LAS Dean`s Award for Faculty Research in the Humanities

LAS Dean’s Award for Faculty Research in the Humanities
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Institute for the Humanities are pleased to
announce the 2015-2017 LAS Award for Faculty Research in the Humanities. These
competitive awards are granted to cover costs associated with research in the humanities
including but not limited to: equipment (subject to university regulations), subventions, travel to
archives, conferences, or research sites, software, and technological costs associated with work
in the digital humanities. Salary and teaching buyouts are not eligible expenses. The typical
award will be between $1000 and $5000, but larger awards may be granted if a compelling case
can be made for the necessity and impact of the additional funds. Any tenured/tenure track
faculty member engaged in research in the humanities who has at least a 50% appointment
within LAS is eligible to apply. Collaborative proposals are welcome.
Application materials are due February 15, 2016 and should be submitted electronically as one
PDF file to Please use the following convention when naming the PDF file:
DeanAward2016_Lastname_Firstname.pdf (For example: DeanAward2015_Smith_Jane.pdf)
The PDF file should include, in this order:
A cover sheet
A narrative of no more than 1000 words outlining the research for which the award will
be used, and justifying the expenses the award is to cover. (Please double space narrative
and use 12 point font)
An itemized budget
Applicant’s CV
Signature of Head or Chair
Where appropriate, evidence of compliance with requirements of the Office for
Protection of Research Risks.
Proposals will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Director of the Institute of the
Humanities in consultation with the Dean’s office. The committee will assess proposals based on
the expected scholarly impact of the award on the applicant’s research. Please keep in mind that
proposals will be read by an interdisciplinary committee of humanities scholars not by specialists
in your field.
Funds must be used within one year of receiving the award. Awardees must file a report within
six months of spending the funds that describes the status of the project for which they were
used. Any publications resulting from research supported by this award should acknowledge the
LAS Award for Faculty Research in the Humanities.
Please contact with any questions, or call 312-996-6354.