Wydział Matematyki Fizyki i Chemii Instytut Fizyki Zakład Teorii Pola i Cząstek Elementarnych CYTOWANIA Science Citation Index Expanded 1996-2001 oprac. Aneta Drabek, Tomasz Zięba Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Śląskiego Katowice, 2002 SCI-EXPANDED 1996 ------------------------------------------------Record 1 of 70 Author(s): Chetyrkin KG; Kuhn JH; Kwiatkowski A Title: QCD corrections to the e(+)e(-) cross-section and the Z boson decay rate: Concepts and results Source: PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 1996, Vol 277, Iss 4, pp 190-281 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 161 Addresses: Chetyrkin KG, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY RUSSIAN ACAD SCI,INST NUCL RES,MOSCOW 117312,RUSSIA UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB,THEORET PHYS GRP,BERKELEY,CA 94720 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 70 Author(s): Braaten E; Fleming S; Yuan TC Title: Production of heavy quarkonium in high-energy colliders Source: ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE SCIENCE 1996, Vol 46, pp 197-235 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 122 Addresses: Braaten E, OHIO STATE UNIV,DEPT PHYS,174 W 18TH AVE,COLUMBUS,OH 43210 UNIV WISCONSIN,DEPT PHYS,MADISON,WI 53706 UNIV CALIF DAVIS,DAVIS INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,DAVIS,CA 95616 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 55 ------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 70 Author(s): Murayama H; Peskin ME Title: Physics opportunities of e(+)e(-) linear colliders Source: ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE SCIENCE 1996, Vol 46, pp 533-608 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 312 Addresses: Murayama H, UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,DEPT PHYS,BERKELEY,CA 94720 UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB,THEORET PHYS GRP,BERKELEY,CA 94720 STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V316-P360 M-1994-PHYS-REV-D-V49-P4970 M-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P1910 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 34 ------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 70 Author(s): Nojiri MM; Fujii K; Tsukamoto T Title: Confronting the minimal supersymmetric standard model with the study of scalar leptons at future linear e(+)e(-) colliders Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 11, pp 6756-6776 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 47 Addresses: Nojiri MM, KEK,NATL LAB HIGH ENERGY PHYS,OHO 1-1,TSUKUBA,IBARAKI 305,JAPAN JEZABEK M-1992-COMPUT-PHYS-COMMUN-V70-P69 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-COMMUN-V76-P361 Times Cited: 46 ------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 70 Author(s): Li CS; Oakes RJ; Yang JM Title: One-loop QCD corrections to top quark decay into a neutralino and light stop squark Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 11, pp 6883-6889 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 49 Addresses: Li CS, NORTHWESTERN UNIV,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,EVANSTON,IL 60208 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 70 Author(s): Kolodziej K; Leike A; Ruckl R Title: Production of B-c mesons in photon-photon and hadron-hadron collisions Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 10, pp 2591-2600 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 30 Addresses: Kolodziej K, SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND UNIV MUNICH,SEKT PHYS,D-80333 MUNICH,GERMANY MAX PLANCK INST PHYS & ASTROPHYS,WERNER HEISENBERG INST PHYS,D-80805 MUNICH,GERMANY KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 70 Author(s): DeFazio F Title: Heavy quark kinetic energy in B mesons by a QCD relativistic potential model Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 1996, Vol 11, Iss 34, pp 2693-2702 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 42 Addresses: DeFazio F, UNIV BARI,DIPARTIMENTO FIS,IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-70121 BARI,ITALY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 12 ------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 70 Author(s): Barger V; Berger MS; Gunion JF; Han T Title: Particle physics opportunities at mu(+)mu(-) colliders Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, pp 13-31 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 57 Addresses: Barger V, UNIV WISCONSIN,DEPT PHYS,1150 UNIV AVE,MADISON,WI 53706 INDIANA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,BLOOMINGTON,IN 47405 LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATL LAB,DEPT PHYS,DAVIS,CA 95616 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 70 Author(s): Hwang DS; Kim CS; Namgung W Title: Average kinetic energy of a heavy quark in semileptonic B decay Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 9, pp 5620-5628 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 55 Addresses: Hwang DS, SEJONG UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 143,SOUTH KOREA YONSEI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 120,SOUTH KOREA KEK,DIV THEORY,TSUKUBA,IBARAKI 305,JAPAN DONGGUK UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 100,SOUTH KOREA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 14 ------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 70 Author(s): Djouadi A; Hollik W; Junger C Title: QCD corrections to the top quark decay mode t->(t)over-tilde-chi(0) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 9, pp 5629-5635 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 36 Addresses: Djouadi A, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET PHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 70 Author(s): Bernreuther W; Overmann P Title: Probing Higgs boson- and supersymmetry-induced CP violation in top quark production by (un-) polarized electron-positron collisions Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1996, Vol 72, Iss 3, pp 461-467 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 41 Addresses: Bernreuther W, RHEIN WESTFAL TH AACHEN,INST THEORET PHYS,D-52056 AACHEN,GERMANY UNIV DORTMUND,INST PHYS,D-44221 DORTMUND,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 10 ------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 70 Author(s): Berezhnoy AV; Kiselev VV; Likhoded AK Title: Hadronic production of S- and P-wave states of (b)over-bar-c-quarkonium Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK A-HADRONS AND NUCLEI 1996, Vol 356, Iss 1, pp 79-87 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 Addresses: Berezhnoy AV, INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,DIV THEORY,PROTVINO 142284,MOSCOW REG,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 12 ------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 70 Author(s): Berezhnoy AV; Kiselev VV; Likhoded AK Title: Photonic production of S- and P-wave B-c states and doubly heavy baryons Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK A-HADRONS AND NUCLEI 1996, Vol 356, Iss 1, pp 89-97 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Berezhnoy AV, INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,PROTVINO 142284,MOSCOW REGION,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 70 Author(s): Sladkowski J Title: Exotic smoothness, noncommutative geometry, and particle physics Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 1996, Vol 35, Iss 10, pp 2075-2083 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 25 Addresses: Sladkowski J, SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND SLADKOWSKI J-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-V27-P649 SLADKOWSKI J-1994-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V25-P1255 SLADKOWSKI J-1994-INT-J-THEOR-PHYS-V33-P2381 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 70 Author(s): Buchalla G; Buras AJ; Lautenbacher ME Title: Weak decays beyond leading logarithms Source: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 1996, Vol 68, Iss 4, pp 1125-1244 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 305 Addresses: Buchalla G, FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,DEPT THEORET PHYS,POB 500,BATAVIA,IL 60510 TECH UNIV MUNICH,DEPT PHYS,D-85748 GARCHING,GERMANY MAX PLANCK INST PHYS & ASTROPHYS,WERNER HEISENBERG INST,D-80805 MUNICH,GERMANY STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,THEORY GRP,STANFORD,CA 94309 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 342 ------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 70 Author(s): Chang CH; Chen YQ; Oakes RJ Title: Comparative study of the hadronic production of B-c mesons Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 7, pp 4344-4348 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Chang CH, CHINA CTR ADV SCI & TECHNOL,WORLD LAB,BEIJING,PEOPLES R CHINA ACAD SINICA,INST THEORET PHYS,BEIJING 100080,PEOPLES R CHINA NORTHWESTERN UNIV,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,EVANSTON,IL 60208 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 70 Author(s): Wang H; Li CS; Zhou HY; Kuang YP Title: Supersymmetric QCD corrections to top quark pair production in photon-photon collisions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 7, pp 4374-4379 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 34 Addresses: Wang H, TSING HUA UNIV,INST MODERN PHYS,BEIJING 100084,PEOPLES R CHINA TSING HUA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,BEIJING 100084,PEOPLES R CHINA CHINA CTR ADV SCI & TECHNOL,WORLD LAB,BEIJING 100080,PEOPLES R CHINA BEIJING UNIV,DEPT PHYS,BEIJING 100871,PEOPLES R CHINA JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 70 Author(s): Terekhov I; Clavelli L Title: Light gluino and squark production in Tevatron dijet experiments Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1996, Vol 385, Iss 1-4, pp 139-142 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Terekhov I, UNIV ALABAMA,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,TUSCALOOSA,AL 35487 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 70 Author(s): Ahluwalia DV; Burgard C Title: Gravitationally induced neutrino-oscillation phases Source: GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 1996, Vol 28, Iss 10, pp 1161-1170 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 65 Addresses: Ahluwalia DV, LOS ALAMOS NATL LAB,MAIL STOP H-8-16,LOS ALAMOS,NM 87545 UNIV HAMBURG,DESY,INST EXPT PHYS 2,D-22607 HAMBURG,GERMANY GLUZA J-1995-HEPPH9502284-LANAL Times Cited: 36 ------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 70 Author(s): Wise M Title: Recent advances in heavy quark theory Source: PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT 1996, Iss 123, pp 221-229 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 40 Addresses: Wise M, CALTECH,DEPT THEORET PHYS,PASADENA,CA 91125 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 70 Author(s): Moinester MA Title: How to search for doubly charmed baryons and tetraquarks Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK A-HADRONS AND NUCLEI 1996, Vol 355, Iss 4, pp 349-362 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 199 Addresses: Moinester MA, TEL AVIV UNIV,SCH PHYS & ASTRON,R&B SACKLER FAC EXACT SCI,IL-69978 RAMAT AVIV,ISRAEL KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 70 Author(s): Kim CS; Hwang DS; Namgung W Title: A model-independent way to measure vertical bar V-ub/V-cb vertical bar Source: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 1996, Vol 29, pp S257-S260 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 50 Addresses: Kim CS, YONSEI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 120749,SOUTH KOREA KEK,DIV THEORY,TSUKUBA,IBARAKI 305,JAPAN SEJONG UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL,SOUTH KOREA DONGGUK UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL,SOUTH KOREA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 23 of 70 Author(s): Modritsch W Title: On the P-wave contributions to the cross sections of t(t)over-bar and (t)over-tilde(t)over-tilde near threshold Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, Vol 475, Iss 3, pp 507-521 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: Modritsch W, VIENNA TECH UNIV,INST THEORET PHYS,WIEDNER HAUPTSTR 8-10-136,A-1040 VIENNA,AUSTRIA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 70 Author(s): Baranov SP Title: Production of doubly flavored baryons in pp, ep, and gamma gamma collisions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 5, pp 3228-3236 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 25 Addresses: Baranov SP, PN LEBEDEV PHYS INST,LENINSKY PROSPECT 53,MOSCOW 117924,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 70 Author(s): Schmidt CR Title: Top quark production and decay at next-to-leading order in e(+)e(-) annihilation Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 5, pp 3250-3265 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 26 Addresses: Schmidt CR, MICHIGAN STATE UNIV,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,E LANSING,MI 48824 JEZABEK M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 19 ------------------------------------------------Record 26 of 70 Author(s): Harlander R; Jezabek M; Kuhn JH Title: Higgs effects in top quark pair production Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 8, pp 1781-1788 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 14 Addresses: Harlander R, INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY INST NUCL PHYS,PL-30055 KRAKOW,POLAND STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V316-P360 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 70 Author(s): Clavelli L; Terekhov I Title: Inclusive jet E(T) distributions and light gluinos Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1996, Vol 77, Iss 10, pp 1941-1944 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 25 Addresses: Clavelli L, UNIV ALABAMA,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,TUSCALOOSA,AL 35487 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 70 Author(s): Martynenko AP; Saleev VA Title: Heavy-quark fragmentation functions in the effective theory of heavy quarks Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996, Vol 59, Iss 7, pp 1252-1261 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 25 Addresses: Martynenko AP, SAMARA STATE UNIV,UL AKAD PAVLOVA 1,SAMARA 443011,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-MPIPHT9484 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 29 of 70 Author(s): Mehen T Title: Scale setting in top quark decays Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1996, Vol 382, Iss 3, pp 267-272 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 27 Addresses: Mehen T, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,3400 N CHARLES ST,BALTIMORE,MD 21218 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1988-PHYS-LETT-B-V207-P91 