Problem Solutions 3 Jianjun Jia Program codes are available on website: 1. This function has a maximum value of 0.8619 at the point x=1.137268. For the pure Newton-Raphson method, the iteration jumped out of brackets, no matter how closely I bracketed the root. However, for the hybrid bisection-Newton-Raphson algorithm, the maximum range of the bracket should not be over (0.4, 7.7), otherwise, it would take the solution out of bounds. If the initial bracket is (0.4, 5.0) for the hybrid bisection-Newton-Raphson algorithm, the program has 21 bisection steps before getting the final root. PROGRAM main INTEGER N,NBMAX,number REAL X1,X2,xl,xh PARAMETER(N=100,NBMAX=20) INTEGER i,nb REAL rtnewt,root,xacc,xb1(NBMAX),xb2(NBMAX),err,h EXTERNAL funcd,func,dfridr,dfunc X1=0.4 X2=5.0 nb=NBMAX do 11 i=1,nb CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C use newton's method and hybrid algorithm c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c root=rtnewt(funcd,x1,x2,1e-6) root=rtsafe(funcd,x1,x2,1e-6,number) 11 write(*,'(1x,a,i2,2x,f12.6,2e16.4)') 'Root ',i,root,dfunc(root), * func(root) continue write(*,'(1x,a,3x,i2)')'number of steps =',number END SUBROUTINE funcd(x,fn,df) REAL dfridr,err,dfunc,h,df,fn,x external func,dfunc h=0.1 fn=dfunc(x) df=dfridr(dfunc,x,h,err) return END c REAL FUNCTION func(x) function of Fn(x) for n=10 real x func=x**10*exp(10.*(x-1.))/(1+exp(20.*(x-1))) return end c REAL FUNCTION dfunc(x) derivative of function Fn(x), n=10 EXTERNAL func real x,h h=0.1 dfunc=dfridr(func,x,h,err) return end 2. The roots of the polynomial are {-5.0, -4.0, -2.9075, -2.5, 2.0, 2.4075}. The algorithm and subroutines applied in this calculation is described in the comments of the program codes below. c c c program main parameter(m=6) real a(m+1),rootr(m),rooti(m) a(m+1) are the real coefficients, rootr and rooti are the real and imaginary parts of the roots. data a/700.0,195.0,-254.0,-91.75,17.25,10.0,1.0/ uses "zrhqr","hqr","balanc" subroutines call zrhqr(a,m,rootr,rooti) c write(*,'(1x,2f15.6)')(rootr(i),rooti(i),i=1,m) end 3. The roots of the set of equations are {1.58108, 1.21879, 3.11363}. I chose {1.5, 1.6, 2.5} as the initial guess of the solutions, and used the Newton-Raphson method for nonlinear systems of equations to calculate numerically. c 12 13 PROGRAM main INTEGER NTRIAL,N,NP REAL TOLX,TOLF PARAMETER(NTRIAL=5,TOLX=1.0E-6,N=3,TOLF=1.0E-6,NP=15) INTEGER i,j,k,kk REAL xx,fjac(NP,NP),fvec(NP),x(NP) initial guess of the solution x(1)=1.5 x(2)=1.6 x(3)=2.5 do 13 j=1,NTRIAL call mnewt(1,x,N,TOLX,TOLF) call usrfun(x,n,NP,fvec,fjac) write(*,'(/1x,t5,a,t14,a,t29,a/)') 'I','X(I)','F' do 12 i=1,N write(*,'(1x,i4,2e15.6)') i,x(i),fvec(i) continue write(*,'(/1x,a)') 'press RETURN to continue...' read(*,*) continue END SUBROUTINE usrfun(x,n,np,fvec,fjac) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C User subroutine supplies function values at x C C in fvec and Jacobian matrix in fjac C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC INTEGER i,n,np REAL fjac(np,np),fvec(np),x(np) fjac(1,1)=x(2)*x(3) fjac(1,2)=x(1)*x(3) fjac(1,3)=x(1)*x(2) fjac(2,1)=2.*x(1)*x(2)+x(3)**2 fjac(2,2)=2.*x(2)*x(3)+x(1)**2 fjac(2,3)=2.*x(3)*x(1)+x(2)**2 fjac(3,1)=exp(x(1)+x(2)+x(3)) fjac(3,2)=exp(x(1)+x(2)+x(3)) fjac(3,3)=exp(x(1)+x(2)+x(3)) fvec(1)=x(1)*x(2)*x(3)-6. fvec(2)=x(1)**2*x(2)+x(2)**2*x(3)+x(3)**2*x(1)-23. fvec(3)=exp(x(1)+x(2)+x(3))-370. END