Feb. 12 Mon
breakfast 9:00-9:30; coffee breaks ~12:00; skis -12:00-14:00, lunch 14:00-15:00; 2-d lunch 17:00-17:20;
dinner 19:00-20:00
15:00 - departure from the ITEP main gate to Otradnoe-2 hotel (by bus)
18: 00 - registration
18:45 - get-together party
Chairman: Golubev Alexandr Alexandrovich
09:30 - Opening. Introductory words by Prof. Sharkov Boris Yurevich
10:10 - HOFFMANN Dieter H.H. (GSI, Plasmaphysik, Planckstr.1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany;
“Inertial confinement fusion”
Feb. 13 Tuesday
10:50 - GARANIN Sergey Grogorevich (ВНИИЭФ; 607188, Sarov, Russia; Garanin@vniief.ru)
“Thermonuclear research on laser facilities”
11:30 - ROTH Markus (GSI, Plasmaphysik, Planckstr.1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany;
«Femtosecond lasers for generation of proton and ion beams»
PHOTOGRAPHING of the School participants
17:30 - TERNOVOI Vladimir Yakovlevich (Institute of Chemical Physics Problems, Chernogolovka
142432 Moscow region; ternovoi@ficp.ac.ru)
“Study of phase transformation in dense nonideal plasma”
18:10 - CACCIA Massimo (Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, Department of Physics and
Mathematics, via Valleggio, 11, Como, 22100 Italy; massimo.caccia@uninsubria.it)
“Imaging capabilities of position sensitive Silicon radiation detectors”
18:45 - BULGHERONI Antonio (Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, Department of Physics and
Mathematics, via Valleggio, 11, Como, 22100 Italy)
“Design, construction and commissioning of a silicon strip based telescope for detector
characterization at a test beam”
Chairman: Zaluzhny Alexandr Georgievich
09:40 - ZEMAN Andrej (Institute for Energy, Joint Research Center, European Commission.
Westerduinweg 3, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands; andrej.zeman@jrc.nl)
“Radiation damage of materials in nuclear industry: microstructural aspects”
10:20 - PERLADO J. Manuel (Instituto de Fusión Nuclear (DENIM)/Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid (UPM) E.T.S.I.I., 28006 Madrid, Spain; mperlado@din.upm.es)
“Problems of materials for fusion reactors”
Feb. 14 Wednesday
11:00 - BYAKOV Vsevolod Mikhailovich (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
117218 Moscow, Russia; baykov@itep.ru)
«Processes in Nature induced by heavy ionizing radiations»
17:30 - KAZANTSEV Dmitrii Vsevolodovich (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
117218 Moscow, Russia; kasa@itep.ru)
“Tip-scattering scanning near field microscopy - the mapping of the surface local dielectric properties
and of local electromagnetic field”
18:00 - SHTROMBAH Yaroslav Igorevich (Institute of reactor materials and technologies, Russian
Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Kurchatov Sq. 1, Moscow, 123182, Russia;
“Current problems in radiation hardness estimation of WWER-type reactor vessels”
18:30 - VOEVODIN Victor Nikolaevich (Head of Department Radiation Damage and Material
Science. Institute of Solid State Physics, Materials and Technology NSC KIPT. Akademicheskaya st.,
1, 310108, Kharkov, Ukraine; voyev@kipt.kharkov.ua)
«Construction materials of nuclear power engineering – challenge of the XXI century»
Chairman: Stepanov Sergey Vsevolodovich
09:40 - DAUWE Charles (Division Subatomic and radiation Physics, University of Ghent,
Proeftuinstraat 86, B 9000 Ghent – Belgium; Charles.Dauwe@ugent.be)
“Positrons and positronium as probes for the characterization of size, shape, and chemical
environment of sub-nanometre size structures”
Feb. 15 Thursday
10:25 - De BAERDEMAEKER Jérémie (Division Subatomic and radiation Physics, University of
Ghent, Proeftuinstraat 86, B 9000 Ghent – Belgium; jeremie.debaerdemaeker@ugent.be)
“Probing nanopores in membranes for nanofiltration by mean of matter-antimatter annihilation.”
