2 Administrative Details - Simon Fraser University

Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Simon Fraser University
[Name of Institution]
Student Name:
Cotutelle PhD Agreement
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
Administrative Details ................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Start Date and Duration ........................................................................................ 4
2.2 Schedule ............................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Tuition .................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Financial Support ................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Travel Funding ..................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Admission and Visa Requirements ...................................................................... 5
Pedagogical Details ..................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Doctoral Supervisors and Committee Members .................................................. 5
3.2 Degree Requirements ........................................................................................... 5
3.3 Research ............................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Educational Goals ................................................................................................ 5
3.5 Progress Reports ................................................................................................... 5
3.6 Thesis Submission and Defence ........................................................................... 6
3.7 Language of Thesis and Defence ......................................................................... 6
3.8 Degree Awarded ................................................................................................... 6
3.9 Notation on Official Documents .......................................................................... 7
Academic Clauses ....................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Authorship ............................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................. 7
4.3 Copyright and Publications .................................................................................. 7
4.4 Confidentiality...................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Guidelines on Code of Conduct ........................................................................... 8
4.6 Graduate Regulations ........................................................................................... 8
Changes to Agreement ................................................................................................ 8
Signatures .................................................................................................................... 9
Appendices ................................................................................................................ 10
7.1 Appendix A – Sample title and approval page ................................................... 10
7.2 Appendix B – Sample of degree recommendation............................................. 12
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
1 Introduction
The opening section of the agreement identifies the universities and individuals
participating in the cotutelle, their contact information, and the thesis topic. This
section should also identify which institution is the “home” university and which is
the “host” university.
PhD Student: [Name of student]
Area of Specialization:
Thesis Topic/Title:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Administrative Representative at [Name of Institution]: [Name of Person]
Area of Specialization:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Doctoral Supervisor at [Name of Institution]: [Name of Person]
Area of Specialization:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Administrative Representative at Simon Fraser University: Dr. Wade Parkhouse
Position: Dean of Graduate Studies
Department: Office of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Fellows
Area of Specialization: Graduate Affairs
Mailing Address: 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6
Email: gradstudies@sfu.ca
Telephone Number: (001) 778-782-3042
Fax Number: (001) 778-782-3080
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Doctoral Supervisor at Simon Fraser University: [Name of Person]
Area of Specialization:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
2 Administrative Details
Start Date and Duration
Start date and anticipated duration of the joint supervision agreement.
Anticipated division of the student’s studies (i.e. dates and duration of the student’s
attendance in the home and host institutions). State the minimum residency at each
institution. The minimum at SFU is 4 terms (16 months).
Normally the student is registered at both universities but is paying tuition at only
one university in any term (similar to how exchanges are handled). The institution
waiving the fees can vary throughout the term of the agreement. The most common
model is to have the fees paid to the university where the student is physically
present, with the other university waiving its fees for those terms. Another model is
to have the student only pay fees at SFU with the fees waived at the partner
Financial Support
Provide specific details on any financial support available, including where the
support is coming from and for which terms/years it applies to. At SFU a specific
person, program, department, or funding agency needs to be identified. The person
who can confirm this funding should be added to the signature page.
Travel Funding
Identify who will be assuming responsibility for arranging housing, paying travel
expenses and ensuring insurance coverage for the student. Include travel funding
arrangements for supervisors, examiners, and for travel related to the thesis defence.
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Admission and Visa Requirements
Provide the admission requirements, application process and visa requirements for
study at the host institution. SFU’s minimum admission requirements are found in
the Graduate General Regulations (GGR) 1.3 in the SFU Calendar. The student must
meet SFU’s minimum English language requirement.
3 Pedagogical Details
Doctoral Supervisors and Committee Members
Provide names of a thesis supervisor in each institution and any other members of
the supervisory committee. Refer to GGR 1.6 for SFU’s supervision requirements.
Degree Requirements
List any degree requirements beyond the thesis/dissertation for the home and host
institutions (specific courses, comprehensive examinations, etc.). Refer to GGR 1.7
for SFU’s course and residency requirements. Please note that one half of the
minimum course work of the University or departmental credential requirements
must be completed at SFU (see GGR 1.7.6).
