Science and Technology Journal of BgNS, VOL. 13, No. 1, JUNE

Science and Technology Journal of BgNS, VOL. 13, No. 1, JUNE 2009
ISSN 1310-8727
F. Adreozzi, F. Knapp, N. Lo Ludice, A. Porrino, and J.Kavasil
A method developed recently for treating exactly multiphonon excitations in
nuclei is outlined . It consists in constructing equations of motion within a subspace
spanned by states which are tensor products of Tamm Dancoff phonons. Recursive
formulas allow to solve these equations iteratively, thereby generating a basis of
microscopic multiphonon states. The basis states so obtained make sparse the Hamiltonian
matrix, which is, then, easily diagonalized. A numerical application on 16O show how the
implementation of the method can be carried out with no approximations.
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