Supplementary Information Stable nonlinear optical vortices in multicore fiber A. Model equations General equations M A i 0 0 A0 C0 m Am 2 0 | A0 |2 A0 0, z m1 (1) Am 2 i m Am Cm 0 A0 Cm,m1 Am1 Cm,m1 Am1 2 m | Am | Am 0, m 1,..., M z We will start the linear stability analysis from the following equations: -all periphery cores are identical C m,m 1 C m,m 1 C1 , m 1 , m 1 , m 1,.., M -central core can be different from periphery cores: C0 m C0 , m 1,..., M M A0 0 A0 C 0 Am 2 0 | A0 | 2 A0 0, z m 1 A i m 1 Am C 0 A0 C1 ( Am 1 Am 1 ) 2 1 | Am | 2 Am 0, m 1,..., M z i (2) This system supports vortex solutions with topological charge S, which is characterized by amplitude pattern in cores: A0 0, Am Ae i 2S m M e iz , m 1,..., M (3) where the amplitude A can be calculated from the Eq. (2): A2 1 2C1 cos 2 (4) The vortex solutions exist for (1 2C1 cos ) Depending on S and number of periphery cores M, parameter ranges with stable vortices are found analytically and/or numerically. B. Liner stability analysis: General case MCF + central core i 2S m iz M iz e Introducing small perturbations Am ( A Am )e and A0 (0 A0 )e on the top of the vortex solutions (8) in the Eq. (2), after the linearization the following eigenvalue problem is obtained: M A0 ( 0 )A0 C0 Am e im 0, z m1 Am i ( 1 )Am C0A0 e im C1 (Am1e i Am1e i ) 2 1 A2 (2Am Am* ) 0, z m 1,..., M , 2S M (5) i The equations (5) and corresponding complex conjugate can be written in a matrix form: A iM 1A , z (6) where A is column matrix A | A0 , A1 ...AM , A0* , A1* ...AM* |T , and the corresponding eigen matrix M 1 has a form F M1 * G G F* (7) where F and G are block matrixes each with dimensions ( M 1) ( M 1) : F 0 C 0 e i C 0 e 2 i C 0 e i 1 f* C0 e i 2 f 1 . . 0 f . 0 0 C0 e i ( M 1) C 0 e i M ... C0 e i ( M 1) ... 0 ... 0 ... ... ... 1 f* C 0 e i M f* 0 f 1 (8) ( M 1)( M 1) 0 0 1 1 4 1 A2 f C1ei (9) 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 g 0 ... 0 0 0 0 G . . g ... 0 . ... 0 0 0 0 ... g 0 0 0 0 ... 0 g ( M 1)( M 1) g 2 1 A2 (10) (11) In a general case the matrix is not Hermitian one, and the type of the eigenvalues (real stability, pure imaginary – exponential instability or complex – oscillatory instability) depends on the values of the matrix elements, and consequently on the parameters ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , A, S , M ). The eigenvalue problem is solved numerically and corresponding eigenvalues are calculated and stability properties are discussed. C. Linear stability analysis: MCF without central core The corresponding matrix equation reads: A iM 2A z (12) where A is column matrix A | A0 , A1...AM , A0* , A1* ...AM* |T and M 2 is the corresponding eigen matrix. The matrix M 2 in this case can be written in a form F G M2 G F* where F and G are block matrixes now each with dimensions ( M M ) : (13) 1 f* 0 F . 0 f ... 0 f* 1 f ... f * 1 ... . . ... 0 0 0 0 ... 1 ... f * f 1 f 0 0 0 0 0 (14) ( M M ) f C1 exp( i ) 2S M 1 1 4 1 A2 G 2 1 A 2 I - is the diagonal matrix with dimension M This form corresponds to the introduced perturbations in a form iz im iz ( A0 e , Am ( A Am )e e , m 1,..., M , ) The eigenvalues i , i 1...2M are the solution of the equation F I G =0 (15) det( M 2 I 2 M ) det G F * I It is easy to prove that G and F I commute and then the following rule for the block matrix holds F I det G G det[( F I )( F * I ) GG] det{FF * [ ( F F * ) 2 4 12 A 4 ]I } * F I (16) Because the matrix F is circulant then FF * and F F * are also circulant matrices and hence the whole matrix M c FF * [ ( F F * ) 2 4 2 A 4 ]I is also circulant. Hence, the matrix M c is completely defined with the vector containing only the first row. The elements ( h j , j 0,..., M 1 ) of the first row of the matrix M c can be calculated: h0 12 2 4 12 A 4 2c12 cos( 2 ) h1 21c1 cos( ) 2ic1 sin( ) h2 c12 h3 h4 ... hM 3 0 hM 2 c12 hM 1 21c1 cos( ) 2ic1 sin( ) (17) Based on the properties of the circulant matrix the k of the matrix M c are: j 12 2 4 12 A4 2c12 cos(2 ) 41c1 cos( ) cos(j) 4c1 sin( ) sin( j ) 2c12 cos(2j ) (18) 2 where M The all 2M eigenvalues of the marix M 2 can be calculated from the equations j 0 which has a form 2 2a b 0 (19) where: a 2c1 sin( ) sin( j ) b 12 4 12 A4 2c12 cos(2 ) 41c1 cos( ) cos(j ) 2c12 cos(2j ) (20) (21) The stability condition is d a 2 b 0 . Using the definition 1 1 4 1 A2 and the vortex solution 1 2C1 cos A2 2 and some basic trigonometric identities, the discriminant d a 2 b takes a simple form: d 8 1 A2c1 cos( )(1 cos(j )) 4c12 cos 2 ( )[1 cos(j )]2 (22) The stability condition d 0 leads to: 2 1. cos( ) 0 and A c1 cos( )[1 cos(j )] . The condition cos( ) 0 leads to 2 1 the condition 2 2n 4n 1 S 4n 3 2S 3 2n , or 4 M 4 M 2 All vortices which satisfy the condition (23) are stable. (23) According to (23) follows that stable vortices are: For S=1, stable M=3,4 For S=2, stable M=3,4,5,6,7,8 For S=3, stable M=4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 For S=4, stable M=3,6,7…16 …. This analytical results are in full agreement with the numerical results. 2 2. cos( ) 0 and A c1 cos( )[1 cos(j ] . The condition cos( ) 0 leads to 2 1 the condition 4n 1 S 4n 1 . 4 M 4 So, stable vortices must satisfy condition (24) simultaneously with the condition c A2 1 cos( )[1 cos(j ] . 2 1 (24) (25) In another words, all vortices satisfying condition (24) are unstable except in the narrow low power stability region defined by (25). For S=1, M=5,6,7…. For S=2, M=9,10… For S=3, M=3, 13, 14…. For S=4, M=4,5, 17,18,... Again, the results and is a full agreement with the numerical modelling. For linear case for MCF the discriminant (25) is always positive, and directly follows that all vortices are stable independently on the amplitude. Moreover for the linear case (MCF+central core) the matrix M 1 is reduced to F M 1L 0 0 (26) F* The matrix M 1L is Hermitian and all eigenvalues are real. Therefore, it is not necessary to compute the eigenvalues to conclude that all vortices in linear MCF (with and without central core) are stable.