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 30 of 70 Author(s): Martynenko AP; Saleev VA Title: B-c meson production in gamma gamma collisions and the charm content of the photon Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 3, pp 1891-1895 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 29 Addresses: Martynenko AP, SAMARA STATE UNIV,SAMARA 443011,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 31 of 70 Author(s): Hoefer A; Sehgal LM Title: Pair production and correlated decay of heavy Majorana neutrinos in e(+)e(-) collisions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 3, pp 1944-1954 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 11 Addresses: Hoefer A, RHEIN WESTFAL TH AACHEN,INST THEORET PHYS E,D-52074 AACHEN,GERMANY GLUZA J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 10 ------------------------------------------------Record 32 of 70 Author(s): Akhoury R; Rothstein IZ Title: Extraction of V-ub from inclusive B decays and the resummation of end point logarithms Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 54, Iss 3, pp 2349-2362 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 43 Addresses: Akhoury R, UNIV MICHIGAN,RANDALL LAB PHYS,ANN ARBOR,MI 48109 UNIV CALIF SAN DIEGO,DEPT PHYS,LA JOLLA,CA 92093 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 29 ------------------------------------------------Record 33 of 70 Author(s): Galdon M; Ochoa RP; SanchisLozano MA; Valls JA Title: Searching for B-c mesons in the ATLAS experiment at LHC Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, pp 311-317 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 40 Addresses: Galdon M, DEPT FIS TEOR,DR MOLINER 50,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN INST FIS CORPUSCULAR,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN DEPT FIS ATOM MOL & NUCL,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN KOLODZIEJ K-MPIPHT9536 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 34 of 70 Author(s): Blado GG; Kuo TK Title: A supersymmetric Sp(L)(6)xU(Y)(1) model Source: NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA A-NUCLEI PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1996, Vol 109, Iss 5, pp 503-525 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 31 Addresses: Blado GG, UNIV MINNESOTA,DIV SCI & MATH,MORRIS,MN 56267 PURDUE UNIV,DEPT PHYS,W LAFAYETTE,IN 47907 GLUZA J-1992-PHYS-REV-D-V45-P1693 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 35 of 70 Author(s): Galdon M; SanchisLozano MA Title: Prospects for the extraction of vertical bar Vcb vertical bar from B-c->J/Psi mu(+)nu decays at LHC Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1996, Vol 71, Iss 2, pp 277-285 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 50 Addresses: Galdon M, UNIV VALENCIA,CSIC,CTR MIXTO,IFIC,DR MOLINER 50,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN UNIV VALENCIA,CSIC,CTR MIXTO,IFIC,DEPT FIS TEORICA,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN KOLODZIEJ K-MPIPHT9536 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 36 of 70 Author(s): Carena M; Haber HE; Wagner CEM Title: Four-generation low energy supersymmetry with a light top quark Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, Vol 472, Iss 1-2, pp 55-78 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 97 Addresses: Carena M, CERN,DIV TH,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND UNIV CALIF SANTA CRUZ,SANTA CRUZ INST PARTICLE PHYS,SANTA CRUZ,CA 94064 JEZABEK M-1988-PHYS-LETT-B-V207-P91 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 37 of 70 Author(s): Gluza J; Zralek M Title: Physics of heavy neutrinos Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 7, pp 1557-1568 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 57 Addresses: Gluza J, SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,DEPT FIELD THEORY & PARTICLE PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND GLUZA J-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V372-P259 GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V362-P148 GLUZA J-UNPUB Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 38 of 70 Author(s): Maalampi J Title: High-energy tests of the left-right symmetric electroweak model Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 7, pp 1591-1604 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 52 Addresses: Maalampi J, HELSINKI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,DIV THEORY,HELSINKI,FINLAND GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V52-P6238 GLUZA J-1995-TPUSL9504 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 39 of 70 Author(s): Sladkowski J Title: Exotic smoothness and particle physics Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 7, pp 1649-1652 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Sladkowski J, SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND SLADKOWSKI J-1994-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-S-V24-P1255 SLADKOWSKI J-1994-INT-J-THEOR-PHYS-V33-P2381 SLADKOWSKI J-1994-MADPH94854-MAD-U Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 40 of 70 Author(s): Shifman M Title: The case of alpha(s): Z versus low energies or, how nature shows us new physics Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 1996, Vol 11, Iss 18, pp 3195-3225 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 124 Addresses: Shifman M, UNIV MINNESOTA,INST THEORET PHYS,MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55455 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 20 ------------------------------------------------Record 41 of 70 Author(s): Gremm M; Kapustin A; Ligeti Z; Wise MB Title: Implications of the B->Xl(nu)over-bar(l) lepton spectrum for heavy quark physics Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1996, Vol 77, Iss 1, pp 20-23 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Gremm M, CALTECH,PASADENA,CA 91125 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 70 ------------------------------------------------Record 42 of 70 Author(s): Diaconu C; Talby M; Korner JG; Pirjol D Title: Improved variables for measuring the Lambda(b) polarization Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 11, pp 6186-6194 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: Diaconu C, FAC SCI LUMINY,CTR PHYS PARTICULES,IN2P3,CNRS,F-13288 MARSEILLE,FRANCE UNIV MAINZ,INST PHYS,D-55099 MAINZ,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 43 of 70 Author(s): Belanger G; Boudjema F; London D; Nadeau H Title: Inverse neutrinoless double beta decay reexamined Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 11, pp 6292-6301 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Belanger G, ENSLAPP,LAB PHYS THEOR CHEM BELLEVUE,BOITE POSTALE 110,F-74941 ANNECY LE VIEUX,FRANCE UNIV MONTREAL,PHYS NUCL LAB,MONTREAL,PQ H3C 3J7,CANADA MCGILL UNIV,DEPT PHYS,MONTREAL,PQ H3A 2T8,CANADA GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V362-P148 Times Cited: 21 ------------------------------------------------Record 44 of 70 Author(s): Martynenko AP; Saleev VA Title: Heavy quark fragmentation functions in the heavy quark effective theory Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 11, pp 6666-6669 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 20 Addresses: Martynenko AP, SAMARA STATE UNIV,SAMARA 443011,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 45 of 70 Author(s): Stelzer T; Willenbrock S Title: Spin correlation in top-quark production at hadron colliders Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1996, Vol 374, Iss 1-3, pp 169-172 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Stelzer T, UNIV ILLINOIS,DEPT PHYS,1110 W GREEN ST,URBANA,IL 61801 JEZABEK M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 18 ------------------------------------------------Record 46 of 70 Author(s): Berezhnoy AV; Likhoded AK; Yushchenko OP Title: Features of hadronic B-c(*)-meson production at large transverse momenta Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996, Vol 59, Iss 4, pp 709-713 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Berezhnoy AV, INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,STATE RES CTR,PROTVINO 142284,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1994-LMU2394 KOLODZIEJ K-1994-MPIPHT9484 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 47 of 70 Author(s): Martynenko AP; Saleev Title: Photon structure function interactions Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 33 Addresses: Martynenko AP, SAMARA VA and B-c-meson production in gamma gamma 1996, Vol 59, Iss 4, pp 714-719 STATE UNIV,SAMARA 443011,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1994-MPIPHT9484 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 48 of 70 Author(s): Mahlon G; Parke S Title: Angular correlations in top quark pair production and decay at hadron colliders Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 9, pp 4886-4896 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 42 Addresses: Mahlon G, UNIV MICHIGAN,DEPT PHYS,500 E UNIV AVE,ANN ARBOR,MI 48109 FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,BATAVIA,IL 60510 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 41 ------------------------------------------------Record 49 of 70 Author(s): Hwang DS; Kim CS; Namgung W Title: Decay constants and semileptonic decays of heavy mesons in the relativistic quark model Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 9, pp 4951-4956 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 34 Addresses: Hwang DS, SEJONG UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 133747,SOUTH KOREA YONSEI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 120749,SOUTH KOREA DONGGUK UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 100715,SOUTH KOREA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 12 ------------------------------------------------Record 50 of 70 Author(s): Beneke M; Buchalla G Title: B-c meson lifetime Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 9, pp 4991-5000 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 36 Addresses: Beneke M, STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,POB 4349,STANFORD,CA 94309 FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,DEPT THEORET PHYS,BATAVIA,IL 60510 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 Times Cited: 40 ------------------------------------------------Record 51 of 70 Author(s): Chow CK; Yan TM Title: Self-consistent 1/N-c expansion in the presence of electroweak interactions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 9, pp 5105-5107 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 16 Addresses: Chow CK, CORNELL UNIV,NEWMAN LAB NUCL STUDIES,ITHACA,NY 14853 SLADKOWSKI J-1992-PHYS-REV-D-V45-P1701 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 52 of 70 Author(s): Ananthanarayan B; Minkowski P Title: CP violation in heavy neutrino mediated e(-)e(-)->W-WSource: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1996, Vol 373, Iss 1-3, pp 130-134 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 8 Addresses: Ananthanarayan B, UNIV BERN,INST THEORET PHYS,SIDLERSTR 5,CH-3012 BERN,SWITZERLAND GLUZA J-19504-TP-US-U-SIL Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 53 of 70 Author(s): Minkowski P Title: e(-)e(-)->W-W- mediated by heavy neutrino flavors Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 1996, Vol 11, Iss 9, pp 1591-1605 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 14 Addresses: Minkowski P, UNIV BERN,INST THEORET PHYS,SIDLERSTR 5,CH-3012 BERN,SWITZERLAND GLUZA J-TPUS19504 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 54 of 70 Author(s): Rizzo TG Title: Extended gauge models and e(-)e(-)->W-W- at the NLC Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 1996, Vol 11, Iss 9, pp 1613-1620 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 26 Addresses: Rizzo TG, STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 GLUZA J-1995-SUTP195 GLUZA J-1995-TPUS19504 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 55 of 70 Author(s): Gluza J; 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Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 5, pp 2326-2336 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 65 Addresses: Rizzo TG, STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-REV-D-V49-P4970 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P1910 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 60 of 70 Author(s): Cheung K; Yuan TC Title: Hadronic production of S-wave and P-wave charmed b mesons via heavy quark fragmentation Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 3, pp 1232-1241 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 44 Addresses: Cheung K, UNIV TEXAS,CTR PARTICLE PHYS,AUSTIN,TX 78712 UNIV CALIF DAVIS,DEPT PHYS,DAVIS INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,DAVIS,CA 95616 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 61 of 70 Author(s): Doncheski MA; Steegborn J; Stong ML Title: Fragmentation production of doubly heavy baryons Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 3, pp 1247-1252 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 39 Addresses: Doncheski MA, CARLETON UNIV,DEPT PHYS,OTTAWA CARLETON INST PHYS,OTTAWA,ON K1S 5B6,CANADA UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEROET TEILCHENPHYS,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 62 of 70 Author(s): Richman JD; Burchat PR Title: Leptonic and semileptonic decays of charm and bottom hadrons Source: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 1995, Vol 67, Iss 4, pp 893-976 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 333 Addresses: Richman JD, UNIV CALIF SANTA BARBARA,DEPT PHYS,SANTA BARBARA,CA 93106 STANFORD UNIV,DEPT PHYS,STANFORD,CA 94305 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 54 ------------------------------------------------Record 63 of 70 Author(s): Vainshtein P; Fichman M; Shuster K; Gutfinger C Title: The effect of centreline particle concentration in a wave tube Source: JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 1996, Vol 306, pp 31-42 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 27 Addresses: Vainshtein P, TECHNION ISRAEL INST TECHNOL,FAC MECH ENGN,IL-32000 HAIFA,ISRAEL CZYZ H-1990-ACUSTICA-V70-P23 CZYZ H-1987-ARCH-ACOUST-V12-P3 CZYZ H-1987-ARCH-ACOUST-V12-P199 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 64 of 70 Author(s): Kramer M Title: QCD corrections to inelastic J/psi photoproduction Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, Vol 459, Iss 1-2, pp 3-50 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 90 Addresses: Kramer M, DESY,D-22603 HAMBURG,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V316-P360 Times Cited: 59 ------------------------------------------------Record 65 of 70 Author(s): Lampe B Title: Longitudinal W's in top quark hadronic decays Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, Vol 458, Iss 1-2, pp 23-34 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 17 Addresses: Lampe B, WERNER HEISENBERG INST PHYS,MAX PLANCK INST PHYS,FOHRINGER RING 6,D-80805 MUNICH,GERMANY JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 M-1993-TTP034-KARLSR-PREPR Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 66 of 70 Author(s): Boyarkin O; Rein D Title: Neutrino mass and oscillation angle phenomena within the asymmetric left-right models Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1996, Vol 53, Iss 1, pp 361-373 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 33 Addresses: Boyarkin O, INT CTR THEORET PHYS,POB 586,I-34100 TRIESTE,ITALY RHEIN WESTFAL TH AACHEN,INST PHYS 3,W-5100 AACHEN,GERMANY GRODNO STATE UNIV,GRODNO 230023,BYELARUS GLUZA J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 67 of 70 Author(s): Hou WS; Tsai EB; Geng CQ; Turcotte P Title: Possibility of m(t)<=M(w) for SUSY-Type of two Higgs doublet model Source: PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 1995, Vol 94, Iss 6, pp 1089-1096 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 26 Addresses: Hou WS, NATL TAIWAN UNIV,DEPT PHYS,TAIPEI 10764,TAIWAN NATL TSING HUA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,HSINCHU 30043,TAIWAN JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 68 of 70 Author(s): Rosenhouse G Title: Mechanics and acoustics of granular materials .1. 