Measurement of Charge to Mass Ratio of an Electron Using a Filament Beam Tube H. Potter, and E. Kager (Completed 10 October 2005) The ratio e/me was determined to be 1.53x1011C/kg, resulting in a -12.87% discrepancy with the currently accepted value1 of 1.75882x1011C/kg, by using a Filament Beam Tube. I. Introduction In the late 1800’s significant advances in human understanding of atomic structure were being made by devising clever experiments that made use of a developing electromagnetic theory. One such experiment, devised by J. J. Thompson, used an electric field to deflect a charged beam of particles, known as a cathode ray, so that the charge to mass ratio of the beam could be determined. The cathode rays that he was using in his experiments, however, were later determined to be beams of electrons, and so his measurements were actually the first measurements of the charge to mass ratio of an electron. II. Experiment By using a filament beam tube, a variation on J. J. Thompson’s experiment was conducted in order to determine a value for e/me experimentally. The device created a beam of electrons by applying a voltage to a heater that was contained in a vacuum and accelerating the freed electrons with another voltage. This apparatus was placed between two rings of coiled wire such that the beam of electrons shot out parallel to the rings of coiled wire. An adjustable current was then applied to the coils of wire in order to create a magnetic field that would be directed perpendicularly to the beam of electrons, causing the beam to bend in a circular path. Markers were present inside the apparatus that created the electron beam, so that the current was simply adjusted until the beam crossed one of these markers. This gave the radius of curvature. Through the use of multimeters current and voltage readings were readily and reliably available. The current was then adjusted until the beam had been made to cross at each possible marker for the specific voltage. The voltage across the heater was then changed and the current was again adjusted so that the new beam crossed each possible marker. The voltage, radius of curvature, and current were recorded at each stage. By assuming that the work done on the electrons by the voltage applied was completely converted into the kinetic energy of the electrons, the equation mev2/2 = eΔV (1) was taken to apply to the experiment. By assuming that the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of motion of the electron beam supplied the centripetal force necessary to make the beam curve, the equation evB = mev2/r (2) was also taken to apply to the experiment. By combining Equation (1) and Equation (2), e/me can be solved for. The result is e/me = (2ΔV)/(r2B2) (3). Thus, all that is needed in order to calculate e/me is to convert each current measured into a corresponding magnetic field. This was done by removing the electron beam apparatus and placing a magnetic field sensor between the rings of wire to measure the magnetic field as the current was changed. This data was then plotted to yield a near-perfect linear fit that converted current into magnetic field. This linear fit was then used to convert each measured current into a magnetic field reading. Each data set was then used to calculate a value for e/me yielding a total of 17 values, which were then averaged to determine an experimental value for e/me. III. Results Seventeen sets of data were recorded and Equation (3) was used to determine e/me for each data set. These values were then averaged to determine the experimental value for e/me. The data taken in order to determine the linear fit between current and magnetic field are shown in Table 1, as are the important values for the linear fit. The linear fit itself is shown in Figure 1. The data, calculations, and accepted values1 for e, me, and e/me are all given in Table 2 Table 1: Data for linear fit. Current to Magnetic Field 0.0E+00 -5.0E-04 0 Magnetic Field (T) Linear Fit Data: I (A) B (T) 4.280 -3.63E-03 3.880 -3.30E-03 3.774 -3.18E-03 3.638 -3.08E-03 3.446 -2.92E-03 3.181 -2.71E-03 2.866 -2.45E-03 2.513 -2.18E-03 2.359 -2.06E-03 2.087 -1.85E-03 1.836 -1.65E-03 1.688 -1.52E-03 1.317 -1.23E-03 0.921 -9.20E-04 0.547 -6.20E-04 r= -0.99990 r2 = 0.99979 m= -8.00234E-04 b= -1.74975E-04 1 2 3 4 5 -1.0E-03 -1.5E-03 -2.0E-03 -2.5E-03 -3.0E-03 -3.5E-03 y = mx+b R2 = 0.9998 -4.0E-03 Current (A) Figure 1: Linear fit of magnetic field to current. 2 Calculations: r (m) I (A) 0.03 1.819 0.04 1.819 0.03 1.819 0.02 1.819 0.01 3.930 0.02 3.930 0.05 1.602 0.04 1.602 0.03 1.602 0.02 1.602 0.02 2.314 0.03 2.314 0.02 3.303 0.04 2.016 0.03 2.016 0.02 2.016 0.05 1.446 Accepted Values: e (C) = 1.602176E-19 me (kg) = 9.109382E-31 e/me (C/kg) = 1.758820E+11 B (T) -1.63E-03 -1.63E-03 -1.63E-03 -1.63E-03 -3.32E-03 -3.32E-03 -1.46E-03 -1.46E-03 -1.46E-03 -1.46E-03 -2.03E-03 -2.03E-03 -2.82E-03 -1.79E-03 -1.79E-03 -1.79E-03 -1.33E-03 V (V) 187.7 275.3 181.3 100.1 102.0 342.4 324.9 223.3 155.2 91.9 123.0 258.5 223.2 331.0 201.4 115.9 277.9 Mean: Accepted Value: Percent Discrepancy: e / me 1.57E+11 1.29E+11 1.52E+11 1.88E+11 1.85E+11 1.55E+11 1.22E+11 1.31E+11 1.62E+11 2.16E+11 1.50E+11 1.40E+11 1.41E+11 1.29E+11 1.40E+11 1.81E+11 1.25E+11 1.53E+11 1.76E+11 -12.87% Table 2: Data for each observation, along with brief data summary and list of accepted values1. IV. Analysis and Discussion The experimentally determined value for e/me was 1.53x1011 C/kg, the mean of all values calculated from observations. This value gave a -12.87% percentage discrepancy with the presently accepted value of 1.76x1011 C/kg. V. Conclusion A -12.87% percentage discrepancy is unusually high for a classroom experiment, and suggests that certain factors were not taken into account in the experimental procedure. This was indeed the case. The orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field was not accounted for in the experimental procedure, and this magnetic field may have deflected the electron beam, particularly for the measurements involving larger radii. In fact, if only the data sets in which the radius is .03m or less are used, the mean e/me comes out to about 1.64x1011 C/kg, and if only those data sets in which the radius is .02m or less are used the mean is about 1.74x1011 C/kg, remarkably close to the accepted value. A process for taking into account the orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field would be to arrange the rings so that they are perpendicular to the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field, as indicated by a dip circle, and then to tilt the whole apparatus up at an angle, as read off of a dip circle, so that the Earth’s magnetic field is 3 coming down straight through the rings of wire, completely perpendicular to the electron beam’s path. Unfortunately, when this was attempted, it was discovered that the method of attaching the electron beam apparatus to the titled board to which the wire rings were attached led to a leak in the vacuum. This made it impossible to create an electron beam with the apparatus, and the attempt to improve the procedure was abandoned. If the somewhat cavalier exclusion of data mentioned above is any indication, this procedure should significantly decrease the percentage discrepancy of the calculated value for e/me. 1 Tipler, Paul A. and Ralph A. Llewellyn, Modern Physics, 3rd ed. (W. H. Freeman and Company, New York 2003). 4