11:05 - ZALESKI Radosław (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland;
radek.zaleski@umcs.lublin.pl )
“PALS application to investigation of modern porous materials properties”
11:30 - TIMOSHENKOV Sergey Petrovich (МИЭТ, Zelenograd, Moscow region, Russia;
“Modern trends in micro- and nanosystem techniques”
17:30 - REUTOV Valerii Filippovich (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie 6,141980
Dubna, Moscow region, Russia; reutov@jinr.ru)
“Radiation-ion technology of formation 1d-, 2d- and 3d-nanostructures”
18:00 - PETRUNIN Vadim Fedorovich (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe Shosse
31, 115409 Moscow, Russia; petrunin@atomic.mephi.ru)
“Current trends in nanotechnology in atomic industry”
18:30 - АGEEV Valerii Semenovich (A.A.Bochvar Research Institute of Inorganic Materials.
P.O.Box 369, 5a Rogova str., Moscow 123060, Russia; ageev_val@mtu-net.ru)
“Nanotechnologies in development of radiation-resistant construction materials for nuclear apparatus”
Chairman: Dzheparov Fridrikh Salamonovoch
09:40 - PAREIGE Philippe (Universite de Rouen, Site du Madrillet, UFR Sciences, Avenue de
l'Universite BP 12, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France; Philippe.Pareige@univ-rouen.fr)
“Topographic atom probe”
10:20 - CHARPENTIER Tibault (Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance
Magnétique, DSM/DRECAM/SCM – Bât 129-137 CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex France;
“High Resolution NMR study of nuclear waste materials”
Feb. 16 Friday
11:00 - GRIGOGEV Evgenii Anatolevich (ITEP, UNI-Geneve; Eugene.Grigoriev@cern.ch)
“Si-based avalanche structures for detection of single photons”
11:30 - ELYUTIN Nikolay Olegovich (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe Shosse
31, 115409 Moscow, Russia)
“Studies of microstructure of solids by means of small angle neutron scattering”
17:30 - DZHEPAROV Fridrikh Salamonovoch (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
117218, Moscow, Russia; dzheparov@itep.ru)
“Neutron-physics studies of materials by means of beta-NMR-spectroscopy and small angle
18:00 - GOLUBEV Alexandr Alexandrovich (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
117218, Moscow, Russia; golubev@itep.ru)
“Protonographic methods of diagnostics”
18:30 - SIDORENKO Oxana Georgievna (НИИАР, 433510, Dmitrovgrad-10, Russia; dns@niiar.ru)
«Role of Cu and P in radiation embrittlement of VVER vessel steels”
Excursion for foreigners: - owerview of Moscow; "Jesus the Saviour" cathedral, Kremlin
Chairman: Rogozhkin Sergey Vasilevich
Feb. 17 Saturday
09:40 - CHERNOV Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (A.A.Bochvar Research Institute of Inorganic
Materials, P.O.Box 369, 5a Rogova str., 123060 Moscow, Russia; chernovV@bochvar.ru)
“Perspective materials for fusion-type reactors”
10:20 - LEONTEVA-SMIRNOVA Mariya Vladimirovna (A.A.Bochvar Research Institute of Inorganic
Materials. P.O.Box 369, 5a Rogova str., 123060 Moscow, Russia; chernovV@bochvar.ru)
“Structure and properties of ferrito-martensite steels for nuclear engineering”
10:45 - ZABOLOTNYI Vladimir Tikhonovich (A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials
Science, Leninskii pr., 49, Moscow 119991, Russia; zabolotn@imet.ac.ru)
“Cosmic radiation material science ”
11:25 - SHISHOV Vyacheslav Nikolaevich (A.A.Bochvar Research Institute of Inorganic Materials,
P.O.Box 369, 5a Rogova str., 123060 Moscow, Russia; shishovv@bochvar.ru)
“Investigation of the structure and radiation damaging of Zr-based alloys”
17:20 - Student presentations of diploma theses
Feb. 18 Sunday
19:00 - BANQUET
Chairman: Rogozhkin Sergey Vasilevich
09:40 - Student presentations of diploma theses
15:00 - Departure
19:00 - Bol’shoj Theater “Evgenij Onegin”