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Klopfenstein C; Klyukhin VI; Kochetkov VI; Kohli JM; Koltick D; Kostritskiy AV; Kotcher J; Kotwal AV; Kourlas J; Kozelov AV; Kozlovski EA; Krane J; Krishnaswamy MR; Krzywdzinski S; Kunori S; Lami S; Lan H; Lander R; Landry F; Landsberg G; Lauer B; Leflat A; Li H; Li J; LiDemarteau QZ; Lima JGR; Lincoln D; Linn SL; Linnemann J; Lipton R; Liu Q; Liu YC; Lobkowicz F; Loken SC; Lokos S; Lueking L; Lyon AL; Maciel AKA; Madaras RJ; Madden R; MaganaMendoza L; Mani S; Mao HS; Markeloff R; Markosky L; Marshall T; Martin MI; Mauritz KM; May B; Mayorov AA; McCarthy R; McDonald J; McKibben T; McKinley J; McMahon T; Melanson HL; Merkin M; Merritt KW; Miettinen H; Mincer A; deMiranda JM; Mishra CS; Mokhov N; Mondal NK; Montgomery HE; Mooney P; daMotta H; Murphy C; Nang F; Narain M; Narasimham VS; Narayanan A; Neal HA; Negret JP; Nemethy P; Nesic D; Nicola M; Norman D; Oesch L; Oguri V; Oltman E; Oshima N; Owen D; Padley P; Pang M; Para A; Park YM; Partridge R; Parua N; Paterno M; Perkins J; Peters M; 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Yang J; Yasuda T; Yepes P; Yoshikawa C; Youssef S; Yu J; Yu Y; Zhu Q; Zhu ZH; Zieminska D; Zieminski A; Zverev EG; Zylberstejn A Title: Studies of gauge boson pair production and trilinear couplings Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 11, pp 6742-6778 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 53 Addresses: Abachi S, FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,POB 500,BATAVIA,IL 60510 UNIV LOS ANDES,BOGOTA,COLOMBIA UNIV ARIZONA,TUCSON,AZ 85721 BOSTON UNIV,BOSTON,MA 02215 BROOKHAVEN NATL LAB,UPTON,NY 11973 BROWN UNIV,PROVIDENCE,RI 02912 UNIV BUENOS AIRES,RA-1053 BUENOS AIRES,DF,ARGENTINA UNIV CALIF DAVIS,DAVIS,CA 95616 UNIV CALIF IRVINE,IRVINE,CA 92697 UNIV CALIF RIVERSIDE,RIVERSIDE,CA 92521 CTR BRASILEIRO PESQUISAS FIS,LAFEX,RIO JANEIRO,BRAZIL CINVESTAV,MEXICO CITY 14000,DF,MEXICO COLUMBIA UNIV,NEW YORK,NY 10027 UNIV DELHI,DELHI 110007,INDIA FLORIDA STATE UNIV,TALLAHASSEE,FL 32306 UNIV HAWAII,HONOLULU,HI 96822 UNIV ILLINOIS,CHICAGO,IL 60607 INDIANA UNIV,BLOOMINGTON,IN 47405 IOWA STATE UNIV,AMES,IA 50011 KOREA UNIV,SEOUL 136701,SOUTH KOREA KYUNGSUNG UNIV,PUSAN 608736,SOUTH KOREA UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB,BERKELEY,CA 94720 UNIV MARYLAND,COLLEGE PK,MD 20742 UNIV MICHIGAN,ANN ARBOR,MI 48109 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV,E LANSING,MI 48824 MOSCOW MV LOMONOSOV STATE UNIV,MOSCOW,RUSSIA UNIV NEBRASKA,LINCOLN,NE 68588 NYU,NEW YORK,NY 10003 NORTHEASTERN UNIV,BOSTON,MA 02115 NO ILLINOIS UNIV,DE KALB,IL 60115 NORTHWESTERN UNIV,EVANSTON,IL 60208 UNIV NOTRE DAME,NOTRE DAME,IN 46556 UNIV OKLAHOMA,NORMAN,OK 73019 PANJAB UNIV,CHANDIGARH 160014,INDIA MOSCOW HIGH ENERGY PHYS INST,PROTVINO 142284,RUSSIA PURDUE UNIV,W LAFAYETTE,IN 47907 RICE UNIV,HOUSTON,TX 77005 UNIV ESTADUAL RIO DE JANEIRO,RIO JANEIRO,BRAZIL UNIV ROCHESTER,ROCHESTER,NY 14627 CTR ETUD SACLAY,SERV PHYS PARTICLES,DAPNIA,CEA,GIF SUR YVETTE,FRANCE SEOUL NATL UNIV,SEOUL,SOUTH KOREA SUNY STONY BROOK,STONY BROOK,NY 11794 TATA INST FUNDAMENTAL RES,MUMBAI 400005,INDIA UNIV TEXAS,ARLINGTON,TX 76019 TEXAS A&M UNIV,COLLEGE STN,TX 77843 CZYZ H-1989-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V43-P97 Times Cited: 20 ------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 74 Author(s): Baek MS; Choi SY; Kim CS Title: CP violation in top-quark pair production at a Next Linear Collider Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 11, pp 6835-6855 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 34 Addresses: Baek MS, YONSEI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 120749,SOUTH KOREA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 20 ------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 74 Author(s): Cheng HC; Feng JL; Polonsky N Title: Superoblique corrections and nondecoupling of supersymmetry breaking Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 11, pp 6875-6884 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 77 Addresses: Cheng HC, FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,POB 500,BATAVIA,IL 60510 UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB,THEORET PHYS GRP,BERKELEY,CA 94720 UNIV CALIF BERKELEY,DEPT PHYS,BERKELEY,CA 94720 RUTGERS STATE UNIV,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,PISCATAWAY,NJ 08855 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 28 ------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 74 Author(s): Czarnecki A; Melnikov K Title: Techniques for computing two-loop QCD corrections to b->c transitions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 11, pp 7216-7227 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Czarnecki A, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 74 Author(s): Kim CS; Morozumi T; Sanda AI Title: B->X(q)l(+)l(-) (q=d,s) and determination of vertical bar V-td/V-ts vertical bar Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 11, pp 7240-7246 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Kim CS, YONSEI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 120749,SOUTH KOREA HIROSHIMA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,HIGASHIHIROSHIMA 739,JAPAN NAGOYA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,CHIKUSA KU,NAGOYA,AICHI 46401,JAPAN JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 14 ------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 74 Author(s): Dain Y Title: Side drift of aerosols in two-dimensional resonant acoustic levitators Source: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1997, Vol 102, Iss 5, pp 2549-2555 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: TECHNION ISRAEL INST TECHNOL,FAC MECH ENGN,IL-32000 HAIFA,ISRAEL CZYZ H-1990-ACUSTICA-V70-P23 CZYZ H-1987-ARCH-ACOUST-V12-P3 CZYZ H-1987-ARCH-ACOUST-V12-P199 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 74 Author(s): Kim CS Title: Measuring of vertical bar V-ub vertical bar in the forthcoming decade Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1997, pp 114-121 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 68 Addresses: Kim CS, YONSEI UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 120749,SOUTH KOREA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 74 Author(s): Fujii K Title: Top at future linear e(+)e(-) colliders experimental aspects Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1997, pp 331-338 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: Fujii K, KEK,TSUKUBA,IBARAKI 305,JAPAN JEZABEK M-1993-TTP9331 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 74 Author(s): Mahlon G; Parke S Title: Maximizing spin correlations in top quark pair production at the Tevatron Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 411, Iss 1-2, pp 173-179 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 15 Addresses: Mahlon G, UNIV MICHIGAN,DEPT PHYS,500 E UNIV AVE,ANN ARBOR,MI 48109 FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,BATAVIA,IL 60510 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 21 ------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 74 Author(s): Modritsch W Title: Spectrum of scalar-scalar bound states Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 9, pp 5386-5394 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 33 Addresses: Modritsch W, VIENNA TECH UNIV,INST THEORET PHYS,WIEDNER HAUPTSTR 8-10,A-1040 VIENNA,AUSTRIA JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 74 Author(s): Hewett JL; Rizzo TG; Doncheski MA Title: Constraints on light gluinos from Fermilab Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 9, pp Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 71 Addresses: Hewett JL, STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CARLETON UNIV,OTTAWA CARLETON INST PHYS,OTTAWA,ON Tevatron dijet data 5703-5708 CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 K1S 5B6,CANADA JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 74 Author(s): Hoang AH Title: Perturbative O(alpha(2)(s)) corrections to the hadronic cross section near heavy quark-antiquark thresholds in e(+)e(-) annihilation Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 9, pp 5851-5856 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 25 Addresses: Hoang AH, UNIV CALIF SAN DIEGO,DEPT PHYS,LA JOLLA,CA 92093 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 21 ------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 74 Author(s): Nelson CA; Kress BT; Lopes M; McCauley TP Title: General tests for t->W(+)b couplings at hadron colliders Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 9, pp 5928-5944 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 61 Addresses: Nelson CA, SUNY BINGHAMTON,DEPT PHYS,BINGHAMTON,NY 13902 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 74 Author(s): Huang CS; Yan HG Title: Polarized Lambda(b)->X-c tau upsilon in the standard model and two-Higgs-doublet model Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 9, pp 5981-5990 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 39 Addresses: Huang CS, ACAD SINICA,INST THEORET PHYS,POB 2735,BEIJING 100080,PEOPLES R CHINA INT CTR THEORET PHYS,I-34100 TRIESTE,ITALY JEZABEK M-HEPPH9701358 JEZABEK M-1994-P-27-INT-C-HIGH-EN-P Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 74 Author(s): Berezhnoy AV; Kiselev VV; Likhoded AK; Onishchenko AI Title: B-c meson at LHC Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997, Vol 60, Iss 10, pp 1729-1740 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 64 Addresses: INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,STATE RES CTR,PROTVINO 142284,MOSCOW OBLAST,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 74 Author(s): Zerwas PM Title: Physics with e(+)e(-) linear colliders Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 1997, Vol 398, Iss 1, pp 19-30 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 61 Addresses: Zerwas PM, DESY,NOTKESTR 85,D-22603 HAMBURG,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 74 Author(s): Mannel T Title: Heavy-quark effective field theory Source: REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS 1997, Vol 60, Iss 10, pp 1113-1172 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 139 Addresses: Mannel T, INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 74 Author(s): Gluza J; Wohrmann T Title: Chargino production at an e(-)e(-) collider Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 408, Iss 1-4, pp 229-234 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 Addresses: Gluza J, SILESIAN UNIV,DEPT FIELD THEORY & PARTICLE PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND UNIV WURZBURG,INST THEORET PHYS,D-97074 WURZBURG,GERMANY GLUZA J-HEPPH9704202 GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V362-P148 GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V52-P6238 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 74 Author(s): Greub C; Rey SJ Title: V-ub from the hadron energy spectrum in inclusive semileptonic B decays Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 7, pp 4250-4259 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 51 Addresses: Greub C, STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 STANFORD UNIV,DEPT PHYS,STANFORD,CA 94309 SEOUL NATL UNIV,DEPT PHYS,SEOUL 151742,SOUTH KOREA SEOUL NATL UNIV,CTR THEORET PHYS,SEOUL 151742,SOUTH KOREA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 74 Author(s): Jadach S; Ward BFL Title: Semi-analytical third-order calculations of the small-angle Bhabha cross sections Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 9, pp 1907-1979 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 30 Addresses: Jadach S, CERN,DIV THEORY,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND INST NUCL PHYS,PL-30055 KRAKOW,POLAND UNIV TENNESSEE,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,KNOXVILLE,TN 37996 STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 74 Author(s): Jezabek M; Motyka L Title: Tau lepton distributions in semileptonic B decays Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1997, Vol 501, Iss 1, pp 207-223 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 49 Addresses: Jezabek M, INST NUCL PHYS,UL RADZIKOWSKIEGO 152,KRAKOW,POLAND SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND JAGIELLONIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,KRAKOW,POLAND JEZABEK M-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V27-P3603 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 74 Author(s): Baranov SP Title: Single and pair production of B-c mesons in pp, ep, and gamma gamma collisions Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997, Vol 60, Iss 8, pp 1322-1332 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 49 Addresses: Baranov SP, PN LEBEDEV PHYS INST,LENINSKY PROSPECT 53,MOSCOW 117924,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 KOLODZIEJ K-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P3619 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------- Record 23 of 74 Author(s): Raby S Title: Gauge-mediated SUSY breaking at an intermediate scale Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 5, pp 2852-2860 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 91 Addresses: Raby S, OHIO STATE UNIV,DEPT PHYS,174 W 18TH AVE,COLUMBUS,OH 43210 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 36 ------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 74 Author(s): Baranov SP Title: Semiperturbative and nonperturbative production of hadrons with two heavy