The matter was discussed at length, the Members making
contributions in regard to the issue of access to the development, where it was
suggested by Cllr. Tully that Drogheda Borough Council is asked to consider the
installation of traffic lights at the junction which was in the Borough Council area,
and this was seconded by Cllr. Byrne. The Director of Services confirmed that
the cash bond is being used at this stage to initiate investigations, so that a
comprehensive snag list and taking in charge application can be compiled. The
matter would be kept under review and regular reports would be brought to the
area meeting, as it was an operational issue and Members would be kept fully
advised on the matter.
Cllr. Godrey raised the matter of road signage in regard to the number of deaths
that had occurred on the roads in County Louth, it was confirmed for the Member
that these signs were the responsibility of the Road Safety Authority and the
regularity in which they were reviewed was a matter for the Road Safety
There would be no other business. That concluded the business of the meeting.
Confirmed at the meeting held on: _______________________
Meetings Administrator: