Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship Instructions

Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship Instructions
Applicants are strongly urged to visit the Foundation website at to
understand the history of the Foundation and the focus of the Scholarship Program. Separate tabs on the
web site highlight the Scholarship Program, FAQ’s, and the types of grants the Foundation provides to
organizations serving the gay community across the nation.
If you have further questions, please email us at:
Applicants for Scholarships must be a gay male under 35 years of age. Applicants must also be current
high-school seniors or above and plan to attend a post-secondary institution, trade, or technical school.
Graduate level students may also apply.
The Scholarship Program gives special attention to students who are from, reside in, or are currently
attending educational institutions in non-metropolitan areas. However, it is not a requirement that a
student must be from a rural area. The Scholarship Program also gives special attention to students who
have dealt with issues of discrimination and/or marginalization in their lives. We look to support students
who will stand up against intolerance and fight for diversity in their community. Some students will choose
a career path that focuses on the gay community, while others will use their skills and influence to support
the gay community while not working full-time on gay issues. Leadership and a drive to contribute are key
characteristics we seek from students. The most important part of the application is the essay on page two,
which gives you the opportunity, in your own words, to promote yourself to the Scholarship Committee.
You may hand write the first page of the application, but essays must be typed. Applications should be
submitted on single sided pages and do not use staples.
Students may be awarded scholarships for a maximum of four consecutive years of post-secondary
education or training. However, each year the application process is competitive against all other
Scholarship awards are presented in checks payable directly to the school, trade or training program
where the student is enrolled for tuition, books, and fees. Scholarships may not be used to pay normal
living expenses.
All applications become the property of the Gamma Mu Foundation and must be post-marked
by March 31, 2013.
Mail completed applications to:
Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship Program
PO Box 23520
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-3520
Phone: 1-866-GMF (469)-6007
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Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship Application
Page one may be hand written. Essay must be typed.
All pages should be single sided and no staples.
Application must be post-marked by March 31.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________________
Telephone where you can be reached after March 31: _____________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about the Gamma Mu Scholarship Program?
Age: __________ Gender: _________ U.S. Citizen (yes/no): _____________________
Sexual Orientation: __________ Place of Birth: ________________________________
____ Scholarship will be for undergraduate study _____ Scholarship will be for graduate study
High School Name and City: _________________________________________________
H.S. (GED) Graduation Date: ___________________ H.S. GPA (based on 4.0): _______
Please list any undergraduate/graduate school(s) that you have previously attended, major and GPA:
Name and location of University/College/Trade/Technical school you hope to attend:
Have you been admitted? _____ If not, please list all other schools you’ve applied for:
Expected Graduation date: _____ Will you be a full time student (12 or more credits)?
Program Degree or Certificate you plan to receive: _________________________________
List any honors/achievements:
List any extracurricular Activities:
I certify that the information above, and the attached essay is complete and accurate:
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________________________
Make sure to 1) Answer the essay question on the following page, and
2) All pages should be single sided
3) Do not use staples
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On a separate sheet(s), please respond to the following essay questions. Your answers must be
typed. At the top of each sheet, in the upper left-hand corner, type your name and city:
i.e. “John Doe; Anytown, US”
Please write an essay of not more than 750 words describing how you plan to use your
education to increase respect for the individual and/or human differences in society. You
should also include any significant challenges with discrimination that you may have
encountered and how this has made you a stronger individual today. Please include your
personal experiences which make you most proud and reflect your passions. You might
wish to explain why you feel the funds should be awarded to you. Please describe any
GLBT clubs or organizations you have belonged to and any personal positions of
leadership you have had.
You may add anything else that you wish the Scholarship Committee to consider. For
example, GPA’s are not a determinant factor in granting scholarships, but if there is
additional information the committee should know, please feel free to explain.
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