32) Calculating mass of point-formed particles Point-formed particles are particles with only one mass body, as to give some examples we can mention the myon (μ) particle and the proton particle. According to our theory, Matter Unified, such particles are created by a quantum resonance process in vacuum space. The created particle oscillates in two modes, and these oscillating modes interact with each other by a relation n, where n is a quantum integer number. The equation for calculating the created mass consists of two parts: the left part and the right part. The left part is created by a process where the particle mass oscillates in its own electrical field and the other part is created by an oscillating mode in the mass in the radius direction of the particle. First we make a study of the left part of the equation. We concentrate the mass of the particle in two points situated in the end of a rigid axis connecting the two points. We assume this axis is in a neutral position in regard to an outer electric field. In such a position the axis is not activated by any torsional force. But if this axis is twisted in relation to its neutral position, there will be a torsional momentum force round this axis. This force, or momentum, will be approximately in proportion to the size of angular deviation. We can apply the pendulum equation on this construction giving the pendulum time: 1) T=2π.sqrt(M.R/F) where: M is equal to the particle total mass R is equal to the particle’s radius F is equal to the maximum force on the mass created by the electric field itself. From our theory, Matter Unified, we know that: 2) R=re.(M/me)1/3 where re is the electron mass radius and Me is the electron mass Now we will calculate the maximum force created by the electric field from the particle itself. We start with our mass flowing formula: 3) m=q.A.t.C We multiply both sides of this equation with the quantity of C, giving: 4) m.C=q.A.t.C2 But from Newton’s fundamental laws we know that: 5) m.C=F.t Then we can reduce the quantity of time, t, giving: 6) F=q.A.C2 The product of A and C is the same as the unit charge of a point-formed particle, equal for both electrons, protons and other point-formed particles. We know that: 7) A.C = 4 .re2.Kt.c where Kt =5.355 and C= Kt.c where c is equal to the light velocity. We also know that the q value is: 8) q=me/(Ka.Kt2.re3) Inserting all these parametres into the force formula we have: 9) F=me.c2/re Now we insert the force value in the time oscillating formula, giving: 10) T=2π.(M/me)2/3 For deriving the oscillating time of mass in the radius’ direction, you have to study this derivation by reading the theory Matter Unified. This oscillating time is derived to: 11) 2 .2 .(M/me)1/3 Now we introduce a quantum number, n, being a stepping function of a half integer. We assume that n numbers of oscillating periods will occur in the radius direction during one oscillating period in the electric field, giving: 12) 2 (M/me)2/3=2 .2 (M/me)1/3.n We reduce this formula and solve out the mass value, M, from this formula, giving: 13) M=me.(2 .n)3 We replace the half integer value of n by a real integer value, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on, and rewrite the equation to: 14) M=me.(n. )3 In every theoretical derived calculation we know that the given value not always exactly corresponds with the measurements values. Of that reason we introduce a correction factor, k, in the formula, with its normal value, k =1, giving: 15) M=me.(k.n. )3 being the end formula for calculating mass of different point-formed particles In Matter Unified we have before done a study of masses created by this formula and compared the given mass values with known values from practical measurements. And it seems to correspond very good. You can make a study of these values in a table, but there are also good information to get from internet, where registrations of different “jets” are registered from experimental platforms over the world. By studying the number of hits you get when searching a particle with given or assumed mass you can find a peak where the assumed particle seems to be positioned. Performing such an investigation or searching on the internet may give the following results: n=22 calculated value: 168.7 Gev hits on internet, interval 168.0>169.7 Gev: 0,1,3,2,14,4,2,3,1,0,0,4,21,16,0,1,5,2 peak value at: 160.2 Gev Correction factor= - n=21 calculated value: 148.6 Gev hits on internet, interval 148.0>149.3 Gev: 1,1,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1,3.0,0 peak value at: 148.5 Gev Correction factor= - n=20 calculated value: 126.7 Gev hits on internet, interval 126.0>127.3 Gev: 3,1,0,1,1,5,2,0,3,0,4,75,3,1 peak value at: 127.1 Gev Correction factor= - n=19 calculated value: 108.7 Gev hits on internet, interval 108.0>109.2 Gev: 23,1240,36,6,4,3,9,4,2,2,11,13,6 peak value at: 108.1 Gev Correction factor= - n=18 calculated mass: 92,4 Gev correction factor: k=1 registered value: 92,4 Gev particle name: Zeta Nobel Prize awarded 1984, Carlo Rubbia