Weekly Lecture Plan 14



Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences: Department of Physics

Physics 105: EE Section A; Fall 2014

Course Title: PH 105 Physics: Credit hrs: 4 (3 lecture hours + 3 -hours Lab per week; or total of six contact hours per week)

Prerequisites for this Course: F Sc./A-level Physics and Mathematics (calculus)

This Course is a prerequisite for: Physics 106- Electricity and Magnetism, Engineering

Mechanics- Static and Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Instructors : Abdullah Sadiq, Ms. Anum Zaidi e- mail: asadiq@mail.au.edu.pk A. Sadiq: First Floor, Block A, North Wing e- mail: anum.zaidi@mail.au.edu.pk

Anum Zaidi: China Block next to A-Block

Text Book: Fundamentals of Physics, Preferably latest edition; Jearl Walker; John Wiley

Students may like to buy cheaper earlier editions from the market

Recommended Reference Material i. Weekly lecture notes with questions and problems assignments from Text Book and occasionally from the other material mentioned below; available on AU website.

MIT Physics 801 Video Lectures, MIT OpenCourseWare | Physics | 8.01 Physics I:

Classical Mechanics .

. ; Videos of these lectures can also be accessed through

AU Intra-net. The sequence of class lectures corresponds to MIT Physics 8.01. ii. The Feynman Lectures on Physics,

Feynman • Leighton • Sands,

Volume I







UC Berkeley Physics 10 :-

‘Physics for Future Presidents:

Physics 10, 001 -

Spring 2006 - YouTube iv. American Institute of Physics Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations; Videos of these demonstration can be accessed through AU Intra-net v. Yale Physics 200: Fundamentals of Physics Video Lectures; view class sessions >> iv. Free physics Animations - Learnerstv.com

UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Physics 10 :

Course Outline: Physical quantities and their measurement, Units, least count, significant figures, dimensions and dimensional analysis;

Vectors and scalar and vector algebra; scalar and vector product

Motion in one dimension n, distance and displacement, average speed, instantaneous speed, average acceleration, instantaneous acceleration

Motion in two dimensions; Motion with uniform acceleration, free fall, projectile motion;

Circular motion, angular velocity, time period; angular acceleration; centripetal acceleration ,

Force and m otion; Newton’s Laws of Motion; Push and Pull forces, Friction, Gravitation,

Elastic and Contact Forces; Applications of Newton’s laws; Free Body Diagram

Work and Energy; Kinetic and Potential energy; Conservation of Energy, Conservation of

Linear Momentum; Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

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Oscillations; Simple Harmonic Motion, Amplitude, frequency and Time Period

Rigid Body Motion; Stable and Unstable Equilibrium; Center of Mass and Center of gravity;

Translation and Rotation Motion; Moment of Inertia, Torque; Rolling Motion; Rotational


Weekly Lecture Plan:










Topic Background readings/viewings

Introductory remarks;

Measurements; Basic and derived physical quantities; Units,

Least count; Significant figure; Measurement, errors;

Dimensional analysis


Kinematics: Motion in one dimension; Displacement and distance; Average and instantaneous velocity and speed;

Motion with constant speed and constant acceleration


Vectors & Scalars; Vector addition (geometrical) ; Vector components, Unit vector, Addition of vectors by components;

Vector multiplication, Scalar and vector product and their physical significance


Motion in two dimensions; Displacement and distance;

Velocity and speed; Uniform and non-uniform velocity and acceleration; Motion with constant acceleration; Projectile motion;


Motion with constant speed; Uniform circular motion;

Centripetal Force

Non-uniform circular Motion: Simple Pendulum


Force and Motion: Newton 1 st Laws of Motion: Uniform


Newton’s second law and its applications; Contact forces,

Motion on an inclined plane; Atwood machine


Chapter 1

OCW*; Course Introduction: Go to this video

OCW 1: Units, Dimensions, and Scaling Arguments:

