Supporting Data Lattice strains and polarized luminescence in homoepitaxial growth of a-plane ZnO Hiroaki Matsui 1, 2 and Hitoshi Tabata 1, 2 1 Department of Bioengineering, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan 2 Department of Electronics Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan 1 1. Surface and structural properties of ZnO substrate annealed at the high temperature. (a) 500 nm (b) [1-100] [0001] <0001> [11-20] 18.2 nm (c) 50 nm 5 nm r-plane [11-20] [0001] [1-100] Figure S1. (a) AFM image (2 × 2 mm2) and (b) RHEED pattern with the [0001] azimuth of the Crystec ZnO substrate. (c) Cross-section [1-100] TEM image of the Crystec ZnO substrate. The inset figure represents a high-magnification TEM image. Figure 1 shows the atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of the Crystec ZnO substrate annealed at the high temperature. The V-grooved structure was aligned along the [1-100] direction with a high density of 106 cm-1, resulting in a reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) pattern with three-dimensional (3D) spots [Fig. 1(b)]. From the cross-section transmittance electron microscopy (TEM) image with the [10-10] azimuth, the V-groove was triangle-shaped in cross section with a step and terrace structure [Fig. 1(c)]. The plane angle between the side facets and (11-20) plane was 32o, which was equivalent with the r-planes (1-102) of ZnO. This is due to the fact that the a-plane is the roughest surface of the four low-index planes because of the high surface cleavage energy 1. 2 2. Surface morphologies of a-plane homoepitaxial ZnO layers grown at different temperatures (a) 500 nm (b) 500 nm (c) 500 nm [0001] [0001] [0001] 4.28 nm 3.40 nm 2.51 nm Figure S1. Surface morphologies of a-planes homoepitaxial ZnO layers grown at (a) 400, (b) 550 and (c) 700oC. The a-plane ZnO layers were grown at different temperatures on the (11-20) plane of Crystec ZnO substrates by a pulse laser deposition (PLD) method. All layers showed smooth surface morphologies at growth temperatures of 400, 550 and 700oC. However, slight roughening was found at a low temperature of 400oC, which may be related to surface migrations of adatoms during layer growth. For all ZnO layers, the elongated layer surfaces were observed along the c-axis direction. Therefore, the nanostripe structure obtained on the m-plane homoepitaxial ZnO layers was not observed on the a-plane ZnO layers at temperatures from 400 to 700oC. In contrast, the m-plane homoepitaxial ZnO layers showed surface morphologies with nanostripes along the c-axis direction, which were observed at temperatures from 400 to 600oC 2, 3. Therefore, the AFM results are associated with the difference in growth evolution between a- and m-plane homoepitaxial ZnO layers. A flat layer surface can be realized with homoepitaxial growth of a-plane ZnO when using a PLD method. 3 3. Structural characteristics of basal stacking faults (BSFs) and partial dislocations (PDs) Table SI Summary of BSFs and PDs in a wurtzite structure along with their extinction rules Stacking I1-type I2-type E-type ABABCBCBC ABABCACAC ABABCABAB 1/6<20-23> 1/3<10-10> 1/2<0001> sequence Burger Vector BSF PD BSF PD BSF PD g = [0002] Out-of Contrast Out-of Out-of Out-of Contrast contrast contrast contrast g = [10-10] Contrast Contrast Contrast Contrast Out-of Out-of Contrast Contrast contrast Dislocation-type Partial Shockley partial Frank partial (Frank-Shockley) Basal-plane stacking faults (BSFs) in a wurtzite structure are treated as planar defects that locally generate the ABC cubic structure within the usual …ABABAB… stacking sequence 4, 5 . BSFs exist two intrinsic (I1 and I2)-types and one extrinsic (E)-type. The I1-type BSF is produced by removal or insertion of a basal plane. This fault is changed from the perfect stacking sequence of …ABABAB… to …ABABCBCBC…, which is bound by a sessile Frank-Shockley dislocation with a Burgers vector b = 1/6<20-23>. In contrast, the I2-type BSF having the …ABABCACAC… stacking sequence is formed by dissociation of a perfect dislocation (b = 1/3<11-20>) into two Shockley partial dislocations with b = 1/3<10-10>. Finally, the E-type BSF with a stacking sequence …ABABCABAB… appears to be due to insertion of an extra basal plane. This type of fault is bound by Frank partial dislocations with b = 1/2<0001>. The energy of BSFs is proportional to the number of cubic bilayers in the particular fault. The I1, I2 and E-type defects consist of one, two, and three cubic bilayers, respectively. The I1-type BSF has the lowest formation energy. The highest formation energy is required to form the E-type BSF. The abovementioned observations can be applied to ZnO with a wurtzite structure. 