Provide information regarding the nature of the research that will be done at each
institution. What contribution will the supervisor from each institution be making to
the research? Include an explanation of the process leading to the development,
submission, and approval of the research plan and thesis proposal, including all
ethics and risk management approvals.
Educational Goals
Include a statement of anticipated/expected educational goals, publication
Progress Reports
State the expectations around the preparation of regular progress reports for or by the
candidate, and supervisors. Refer to GGR 1.8 for SFU’s progress evaluation
requirements. It must be clear whether a separate progress report will be prepared for
each institution or just one. The SFU progress report must be used if there is only
one report that will be prepared. Both institutions should receive a copy of the report,
or access to the report if it’s online.
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Thesis Submission and Defence
State the procedures for the submission and examination of the thesis. These
procedures must be satisfactory to both institutions. The composition of the thesis
examination committee based on faculty and university requirements for both
institutions also needs to be included.
At SFU the minimum requirements for the examination are that the student, chair,
senior supervisor, one external examiner (who is external to both universities and at
arm’s length from the supervisors and student), and one internal examiner (from
either university) needs to attend (see GGR 1.9.3). At least one examiner must be
physically present at the defence. As well, there needs to be a written report and a
submission to the library (open defence). The guidelines for sensitive or classified
information in the thesis must be reviewed by the student before writing the thesis
(http://www.sfu.ca/dean-gradstudies/current/thesis-defence/getting-started.html). See
Appendix A for a sample of a thesis title page and approval page.
Language of Thesis and Defence
Include the language in which the thesis will be written and defended; the language
in which the abstract will be written; the language in which the oral defence
statement will be given; and the language of examination comments/reports.
Degree Awarded
Include a statement that both institutions need to submit the recommendation of the
degree before the degree can be awarded as a joint degree (see Appendix B). In a
joint degree the degree requirements must be met at both institutions, although the
thesis and some courses may be counted towards both programs. Identify the joint
degree that will be awarded by each institution. Include a statement that the decision
to award the degree by one of the institutions is not binding upon the other.
Sample wording: The joint degree will be awarded when both institutions have
submitted confirmation to the other institution that the agreed upon degree
requirements at their own university have been completed. In a joint degree the
degree requirements must be met at both institutions, although the thesis and some
course work may be counted towards both programs. If one institution does not
award the joint degree, the other institution can award the degree as a regular degree,
not a joint degree.
The degree that will be awarded by SFU will be: Doctor of Philosophy. The degree
that will be awarded by ________ will be: _______________________.
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Notation on Official Documents
Include a statement verifying that the official documents from each institution will
acknowledge the degree as part of a joint agreement. The wording to appear on the
SFU transcript is: “This PhD was awarded within a cotutelle agreement. The student
was jointly enrolled at [name of University] and Simon Fraser University and jointly
met the degree requirements at both institutions.” The wording on the SFU
parchment will be “Joint PhD with [name of University]” under the words “Doctor
of Philosophy”. Include the specific wording that will appear on the other
institution’s official documents.
4 Academic Clauses
Identify authorship on any publications.
Intellectual Property Rights
Include a statement that the candidate and supervisors at both institutions will
comply with their relevant Intellectual Property policies, and dispute resolution
procedures, should there be any inconsistencies between the two institutions.
Sample wording: The candidate, the supervisors, and the two universities will
comply with the existing intellectual property policies and regulations of their
respective institutions in order to protect the doctoral research and the publication of
research results. The signatories will negotiate a compromise suitable to both parties
should there be any inconsistencies between the two institutions' policies.
Copyright and Publications
Include a statement on the regulations at each institution regarding the filing,
registration of copyright and reproduction of the thesis.
Sample wording: The signatories of this agreement will comply with the existing
regulations in their respective institutions and countries regarding the filing,
registration of copyright, description, and reproduction of the dissertation. The
signatories will negotiate a compromise suitable to both parties should there be any
inconsistences between the two institutions’ policies. All publications must adhere to
the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on publications.
Sample wording: Both universities are bound to preserve confidentiality and not to
divulge information, data, know-how, documents or other material coming from the
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
other university under the activities of this agreement, unless otherwise agreed and
with the exception of law prescriptions.
Guidelines on Code of Conduct
Include information on code of conduct expectations and procedures for student
misconduct (personal and research); information on guidelines related to grievance,
appeal, and termination.
Sample wording: The signatories of the agreement will comply with existing
guidelines for codes of conduct (academic and personal), as well as on procedures
for misconduct, including those related to grievance, appeal, and termination. The
signatories will negotiate a compromise suitable for both parties should there be any
inconsistencies between the two institutions' policies.
Graduate Regulations
Sample wording: The graduate regulations at both universities apply to the student
throughout the joint program. The signatories will negotiate a compromise suitable
to both parties should there be any inconsistencies between the two institutions'
policies. If the student does not meet the Graduate General Regulations at SFU, this
may result in the student not being awarded the degree from SFU.
5 Changes to Agreement
Sample wording: This agreement becomes effective from the date of the last
signature and shall be effective until the degree is awarded. This agreement can be
modified after its execution provided both institutions agree.
Should the student fail to enroll at one of the contracting universities, renounce in
writing, or not be authorized to continue research and writing the thesis by virtue of
a decision made by one of the two thesis supervisors, the contracting universities
shall jointly and with no delay terminate this agreement.
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
6 Signatures
The following sign and date the agreement for and on behalf of each institution:
 the president or their designate (e.g. vice‐president academic/vice‐president
research/ Dean of Graduate Studies)
 the dean of the faculty or their designate
 the graduate program director or department head
 the primary supervisor at each institution
 the candidate
Dr. Wade Parkhouse
Administrative Representative
Simon Fraser University
Administrative Representative
[Institution Name]
Dean of [Faculty]
Simon Fraser University
Dean of [Faculty]
[Institution Name]
Grad Chair of [Department/School]
Simon Fraser University
Chair of [Department/School]
[Institution Name]
Doctoral Supervisor
Simon Fraser University
Doctoral Supervisor
[Institution Name]
PhD Student
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
7 Appendices
Appendix A – Sample title and approval page
Select Text and Type:
Title of Thesis Here
Given Name(s) Surname
Abbreviation of Previous Degree, Name of University, YEAR
Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Joint Degree (Cotutelle)
Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of [Name]
Faculty of [Name] at Simon Fraser University (Canada)
-and[Name of Degree] in the Faculty of [Name]
at [University Name] (University Country)
 Given Name(s) Surname YEAR
Semester YEAR
All rights reserved.
However, in accordance with the Copyright Act of Canada, this work may be reproduced, without
authorization, under the conditions for “Fair Dealing.” Therefore, limited reproduction of this work for the
purposes of private study, research, criticism, review and news reporting is likely to be in accordance with
the law, particularly if cited appropriate.
[Name of Institutions]
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Given Name(s) Surname
Doctor of Philosophy
Select Text and Type Title of Thesis Here:
If Desired, Break with a [Shift]+[Enter]
at an Appropriate Point
Examining Committee:
Chair: Firstname Surname
Department, University
Firstname Surname
Senior Supervisor
Department, University
Firstname Surname
Department, University
Firstname Surname
Department, University
Firstname Surname
Department, University
Firstname Surname
Internal Examiner
Department, University
Firstname Surname
External Examiner
Department, University
Date Defended/Approved:
[Name of Institutions]
Month ##, ####
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Cotutelle PhD Agreement
Appendix B – Sample of degree recommendation
Recommendation for the Award of Degree
The student named below has completed all degree requirements as noted.
First Name
Student number
Degree requirements:
Degree (eg. MA, MSc, PhD)
Area of research or sub-program (optional)
attached to this form
Departmental graduate chair
Faculty graduate studies chair
Senate graduate studies committee
[Name of Institutions]
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