flavors Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 5, pp 3046-3056 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Baranov SP, PN LEBEDEV PHYS INST,LENINSKY PROSPECT 53,MOSCOW 117924,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 10 ------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 74 Author(s): Chen YQ Title: Production of the B-c meson Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 1997, Vol 12, Iss 22, pp 4039-4048 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 27 Addresses: Chen YQ, OHIO STATE UNIV,DEPT PHYS,COLUMBUS,OH 43210 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 26 of 74 Author(s): Caffo M; Czyz H; Remiddi E Title: BHAGEN95: a Monte Carlo program for Bhabha scattering at LEP1/SLC and LEP2 energies Source: NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA A-NUCLEI PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1997, Vol 110, Iss 5, pp 515-536 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Caffo M, IST NAZL FIS NUCL,SEZIONE BOLOGNA,I-40126 BOLOGNA,ITALY UNIV BOLOGNA,DIPARTMENTO MATEMAT,I-40126 BOLOGNA,ITALY SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 CZYZ H-CAFFO M-1997-COMPUT-PHYS-COMMUN-V100-P99 CZYZ H-CAFFO M-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V378-P357 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 74 Author(s): Gluza J; Maalampi J; Raidal M; Zralek M Title: Heavy neutrino mixing and single production at linear collider Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 407, Iss 1, pp 45-52 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 62 Addresses: Gluza J, SILESIAN UNIV,DEPT FIELD THEORY & PARTICLE PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND UNIV HELSINKI,DEPT PHYS,DIV THEORET PHYS,FIN-00014 HELSINKI,FINLAND UNIV VALENCIA,DEPT THEORET PHYS,E-46100 BURJASSOT,VALENCIA,SPAIN UNIV VALENCIA,IFIC,E-46100 BURJASSOT,VALENCIA,SPAIN GLUZA J-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V372-P259 GLUZA J-1997-PHYS-REV-D-V55-P7030 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 74 Author(s): Coarasa JA; Jimenez RA; Sola J Title: The tan beta-M-H+/- bound from inclusive semi-tauonic B-decays in the MSSM Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 406, Iss 4, pp 337-346 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 40 Addresses: Coarasa JA, UNIV AUTONOMA BARCELONA,FIS TEOR GRP,BELLATERRA 08193,BARCELONA,SPAIN UNIV AUTONOMA BARCELONA,INST FIS ALTES ENERGIES,BELLATERRA 08193,BARCELONA,SPAIN JEZABEK M-1896-UJTPJU Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 29 of 74 Author(s): Barger V; Berger MS; Gunion JF; Han T Title: Precision W-boson and top-quark mass determinations at a muon collider Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 3, pp 1714-1722 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 58 Addresses: Barger V, UNIV WISCONSIN,DEPT PHYS,MADISON,WI 53706 INDIANA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,BLOOMINGTON,IN 47405 UNIV CALIF DAVIS,DEPT PHYS,DAVIS,CA 95616 JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1995-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V26-P789 M-1997-NUCL-PHYS-B-S-V37 M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V316-P360 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 30 of 74 Author(s): Gluza J Title: Constraints on neutrino parameters and doubly-charged Higgs particles in e(-)e(-)->W-WSource: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 403, Iss 3-4, pp 304-308 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 52 Addresses: Gluza J, SILESIAN UNIV,DEPT FIELD THEORY & PRACTICE PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA J-HEPPH9612227 J-HEPPH9703215 J-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V372-P259 J-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V362-P148 J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V52-P6238 J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V51-P4695 J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 31 of 74 Author(s): Lu GR; Cao YG; Wang XL Title: Multiscale technicolor and top-quark decay Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 1, pp 135-139 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 52 Addresses: Lu GR, CCAST,WORLD LAB,POB 8732,BEIJING 100080,PEOPLES R CHINA HENAN NORMAL UNIV,DEPT PHYS,XINXIANG 453002,HENAN,PEOPLES R CHINA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 32 of 74 Author(s): Sullivan Z Title: Supersymmetric QCD correction to top-quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 56, Iss 1, pp 451-457 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 40 Addresses: Sullivan Z, UNIV ILLINOIS,DEPT PHYS,1110 W GREEN ST,URBANA,IL 61801 JEZABEK M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 33 of 74 Author(s): Jadach S; Placzek W; RichterWas E; Ward BFL; Was Z Title: Upgrade of the Monte Carlo program BHLUMI for Bhabha scattering at low angles to version 4.04 Source: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 1997, Vol 102, Iss 1-3, pp 229-251 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 29 Addresses: Jadach S, INST PHYS NUCL,UL KAWIORY 26A,KRAKOW,POLAND CERN,DIV THEORY,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND UNIV TENNESSEE,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,KNOXVILLE,TN 37996 JAGIELLONIAN UNIV,INST COMP SCI,KRAKOW,POLAND STANFORD UNIV,SLAC,STANFORD,CA 94309 CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 22 ------------------------------------------------Record 34 of 74 Author(s): Beenakker W Title: Physics of the W boson at future linear colliders Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 6, pp 1461-1482 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 59 Addresses: Beenakker W, LEIDEN UNIV,INST LORENTZ,NIEUWSTEEG 18,NL-2311 SB LEIDEN,NETHERLANDS KOLODZIEJ K-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P3619 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 35 of 74 Author(s): Kolodziej K Title: W- pair production in e(-)e(-) collisions Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 6, pp 1483-1491 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 26 Addresses: Kolodziej K, SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND GLUZA J-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V372-P259 KOLODZIEJ K-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P3619 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 36 of 74 Author(s): Groote S; Korner JG; Tung MM Title: Polar angle dependence of the longitudinal polarization of quarks produced in e(+)e(-)-annihilation Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1997, Vol 74, Iss 4, pp 615-629 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 53 Addresses: Groote S, UNIV MAINZ,INST PHYS,STAUDINGERWEG 7,D-55099 MAINZ,GERMANY UNIV VALENCIA,CSIC,CTR MIXTE,IFIC,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN UNIV VALENCIA,DEPT FIS TEOR,E-46100 BURJASSOT,SPAIN JEZABEK M-9512-TTP-KARLSR JEZABEK M-1995-9547-TTP-KARLSR Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 37 of 74 Author(s): Csikor F; Fodor Z Title: Determining the beta function of the strong interaction coupling and closing the light gluino window Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1997, Vol 78, Iss 23, pp 4335-4338 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 34 Addresses: Csikor F, LORAND EOTVOS UNIV,INST THEORET PHYS,H-1088 BUDAPEST,HUNGARY CERN,DIV THEORY,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 23 ------------------------------------------------Record 38 of 74 Author(s): Alanakyan RA Title: Doubly charged Higgs boson production in e(-)e(-) collisions Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 402, Iss 1-2, pp 130-133 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 21 Addresses: Alanakyan RA, YEREVAN PHYS INST,DEPT THEORET PHYS,ALIKHANIAN BROTHERS ST 2,YEREVAN 375036,ARMENIA GLUZA J-1995-SUTP195-U-SIL GLUZA J-1995-TPUS19504 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 39 of 74 Author(s): Gluza J; Zralek M Title: Heavy Majorana neutrino production and decay in future e(+)e(-) colliders Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 11, pp 7030-7037 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 50 Addresses: Gluza J, SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,DEPT FIELD THEORY & PARTICLE PHYS,UNIWERSYTECKA 4,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA GLUZA J-HEPPH9703215 J-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V372-P259 J-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V362-P148 J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V51-P4707 J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 40 of 74 Author(s): Mahlon G; Parke S Title: Improved spin basis for angular correlation studies in single top quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 11, pp 7249-7254 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 31 Addresses: Mahlon G, UNIV MICHIGAN,DEPT PHYS,500 E UNIV AVE,ANN ARBOR,MI 48109 FERMILAB NATL ACCELERATOR LAB,BATAVIA,IL 60510 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 15 ------------------------------------------------Record 41 of 74 Author(s): Gilevsky VV; Satsunkevich IS Title: Constraints on the anapole interaction of charged fermions Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997, Vol 60, Iss 5, pp 814-818 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 21 Addresses: Gilevsky VV, BYELARUSSIAN ACAD SCI,INST PHYS,PR F SKORINY 68,MINSK 220072,BYELARUS CZYZ H-1988-CAN-J-PHYS-V66-P132 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 42 of 74 Author(s): Baranov SP Title: Hadronic and photonic production of doubly flavored baryons Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1997, pp 33-35 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 7 Addresses: Baranov SP, PN LEBEDEV PHYS INST,LENINSKY PROSPECT 53,MOSCOW 117924,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 43 of 74 Author(s): Guasch J; Sola J Title: Supersymmetric three-body decays of the top quark in the MSSM Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1997, Vol 74, Iss 2, pp 337-354 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 91 Addresses: Guasch J, AUTONOMOUS UNIV BARCELONA,FIS TEOR GRP,E-08193 BELLATERRA,BARCELONA,SPAIN AUTONOMOUS UNIV BARCELONA,INST FIS ALTES ENERGIES,E-08193 BELLATERRA,BARCELONA,SPAIN JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 44 of 74 Author(s): Ali A; Hiller G; Handoko LT; Morozumi T Title: Power corrections in the decay rate and distributions in B->X(s)l(+)l(-) in the standard model Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 7, pp 4105-4128 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 73 Addresses: Ali A, DESY,NOTKESTR 85,D-22603 HAMBURG,GERMANY HIROSHIMA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,HIGASHIHIROSHIMA 739,JAPAN JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 34 ------------------------------------------------Record 45 of 74 Author(s): Zhou HY; Li CS Title: Supersymmetric QCD corrections to top quark pair production at CERN LHC Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 7, pp 4421-4429 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Zhou HY, TSING HUA UNIV,INST MODERN PHYS,BEIJING 100084,PEOPLES R CHINA TSING HUA UNIV,DEPT PHYS,BEIJING 100084,PEOPLES R CHINA CCAST,WORLD LAB,BEIJING 100080,PEOPLES R CHINA BEIJING UNIV,DEPT PHYS,BEIJING 100871,PEOPLES R CHINA JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 46 of 74 Author(s): Dittmaier S Title: Theoretical aspects of W-pair production in e(+)e(-) collisions Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 3-4, pp 619-633 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 48 Addresses: Dittmaier S, UNIV BIELEFELD,FAK PHYS,POSTFACH 100131,D-33501 BIELEFELD,GERMANY KOLODZIEJ K-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P3619 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 47 of 74 Author(s): Altarelli MP Title: Electroweak experimental results at LEP Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 3-4, pp 653-670 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 48 of 74 Author(s): Kuhn JH Title: Heavy flavor production and decay Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 3-4, pp 739-753 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 66 Addresses: Kuhn JH, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V27-P3603 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 49 of 74 Author(s): Dallavalle GM Title: Review of precision determinations of the accelerator luminosity in LEP experiments Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 3-4, pp 901-923 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: Dallavalle GM, UNIV BOLOGNA,DIPARTIMENTO FIS,IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-40126 BOLOGNA,ITALY CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 50 of 74 Author(s): Ward BFL; Jadach S; Melles M; Placzek W; RichterWas E; Skrzypek M; Was Z; Yost SA Title: Precise calculations of the Bhabha process Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1997, Vol 28, Iss 3-4, pp 925-942 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 52 Addresses: Ward BFL, UNIV TENNESSEE,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,KNOXVILLE,TN 37996 STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 CERN,DIV THEORY,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND INST NUCL PHYS,KRAKOW,POLAND JAGIELLONIAN UNIV,INST COMP SCI,PL-30072 KRAKOW,POLAND CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 51 of 74 Author(s): Czarnecki A; Melnikov K Title: Two-loop QCD corrections to semileptonic b decays at maximal recoil Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1997, Vol 78, Iss 19, pp 3630-3633 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 16 Addresses: Czarnecki A, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 25 ------------------------------------------------Record 52 of 74 Author(s): Moretti S; Odagiri K Title: Production of charged Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model in b-quark-initiated processes at the CERN Large Hadron Collider Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 9, pp 5627-5635 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 30 Addresses: Moretti S, UNIV CAMBRIDGE,CAVENDISH LAB,MADINGLEY RD,CAMBRIDGE CB3 0HE,ENGLAND UNIV TURIN,DIPARTIMENTO FIS TEOR,I-10125 TURIN,ITALY IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-10125 TURIN,ITALY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 25 ------------------------------------------------Record 53 of 74 Author(s): Moretti S Title: The process e(+)e(-)->b(b)over-bar-W+W- at the next linear collider in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1997, Vol 73, Iss 4, pp 653-667 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 74 Addresses: Moretti S, UNIV CAMBRIDGE,CAVENDISH LAB,MADINGLEY RD,CAMBRIDGE CB3 0HE,ENGLAND UNIV TURIN,DIPARTIMENTO FIS TEOR,I-10125 TURIN,ITALY IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-10125 TURIN,ITALY JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 M-1993-TTP934 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 54 of 74 Author(s): Huerta R; Maya M; Miranda OG Title: The number of neutrinos and the left-right symmetric model Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1997, Vol 73, Iss 4, pp 701-703 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 14 Addresses: Huerta R, UNIV MERIDA,IPN,CTR INVEST & ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS,DEPT FIS APLICADA,UNIDAD MERIDA,MERIDA,YUCATAN,MEXICO UNIV AUTONOMA PUEBLA,FAC CIENCIAS FIS MATEMAT,PUEBLA 7200,MEXICO INST POLITECN NACL,CTR INVEST & ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS,DEPT FIS,MEXICO CITY 07000,DF,MEXICO CZYZ H-1994-PHYS-REV-D-V49-P4941 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 55 of 74 Author(s): Asselmeyer T Title: Generation of source terms in general relativity by differential structures Source: CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 1997, Vol 14, Iss 3, pp 749-758 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 27 Addresses: Asselmeyer T, HUMBOLDT UNIV BERLIN,INST PHYS,BERLIN,GERMANY SLADKOWSKI J-1996-INT-J-THEOR-PHYS-V35-P2075 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 56 of 74 Author(s): Casalbuoni R; Deandrea A; DiBartolomeo N; Catto R; Feruglio F; Nardulli G Title: Phenomenology of heavy meson chiral lagrangians Source: PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 1997, Vol 281, Iss 3, pp 146-238 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 299 Addresses: Casalbuoni R, UNIV FLORENCE,DIPARTIMENTO FIS,LARGO E FERMI 2,I-50125 FLORENCE,ITALY IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-50125 FLORENCE,ITALY UNIV GENEVA,DEPT PHYS THEOR,CH-1211 GENEVA 4,SWITZERLAND UNIV PADUA,DIPARTIMENTO FIS,I-35131 PADUA,ITALY IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-35131 PADUA,ITALY UNIV BARI,DIPARTIMENTO FIS,I-70126 BARI,ITALY IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-70126 BARI,ITALY KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 57 of 74 Author(s): Kim WT; Kim YW; Park MI; Park YJ; Yoon SJ Title: The quantization of the chiral Schwinger model based on the BFT-BFV formalism Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 1997, Vol 23, Iss 3, pp 325-333 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 42 Addresses: Kim WT, SOGANG UNIV,DEPT PHYS,CPO BOX 1142,SEOUL 100611,SOUTH KOREA SOGANG UNIV,BASIC SCI RES INST,SEOUL 100611,SOUTH KOREA LG ELECT RES CTR,SEOUL 137140,SOUTH KOREA SLADKOWSKI J-1992-PHYS-LETT-B-V296-P361 Times Cited: 11 ------------------------------------------------Record 58 of 74 Author(s): Harlander R; Jezabek M; Kuhn JH; Peter M Title: Top quark polarization in polarized e(+)e(-) annihilation near threshold Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS 1997, Vol 73, Iss 3, pp 477-494 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 36 Addresses: Harlander R, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,KAISERSTR 12,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY INST NUCL PHYS,PL-30055 KRAKOW,POLAND JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1995-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V26-P789 M-1992-EPLUS-EMINUS-COLLISI-V3 M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V316-P360 M-1994-PHYS-REV-D-V49-P4970 M-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P1910 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 15 ------------------------------------------------Record 59 of 74 Author(s): delAguila F; AguilarSaavedra JA; Zralek M Title: Invariant analysis of CP violation Source: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 1997, Vol 100, Iss 3, pp 231-246 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 12 Addresses: delAguila F, UNIV GRANADA,DEPT FIS TEOR & COSMOS,E-18071 GRANADA,SPAIN SILESIAN UNIV,FIELD THEORY & PARTICLE PHYS DEPT,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND ZRALEK M-DELAGUILA F-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V27-P971 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 60 of 74 Author(s): Baranov SP Title: Pair production of B-c(*) mesons in pp and gamma gamma collisions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 5, pp 2756-2759 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 39 Addresses: Baranov SP, PN LEBEDEV PHYS INST,LENINSKY PROSPECT 53,MOSCOW 117924,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 61 of 74 Author(s): Kruger F; Sehgal LM Title: CP violation in the decay B->X(d)e(+)e(-) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 5, pp 2799-2805 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 27 Addresses: Kruger F, RHEIN WESTFAL TH AACHEN,INST THEORET PHYS E,D-52056 AACHEN,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 24 ------------------------------------------------Record 62 of 74 Author(s): Berezhnoy AV; Kiselev VV; Likhoded AK Title: Hadroproduction of heavy mesons in perturbative QCD Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997, Vol 60, Iss 2, pp 289-294 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: Berezhnoy AV, INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,STATE RES CTR,PROTVINO 142284,MOSCOW OBLAST,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 63 of 74 Author(s): Huitu K; Maalampi J; Pietila A; Raidal M Title: Doubly charged Higgs at LHC Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1997, Vol 487, Iss 1-2, pp 27-42 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 50 Addresses: Huitu K, UNIV HELSINKI,RES INST HIGH ENERGY PHYS,FIN-00014 HELSINKI,FINLAND UNIV HELSINKI,DIV THEORY,DEPT PHYS,FIN-00014 HELSINKI,FINLAND UNIV TURKU,DEPT APPL PHYS,SF-20500 TURKU,FINLAND UNIV VALENCIA,DEPT THEORET PHYS,E-46003 VALENCIA,SPAIN UNIV VALENCIA,IFIC,E-46003 VALENCIA,SPAIN GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V362-P148 GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V52-P6238 Times Cited: 23 ------------------------------------------------Record 64 of 74 Author(s): Maina E; Pittau R; Pizzio M Title: QCD corrections to e(+)e(-)->mu(-)(nu)over-bar(mu)u(d)over-bar at LEP2 and the Next Linear Collider: CC10 at O(alpha(s)) Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 393, Iss 3-4, pp 445-451 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 18 Addresses: Maina E, UNIV TURIN,DIPARTIMENTO FIS TEOR,VIA P GIURIA 1,I-10125 TURIN,ITALY IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-10125 TURIN,ITALY PAUL SCHERRER INST,CH-5232 VILLIGEN,SWITZERLAND KOLODZIEJ K-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P3619 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 65 of 74 Author(s): Ali A Title: B decays in the standard model - Status and perspectives Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 12, pp 3529-3602 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 211 Addresses: Ali A, DESY,NOTKESTR 85,D-22607 HAMBURG,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 16 ------------------------------------------------Record 66 of 74 Author(s): Jezabek M; Motyka L Title: Perturbative QCD corrections to inclusive lepton distributions from semileptonic b->c tau(nu)over-bar(tau) decays Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 12, pp 3603-3613 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Jezabek M, INST NUCL PHYS,KAWIORY 26A,PL-30055 KRAKOW,POLAND SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND JAGIELLONIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,PL-30059 KRAKOW,POLAND JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-UNPUB Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 67 of 74 Author(s): Peter M Title: Threshold top quark production in e(+)e(-) annihilation: Rescattering corrections Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1996, Vol 27, Iss 12, pp 3805-3818 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 15 Addresses: Peter M, UNIV KARLSRUHE,INST THEORET TEILCHENPHYS,D-76128 KARLSRUHE,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 68 of 74 Author(s): Caffo M; Czyz H Title: BHAGEN-1PH: A Monte Carlo event generator for radiative Bhabha scattering Source: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 1997, Vol 100, Iss 1-2, pp 99-118 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 10 Addresses: Caffo M, IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-40126 BOLOGNA,ITALY UNIV BOLOGNA,DIPARTIMENTO FIS,I-40126 BOLOGNA,ITALY SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND CZYZ H-CAFFO M-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V378-P357 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 69 of 74 Author(s): Jadach S; Skrzypek M; Ward BFL Title: Soft-pair corrections to low-angle Bhabha scattering: YFS Monte Carlo approach Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 3, pp 1206-1215 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: Jadach S, UNIV TENNESSEE,DEPT PHYS & ASTRON,KNOXVILLE,TN 37996 CERN,DIV THEORY,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND STANFORD UNIV,STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CTR,STANFORD,CA 94309 INST NUCL PHYS,KRAKOW,POLAND CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 70 of 74 Author(s): Gremm M; Stewart I Title: Order alpha(s)(2)beta(0) correction to the charged lepton spectrum in b->cl-(nu)over-bar(l) decays Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997, Vol 55, Iss 3, pp 1226-1232 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 24 Addresses: Gremm M, CALTECH,PASADENA,CA 91125 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 21 ------------------------------------------------Record 71 of 74 Author(s): Chetyrkin KG Title: Corrections of order alpha(3)(s) to R(had) in pQCD with light gluinos Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 391, Iss 3-4, pp 402-412 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 60 Addresses: Chetyrkin KG, RUSSIAN ACAD SCI,INST NUCL RES,60TH OCTOBER ANNIVERSARY PROSPECT 7A,MOSCOW 117312,RUSSIA MAX PLANCK INST PHYS & ASTROPHYS,WERNER HEISENBERG INST PHYS,D-80805 MUNICH,GERMANY JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 34 ------------------------------------------------Record 72 of 74 Author(s): Kiselev VV Title: Decay of B-c(*+)(3S)->B+D0 Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1997, Vol 390, Iss 1-4, pp 427-430 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Kiselev VV, PROTVINO HIGH ENERGY PHYS INST,PROTVINO 142284,MOSCOW REG,RUSSIA KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V348-P219 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 73 of 74 Author(s): Jezabek M Title: Top quark polarization in e(+)e(-) annihilation near threshold Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1996, pp 60-65 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 10 Addresses: Jezabek M, INST NUCL PHYS,UL KAWIORY 26A,PL-30055 KRAKOW,POLAND SILESIAN UNIV,INST PHYS,PL-40007 KATOWICE,POLAND JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1995-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V26-P789 M-1992-EPLUS-EMINUS-COLLISI-V3 M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P384 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 74 of 74 Author(s): Brock IC; Engler A; Ferguson T; Filthaut F; Kraemer RW; Merk M; Rippich C; Shi X; Shukla J; Sutton RB; Tsipolitis G; Vogel H; You J; Lecoq P; Bobbink GJ; Buskens J; Cerjak I; Groenstege H; Koffeman E; Linde FL; Raven G; Rewiersma P; Schuijlenberg HWA; deWaard A; Commichau V; Hangarter K; Schmitz P Title: Luminosity measurement in the L3 detector at LEP Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 1996, Vol 381, Iss 2-3, pp 236-266 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: CARNEGIE MELLON UNIV,PITTSBURGH,PA 15213 CERN,CH-1211 GENEVA 23,SWITZERLAND NIKHEF H,NL-1009 DB AMSTERDAM,NETHERLANDS RHEIN WESTFAL TH AACHEN,INST PHYS 3,D-52056 AACHEN,GERMANY CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 61 ------------------------------------------------- SCI-EXPANDED 1998 ------------------------------------------------JEZABEK ZRALEK KOLODZIEJ SLADKOWSKI CZYZ CZAKON GLUZA SYSKA Mark list -- Web of Science v4.31 Record 1 of 64 Author(s): Dubovik VM; 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Hiller G Title: Perturbative QCD- and power-corrected hadron spectra and spectral moments in the decay B -> X(s)l(+)l(-) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1998, Vol 5807, Iss 7, art. no. 074001 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 68 Addresses: Ali A, DESY, Notkestr 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany DESY, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany JEZABEK M-1980-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 64 Author(s): Melnikov K; Yelkhovsky A Title: Top quark production at threshold with O(alpha(2)(s)) accuracy Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1998, Vol 528, Iss 1-2, pp 59-72 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Melnikov K, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, Kaiserstr 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Budker Inst Nucl Phys, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 38 ------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 64 Author(s): Mohapatra RN Title: Left-right symmetry just beyond minimal supersymmetric standard model, electric dipole moment of the neutron, and HERA leptoquarks Source: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1998, Vol 61, Iss 6, pp 963-974 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 107 Addresses: Mohapatra RN, Univ Maryland, Dept Phys, College Pk, MD 20742 USA Univ Maryland, Dept Phys, College Pk, MD 20742 USA GLUZA J-HEPPH9701211 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 64 Author(s): Beneke M Title: A quark mass definition adequate for threshold problems Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1998, Vol 434, Iss 1-2, pp 115-125 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: Beneke M, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland JEZABEK M-DESY98019 JEZABEK M-HDTHEP9810 Times Cited: 49 ------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 64 Author(s): Duka P; 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Kuhn JH; Sumino Y; Peter M; Teubner T Title: Perturbative QCD potential and the t(t)over-bar threshold Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1998, Vol 5801, Iss 1, art. no. 014006 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 16 Addresses: Jezabek M, Inst Nucl Phys, Kawiory 26a, PL-30055 Cracow, Poland Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30055 Cracow, Poland Univ Silesia, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Heidelberg, Inst Theoret Phys, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany DESY, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-IN-PRESS-PHYS-LETT-B