Go to this video

Video Disc:1,Demo 1.01

Powers of Ten ™ (1977), Scale of the Universe http://htwins.net/scale2/

Chapter 2

OCW 2: Introduction to Kinematics: Go to this video

Video Disc:1, Demo 1.08, 1.011

Chapter 3

OCW 3: Vectors: Go to this video

Video Disc:1, Demo 1.02 - 1.07

Video Disc:4, Demo 4.01

Chapter 4

OCW 4: The Motion of Projectiles: Go to this video

Video Disc:2, Demo 2.01 – 2.06

Video Disc:5, Demo 5.11

OCW 5: Uniform Circular Motion: Go to this video

Video Disc:5, Demo 5.17,5.19,5.21,5.25

Conservative Forces: Gravity and Universal Law of

Gravitation; Escape Velocity

Hooks Law Simple Harmonic Motion; Free oscillations


Chapter 5

CW 6: Newton's First, Second, and Third

Laws : Go to this video

7: Weight, Perceived Gravity, and Weightlessness: Go to this video

Video Disc3, Demo 3.01 – 3.06

Video Disc4, Demo 4.02 – 4.06

Video Disc6, Demo 6.04 – 6.06

OCW10: Hook’s Law, Simple Harmonic oscillator, Go to this video

Video Disc 8: Demo 8.01,8.10 – 8.12,8.23,

OCW 13: Equation of Motion for Simple Harmonic

Oscillators, Go to this video

OCW 14: Orbits and Escape Velocity, Go to this video

Chapter 6 . Non-conservative Forces; Friction and Drag Forces

Motion of a rough horizontal table; Motion on a rough inclined plane; Air Drag; Terminal velocity; Free damped Oscillations


OCW 8: Frictional Forces;

Video Disc: Demo

Go to this video

OCW 12: Resistive Forces, Go to this video

Physics 105; Classical Mechanics Fall 2014, Abdullah Sadiq Page 2 of 3


Mid Term Review

10 Work, energy, kinetic energy; Work done by gravitational force; Work done by spring force; Power; Examples





Mechanical energy and its conservation; Translation and rotation; rotational variables, angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration, Problems

Oscillations revisited; Physical Pendulum; Damped SHM;

Forced oscillations and Resonance,


Motion of two or more bodies, Newton’s 2rd law of motion,

Conservation of linear momentum, Center of mass and; Two body elastic and inelastic collisions


Rigid body and its rotational motion about a fixed axis ::

Moment of inertia and its dependence on axis of rotation;

Moment of inertia of some simple objects; Parallel and perpendicular axis theorems;


Ang ular Momentum, Torque; Newton’s second law for rotation,

Physical Pendulum


Chapter 7

OCW 11: Work, Energy, and Universal Gravitation, Go to this video

Video Disc3: Demo 3.07 – 3.11

Chapter 8

Video Disc3: Demo 3.12 – 3.15

Video Disc 8: Demo 8.10 – 8.21,8.23

Video Disc 9: Demo 9.01,9.02

Chapter 9

OCW 15: Momentum and its Conservation, Go to this video

OCW 16: Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Go to this video

Video Disc:5 Demo 5.01 – 5.05 17:

OCW Momentum of Individual Objects, Go to this video

Video Disc:3 Demo 3.19 – 3.26

Chapter 10

OCW 19: Rotating Rigid Bodies, Inertia, and Axis

Theorems, Go to this video

Video Disc:5 Demo 5.12 – 5.26

Chapter 11

OCW 20: Angular Momentum, Go to this video

Video Disc 7: Demo 7.01,7.02,7.04

– 7.06,7.09,7.10

OCW 21: Torque, Go to this video

Video Disc 7: Demo 7.03

OCW 24: Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, Go to this video

Video Disc 7: Demo 7.07,7.08,7.11,


Rolling Motion


16 End of term Review

Students are also encouraged to watch some of the following lecture.

Yale Physics 200: 1. Course Introduction and Newtonian Mechanics 2. Vectors in Multiple Dimensions 3. Newton's

Laws of Motion 4. Newton's Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes 5. Work-Energy Theorem and Law of Conservation of

Energy 6. Law of Conservation of Energy in Higher Dimensions 7. Kepler's Laws 8. Dynamics of a Multiple-Body

System and Law of Conservation of Momentum 9. Rotations, Part I: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 10. Rotations, Part II:

Parallel Axis Theorem 11. Torque Midterm Exam 12. Introduction to Relativity 13. Lorentz Transformation 14.

Introduction to the Four-Vector 15. Four-Vector in Relativity 16. The Taylor Series and Other Mathematical

Concepts 17. Simple Harmonic Motion 18. Simple Harmonic Motion (cont.) and Introduction to Waves 19. Waves

20. Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli's Equation 21. Thermodynamics 22. The Boltzmann Constant and

First Law of Thermodynamics 23. The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Carnot's Engine 24. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (cont.) and Entropy

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