n=17 calculated value: 34,8 Gev hits on internet, interval 77.0 78.0 Gev 7,16,0,2,15,172,2,3,2,4,15 peak value at: 77.5 Gev Correction factor k= - n=16 calculated value: 64.9 Gev hits on internet, interval 64.0 >64.9 Gev: 4,2,7,3,4,6,2,5,7,11 peak value at: 64.9 Gev Correction factor k= - n=15 calculated value: 53.5 Gev hits on internet, interval 53.0>54.3 Gev: 3,2,4,6,6,13,1,4,3,5,9,1,1,2 peak value at: 53.5 Gev Correction factor= - n=14 calculated mass: 43.5 Gev correction factor: k=1 registered value: 43.5 Gev particle name: No name, registered n=13 calculated value: 34,8 Gev hits on internet, interval 34,4>35,2 Gev: 69, 105, 188, 25, 18, 3, 15, 0, 1 peak value at: 34,6 Gev Correction factor= - n=12 calculated value: 27,4 Gev hits on internet, interval 27,0>27,9 Gev: 12, 3, 3, 12, 265, 15100, 2640, 24, 4, 10 peak value at: 27,5 Gev Correction factor= - n=11 calculated : 21,1 Gev hits on internet, interval 20,6>21,8 Gev 10, 5, 10, 4, 11, 7, 6, 8, 48, 47, 39, 64, 18, peak value at: 21,7 Gev Correction factor= - n=10 calculated : 15.8 Gev hits on internet, interval 14.9>16.2 Gev 31,153,13,16,37,31,57,17,27,17,12,52,10,21 peak value at: 15.0 Gev Correction factor= - n=9 redigera calculated value: 11,5 Gev hits on internet, interval 11,0>12.3 Gev 100,40,291,76,88,583,354,117,87,38,157,29,37,240 peak value at: 11.5 Gev Correction factor= - n=8 calculated value: 8,1 Gev hits on internet, interval 7,6>8,6 Gev: 114, 118, 192, 64, 1700, 465, 119, 122, 93, 1070, 71 peak value at: 8,0 Gev Correction factor=1 n=7 Calculated value=10635 electron masses Calculated value=5.433 Gev Registered value=5.26 Gev Particle name: B-mison Correction factor k=0.98714 n=6 Calculated value=6697 electron masses Calculated value=3.421 Gev Registered value=6697 electron masses Registered value=2.976Gev Partikle name: eta J/Psi Correction factor k=0.95487 n=5 Calculated value=3875 electron masses Calculated value=1.980 Gev Registered value=1784.1Mev Particle name: taon Correction factor k=0.9658 n=4 Calculated value=1984 electron masses Calculated value=1.013 Mev Registered value=1836,12 electron masses Registered value=938.2723 Mev Particle name: Proton Correction factor k=0.97 n=3 Calculated value=837 electron masses Calculated value=4.27 Registered value=966 electron masses Registered value=493.646 Mev Particle name: Kaon Correction factor k= Observe: This calculated mass value is a base of the kaon mass spectrum. n=2 Calculated value=248 electron masses Calculated value=1.26 Mev Registered value=206.8 electron masses Registered value=105.658 Mev Particle name: Myon Correction factor k=0.941 n=1 Calculated value=32 electron masses Calculated value=15.8 Mev Registered value=- electron masses Particle name: WIMP Correction factor k=By inserting the correction factor k as calculated here you get the exact value of the searched particle. But we can observe that for low mass values we have an interaction between the two oscillation modes. That may be the reason why the correction factor k deviates from the ideal value of 1. We don’t exactly know how to compute this exact k value for these particles, but a suggestion may be: 16) k=1-0.12/n From my first publication “Absolute Space Theory” from 1981. The calculated formula predict well later experimental found particle forms. Here given in multiples of the electron’s mass 0.511 Mev and given in half integers values of the quantum number. This table was published In my book “A new way to the physics” 1984 This table was published in Galilean Electrodynamics 1991. n-values included is here limited to 8 but for n=9 (1/2 integers) the exact value of Z particle (92.4 Gev), Nobel awarded discovery. The W particle is neutral 81Gev but the spectral bas particle shall have the value of 77.8 Gev COMMENTS OF RECEIVED RESULTS Mass from Value of N Unit experiments or k predicted mass Comment 1 16 Mev predicted (1) 2 105.65839 Mev 0.941 u, mu (6) 3 493.646 Mev 1.05172 k, kaon (6) 4 938.2723 Mev 0.9744 p, proton (6) 5 1784.1 Mev 0.96578 T, Tauon (6) 6 2.976 Ge v 0.95487 n, eta 7 5.26 Ge v 0.98714 B-(2) 8 8.3 Ge v 1.00765 z, zeta (3) 9 11.5 Ge v - JETS (5) 10 15.8 Ge v - JETS (5) 11 21 Gev - JETS (5) 12 27.4 Gev - JETS (5) 13 34.8 Gev - JETS (5) Ove Tedenstig Sweden 2008 MATTER UNIFIED ISBN 91-973818-7-X 10-57 Xxx 14 43.4 Gev 0.9979 Reg. (4) 15 53.4 Gev - JETS (5) 16 64.8 Gev - JETS (5) 17 81.0 Gev 1.013342 W, (6) 18 92.4 Gev 0.999883 Z, (6) 19 20 21, Xxx 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EE NEW SCIENTIST 11 TH FEBRUARY/P14,15 1995 B-MESON, SEE CERN DATA BOOKLET ZETA, SEE NEW SCIENTIST 16 TH AUGUST 1984 43.4 GEV, SEE 25 TH OF MAY 1984 SEE STATISTICS FROM REPORTS PHYSICS REVIEW LETTERS BELOW Se CERN Particle Data Group booklet From New Scientist 24 may 1984 Ove Tedenstig Sweden 2008 MATTER UNIFIED ISBN 91-973818-7-X 10-58 A-1040 xxx Statistic from Swedish “KOSMOS” 1981 page 100 XA-10-25 Ove Tedenstig Sweden 2008 MATTER UNIFIED ISBN 91-973818-7-X 10-59 Xxx Report of the “zeta 8.3 Gev” particle in a German Scientific journal. OBS! cited text limited