M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 9 ------------------------------------------------Record 26 of 64 Author(s): Siopsis G Title: Gluon interference effects in t(t)over-bar production at the Next Linear Collider Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1998, Vol 5801, Iss 1, art. no. 014009 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 24 Addresses: Siopsis G, Univ Tennessee, Dept Phys & Astron, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA Univ Tennessee, Dept Phys & Astron, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA JEZABEK M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 64 Author(s): Clavelli L; Coulter PW; Surguladze LR Title: Virtual supersymmetric corrections in e(+)e(-) annihilation Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 1998, Vol 13, Iss 24, pp 1987-1996 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 24 Addresses: Clavelli L, Univ Alabama, Dept Phys & Astron, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA Univ Alabama, Dept Phys & Astron, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA JEZABEK M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V301-P121 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 64 Author(s): Bowser-Chao D; Imbo TD; King BA; Martell EC Title: Lepto-mesons, leptoquarkonium and the QCD potential Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1998, Vol 432, Iss 1-2, pp 167-174 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 26 Addresses: Bowser-Chao D, Univ Illinois, Dept Phys, 845 W Taylor St, Chicago, IL 60607 USA Univ Illinois, Dept Phys, Chicago, IL 60607 USA JEZABEK M-HEPPH9802373 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 29 of 64 Author(s): Jezabek M; Urban P Title: Polarization of tau leptons in semileptonic B decays Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1998, Vol 525, Iss 1-2, pp 350-368 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: Jezabek M, Inst Nucl Phys, Kawiory 26A, PL-30055 Krakow, Poland Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30055 Krakow, Poland Silesian Univ, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland JEZABEK M-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V27-P3603 JEZABEK M-1997-NUCL-PHYS-B-V501-P207 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 30 of 64 Author(s): Ishikawa T; 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Jezabek M Title: Decay of top quarks in e(+)e(-)-> t(t)over-bar near threshold Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1998, Vol 29, Iss 5, pp 1443-1456 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 12 Addresses: Sumino Y, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, Kaiserstr 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30055 Krakow, Poland JEZABEK M-HARLANDER R-1997-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V73-P477 JEZABEK M-1995-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V26-P789 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 45 of 64 Author(s): Accomando E; Andreazza A; Anlauf H; Ballestrero A; Barklow T; Bartels J; Bartl A; Battaglia M; Beenakker W; Belanger G; Bernreuther W; Biebel J; Binnewies J; Blumlein J; Boos E; Borzumati F; Boudjema F; Brandenburg A; Bussey PJ; Cacciari M; Casalbuoni R; Corsetti A; De Curtis S; Cuypers F; Daskalakis G; Deandrea A; Denner A; Diehl M; Dittmaier S; Djouadi A; 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Zerwas PM Title: Physics with e(+)e(-) linear colliders Source: PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 1998, Vol 299, Iss 1, pp 2-78 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 290 Addresses: Zerwas PM, DESY, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany DESY, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-10125 Turin, Italy Univ Turin, Dipartimento Fis Teor, I-10125 Turin, Italy Univ Milan, Dipartimento Fis, I-20133 Milan, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-20133 Milan, Italy TH Darmstadt, Inst Kernphys, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany Stanford Univ, Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr, Stanford, CA 94309 USA Univ Hamburg, Inst Theoret Phys 2, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany Univ Vienna, Inst Theoret Phys, A-1090 Vienna, Austria CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Rijksuniv Leiden, Lorentz Inst Theoret Phys, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands ENSLAPP, F-74941 Annecy Le Vieux, France Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Phys Zentrum, D-52074 Aachen, Germany DESY, Inst Hochenergiephys, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany Moscow State Univ, Inst Nucl Phys, RU-119899 Moscow, Russia Weizmann Inst Sci, Dept Particle Phys, IL-76100 Rehovot, Israel Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland Univ Florence, Dipartimento Fis, I-50125 Florence, Italy Northeastern Univ, Dept Phys, Boston, MA 02115 USA Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-50125 Florence, Italy Paul Scherrer Inst, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland NRCPS Demokritos, Inst Nucl Phys, GR-15310 Attiki, Greece CNRS Luminy, Ctr Phys Theor, F-13288 Marseille 9, France Univ Cambridge, Dept Appl Math & Theoret Phys, Cambridge CB3 9EW, England Univ Montpellier 2, Phys Math Lab, F-34095 Montpellier 5, France Rutherford Appleton Lab, Didcot OX11 0QX, Oxon, England Austrian Acad Sci, Inst Hochenergiephys, A-1050 Vienna, Austria Univ Paris Sud, LAL, F-91405 Orsay, France Univ Leipzig, Fachbereich Phys, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany Univ Geneva, Dept Phys Theor, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Indian Inst Sci, Ctr Theoret Studies, Bangalore 560012, Karnataka, India Aristotelian Univ Salonika, Dept Theoret Phys, GR-54006 Salonika, Greece Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Frascati, I-00044 Frascati, Italy Univ Bologna, Dipartimento Fis, I-40126 Bologna, Italy Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Phys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Helsinki, Helsinki Inst Phys, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland Univ Heidelberg, Inst Phys, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Silesian Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland ETH Zurich, Lab Hochenergiephys, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland Univ Warsaw, Inst Theoret Phys, PL-00681 Warsaw, Poland Max Planck Inst Phys, Werner Heisenberg Inst Phys, D-80805 Munich, Germany Ludwig Maximillians Univ, Inst Theoret Phys, D-80333 Munchen, Germany Univ Autonoma Barcelona, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Roma 1, I-00185 Rome, Italy Univ Roma La Sapienza 1, Dipartimento Fis, I-00185 Rome, Italy Univ Coll London, Dept Phys & Astron, London WC1E 6BT, England Univ Barcelona, Fac Fis, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain Univ Bergen, Inst Phys, N-5007 Bergen, Norway Univ Trieste, Dipartimento Fis Teor, I-34014 Trieste, Italy Turku Univ, Dept Appl Phys, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland Rutgers State Univ, Dept Phys, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA Univ Valencia, Dept Fis Teor, E-46100 Burjassot, Spain Univ Wurzburg, Inst Theoret Phys, D-97074 Wurzburg, Germany Univ Lund, Dept Theoret Phys, S-22362 Lund, Sweden Univ Durham, Dept Phys, Durham DH1 3LE, England Free Univ Brussels, Serv Phys Particules Elementaires, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-HARLANDER R-1997-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V73-P477 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V316-P360 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 46 of 64 Author(s): Chibisov BM; Voloshin MB Title: Top quark longitudinal polarization near the threshold in e(+)e(-) annihilation Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 1998, Vol 13, Iss 12, pp 973-978 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 17 Addresses: Chibisov BM, Univ Minnesota, Sch Phys & Astron, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA Univ Minnesota, Sch Phys & Astron, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA Univ Minnesota, Inst Theoret Phys, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA Inst Theoret & Expt Phys, Moscow 117259, Russia JEZABEK M-1998-98009-DESY Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 47 of 64 Author(s): Lu GR; Xiong ZH; Wang XL; Huang JS Title: Semilepton decay of B mesons into tau nu(tau), in a technicolour model Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 1998, Vol 24, Iss 4, pp 745-752 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 33 Addresses: Lu GR, CCAST, World Lab, POB 8730, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China CCAST, World Lab, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China Henan Normal Univ, Dept Phys, Xinxiang 453002, Henan, Peoples R China Chinese Acad Sci, Inst High Energy Phys, Beijing 100039, Peoples R China JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 48 of 64 Author(s): Coarasa JA; Garcia D; Guasch J; Jimenez RA; Sola J Title: Quantum effects on t -> H(+)b in the MSSM: A window to "virtual" supersymmetry? Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 1998, Vol 2, Iss 2, pp 373-392 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 60 Addresses: Coarasa JA, Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Fis Altes Energies, Fis Teor Grp, E-08193 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Fis Altes Energies, Fis Teor Grp, E-08193 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 23 ------------------------------------------------Record 49 of 64 Author(s): Jadach S; Placzek W; Skrzypek M; Ward BFL; Was Z Title: Exact O(alpha) gauge invariant YFS exponentiated Monte Carlo for (un)stable W+W- production at and beyond LEP2 energies Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1998, Vol 417, Iss 3-4, pp 326-336 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Jadach S, Inst Nucl Phys, Ul Kawiory 26A, Krakow, Poland Inst Nucl Phys, Krakow, Poland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Univ Tennessee, Dept Phys & Astron, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA Stanford Univ, Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr, Stanford, CA 94309 USA ZRALEK M-1988-P-11-INT-SCH-THEOR-P-P127 ZRALEK M-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P43 Times Cited: 23 ------------------------------------------------Record 50 of 64 Author(s): Du DS; 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Harlander R; Seidensticker T; Steinhauser M Title: Second order QCD corrections to Gamma(t -> Wb) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 6011, Iss 11, art. no. 114015 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 35 Addresses: Chetyrkin KG, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Bern, Inst Theoret Phys, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Russian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, Moscow 117312, Russia JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 90 Author(s): Hoang AH; Teubner T Title: Top-quark pair production close to threshold: Top-quark mass, width, and momentum distribution Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 6011, Iss 11, art. no. 114027 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 80 Addresses: Hoang AH, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland DESY, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany JEZABEK M-HARLANDER R-1997-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V73-P477 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 18 ------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 90 Author(s): Hikasa K; 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Rindani SD Title: Neutrino anomalies in an extended Zee model Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 464, Iss 3-4, pp 239-243 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 43 Addresses: Joshipura AS, Phys Res Lab, Theoret Phys Grp, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India Phys Res Lab, Theoret Phys Grp, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 26 ------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 90 Author(s): Frank M Title: Neutrino magnetic moments in the left-right supersymmetric model Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 6009, Iss 9, art. no. 093005 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 27 Addresses: Frank M, Concordia Univ, Dept Phys, 1455 Maisonneuve Blvd W, Montreal, PQ H3G 1M8, Canada Concordia Univ, Dept Phys, Montreal, PQ H3G 1M8, Canada CZAKON M-1999-PHYS-REV-D-V5901-P3010 GLUZA J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 90 Author(s): Altarelli G; 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Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 1999, Vol 10, Iss 11, pp 1917-1946 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 44 Addresses: Werbos PJ, Natl Sci Fdn, Room 675, Arlington, VA 22230 USA Natl Sci Fdn, Arlington, VA 22230 USA JEZABEK M-1998-HEPPH9802373 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 40 of 90 Author(s): Ellis J; Lola S Title: Can neutrinos be degenerate in mass? Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 458, Iss 2-3, pp 310-321 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 93 Addresses: Ellis J, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 68 ------------------------------------------------Record 41 of 90 Author(s): Czakon M; Gluza J; Zralek M Title: Low energy physics and left-right symmetry: bounds on the model parameters Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 458, Iss 2-3, pp 355-360 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 35 Addresses: Czakon M, Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland DESY, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany CZAKON M-PHYS-REV-D-V5901-P3010 CZAKON M-UNPUB CZYZ H-1993-PHYS-LETT-B-V308-P360 ZRALEK M-1997-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V28-P2225 Times Cited: 2 ------------------------------------------------Record 42 of 90 Author(s): Binner S; Kuhn JH; Melnikov K Title: Measuring sigma(e(+)e(-)-> hadrons) using tagged photons Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 459, Iss 1-3, pp 279-287 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 10 Addresses: Binner S, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, Kaiserstr 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany CZYZ H-CAFFO M-1997-NUOVO-CIMENTO-A-V110-P515 Times Cited: 11 ------------------------------------------------Record 43 of 90 Author(s): Langacker P Title: Implications of solar and atmospheric neutrinos Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS 1999, Vol 77, pp 241-256 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 132 Addresses: Langacker P, Univ Penn, Dept Phys & Astron, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Univ Penn, Dept Phys & Astron, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 44 of 90 Author(s): Mohapatra RN; Nussinov S Title: Bimaximal neutrino mixing and neutrino mass matrix Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 6001, Iss 1, art. no. 013002 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Mohapatra RN, Univ Maryland, Dept Phys, College Pk, MD 20742 USA Univ Maryland, Dept Phys, College Pk, MD 20742 USA Tel Aviv Univ, Dept Phys, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Univ S Carolina, Dept Phys & Astron, Columbia, SC 29208 USA JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 38 ------------------------------------------------Record 45 of 90 Author(s): Choi SY; Shim JS; Song HS; Song J; Yu C Title: Single-photon events in e(+)e(-) collisions Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 6001, Iss 1, art. no. 013007 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 41 Addresses: Choi SY, Korea Inst Adv Study, 207-43 Cheongryangri Dong,Dongdaemun Gu, Seoul 130012, South Korea Korea Inst Adv Study, Seoul 130012, South Korea Myongji Univ, Dept Phys, Yongin 449728, South Korea Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Phys, Seoul 151742, South Korea Seoul Natl Univ, Ctr Theoret Phys, Seoul 151742, South Korea ZRALEK M-1997-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V28-P2225 Times Cited: 5 ------------------------------------------------Record 46 of 90 Author(s): Doff A; Pisano F Title: Charge quantization in the largest leptoquark-bilepton chiral electroweak scheme Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 1999, Vol 14, Iss 17, pp 1133-1142 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 48 Addresses: Doff A, Univ Fed Parana, Dept Fis, BR-81531990 Curitiba, Parana, Brazil Univ Fed Parana, Dept Fis, BR-81531990 Curitiba, Parana, Brazil SLADKOWSKI J-1992-PHYS-REV-D-V45-P1701 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 47 of 90 Author(s): Kuhn JH; Teubner T Title: Axial contributions at the top threshold Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 1999, Vol 9, Iss 2, pp 221-228 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 37 Addresses: Kuhn JH, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, Kaiserstr 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany DESY, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-HARLANDER R-1997-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V73-P477 M-1998-PHYS-REV-D-V5814-P6 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------- Record 48 of 90 Author(s): Jadach S; Melles M; Ward BFL; Yost SA Title: New results on the precision of the LEP luminosity Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1999, Vol 30, Iss 6, pp 1745-1750 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 19 Addresses: Jadach S, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30055 Krakow, Poland Univ Durham, Dept Theoret Phys, Durham DH1 3LE, England Univ Tennessee, Dept Phys & Astron, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 49 of 90 Author(s): Teubner T Title: Top quark physics Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1999, Vol 30, Iss 6, pp 1941-1966 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 101 Addresses: Teubner T, DESY, Notkestr 85, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany DESY, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-HARLANDER R-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V27-P1781 M-HARLANDER R-1997-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V73-P477 M-1995-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V26-P789 M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V428-P352 M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 M-1988-PHYS-LETT-B-V207-P91 M-1998-PHYS-REV-D-V5801-P4006 M-1994-PHYS-REV-D-V49-P4970 M-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P1910 M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 M-SUMINO Y-1998-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V29-P1443 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 50 of 90 Author(s): Jezabek M; Sumino Y Title: Neutrino masses and bimaximal mixing Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 457, Iss 1-3, pp 139-146 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 102 Addresses: Jezabek M, Inst Nucl Phys, Kawiory 26A, PL-30055 Krakow, Poland Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30055 Krakow, Poland Silesian Univ, Dept Field theory & Particle Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Tohoku Univ, Dept Phys, Sendai, Miyagi 98077, Japan JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 20 ------------------------------------------------Record 51 of 90 Author(s): Yakovlev O Title: Top quark production near threshold: NNLO QCD correction Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 457, Iss 1-3, pp 170-176 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 24 Addresses: Yakovlev O, Univ Wurzburg, Inst Theoret Phys, D-97074 Wurzburg, Germany Univ Wurzburg, Inst Theoret Phys, D-97074 Wurzburg, Germany JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 19 ------------------------------------------------Record 52 of 90 Author(s): Penin AA; Pivovarov AA Title: Top quark threshold production in gamma gamma collision in the next-to-leading order Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1999, Vol 550, Iss 1-2, pp 375-396 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 43 Addresses: Penin AA, Russian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, 60th October Anniversary Prospect 7A, Moscow 117312, Russia Russian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, Moscow 117312, Russia JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 14 ------------------------------------------------Record 53 of 90 Author(s): Rosado A Title: Contribution of a neutrino anapole moment to the muon anomalous magnetic moment Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 1999, Vol 14, Iss 14, pp 929-935 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 24 Addresses: Rosado A, Univ Autonoma Puebla, Inst Fis, Apdo Postal J-48,Col San Manuel, Puebla 72570, Mexico Univ Autonoma Puebla, Inst Fis, Puebla 72570, Mexico CZYZ H-1988-CAN-J-PHYS-V66-P132 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 54 of 90 Author(s): Barger V; Whisnant K Title: Seasonal and energy dependence of solar neutrino vacuum oscillations Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 456, Iss 1, pp 54-59 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Barger V, Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, 1150 Univ Ave, Madison, WI 53706 USA Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, Madison, WI 53706 USA Iowa State Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Ames, IA 50011 USA JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 22 ------------------------------------------------Record 55 of 90 Author(s): Jadach S; Pietrzyk B; Skrzypek M Title: On the precision of calculations of initial state radiation in the LEP Z line-shape fits Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 456, Iss 1, pp 77-79 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 32 Addresses: Jadach S, Inst Nucl Phys, Ul Kawiory 26A, PL-30059 Krakow, Poland Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30059 Krakow, Poland CERN, TH Div, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CNRS, Phys Particules Lab, LAPP, IN2P3, F-74941 Annecy Le Vieux, France JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P285 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 56 of 90 Author(s): Penzo A Title: Polarization in strange and heavy-flavor baryon production Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS 1999, Vol 75B, pp 48-52 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 45 Addresses: Penzo A, Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Via A Valerio 2, Trieste, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Trieste, Italy Dipartimento Fis, Trieste, Italy JEZABEK M-1992-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V23-P771 JEZABEK M-1992-PHYS-LETT-B-V286-P1513 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 57 of 90 Author(s): Sobie RJ Title: The e(e)over-bar ->tau(tau)over-bar cross section and forward-backward asymmetry at LEP Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS 1999, Vol 76, pp 75-81 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 9 Addresses: Sobie RJ, Inst Particle Phys, POB 3055, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada Inst Particle Phys, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada Univ Victoria, Dept Phys & Astron, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 58 of 90 Author(s): Beenakker W; Berends FA; Chapovsky AP Title: One-loop QCD interconnection effects in pair production of top quarks Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 454, Iss 1-2, pp 129-136 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 46 Addresses: Beenakker W, Univ Durham, Dept Phys, South Rd, Durham DH1 3LE, England Univ Durham, Dept Phys, Durham DH1 3LE, England Leiden Univ, Inst Lorentz, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 10 ------------------------------------------------Record 59 of 90 Author(s): Beneke M; Signer A; Smirnov VA Title: Top quark production near threshold and the top quark mass Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 454, Iss 1-2, pp 137-146 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 50 Addresses: Beneke M, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Univ Durham, Dept Phys, Durham DH1 3LE, England Moscow State Univ, Inst Phys Nucl, Moscow 119889, Russia JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-REV-D-V5801-P4006 JEZABEK M-1993-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V59-P669 JEZABEK M-1992-Z-PHYS-C-PART-FIELDS-V56-P653 Times Cited: 29 ------------------------------------------------Record 60 of 90 Author(s): van Ritbergen T Title: The second order QCD contribution to the semileptonic b -> u decay rate Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 454, Iss 3-4, pp 353-358 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 Addresses: van Ritbergen T, Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theoret Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 17 ------------------------------------------------Record 61 of 90 Author(s): Jeong KK; Kim CS Title: Determination of the HQET parameter lambda(1) from an inclusive semileptonic B meson decay spectrum Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 5911, Iss 11, art. no. 114019 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 31 Addresses: Jeong KK, Yonsei Univ, Dept Phys, Seoul 120749, South Korea Yonsei Univ, Dept Phys, Seoul 120749, South Korea Korea Inst Adv Study, Sch Phys, Seoul 130012, South Korea JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 62 of 90 Author(s): Beenakker W; Berends FA; Chapovsky AP Title: Radiative corrections to pair production of unstable particles: Results for E+E- -> 4 fermions Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1999, Vol 548, Iss 1-3, pp 3-59 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 37 Addresses: Beenakker W, Univ Durham, Dept Phys, South Rd, Durham DH1 3LE, England Univ Durham, Dept Phys, Durham DH1 3LE, England Leiden Univ, Inst Lorentz, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands KOLODZIEJ K-1991-PHYS-REV-D-V43-P3619 Times Cited: 27 ------------------------------------------------Record 63 of 90 Author(s): Penin AA; Pivovarov AA Title: Bottom quark mass and vertical bar V-cb vertical bar matrix element from R(e(+)e(-) -> b(b)over-bar) and Gamma(sl)(b -> cl nu(l)) in the next-to-next-to-leading order Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1999, Vol 549, Iss 1-2, pp 217-241 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 61 Addresses: Penin AA, Russian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, 60th October Anniversary Prospect 7A, Moscow 117312, Russia Russian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, Moscow 117312, Russia JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V428-P352 Times Cited: 39 ------------------------------------------------Record 64 of 90 Author(s): Cvetic G; Kim CS; Kim CW Title: Heavy majorana neutrinos at e(+)e(-) colliders Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1999, Vol 82, Iss 24, pp 4761-4764 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: Cvetic G, Univ Bielefeld, Dept Phys, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany Univ Bielefeld, Dept Phys, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany Univ Dortmund, Dept Phys, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany Yonsei Univ, Dept Phys, Seoul 120749, South Korea Korea Inst Adv Study, Seoul 130012, South Korea Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V51-P4695 GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V51-P4707 GLUZA J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 65 of 90 Author(s): Nelson CA; Cohen AM Title: Measurement of helicity parameters in top quark decay Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 1999, Vol 8, Iss 3, pp 393-401 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 Addresses: Nelson CA, SUNY Binghamton, Dept Phys, Binghamton, NY 13902 USA SUNY Binghamton, Dept Phys, Binghamton, NY 13902 USA JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 M-1988-PHYS-LETT-B-V207-P91 Times Cited: 4 ------------------------------------------------Record 66 of 90 Author(s): Pilaftsis A Title: Heavy Majorana neutrinos and baryogenesis Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 1999, Vol 14, Iss 12, pp 1811-1857 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 186 Addresses: Pilaftsis A, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland GLUZA J-1997-PHYS-LETT-B-V407-P45 Times Cited: 30 ------------------------------------------------Record 67 of 90 Author(s): Altarelli G; Feruglio F Title: Models of neutrino masses from oscillations with maximal mixing Source: JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 1999, Iss 11, art. no. 021 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 74 Addresses: Altarelli G, CERN, Div Theoret Phys, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theoret Phys, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Univ Roma Tre, Rome, Italy Univ Padua, Padua, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Padova, Padua, Italy JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 68 of 90 Author(s): Barger V; Whisnant K Title: Global three-neutrino vacuum oscillation fits to the solar and atmospheric anomalies Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 5909, Iss 9, art. no. 093007 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 136 Addresses: Barger V, Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab, POB 500, Batavia, IL 60510 