4 4. Structural properties of different kinds of ZnO substrates Table SII. Lattice parameters and crystallinity of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates Structural properties Crystec ZnO Goodwill ZnO a-axis length 3.249 Å 3.250 Å c-axis length 5.206 Å 5.208 Å x // (11-20) plane 34 arcsec 101 arcsec z // (0002) plane 36 arcsec 143 arcsec y // (10-10) plane 36 arcsec 113 arcsec Lattice parameters FWHM of -rocking curve Table S III. Residual impurities of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates Substrate type Residual impurities Crystec ZnO Si < 8 ppm, Fe < 4 ppm, Mg < 3 ppm, Ca < 1 ppm Goodwill ZnO Mg < 5 ppm, Al < 20 ppm, Si < 2 ppm, Ti < 10 ppm Cr < 15 ppm, Ca < 1 ppm, Ag < 2 ppm Homoepitaxial layer growth is affected by the presence of defects in the substrate such as strain variation, grain boundaries, etc. The low substrate quality of a substrate results in the formation of the unusual strain, which is correlated with the lattice constant 6. The difference in lattice constants (a- and c-axis lengths) between Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates was as small as 0.03%. The strains of ZnO layers on the Goodwill ZnO substrate are not attributed to lattice mismatch between the layer and substrate. The full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of -rocking curves of the (11-20) plane for the Crystec ZnO substrate was as narrow as 34 arcsec. The FWHM values of the (0002) and (10-10) planes along the in-plane directions also included 36 arcsec, which revealed that the Crystec ZnO substrate was a uniform crystal. On the other hand, the FWHM values of the (11-20), (0002) and (10-10) planes for the Goodwill ZnO substrate were three times larger than those for the Crystec ZnO 5 substrate, which indicated the presence of a degraded surface layer. Moreover, residual impurities in a substrate as shown in Table SIV were higher on the Crystec ZnO substrate than the Goodwill ZnO substrate. Therefore, it is concluded that the structural quality was better on the Crystec ZnO substrate than the Goodwill ZnO substrate. 5. Optical properties of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates T = 300 K 60 40 20 0 1.5 Crystec ZnO (b) T = 10 K, H = 1T Crystec ZnO Goodwill ZnO 0 -200 -400 Goodwill ZnO 2 2.5 3 Photon energy (eV) 200 MCD (mdeg/cm) (a) 80 MCD (mdeg/cm) Transmittance (%) 100 400 200 0 -200 -400 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Magnetic field (Oe) 3.5 1.5 2 2.5 Photon energy (eV) 3 Fig. S2. (a) Transmittance spectra and (b) MCD spectra of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates. Transmittance spectra were measured at 300 K. MCD spectra were taken at 10 K under a magnetic field of 1 T. Inset of Fig. S2(b) shows the MCD response at 2.82 eV under magnetic fields. Transmittance spectra taken at 300 K of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates are shown in Fig. S2(a). A decrease of transmittance was observed on the Goodwill ZnO substrate with a photon energy from 2.5 to 3.1 eV, indicating the existence of color centers in the Goodwill ZnO substrate. Figure S2(b) shows magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates. The MCD is the differential absorption of the sample for right and left circularly polarized light that propagates along the direction of the applied magnetic field. It is experimentally determined from the intensities of the transmitted light of polarization ±, namely, MCD = const (I+ - I-) / (I+ - I-) (2) 6 The MCD spectra of optical absorption show a very specific fingerprint of the paramagnetic charge state in a host 7, 8 . This is in contrast to electron paramagnetic resonance, which indicates the presence of an unpaired electron in a point defect. The MCD at 2.83 eV showed a linear magnetic dependence because an unpaired electron behaves as s magnetic spin. The transmittance and MCD spectra revealed that point defects with unpaired electrons were formed in the Goodwill ZnO substrates. PL intensity (a.u.) T = 10 K DoX DoX Goodwill ZnO FAX FBX Fig. S3. PL spectra at 10 K for an E⊥c configuration Crystec ZnO of the Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Photon energy (eV) 3.5 Photoluminescence (PL) spectra taken at 10 K of Crystec and Goodwill ZnO substrates are shown in Fig. S3. A- and B-excitonic light emissions (FAX and FBX) were observed at 3.377 and 3.384 eV in the Crystec ZnO substrate, respectively, which was consistent with a previous report 9. Moreover, a sharp donor-bound exciton (DoX) peak was obtained with a linewidth of 4.3 meV. On the other hand, the Goodwill ZnO substrate showed a broad DoX peak with a linewidth of 17 meV. We could not clearly observe free-related emissions. Figures S2 and S3 show that the optical properties of the Crystec ZnO substrate were of a higher quality than those of the Goodwill ZnO substrate, which was consistent with the results regarding structural quality. 7 References 1 U. Diebold, L.V. Koplitz, and O. Dulub, Appl. Surf. Sci. 237, 336 (2004). 2 H. Matsui and H. Tabata, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 143109 (2005) 3 H. Matsui and H. Tabata, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 124307 (2006). 4 P. Vennéguès, J.M. Chauveau, M. Korytov, C. Deparis, J. Zuniga-Perez, C. Morhain, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083525 (2008). 5 M.A. Moram. C.F. Johnston, J.L. Hollander, M.J. Kappers, C.J. Humphreys, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113501 (2009). 6 H. Heinke, A. Waag, M.O. Möller, M.M. Regnet, G. Landwehr, J. Crystal Growth 135, 53 (1994). 7 A. Pillukat, P. Ehrhart, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 2794 (1992). 8 H.J. Sun, G.D. Watkins, F.C. Rong, L. Fotiadis, E.H. Poindexter, Appl Phys. Lett. 60, 718 (1992). 9 S.F. Chichibu, T. Sota, G. Cantwell, D.B. Eason, C.W. Litton, J. Appl. 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