USA Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL 60510 USA Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, Madison, WI 53706 USA JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 31 ------------------------------------------------Record 69 of 90 Author(s): Martinez M; Miquel R; Rolandi L; Tenchini R Title: Precision tests of the electroweak interaction at the Z pole Source: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 1999, Vol 71, Iss 3, pp 575-629 Language: English Document Type: Review No. cited references: 283 Addresses: Martinez M, Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Fis Altes Energies, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Fis Altes Energies, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain Univ Barcelona, Fac Fis, Dept ECM, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain CERN, European Lab Particle Phys, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Pisa, I-56010 Pisa, Italy CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 6 ------------------------------------------------Record 70 of 90 Author(s): Ellis J; Lola S; Nanopoulos DV Title: Leptogenesis in the light of Super-Kamiokande data and a realistic string model Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 452, Iss 1-2, pp 87-97 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 70 Addresses: Ellis J, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Texas A&M Univ, Dept Phys, Ctr Theoret Phys, College Stn, TX 77843 USA Houston Adv Res Ctr, Astroparticle Phys Grp, The Woodlands, TX 77381 USA Acad Athens, Chair Theoret Phys, Div Nat Sci, GR-10679 Athens, Greece JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 11 ------------------------------------------------Record 71 of 90 Author(s): Brzezinski L; 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Zhu SH Title: The supersymmetric QCD radiative corrections to top quark semileptonic decays Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 451, Iss 1-2, pp 93-97 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 39 Addresses: Qiao CF, Univ Hamburg, Inst Theoret Phys 2, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany Univ Hamburg, Inst Theoret Phys 2, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany CCAST, World Lab, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China Acad Sinica, Inst Theoret Phys, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 JEZABEK M-1988-PHYS-LETT-B-V207-P91 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 74 of 90 Author(s): Shafi Q; Tavartkiladze Z Title: Neutrino mixings and fermion masses in supersymmetric SU(5) Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 451, Iss 1-2, pp 129-135 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 41 Addresses: Shafi Q, Univ Delaware, Bartol Res Inst, Newark, DE 19716 USA Univ Delaware, Bartol Res Inst, Newark, DE 19716 USA Georgian Acad Sci, Inst Phys, GE-380077 Tbilisi, Rep of Georgia JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 30 ------------------------------------------------Record 75 of 90 Author(s): Blasone M; Henning PA; Vitiello G Title: The exact formula for neutrino oscillations Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 451, Iss 1-2, pp 140-145 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 22 Addresses: Blasone M, Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Blackett Lab, Prince Consort Rd, London SW7 2BZ, England Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Blackett Lab, London SW7 2BZ, England TH Darmstadt, Inst Kernphys, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany Univ Salerno, Dipartimento Fis, I-84100 Salerno, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Grp Collegato, I-84100 Salerno, Italy Univ Salerno, Unita INFM, I-84100 Salerno, Italy ZRALEK M-HEPPH9810543 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 76 of 90 Author(s): Czarnecki A; Melnikov K Title: Two-loop QCD corrections to top quark width Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 1999, Vol 544, Iss 3, pp 520-531 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 37 Addresses: Czarnecki A, Brookhaven Natl Lab, Dept Phys, Upton, NY 11973 USA Brookhaven Natl Lab, Dept Phys, Upton, NY 11973 USA Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Theroet Teilchenphys, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK JEZABEK M-1994-NUCL-PHYS-B-V37-P197 M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 M-1998-PHYS-REV-D-V5801-P4006 M-1994-PHYS-REV-D-V49-P4970 M-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P1910 Times Cited: 8 ------------------------------------------------Record 77 of 90 Author(s): Jadach S; Melles M; Ward BFL; Yost SA Title: New results on the theoretical precision of the LEP/SLC luminosity Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 450, Iss 1-3, pp 262-266 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: Jadach S, Univ Tennessee, Dept Phys & Astron, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA Univ Tennessee, Dept Phys & Astron, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA Inst Nucl Phys, PL-30059 Krakow, Poland CZYZ H-ARBUZOV A-1996-PHYS-LETT-B-V383-P238 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 78 of 90 Author(s): Jarlskog C; Matsuda M; Skadhauge S; Tanimoto M Title: Zee mass matrix and bi-maximal neutrino mixing Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 449, Iss 3-4, pp 240-252 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 54 Addresses: Jarlskog C, Univ Lund, LTH, Dept Math Phys, S-22100 Lund, Sweden Univ Lund, LTH, Dept Math Phys, S-22100 Lund, Sweden Ehime Univ, Sci Educ Lab, Matsuyama, Ehime 7908577, Japan Aichi Univ Educ, Dept Phys & Astron, Kariya, Aichi 448, Japan JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 66 ------------------------------------------------Record 79 of 90 Author(s): Shafi Q; Tavartkiladze Z Title: Atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations in nu MSSM and beyond Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 448, Iss 1-2, pp 46-56 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 42 Addresses: Shafi Q, Univ Delaware, Bartol Res Inst, Newark, DE 19716 USA Univ Delaware, Bartol Res Inst, Newark, DE 19716 USA Georgian Acad Sci, Inst Phys, GE-380077 Tbilisi, Rep of Georgia JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 13 ------------------------------------------------Record 80 of 90 Author(s): Biesiada M; Syska J Title: Boson condensates in electroweak theory and gamma-ray bursts Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA 1999, Vol 59, Iss 2, pp 95-97 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 34 Addresses: Biesiada M, N Copernicus Astron Ctr, Bartycka 18, PL-00716 Warsaw, Poland N Copernicus Astron Ctr, PL-00716 Warsaw, Poland Silesian Univ, Dept Astrophys & Cosmol, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland SYSKA J-1998-THESIS-U-SILESIA Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 81 of 90 Author(s): Froggatt CD; Gibson M; Nielsen HB Title: Neutrino masses and mixings from an anomaly free SMGXU(1)(2) model Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1999, Vol 446, Iss 3-4, pp 256-266 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: Froggatt CD, Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys & Astron, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys & Astron, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland Niels Bohr Inst, DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 12 ------------------------------------------------Record 82 of 90 Author(s): Krawczyk M Title: Where is the Higgs boson? Source: ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1998, Vol 29, Iss 12, pp 3543-3568 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 88 Addresses: Krawczyk M, Univ Warsaw, Inst Theoret Phys, Hoza 69, PL-00681 Warsaw, Poland Univ Warsaw, Inst Theoret Phys, PL-00681 Warsaw, Poland ZRALEK M-1998-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V29-P3925 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 83 of 90 Author(s): Davidson S; King SF Title: Bi-maximal neutrino mixing in the MSSM with a single right-handed neutrino Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 1998, Vol 445, Iss 1-2, pp 191-198 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 63 Addresses: Davidson S, CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland CERN, Div Theory, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Univ Southampton, Dept Phys & Astron, Southampton SO17 1BJ, Hants, England JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 54 ------------------------------------------------Record 84 of 90 Author(s): Branco GC; Rebelo MN; Silva-Marcos JI Title: Degenerate and quasidegenerate Majorana neutrinos Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1999, Vol 82, Iss 4, pp 683-686 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Branco GC, Inst Super Tecn, Ctr Fis Interaccoes Fundamentais, Ave Rovisco Pais, P-1096 Lisbon, Portugal Inst Super Tecn, Ctr Fis Interaccoes Fundamentais, P-1096 Lisbon, Portugal NIKHEF H, NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam, Netherlands JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 28 ------------------------------------------------Record 85 of 90 Author(s): Czakon M; Gluza J; Zralek M Title: Neutrino magnetic moments in left-right symmetric models Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 5901, Iss 1, art. no. 013010 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 35 Addresses: Czakon M, Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland GLUZA J-1995-PHYS-REV-D-V51-P4695 GLUZA J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 86 of 90 Author(s): Kodaira J; Nasuno T; Parke S Title: QCD corrections to spin correlations in top quark production at lepton colliders Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999, Vol 5901, Iss 1, art. no. 014023 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 36 Addresses: Kodaira J, Hiroshima Univ, Dept Phys, Higashihiroshima 7398526, Japan Hiroshima Univ, Dept Phys, Higashihiroshima 7398526, Japan Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab, Dept Theoret Phys, Batavia, IL 60510 USA JEZABEK M-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V329-P317 Times Cited: 14 ------------------------------------------------Record 87 of 90 Author(s): Czarnecki A; 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19716 USA Georgian Acad Sci, Inst Phys, GE-380077 Tbilisi, Rep of Georgia JEZABEK M-HEPPH9807310 Times Cited: 20 ------------------------------------------------Record 57 of 118 Author(s): Akhmedov EK Title: Seesaw mechanism and structure of neutrino mass matrix Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS 2000, Vol 87, pp 321-323 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 5 Addresses: Akhmedov EK, Inst Super Tecn, Dept Fis, CFIF, Av Rovisco Pais, P-1049001 Lisbon, Portugal Inst Super Tecn, Dept Fis, CFIF, P-1049001 Lisbon, Portugal JEZABEK M-1998-PHYS-LETT-B-V440-P327 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 58 of 118 Author(s): Denner A; Dittmaier S; Roth M; Wackeroth D Title: Four-fermion production with RACOONWW Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 2000, Vol 26, Iss 5, pp 593-599 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 38 Addresses: Denner A, Paul Scherrer Inst, CH-5232 Villigen, 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Phys, 60 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 1A7, Canada Univ Toronto, Dept Phys, Toronto, ON M5S 1A7, Canada Fermilab, Theory Grp, Batavia, IL 60510 USA JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 15 ------------------------------------------------Record 69 of 118 Author(s): Bednarek I; Manka R Title: The hot neutron star Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2000, Vol 61, Iss 5, pp 544-549 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 13 Addresses: Bednarek I, Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Silesian Univ, Inst Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland SLADKOWSKI SLADKOWSKI SLADKOWSKI SLADKOWSKI J-1996-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V27-P1649 J-1994-ACTA-PHYS-POL-B-V25-P1255 J-1996-INT-J-THEOR-PHYS-V35-P2075 J-1991-INT-J-THEOR-PHYS-V30-P1071 Times Cited: 1 ------------------------------------------------Record 70 of 118 Author(s): Holwill ILJ Title: The use of ultrasonic standing waves to enhance optical particle sizing equipment Source: ULTRASONICS 2000, Vol 38, Iss 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Univ, Inst Phys, Dept Field Theory & Particle Phys, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland DESY Zeuthen, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany CZAKON M-HEPPH9906356 CZYZ H-1994-PHYS-LETT-B-V325-P157 GLUZA J-1993-PHYS-REV-D-V48-P5093 Times Cited: 0 ------------------------------------------------Record 74 of 118 Author(s): Ali A; Ball P; Handoko LT; Hiller G Title: Comparative study of the decays B ->(K,K*)l(+)l(-) in the standard model and supersymmetric theories Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2000, Vol 6107, Iss 7, art. no. 074024 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 89 Addresses: Ali A, DESY, Notkestr 85, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany DESY, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany CERN TH, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland LIPI, Lab Theoret Phys & Math, Tangerang 15310, Indonesia Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Frascati, I-00044 Frascati, Italy JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 Times Cited: 42 ------------------------------------------------Record 75 of 118 Author(s): Chun EJ; Kang SK Title: One-loop corrected 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Theoret & Expt Phys, Moscow 117218, Russia KOLODZIEJ K-1995-PHYS-LETT-B-V355-P337 Times Cited: 3 ------------------------------------------------Record 78 of 118 Author(s): Grzadkowski B; Hioki Z Title: New hints for testing anomalous top-quark interactions at future linear colliders Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 2000, Vol 476, Iss 1-2, pp 87-94 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 23 Addresses: Grzadkowski B, Univ Warsaw, Inst Theoret Phys, Hoza 69, PL-00681 Warsaw, Poland Univ Warsaw, Inst Theoret Phys, PL-00681 Warsaw, Poland Univ Tokushima, Inst Theoret Phys, Tokushima 7708502, Japan JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V320-P20 JEZABEK M-1989-NUCL-PHYS-B-V314-P1 Times Cited: 7 ------------------------------------------------Record 79 of 118 Author(s): Mahlon G; Parke S Title: Single top quark production at the LHC: Understanding spin Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B 2000, Vol 476, Iss 3-4, pp 323-330 Language: English Document Type: Article No. cited references: 28 Addresses: 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